The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -


308 ELEVENTH SOUVENIR REPORThear his voice, and shall come forthJ'--John 12:32; 5:28, 21). Bythe power that Christ will exert, the Gentiles will, symbolically, beraised from the descending passage condition of death, throughthe well-shaft to the horizontal passage condition of the new covenant;for through the ransom-sacrifice of Christ all mankind willbe redeemed and placed upon that "highway of holiness."The prophet Isaiah said: "No lion shall be there, nor any rav-enous beast shall go up thereon * * *but the redeemed shall walkthere"-Isa. 35:8-10. Satan, the "roaring lion" (1 Pet. 5:S), willnot be allowed to deceive men during the time of the New Covenant,forhe is to be bound and cast into the "bottomless pit,"symbolizedinthe pyramid by the subterranean chamber (Rev. 20:l-3);and all 'l'lravenous beasts" represented by the evil institutions of"this present evil world," will be destroyed in the pit. They shallnot rise again, but Satan is to be loosed for a little season at theend of the thousand years of Christ's reign.Should any in the horizontal passage condition of the New Covenantrebel against the righteous laws of that time,and deliberatslyretrace his steps, he will fall into the well-shaft which, althoughparticularly symbolizing the death and resurrection of Christ, alsosymbolires sheol or hades, the death-state in general. Thiscorroborates the Scriptural statement, that "all the wicked willbe returned into sheo1"-Psa. 937, R. V. To be returned into sheolwould be to come under a second condemnation to death: andfrom this second death there will be no resurrection, for "Christdieth no more."The drop in the floor at the queen's chamber end of the horizontalpassage symbolizes the ha1 little season of trouble, owing tothe testing and sifting consequent upon Satan being "let loose"from the bottomless pit-Rev. 20:7-10. By that time men willbe fully restored to 6uman perfection. They will be no longerbowed under the law, for the law is the measure of a perfect man'sability. They will be able to stand upright, as Adam was at firstwhen created by God (Eccl. 7:29); and with the knowledge of goodand evil they will now have acquired, they ought to be able to resistthe wiles of Satan when he seeks to deceive them. This conditionofmankindat theendof theNew Covenant ruleis symboliredby the greater headroom at the end of the passage. The distanceof the roof above the floor at this part, however, leaves only heightenough for the man of average stature to walk upright, and shouldmy become "heady," and in pride seek to raise himself above hisfellows, he will "bruise" his head by knocking it against the roof,that is, the perfect law of God symbolized by the roof will condemnand destroy him along with Satan.After the final testing when Satan and all who follow him aredestroyed in the aecond death, the meek shall inherit the earthly- kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world.They shall enjoy forever that human perfection and liberty so wellsymbolized by the high seven-sided and ventilated queen's chamber.The horizontal passage,in addition to symbolizing the New Covenantarrangement, symbolizes also the whole seven-thousandyearperiod of the world's preparation for the queen's chambercondition of human perfection and liberty. The first six-seventhsof the length of the peasage being only four feet in height, symbo-lizes the bowed condition of mankind under sin and death duringthe first six-thousand-year periods; and the final one-seventh ofthe passage, owing to the greater headroom consequent upon thelower level of the floor at this part, symbolizes the greater freedomof the sevent,h Millennium. The well-shaft being situated at thecommencement of the passage, symbolizes the fact that Christ wasthe "Lamb slain from the foundation of the world," thus makingit posaible for mankind to escape the condemnation and everlastingdestruction symbolized by the desending passage and pit,and rise to the hopeful condition of the horizontal passage. Therefore,although the human race is represented, in one way, as stumblingdown the descending passage leading to the pit, symbolizingits condemnation to death, yet all this cursed condition was alteredby the ransom-sacrifice of Christ symbolized by the wellshaft,so that death is changed to sleep, aud despair is changed tohope. The whole world now "sleep in Jesus," and will beawakened in due time.Because of God's foreknowledge that his beloved Son would delightto do his will and die as Adam's substitute, the heavenlyFather at the very beginning subjected the whole creation in hopethatthere would one day be areversalof the death-sentence.-Rom.8:20. The Lord, therefore, designs the whole 6,000 years' experiencewith sin and its dreadful consequences as part of man'straining and preparation, making him ready to enjoy by contrastthat glorious condition of human perfection symbolized by thequeen's chamber. The one thousand years of Christ's reign willgive experience of righteousness, also necessary for the races' preparation, so that men shall know good as well as evil, and thuschoose the good that they may live. In the meantime, the wholeworld "groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now," wait- -ing for the "manifestation of the so118 of God" (Rom. 8:22,19),who, as members in particular of the great seed of Abraham, @hallcome forth and bless them. Praise the LordlYou will agree that the Great Pyramid of Egypt, that wonderfulstone witness of the Lord, corroborates the glorious plan of salvationin a marvelous way. There is not a feature of the planthat is not symbolized in some manner in the Pyramids, even theScriptural teaching respecting the NewCovenant,which for a timewas little understood by most of us, is now demonstrated to becorroborated by this "Miracle in stone."I could have said much more, as you know, of the Pyramid'scorroboration of numerous other features of the plan, but most ofthese are already fully treated in "Great Pyramid Passages;" andas regards the time-features I am hoping, if the Lord will, to presentthese in Volume I1 of this work. These time-features areexact and convincing; yet I think you will agree that the "philosophy"of the plan of salvation is more important, for it was notbelief in "dates" which constrained us to consecrate our all in theLord's service, although knowledge of the times and seasons isstimulating and needful to enable us to cooperate intelligentlywith the Lord in the "harvest" work. Jesus said: "The harvest isthe end of the age," and the time-featurea show us that we arenow in the end of the age. May the Lord's blessing rest on youall. Amen.hon, Whom Did He Represent in Blessing People?. ......Abraham,and Ternh's Son!. ............................Abrahamlc Covenant Seallng of.. .......................Adamio Death, After'~ime of Trouble.. ..................Adams P. R Sermon.. .................................%dams: J. W" Discourse, "Heavenly Rest". .............."A Ho!y ~at'ibn." Brother Rutherford.. ...................Allen, Arthur. Symposium, ".Kindness"....................Analysis of Steps of a Chr~stlan. ........................Ancient Wortbies and Spiritual Nature. ..................Ancient Wothies, When in Covenant Relationship?. .......Ancient Worthies When Resurrected?. ...................Ancient worthies) Spirit-plane, Second Death. ............Ancient worthies' Relationship to God in &I. Age. ........hgela, Are the ille en on Trial?. ........................&ointing.and Sealing.. ...............................Apostles, Dxd All Recelve Baptism?. .....................Atonement Day When Closed?. ........................Atonement ~aciifices During Babylonian Captivity. ......."Babylon. Typical and Antitypical." by Brothei Russell. .......... 143Baker W A Response at Vancouver.. ......................... 162~aker' W: A:' "Murmurers and Murmuring". ..................... 164~aker' ~esponse to Welcome, Vancouver. ....................... 57~a~tidm, Did All Apostles Receive One?. ..................Q. 11 15Baptism, Was John's for Avoidable or Unavoidable Sins.. ...Q. 12 15BaptLm, Discourse by A. I. Ritchie ............................. 9Rnntism. Discourse bv Geo. B. Raymond.. ...................... 245Baptism' Discourse by Brother Russell. ......................... 162~a~tism' Name of Father Son and Holy Spirit, Trinity. ....Q. 28 20Barbour; Brother, sympoAum "Gent.lenessn.....................104Barker T. E., Symposium, "Love". ............................ 270~srton: Brother. "Benefits of Christian Fellowship". .............. 295arto on; Brother; Discourse on "Moses". ........................ 46..............................Basketful. Significance of. .Q. 140 146TOPICAL INDEX"Be not Weary in Well Doing," Discourse, Geo. Draper.. ........."Beautiful Feet." Discourse. Dr. R. L. Robie. ...................Beast, Number of.. ......:......... ..................Q. 55"Beholding and Meeting Bridegroom." by 0. L. Sullivw. ........."Benefits of Christian Fellowsh~p," Benj. H. Barton. .............Benjamin, G. E.. Symposium, "Gentleness". .....................Benjamin, G. E., Symposium. "Patience"........................"Bewailinn the Burning the Lord Kindled". ...............Q. 57Bible How to Study. ...................................Q. 144~ible: Devoid of Error.. .Q. 161................................"Blasphemy " Symposium J. F. Stephenson.. ..................."Born of ~pirit," by E. W: Brenneisen.. ........................"Bowels of Mercy," Symposium, P. D. Pottle.. ..................Breaking and Teaching so of Commandments. .............Q. 190"Breastplate." Symgosium, Elliott Thompson.. ..................Brenneisen. E. W.. Volunteer Work".. .........................Brenneisen; E. W.; Discourse, "Born of the SpiriV. ..............Bridges, C. L:, Syrnp?;ium, "Lpng Suffering". ..................."Brotherly Kindness, Sympos~um, Capt. McKeague.. ............"Brotherly Kindness," Symposium, Dr. D. H. Thornton.. .........Bundy. Walter H., "The Lost Coin". ...........................Bursesa, A. E., "Called to be Saints". ..........................Calnarv Convention. .........................................."Cdlea to be Saints," A. E. Burgess.. ................Catholics, he They Cannibals?. .....................Children of Consecrated in Resurreotion. ..............Children, How Know Ancient Worthies from Demons?. .Children of Consecrated and Spirit Nature.. ...........Children's Consecration Serviae. Brother Russell.. ......Christ's Reign How Long?. .........................Christ, ~emedbering Prehyrtn Condition. ............Clark, Brother, Symposium. Peace". .................Cole, Jas. H., Symposium, "Faith". ..................Colorado Springs Convention.. .......................

308 ELEVENTH SOUVENIR REPOR<strong>The</strong>ar his voice, <strong>and</strong> shall come forthJ'--<strong>John</strong> 12:32; 5:28, 21). Bythe power that Christ will exert, the Gentiles will, symbolically, beraised from the descending passage condition of death, throughthe well-shaft to the horizontal passage condition of the new covenant;for through the ransom-sacrifice of Christ all mankind willbe redeemed <strong>and</strong> placed upon that "highway of holiness."<strong>The</strong> prophet Isaiah said: "No lion shall be there, nor any rav-enous beast shall go up thereon * * *but the redeemed shall walkthere"-Isa. 35:8-10. Satan, the "roaring lion" (1 Pet. 5:S), willnot be allowed to deceive men during the time of the New Covenant,forhe is to be bound <strong>and</strong> cast into the "bottomless pit,"symbolizedinthe pyramid by the subterranean chamber (Rev. 20:l-3);<strong>and</strong> all 'l'lravenous beasts" represented by the evil institutions of"this present evil world," will be destroyed in the pit. <strong>The</strong>y shallnot rise again, but Satan is to be loosed for a little season at theend of the thous<strong>and</strong> years of Christ's reign.Should any in the horizontal passage condition of the New Covenantrebel against the righteous laws of that time,<strong>and</strong> deliberatslyretrace his steps, he will fall into the well-shaft which, althoughparticularly symbolizing the death <strong>and</strong> resurrection of Christ, alsosymbolires sheol or hades, the death-state in general. Thiscorroborates the Scriptural statement, that "all the wicked willbe returned into sheo1"-Psa. 937, R. V. To be returned into sheolwould be to come under a second condemnation to death: <strong>and</strong>from this second death there will be no resurrection, for "Christdieth no more."<strong>The</strong> drop in the floor at the queen's chamber end of the horizontalpassage symbolizes the ha1 little season of trouble, owing tothe testing <strong>and</strong> sifting consequent upon Satan being "let loose"from the bottomless pit-Rev. 20:7-10. By that time men willbe fully restored to 6uman perfection. <strong>The</strong>y will be no longerbowed under the law, for the law is the measure of a perfect man'sability. <strong>The</strong>y will be able to st<strong>and</strong> upright, as Adam was at firstwhen created by God (Eccl. 7:29); <strong>and</strong> with the knowledge of good<strong>and</strong> evil they will now have acquired, they ought to be able to resistthe wiles of Satan when he seeks to deceive them. This conditionofmankindat theendof theNew Covenant ruleis symboliredby the greater headroom at the end of the passage. <strong>The</strong> distanceof the roof above the floor at this part, however, leaves only heightenough for the man of average stature to walk upright, <strong>and</strong> shouldmy become "heady," <strong>and</strong> in pride seek to raise himself above hisfellows, he will "bruise" his head by knocking it against the roof,that is, the perfect law of God symbolized by the roof will condemn<strong>and</strong> destroy him along with Satan.After the final testing when Satan <strong>and</strong> all who follow him aredestroyed in the aecond death, the meek shall inherit the earthly- kingdom prepared for them from the foundation of the world.<strong>The</strong>y shall enjoy forever that human perfection <strong>and</strong> liberty so wellsymbolized by the high seven-sided <strong>and</strong> ventilated queen's chamber.<strong>The</strong> horizontal passage,in addition to symbolizing the New Covenantarrangement, symbolizes also the whole seven-thous<strong>and</strong>yearperiod of the world's preparation for the queen's chambercondition of human perfection <strong>and</strong> liberty. <strong>The</strong> first six-seventhsof the length of the peasage being only four feet in height, symbo-lizes the bowed condition of mankind under sin <strong>and</strong> death duringthe first six-thous<strong>and</strong>-year periods; <strong>and</strong> the final one-seventh ofthe passage, owing to the greater headroom consequent upon thelower level of the floor at this part, symbolizes the greater freedomof the sevent,h Millennium. <strong>The</strong> well-shaft being situated at thecommencement of the passage, symbolizes the fact that Christ wasthe "Lamb slain from the foundation of the world," thus makingit posaible for mankind to escape the condemnation <strong>and</strong> everlastingdestruction symbolized by the desending passage <strong>and</strong> pit,<strong>and</strong> rise to the hopeful condition of the horizontal passage. <strong>The</strong>refore,although the human race is represented, in one way, as stumblingdown the descending passage leading to the pit, symbolizingits condemnation to death, yet all this cursed condition was alteredby the ransom-sacrifice of Christ symbolized by the wellshaft,so that death is changed to sleep, aud despair is changed tohope. <strong>The</strong> whole world now "sleep in Jesus," <strong>and</strong> will beawakened in due time.Because of God's foreknowledge that his beloved Son would delightto do his will <strong>and</strong> die as Adam's substitute, the heavenlyFather at the very beginning subjected the whole creation in hopethatthere would one day be areversalof the death-sentence.-Rom.8:20. <strong>The</strong> Lord, therefore, designs the whole 6,000 years' experiencewith sin <strong>and</strong> its dreadful consequences as part of man'straining <strong>and</strong> preparation, making him ready to enjoy by contrastthat glorious condition of human perfection symbolized by thequeen's chamber. <strong>The</strong> one thous<strong>and</strong> years of Christ's reign willgive experience of righteousness, also necessary for the races' preparation, so that men shall know good as well as evil, <strong>and</strong> thuschoose the good that they may live. In the meantime, the wholeworld "groaneth <strong>and</strong> travaileth in pain together until now," wait- -ing for the "manifestation of the so118 of God" (Rom. 8:22,19),who, as members in particular of the great seed of Abraham, @hallcome forth <strong>and</strong> bless them. Praise the LordlYou will agree that the Great Pyramid of Egypt, that wonderfulstone witness of the Lord, corroborates the glorious plan of salvationin a marvelous way. <strong>The</strong>re is not a feature of the planthat is not symbolized in some manner in the Pyramids, even theScriptural teaching respecting the NewCovenant,which for a timewas little understood by most of us, is now demonstrated to becorroborated by this "Miracle in stone."I could have said much more, as you know, of the Pyramid'scorroboration of numerous other features of the plan, but most ofthese are already fully treated in "Great Pyramid Passages;" <strong>and</strong>as regards the time-features I am hoping, if the Lord will, to presentthese in Volume I1 of this work. <strong>The</strong>se time-features areexact <strong>and</strong> convincing; yet I think you will agree that the "philosophy"of the plan of salvation is more important, for it was notbelief in "dates" which constrained us to consecrate our all in theLord's service, although knowledge of the times <strong>and</strong> seasons isstimulating <strong>and</strong> needful to enable us to cooperate intelligentlywith the Lord in the "harvest" work. Jesus said: "<strong>The</strong> harvest isthe end of the age," <strong>and</strong> the time-featurea show us that we arenow in the end of the age. May the Lord's blessing rest on youall. Amen.hon, Whom Did He Represent in Blessing People?. ......Abraham,<strong>and</strong> Ternh's Son!. ............................Abrahamlc Covenant Seallng of.. .......................Adamio Death, After'~ime of Trouble.. ..................Adams P. R Sermon.. .................................%dams: J. W" Discourse, "Heavenly Rest". .............."A Ho!y ~at'ibn." Brother Rutherford.. ...................Allen, Arthur. Symposium, ".Kindness"....................Analysis of Steps of a Chr~stlan. ........................Ancient Wortbies <strong>and</strong> Spiritual Nature. ..................Ancient Wothies, When in Covenant Relationship?. .......Ancient Worthies When Resurrected?. ...................Ancient worthies) Spirit-plane, Second Death. ............Ancient worthies' Relationship to God in &I. Age. ........hgela, Are the ille en on Trial?. ........................&ointing.<strong>and</strong> Sealing.. ...............................Apostles, Dxd All Recelve Baptism?. .....................Atonement Day When Closed?. ........................Atonement ~aciifices During Babylonian Captivity. ......."Babylon. Typical <strong>and</strong> Antitypical." by Brothei Russell. .......... 143Baker W A Response at Vancouver.. ......................... 162~aker' W: A:' "Murmurers <strong>and</strong> Murmuring". ..................... 164~aker' ~esponse to Welcome, Vancouver. ....................... 57~a~tidm, Did All Apostles Receive One?. ..................Q. 11 15Baptism, Was <strong>John</strong>'s for Avoidable or Unavoidable Sins.. ...Q. 12 15BaptLm, Discourse by A. I. Ritchie ............................. 9Rnntism. Discourse bv Geo. B. Raymond.. ...................... 245Baptism' Discourse by Brother Russell. ......................... 162~a~tism' Name of Father Son <strong>and</strong> Holy Spirit, Trinity. ....Q. 28 20Barbour; Brother, sympoAum "Gent.lenessn.....................104Barker T. E., Symposium, "Love". ............................ 270~srton: Brother. "Benefits of Christian Fellowship". .............. 295arto on; Brother; Discourse on "Moses". ........................ 46..............................Basketful. Significance of. .Q. 140 146TOPICAL INDEX"Be not Weary in Well Doing," Discourse, Geo. Draper.. ........."Beautiful Feet." Discourse. Dr. R. L. Robie. ...................Beast, Number of.. ......:......... ..................Q. 55"Beholding <strong>and</strong> Meeting Bridegroom." by 0. L. Sullivw. ........."Benefits of Christian Fellowsh~p," Benj. H. Barton. .............Benjamin, G. E.. Symposium, "Gentleness". .....................Benjamin, G. E., Symposium. "Patience"........................"Bewailinn the Burning the Lord Kindled". ...............Q. 57Bible How to Study. ...................................Q. 144~ible: Devoid of Error.. .Q. 161................................"Blasphemy " Symposium J. F. Stephenson.. ..................."Born of ~pirit," by E. W: Brenneisen.. ........................"Bowels of Mercy," Symposium, P. D. Pottle.. ..................Breaking <strong>and</strong> Teaching so of Comm<strong>and</strong>ments. .............Q. 190"Breastplate." Symgosium, Elliott Thompson.. ..................Brenneisen. E. W.. Volunteer Work".. .........................Brenneisen; E. W.; Discourse, "Born of the SpiriV. ..............Bridges, C. L:, Syrnp?;ium, "Lpng Suffering". ..................."Brotherly Kindness, Sympos~um, Capt. McKeague.. ............"Brotherly Kindness," Symposium, Dr. D. H. Thornton.. .........Bundy. Walter H., "<strong>The</strong> Lost Coin". ...........................Bursesa, A. E., "Called to be Saints". ..........................Calnarv Convention. .........................................."Cdlea to be Saints," A. E. Burgess.. ................Catholics, he <strong>The</strong>y Cannibals?. .....................Children of Consecrated in Resurreotion. ..............Children, How Know Ancient Worthies from Demons?. .Children of Consecrated <strong>and</strong> Spirit Nature.. ...........Children's Consecration Serviae. Brother Russell.. ......Christ's Reign How Long?. .........................Christ, ~emedbering Prehyrtn Condition. ............Clark, Brother, Symposium. Peace". .................Cole, Jas. H., Symposium, "Faith". ..................Colorado Springs Convention.. .......................

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