The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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And in Revelation XX., 6 : " Blessed <strong>and</strong>. holy ishe that hath part in the first resurrection; on suchthe second death hath no power, but they shall bepriests of God <strong>and</strong> of Cl~rist, <strong>and</strong> shall reign- withhim a thous<strong>and</strong> years." In Romans VIII., .17, weare told thit we must sufler with Christ before wecan k glorified with him, but t;lie Apostle adds :" <strong>The</strong> su'fferings of this present time are notworthy to be compared with the glory which shallbe revealed in. us." " It is a faithful saying.:For if we be dead with him (Christ), we shall alsolive with him. If we suffer, we shall al'so reignwith -him "-2 Timothy II., 11, 12.I hope that everyone in this audience will be ofLl~is class. <strong>The</strong> offer is free to all who hqvq earsto hear the Glad Tidings, <strong>and</strong> who ill take uptheir cross &aily <strong>and</strong> follow in the f~otsteps of- the Master. If yr>u are faithful unto death, youwill get the crown of life,.<strong>and</strong> then, when you arereigning with Christ, you will be like Him, for youwill be raisgd in the likeness of His glorbus spiri;tualbody-Revelation II., 10; 1 <strong>John</strong> III., 2:Philippians III., 21,<strong>The</strong> Resurrection of the UnjastBut what about the rest of mankind? <strong>The</strong> term- " First Resurrection " implies that there will beanother, <strong>and</strong> that is exactly what we are told inthe Scriptures. <strong>The</strong>le is to be a resurrection bfthe unjust as well as of the just-See Acts XXIV.,- 15. Why are they to be raised ? Qrthodoxy sayathey are to be raised simply to be condemnedagain. That is why the translators of the Author-,-*ised Version of the Scriptures translated tbe Greek'word krisis in <strong>John</strong> V., 29, by the word "damn-34 -

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