The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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Scriptures, that in 1878 A.D. those who slept in Chrktarose in the First Resurrection.'<strong>The</strong> 17th chapter of Genesis continues the allegory ofthe Law Dispetisation :Gem. 17 : 1-27. And when Abram was ninety yearn old <strong>and</strong> nine, theLORD appeared to Abram. <strong>and</strong> said unto him. I am the Almighty God:walk before me. <strong>and</strong> be thou perfect. 2 And I will niake my covenantbetween me <strong>and</strong> thee <strong>and</strong> will multiply thee exceedingly. j AndAhram fell on his fa&: <strong>and</strong> God talked with him, saying. 4 As for me,. Mold, my covenant is with thee <strong>and</strong> thou shalt be a father of manynations. 5 Neither shall thy nam; ally more be called Abram. but thyname shall be Abraham : for a father of Illany nations have I made thee.6 And I will make thee exceedingly fruitful, <strong>and</strong> I will make nations of.thee, <strong>and</strong> kings shall come out of thee. 7 And I will establish my covenantbetween me <strong>and</strong> thee <strong>and</strong> thy seed after thee in their generationsfor an everlasting covenant, to I= a God unto thee, <strong>and</strong> to thy seed afterthee. 8 And I will give unto thee. <strong>and</strong> to thy seed after thee, the l<strong>and</strong>wherein thou art a stranger. all the l<strong>and</strong> of Canaan, for an everlasting. possession; <strong>and</strong> I will be their God. 9 And God said unto Abraham,Thou shalt keep my covenant tl~erefore thou <strong>and</strong> thy aced after thee Intheir generations. 10 This is my covc~~aht, which ye shall keep, between1 me <strong>and</strong> you <strong>and</strong> thy seed after thee : Everv man child among you shall"We find that there m a time-parallel between the birth? of the naturalseeds of Abraham, <strong>and</strong> the twonations, fleshy <strong>and</strong> spiritual, whichthose two seeds typify. According to the notes of time given in the narrative.Ishmael was born betwcen lo <strong>and</strong> 11 years after Abraham recciredthe covenant from God on first entering the l<strong>and</strong> of Canaan, or sa.~ 10%years. It was 25 years interval between the covenant <strong>and</strong> the btrth ofIsaac the true seed (Gen. 12: 4-2 ; 21 5 1. A3 we have noticed ?\ready.the entering of Abraham into Canaan with Sarah when he recetved thecovenant was allegorical of l;od coming down to earth with His oathboundcdvenant, <strong>and</strong> creating Adam as head of His earthly kingdom(Adam being typified by Lot ). Until Jesus Christ was raised from thedead the "SarahCovenantVwasbarren <strong>and</strong>until 1878 A.D. the membersof tie Church, the "Body" of Christ, ;ere not born from the dead (<strong>and</strong>even now the "feet" meml~n still await their birth). But in 1575 B.C.the Hagar Covenant brought fort11 her fleshy seed. when they crossedJordan <strong>and</strong> entered as a nation into their own country. <strong>The</strong> interval8between the covenant wit11 Abrahani <strong>and</strong> the births of lshmael <strong>and</strong> Isaac.are in tile same proportionate ratio as the long periods between the creationof Adam 4128 B.C. <strong>and</strong> the entrance of the tieshy seed into theirl<strong>and</strong> as a nation in 1575 B.c.; <strong>and</strong> the entrance of tile spiritual Seed orI-loly Nation into their heavenly inheritance in 1878 A.D. (Or, to state theratio : As 25 years is to I& years, so is 6006 years to 2553 years--the ratiois tbe same.)A3 21

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