The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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<strong>The</strong> Days of Waiting<strong>The</strong> Counterfeit536 B.C.539 A.D.<strong>The</strong> Reality<strong>The</strong> Counterfeit Prior to this date,Jerusalem, the typical seat ofgovernment of the children of God,was laid waste, <strong>and</strong> the fleshlyIsraelites were in captivity in Babylon.Prior to this date, Rome, the seat ofgovernment of the Apostate Church,who profess to be the Church of God, wa s spiritually laid waste, <strong>and</strong> thespiritual Israelites were in captivity inPagan Rome.At this date Babylon was captured byCyrus <strong>and</strong> by his edict Jerusalem waspresented to fleshly Israel, now setfree in order that they might set up theHouse of GodAt this date, Rome was captured byJustinian, <strong>and</strong> by his edict Rome waspresented to the counterfeit spiritualIsraelites, now set free, in order that theymight set up the counterfeit House ofGod the "Abomination of Desolation.""Accession of Charles Martel to theMayoralty of the Palace." His alliancewit h the Papacy led to the overthrowPagan Roman Empire <strong>and</strong> theestablishment of the Kingdom ofAntichrist.714 A.D.1789 A.D.<strong>The</strong> French Revolution.This led to the overthrow of Papal Rome<strong>and</strong> the establishment of the Kingdom ofChrist.<strong>The</strong> end of the 1260 days <strong>and</strong> thebeginning of the Time of the End ofthe Pagan Roman Empire.724 A.D.1799 A.D.<strong>The</strong> end of the 1260 days <strong>and</strong> thebeginning of the Time of the End ofPapal Rome (Babylon the Great), thelast of the Gentile Kingdoms.<strong>The</strong> end of the 1290 days when thewise would underst<strong>and</strong>. It was in thisyear that the Pope deposed KingChilderic III, <strong>and</strong> crowned Pepin, theson of Charles Martel. This, the firstexercise of such authority by thePapacy, together with the presentationto Papacy of additional territory (thePapal States) by Pepin, caused theApostate Church to expect the nearapproach of the Kingdom ofAntichrist.754 A.D.1829 A.D.<strong>The</strong> end of the 1290 days when the wisewould underst<strong>and</strong>. it was in this yearthat Miller began to underst<strong>and</strong> theprophecy of the "days of waiting" <strong>and</strong>the true Church began to expect the nearapproach of the Kingdom of Christ.

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