The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -


nard oh shall 1 hate' pleasrim, my 10~d being old aim? 13 And theLORD said unto Ab~aham, Wherefore d ~d Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I ofa surety bear a chdd whtch am old 1 14 Is anything too hard for theLord? At the time ippointed I rill return unto tllee, according to thetime of life, and Sarah shall hate a son. 15 Then Sarah denied, saying,I laughed not - for she was afraid And he said Nay. but thou d~dstlaugh. 16 ~ nthe i men rose up frdm thence, and iookedtorard Sodom;and Abraham went with them to bring them on the way. 17 And theLO~~said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which 1 do- 18 Seeingthat Abrahank shall surely become a great and mighty nation: and all thenations of the earth shall be blessed in him ? I For 1 know him, thathe will command hischildren and his household aRer hlm, and they hallkeep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORDmay bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. 20 Andthe Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom and Comorrah is great and becausetheir sin is very grievous; 21 I will go down now, and see whetherthey have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come untome; and if not, I will know. 22 And the men turned their factr fromthence. and went toward Sodom: But Abraham stood et before theLord. (Note: the remaining ve- give an account of tow Abrahaminterceded for Sodom, and how the Lord promised that he would not destroy11 if even so fer u ten righteous penonr were found there.)In this 18th chapter of Genesis, two important thingsue foretold by the three angels: (I) That Sarah wouldhave the promised son at the appointed time; and (2) thatSodom would be destroyed. The three angels representthree means by which God had communicated to the Jewishnation during their Age, that (I) The great Messiahwould come at the due time, and (2) that the apostatekingdom of Israel would be destroyed because of its wickedness(see Ezek. 1647-50). These three means by whichGod foretold these two great events, were (I) the typicalreign of Solomon, (2) the Law, and (3) the prophets.The heat of the day is the time when the sun is high in theheavens, and symbolises well the reign of Solomon, whenthe typical people of God, the children of the Law Covenant,reached the zenith of their favour with Jehovah.Solomon himself is the well-known type of the Royal Seed,Christ, ia His glory, and thus foreshadowed the comingMessiah. But toward the latter part of his typical reign,Solomon fell away into idolatry, and on his death the

nard oh shall 1 hate' pleasrim, my 10~d being old aim? 13 And theLORD said unto Ab~aham, Wherefore d ~d Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I ofa surety bear a chdd whtch am old 1 14 Is anything too hard for theLord? At the time ippointed I rill return unto tllee, according to thetime of life, <strong>and</strong> Sarah shall hate a son. 15 <strong>The</strong>n Sarah denied, saying,I laughed not - for she was afraid And he said Nay. but thou d~dstlaugh. 16 ~ nthe i men rose up frdm thence, <strong>and</strong> iookedtorard Sodom;<strong>and</strong> Abraham went with them to bring them on the way. 17 And theLO~~said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which 1 do- 18 Seeingthat Abrahank shall surely become a great <strong>and</strong> mighty nation: <strong>and</strong> all thenations of the earth shall be blessed in him ? I For 1 know him, thathe will comm<strong>and</strong> hischildren <strong>and</strong> his household aRer hlm, <strong>and</strong> they hallkeep the way of the LORD, to do justice <strong>and</strong> judgment; that the LORDmay bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him. 20 Andthe Lord said, Because the cry of Sodom <strong>and</strong> Comorrah is great <strong>and</strong> becausetheir sin is very grievous; 21 I will go down now, <strong>and</strong> see whetherthey have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come untome; <strong>and</strong> if not, I will know. 22 And the men turned their factr fromthence. <strong>and</strong> went toward Sodom: But Abraham stood et before theLord. (Note: the remaining ve- give an account of tow Abrahaminterceded for Sodom, <strong>and</strong> how the Lord promised that he would not destroy11 if even so fer u ten righteous penonr were found there.)In this 18th chapter of Genesis, two important thingsue foretold by the three angels: (I) That Sarah wouldhave the promised son at the appointed time; <strong>and</strong> (2) thatSodom would be destroyed. <strong>The</strong> three angels representthree means by which God had communicated to the Jewishnation during their Age, that (I) <strong>The</strong> great Messiahwould come at the due time, <strong>and</strong> (2) that the apostatekingdom of Israel would be destroyed because of its wickedness(see Ezek. 1647-50). <strong>The</strong>se three means by whichGod foretold these two great events, were (I) the typicalreign of Solomon, (2) the Law, <strong>and</strong> (3) the prophets.<strong>The</strong> heat of the day is the time when the sun is high in theheavens, <strong>and</strong> symbolises well the reign of Solomon, whenthe typical people of God, the children of the Law Covenant,reached the zenith of their favour with Jehovah.Solomon himself is the well-known type of the Royal Seed,Christ, ia His glory, <strong>and</strong> thus foreshadowed the comingMessiah. But toward the latter part of his typical reign,Solomon fell away into idolatry, <strong>and</strong> on his death the

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