The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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60 !L%e Finieked Mystery RIPV. aJoachim heretics." His agplication of the correct prindple,"a year for a day." made in the very depths of theDark Ages, is one of the most pathetic incidents in thehistory of. mankind; but his study of time-prcqhecybrougllt him peace aad joy of heart. He was ILL opponent02 the prevailing "doctrine of the Tr3nity. WilliamMiller, in the year 1829, was privileged to see (approximately)the correct date for the setting up of the abominationof desolation (539 A. D.). <strong>and</strong> for the beginning ofthe Time of the End (1799 A. D.) <strong>Morton</strong> Wgar, authorof Pyramid Passages, has found foreshown in the GreatPyramid of Egypt abundant evidence of the accuracy afthe Bible chronology of Pastor Russell <strong>and</strong> the suppYements thereto supplied by Dr. <strong>John</strong> <strong>Edgar</strong>, deceased.<strong>The</strong>se findings are set forth in his work, Pyramid Paasages,Vel. 11, of which we recommend sections numberedIn the following table. For convenience we give the citationsto Pastor Russell's works in which the same iterneare diecussed. <strong>The</strong> Pyramid is still there, <strong>and</strong> the mewurements oan be made by anybody. Pastor Russell'schronoiogy was written before he ever saw the Pyramid.Pastor SectlonsDateRussell's 01 PyrarnldForeshownEventWorks Passag-Fall 4127 B. C. Fall of Adam. Z 04-343 26-50-68Fall 3127 B. C. End of Adam's 1000- 04-343year day. 26-28Fall 2478 B. C. Fl00d. B 42 24-30Fall 2021 B. C. Birth of Isaac. B 231 46Spring 1813 B. C. Death of Jacob. B 218-232 16-17Spring 1616 B. C. Exodus <strong>and</strong> gfvlng ofthe Law. B 42 11 'Splng 1676 B. C. &trance into Canaan. B 42 43-46Fall 626 B. C. Last Jubilee. B 186 60Fall 607 B. C. Desolation of theL<strong>and</strong>. B 61 19-46-48Fall 458 B. C. Nehemiah's Commlssion.67 61-62-63Fall 2 B. C. Blrth of Christ. 64 10-43Fall 29 A. D. Baptism of CMat B 68 10-24-45-688 ring 33 A. D. Death of Chri~t. B 61 10-11-14-36-Pbl 36 A. D. Conversion of Cor- 46nelius. B 71 61Spring1378 A. D. Wycliffe. Z 06-186 37Spring1621 A. D. Diet of Worms. 2 06-180 38Fall 1846 A. D. Evangelical Alllanc& C 96-119 14-62Fall 1874 A. D. Bemnd Advent of theLpd. B 173-247 16-32-60 .Spring1878 A. D. Favor to Jews <strong>and</strong>sleeping Saints. C 233 17-28Fall19l4 A. D. Bud of Times of theGentiles. B 73 19-48Fall 2876 A. D. Restitution completed Z 04-344 37W 4Dl4 A. D. Domlnion restored tozmnkfnd. Z 04-34s 68

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