The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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my sleep was a sound sleep because T was so tired.It was as sound as death.'I'hat is the condition of the dead. When a persondies he closes his eyes, passes into a state of unconscio~~sneas,<strong>and</strong> an interval elapses; it map beweeks, years or centuries, but no matter how long,to that person the period is a complete blank. Itis just like that hour when I was asleep. In otherwords, lo each one who is awakened on the resurrectionmorn, it will be as if he had simply closedhis eyes- <strong>and</strong> the next moment opened them. Thafis the c~ndition of the dead. <strong>The</strong>y are eomfjletelyunconscious. <strong>The</strong>y " know not anything."But the " hour is coming, in the which all thatare in the graves shall hear his voice, <strong>and</strong> shallcome forth "-<strong>John</strong>V., 28, 29. Notice that.Jesus didnot say : " all that are in eternal bliss <strong>and</strong> ineternal torment," but, " all that are in the graves,"the death-state. ," Ah, yes," some say, " that meansthe bodies of the dead, it does not refer to theirsouls; it means that when Jesus calls, the souls ofthe saved <strong>and</strong> of the lost will fly back <strong>and</strong> re-inhabittheir bodies. It is the bodies which are to rise,for it is only the bodies which pass into the deathstate."But that was not what Jesus said. Wehave the united testimony of both ~6ience <strong>and</strong> theScriptures that the bodies will not be resurrected.Science shows that the bodies are at death disintegrated,<strong>and</strong> go, .many of them, to fertilise plants.Some, again, are eaten by wil'd beasts qr cannibals,<strong>and</strong> go to form the tissues of these beasts or canpibals.It is then manifestly impossible for the samebody to rise.But we do fiot need toerely on the testimony of* Science alone. <strong>The</strong> Apostle Paul in answering this22

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