The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -


- = - +*r. + :;-. .p Q- -ky- %.2?~dj%y-Christ reign over and judge all tbose who. havedie.d in Adam. These will be gradually lifted up -- to the perfection lost by Adam, ahd then, whenthey have learned the blessings of righteousnessand tHe value of submission fo the Lord, Satan willbe permitted to tempt th5m. Why ? For the sqmereason that he was permitted to tempt Adam and.Eve,- to test their loyatty to God' and to righteousness.We do not know how many. may fall, but: surely .after the long experiences of -both sin andrighteousness, comparatively few will follow Satan,for all will have had practical experience of thelove as well as of the j.ustice of God. Those whodo not fall will be destroyed in the second death2_:*:=;2\7 .&+E . .The Second ~ea& :&+; *p'3first death is the death in Adam, but the- *' Isecond death will in no sense be due to -Adam. " Inthose days they shall say no more, ' The fathershave eaten a sour grape (of sin) and the children'steeth are set on edge,' but everyone (who dies) shall. die for his own iniquity "-Jeremiah =I., 29, 30.In tliC ille en dial Age each *ill receive an individualtrial, and all who die will die as the result oJtheir own sin, no longer because of Adam's sillThis will be their second death, their first being theI-death they suffered in the past on account 01-Adam's disobedience-Romans V., 12, 18.'l'he second death is pictured a3 a " Lake of fire'and bi-instone " (Revelation =XI., S), a forcefu'figure of utter destruction-a death from whicfthere will not be a resurrection : for " Christ diet1no more," there will not be a second ransom fo~sinners-Romans VI.,, 9. This second death is frequentlv referred to in the Greek version- of tht

- = - +*r. + :;-. .p Q- -ky- %.2?~dj%y-Christ reign over <strong>and</strong> judge all tbose who. havedie.d in Adam. <strong>The</strong>se will be gradually lifted up -- to the perfection lost by Adam, ahd then, whenthey have learned the blessings of righteousness<strong>and</strong> tHe value of submission fo the Lord, Satan willbe permitted to tempt th5m. Why ? For the sqmereason that he was permitted to tempt Adam <strong>and</strong>.Eve,- to test their loyatty to God' <strong>and</strong> to righteousness.We do not know how many. may fall, but: surely .after the long experiences of -both sin <strong>and</strong>righteousness, comparatively few will follow Satan,for all will have had practical experience of thelove as well as of the j.ustice of God. Those whodo not fall will be destroyed in the second death2_:*:=;2\7 .&+E . .<strong>The</strong> Second ~ea& :&+; *p'3first death is the death in Adam, but the- *' Isecond death will in no sense be due to -Adam. " Inthose days they shall say no more, ' <strong>The</strong> fathershave eaten a sour grape (of sin) <strong>and</strong> the children'steeth are set on edge,' but everyone (who dies) shall. die for his own iniquity "-Jeremiah =I., 29, 30.In tliC ille en dial Age each *ill receive an individualtrial, <strong>and</strong> all who die will die as the result oJtheir own sin, no longer because of Adam's sillThis will be their second death, their first being theI-death they suffered in the past on account 01-Adam's disobedience-Romans V., 12, 18.'l'he second death is pictured a3 a " Lake of fire'<strong>and</strong> bi-instone " (Revelation =XI., S), a forcefu'figure of utter destruction-a death from whicfthere will not be a resurrection : for " Christ diet1no more," there will not be a second ransom fo~sinners-Romans VI.,, 9. This second death is frequentlv referred to in the Greek version- of tht

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