The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -


good &l; of how an incident, unimportant in itself,has a deep meaning when recognised as an allegoricalsketch. .Briefly stated, this part of the allegory simply teachesthat God kept secret themeans by which He intended tobring into existence the Seed" which was destined tobless all the families of the earth. God reveals His secretsonly when, in His wisdom, He knows that the appropiate*time has come. He knew that His wisest plan was to hidethe true relationship of His oath-bound covenant to Himself(even as Abraham hid the fact that Sarah mas hiswife), and to permit Satan and his angels, typified byPharaoh and his princes, to make the attempt of blessingthe world and thus try to glorify themselves. Satan did.not desire to be the god of a dying world. To the womanhe had said: "ye shall net surely die." But when he sawdeath reigning, he attempted to instil new life into the deathdoomedrace by causing the angels, the sons of God, tomarry the "daughters of men" (Gen. 6:1-4). This wasSatan's attempt to bless the world, and bring glory to himself.But he failed. .. ..,God had two reasons for hiding ~ icovenant: b (I) thatit might never thereafter be claimed by any of His angelic,creatures that Christ's sacrifice was unnecesary, and thatHis work of salvation could have been done by them ifonly, they had had the opportunity; (2) that the loyalty oftherangelg might be tested. Such of the angels as fell fromtheir "first estak" by mingling with the human family,,have ever since been kept in restraint unto the judgmentof the great day (Jude 6; 2 Pet. 2:4).The plagues which came upon Pharaoh and his housetypified the calamities brought upon angels and .menthrough their vainglorious attempt to appropriate God's'covenant to themselves. The result of their folly was itr-1creased degradation and sorrow, term'inating with the;Deluge. i ,,.8

good &ampl; of how an incident, unimportant in itself,has a deep meaning when recognised as an allegoricalsketch. .Briefly stated, this part of the allegory simply teachesthat God kept secret themeans by which He intended tobring into existence the Seed" which was destined tobless all the families of the earth. God reveals His secretsonly when, in His wisdom, He knows that the appropiate*time has come. He knew that His wisest plan was to hidethe true relationship of His oath-bound covenant to Himself(even as Abraham hid the fact that Sarah mas hiswife), <strong>and</strong> to permit Satan <strong>and</strong> his angels, typified byPharaoh <strong>and</strong> his princes, to make the attempt of blessingthe world <strong>and</strong> thus try to glorify themselves. Satan did.not desire to be the god of a dying world. To the womanhe had said: "ye shall net surely die." But when he sawdeath reigning, he attempted to instil new life into the deathdoomedrace by causing the angels, the sons of God, tomarry the "daughters of men" (Gen. 6:1-4). This wasSatan's attempt to bless the world, <strong>and</strong> bring glory to himself.But he failed. .. ..,God had two reasons for hiding ~ icovenant: b (I) thatit might never thereafter be claimed by any of His angelic,creatures that Christ's sacrifice was unnecesary, <strong>and</strong> thatHis work of salvation could have been done by them ifonly, they had had the opportunity; (2) that the loyalty oftherangelg might be tested. Such of the angels as fell fromtheir "first estak" by mingling with the human family,,have ever since been kept in restraint unto the judgmentof the great day (Jude 6; 2 Pet. 2:4).<strong>The</strong> plagues which came upon Pharaoh <strong>and</strong> his housetypified the calamities brought upon angels <strong>and</strong> .menthrough their vainglorious attempt to appropriate God's'covenant to themselves. <strong>The</strong> result of their folly was itr-1creased degradation <strong>and</strong> sorrow, term'inating with the;Deluge. i ,,.8

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