The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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ation," whereas the proper rendking is " judg- .ment " as in the Revised Version. What Jesnsartid was : " Marvel not at this; for the hour iscoming in the which all that are in the gravehshailhear his voice <strong>and</strong> shall come. forth : they - thathave done. good (the Old Testament Saints, as wellas the followers of Christ) unto .the resurrectionof life (their trial- is past; they haye proved themselvesworthy of life) ; <strong>and</strong> they, that have done -evil ,(the unjust), unto the'resurrection of judgment."Krisis means a trial or testing followed bya 'sentence, which sentence will depend on theperso9's innocence or guilt. <strong>The</strong> English word" crisis " is derived from tl~e Greek Krisis. It isused in reference to 'any condition of affairs inwhich the issue is as yet undecidea: <strong>and</strong> thosewho are interested *are in anxious suspense, watch-.ing whether the result will. be success or failure,life or death. -After a judicial sentence has been passed, theperson is ;no longer on his trial; his judgment isover. <strong>The</strong> world in generalj the unjust, have neverbeen on trial 'as individzcals. <strong>The</strong> trial of taeirfederal liead took place at the beginning in theGarden' of Eden, <strong>and</strong> tlie sentence of condemnationwas" passed then. <strong>The</strong> whole race has been bornunder the sentence of condemnation,^ " born in sin<strong>and</strong> shapen in iniquity," <strong>and</strong> the vast majority '..have died without having escaped from that con-. demtlation, <strong>and</strong>, therefore; without any individualtrial. TJnlike those who have died in Christ, ofwllam Paul wrote : " there is therefore -now nocondemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus "(Romans VIII.? 11, these died without real faith, orwithout any faith at all " in that only name under3s,o-

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