The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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the letters in their alphabet t6 denote numbers, s6 thatreckoned it1 this way, every word had a nulnerical value.Apparently, therefore, orlly one name among all Abraham's 318 servants required to be recorded, because thisname represented the complete number. <strong>The</strong> reason isevident, for as an allegorical personage Eliezer representsthe Holy Spirit; <strong>and</strong> the 318 trained servants accompanyingAbraham typified the Christ, head <strong>and</strong> body, all thosewho have been anointed wi tli the Holy Spirit, in companywith God overthrowing the Gentile nations on the comp!etionof their lease of power, the end of their "SevenTimes, "Gen 14: 17-20. And the king of Sodom went out to meet him afterhis rerurn from the slaughter of Chehlaomer <strong>and</strong> of the kings that wtrrwith him, at the vallty of Sbanh, which is the king's dale. 18 AndAlelchizedek king of Salcnr brought forth bread <strong>and</strong> wine : <strong>and</strong> he wartne priest of the most high God. 19 And he blesed him, <strong>and</strong> said, Blessed6e Abralli of the mast hrgh God possessor of heaven <strong>and</strong> earth. XI Andblessed be the most h~gh God, khich bath dulivered thine enimies intothy h<strong>and</strong>. And he gave him tithes of all.When the evil systems 'of the Second Dispensation arefinally overthrown in tht great trouble which follows theexpiry of the Gentile Times, <strong>and</strong> Israel, represented byLot, is restored to favour, even the world, as representedin the king of Sodom, although formerly evil .at heart,will recognise God as the mighty avenger end conquerorwho has liberated them from bondage, especially the bondageof the grave. It will be in the "King's Dale" thatrestored manki:rd will meet God <strong>and</strong> do Him honour, evenas the king of Sodom met Abraham in this valley. Forthe Kina's Dale is the valley of Jehoshaphat, or the valleyof the Kedron, which runs along the east side of Jerusalem(known in Abraham's day .as Salem). And this valley isstood in such a relation to 'Elieur,' the only name kl~own to LU oftrained servant of Abraham. Hence Rashi said lanu ago, 'Our fathensaid Eliezer ~t was, alone, <strong>and</strong> this (318) is the Ciematrical nurnbcr of huname."'13

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