The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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ises, but being a "profane " or worldly person, he sold h isright to Jacob his brother. So, the Jewish nation had thefirst opportunity of becoming heir to God (here representedby Isaac), but being earthly they could not appreciatespiritual things, <strong>and</strong> tl~usold their birthright to theJacob class who became the spiritual Sons of God.From another st<strong>and</strong>point: just as there were two literalnations composed of the descendants of Esau <strong>and</strong> Jacob,namely, the Edomites <strong>and</strong> the Israelites, both of whichdwelt in territory adjoining (Mount Seir, the country ofthe children of Esau, running from the south of Judeasouthward), so during the Gospel Age there have beentwo antitypical "nations" in the spiritual sense-anEdomite class who had the spiritual birthright as heirs ofGod, but who have sold it for earthly things; <strong>and</strong> the trueIsraelites indeed, who have supplanted the other class <strong>and</strong>have thus by their faith in God's promises become heirsof all things. For this reason, God has said: "Jacob haveI loved, but Esau have I hated" (Rom. 9:13).When Isaac was bestowing his blessings upon Jacob, <strong>and</strong> Esau, he represented God in His attribute of justice'dem<strong>and</strong>ing a sacrifice. We read that Isaac was blind;<strong>and</strong> justice is personified by a human figure blindfolded,<strong>and</strong> having a sword in one h<strong>and</strong>, <strong>and</strong> balances in the other.Justice is impartial, <strong>and</strong> so long as things are rectified <strong>and</strong>made equal (balanced), does not respect the person of theone who makes things equal. Thus, the justice of Godwas violated when Adam sinned, <strong>and</strong> therefore the penalty'of disobedience had to be paid. Jesus Christ offeredto sacrifice his human life as an off-set to Adam, <strong>and</strong> someet the dem<strong>and</strong>s of Justice. <strong>The</strong> "Esau" class had theopportunity of participating in this sacrifice (as representedby Isaac desiring his son Esau to bring him " savourymeat" such as his soul loved, that he might eat <strong>and</strong> besatisfied). But the account shows how Jacob, who had previouslybought the birthright from Esau, presented to his

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