The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -


ue prone to grow earthwards. We should remember notto cultivate these branches simply for the purpose ofacquiring knowledge, nor for earthly purposes other thanour daily vocation (and then to as restricted an extent aspossible), but only in order to understand God's Word,and so help our spiritual growth. It is best to be contentfor the most part with what secular knowledge we possessedbefore we became New Creatures in Christ Jesus.The more time and energy we devote to the cultivation ofsecular branches, the more our spiritual growth is apt tobecome stunted, and our fruitage of love of poor quality.The brethren can be of assistance to one another in thismatter. For instance, from my former study of thesecular branch of botany, I am endeavouring to explainto you the Psalmist's meaning and through this theApostle Peter's exhortation, so that your and my ownspiritual growth may be aided.We have seen, then, that a tree which is not prunedruns to wood. It may become large and imposing. butLits fruit is scanty and of poor quality. So is it with theNew Creature if he does not exercise self-control." Knowledge puffeth up, but love buildeth up."Self-control must be exercised also in order to keep thebody under, so that we may not be conformed to thisworld but be transformed by the renewing of our mindto prove what is the good and acceptable will of God.Self-control is needed so that we may not be unduly castdown by our failures, nor exalted by our successes. It isneeded to prevent us from being turned aside from thenarrow way by rebuffs or persecutions, or from becomingfilled with pride because of flatteries.Add to your Self-Control, Patience.We cannot develop patience until we are able to exercineself-control. This quality of patience is representedby the leaves of the tree. You may say : " That is very16

ue prone to grow earthwards. We should remember notto cultivate these branches simply for the purpose ofacquiring knowledge, nor for earthly purposes other thanour daily vocation (<strong>and</strong> then to as restricted an extent aspossible), but only in order to underst<strong>and</strong> God's Word,<strong>and</strong> so help our spiritual growth. It is best to be contentfor the most part with what secular knowledge we possessedbefore we became New Creatures in Christ Jesus.<strong>The</strong> more time <strong>and</strong> energy we devote to the cultivation ofsecular branches, the more our spiritual growth is apt tobecome stunted, <strong>and</strong> our fruitage of love of poor quality.<strong>The</strong> brethren can be of assistance to one another in thismatter. For instance, from my former study of thesecular branch of botany, I am endeavouring to explainto you the Psalmist's meaning <strong>and</strong> through this theApostle Peter's exhortation, so that your <strong>and</strong> my ownspiritual growth may be aided.We have seen, then, that a tree which is not prunedruns to wood. It may become large <strong>and</strong> imposing. butLits fruit is scanty <strong>and</strong> of poor quality. So is it with theNew Creature if he does not exercise self-control." Knowledge puffeth up, but love buildeth up."Self-control must be exercised also in order to keep thebody under, so that we may not be conformed to thisworld but be transformed by the renewing of our mindto prove what is the good <strong>and</strong> acceptable will of God.Self-control is needed so that we may not be unduly castdown by our failures, nor exalted by our successes. It isneeded to prevent us from being turned aside from thenarrow way by rebuffs or persecutions, or from becomingfilled with pride because of flatteries.Add to your Self-Control, Patience.We cannot develop patience until we are able to exercineself-control. This quality of patience is representedby the leaves of the tree. You may say : " That is very16

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