The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -


to be remembered by Jesus when he came into HisKingdom, Jesus honoured his faith and said :"Verily I say unto thee to-day,-this dark day whenI am dying a felon's death, and it seems as though. I was an impostor,-thou shalt be with me in*.- Paradise." Another important reason why our Lordused the word " tc~day " is that it was on that daythat the great sacrifice for the sin of the world wasto be finished, which would render it 'possible forHis Kingdom to be established..? ,The Intermediate StateWe have seen that the Scriptures teach an intermediatestate, a time of waiting bet wee^ death andthe reward.A great many students of the Biblehave come to this conclusion, but unfortunatelymost of them still cling to the erroneous idea ofthe natural immortality of the soul. Therefore thevbelieve that the soul during this intermediate stateis conscious, that it can think and feel, and thatit knows even more after death than it knew before.- r. : Let us enquire irto this also.Do the.Scripturea declare that after death t-~esoul knows more than it did before its death ? Lookat Ecclesiastes IX., 5 : " The dead know not anp-. thing "; also tlle tenth verse : " There' is no work,nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave,whither thou goest." Then you remember theprayer of Hezekiah : " The gravk cannot praiseb- thee, death- cannot celebrate thee : they that godown in the pit capnot hope for thy truth. Theliving, the- liring, he shall praise thee, as I do thisday "--Isaiah =XVIII., 18, 19. Again the Psalmisttells us in the 146th Psalm, 4th verse, that whena man dies, " he returneth to his earth, and in. a0- - . ? :,! , +

to be remembered by Jesus when he came into HisKingdom, Jesus honoured his faith <strong>and</strong> said :"Verily I say unto thee to-day,-this dark day whenI am dying a felon's death, <strong>and</strong> it seems as though. I was an impostor,-thou shalt be with me in*.- Paradise." Another important reason why our Lordused the word " tc~day " is that it was on that daythat the great sacrifice for the sin of the world wasto be finished, which would render it 'possible forHis Kingdom to be established..? ,<strong>The</strong> Intermediate StateWe have seen that the Scriptures teach an intermediatestate, a time of waiting bet wee^ death <strong>and</strong>the reward.A great many students of the Biblehave come to this conclusion, but unfortunatelymost of them still cling to the erroneous idea ofthe natural immortality of the soul. <strong>The</strong>refore thevbelieve that the soul during this intermediate stateis conscious, that it can think <strong>and</strong> feel, <strong>and</strong> thatit knows even more after death than it knew before.- r. : Let us enquire irto this also.Do the.Scripturea declare that after death t-~esoul knows more than it did before its death ? Lookat Ecclesiastes IX., 5 : " <strong>The</strong> dead know not anp-. thing "; also tlle tenth verse : " <strong>The</strong>re' is no work,nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom in the grave,whither thou goest." <strong>The</strong>n you remember theprayer of Hezekiah : " <strong>The</strong> gravk cannot praiseb- thee, death- cannot celebrate thee : they that godown in the pit capnot hope for thy truth. <strong>The</strong>living, the- liring, he shall praise thee, as I do thisday "--Isaiah =XVIII., 18, 19. Again the Psalmisttells us in the 146th Psalm, 4th verse, that whena man dies, " he returneth to his earth, <strong>and</strong> in. a0- - . ? :,! , +

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