The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -


the feet of the great image, and as the little horn growing from the head of the fourth beast.The End of the Days of WaitingFirst - I will point out what terminate the true days of waiting. Bro. Russell tells us in the third volume. The1260 days terminated in 1799. That was the end of the lease of power to the anti-Christ system. The year 1799not only terminated the 1260 days of waiting, but was also the last year of the papal millenium. It was thebeginning of the time of the end of this great Gentile system. I want you to understand that this apostate churchsystem, this counterfeit kingdom of Christ, while it claimed to be Christ's kingdom, is really a Gentile kingdom,and is so regarded by God. The time of the end will last 115 years.In 1870 the Papacy lost all temporal dominion, yet in that same year the Pope claimed infallibility. By October1914 the end will come. This term of 115 years besides showing a gradual fall of the Gentile powers, showsalso the gradual rise of the Kingdom of Christ. When we go back from the end of the counterfeit days we findthe period from 724 to 840 showing the time of the end of the Pagan power and the time of the preparation ofthe anti-Christ kingdom. The 1260 days brings it to 1979. Nothing very marked happened at that date, but tenyears before that date, something very marked did happen, the French revolution, which brought about the endof this great Gentile power. We are told in the 12th chapter of Daniel, that the vision would not begin to beunderstood until the "Time of the End." We find it was only after the year 1799 that the people in general beganto get more educated and to read the Scriptures. Daniel tells us that the 1290 days would bring us to 1829, thetime when the "wise should understand," and when many would be purified and made white and tried. That wasexactly what happened. It was in 1829 that Miller first began to understand these days of Daniel and he and hisfollowing began to expect the near approach of the Kingdom of Christ. He did not understand the matter fully atthat time, for he fixed the date for coming of Christ at 1844, which was 30 years before the true time. So thesecond part of the prophecy was fulfilled in 1844, for it was in this year that many were purified and madewhite by a great trial because the things that were looked for did not happen. There was a great disappointmentbecause the Kingdom of Christ was not established.The 1335 days extended to 1874, which is the beginning of the millenium, the time for the return of our Lord.That was the time for the true understanding of the Days of Daniel. No wonder Daniel burst forth with theexclamation: "Oh, the blessedness of him who cometh to the 1335 days;" because that was the time for theunfolding of the truth, the time for Christ to come and the time for the millenium to commence. We, dearfriends, are living in that time when these truths are due to be known, but the kingdom will not be fullyestablished until 1915 when all the present kingdoms will be destroyed. So you see these days of Daniel takeyou to the following important dates:1260 to 1789 and 1799.1290 to 1829 and 1844.1335 to 1874 and 1915.The Antichrist has corresponding dates. As from 1789 to 1915 there has been a gradual rise of the true churchand in 1915 Christ will become King of Kings and Lord of Lords, so history shows that from 714 to 840 therewas a gradual rise of the Papal system, and in 840 the Pope became king of kings and lord of lords. The latterperiod is called the period of Charlemagne. It is so called because the events of that time centered around hisname chiefly. There were several causes for the overthrow of Pagan Rome and the establishment of PapalRome. One was that from the days of Constantine there was a growing estrangement between the people of thewest and the east. About the year 724 the Emperor Leo issued an edict forbidding the worship of images in thechurch. It was the quarrel over images that brought the estrangement to a head. The Pope took advantage of thisedict and told the people that the emperor had fallen away from the faith and was not to be obeyed. Pope

the feet of the great image, <strong>and</strong> as the little horn growing from the head of the fourth beast.<strong>The</strong> End of the Days of WaitingFirst - I will point out what terminate the true days of waiting. Bro. Russell tells us in the third volume. <strong>The</strong>1260 days terminated in 1799. That was the end of the lease of power to the anti-Christ system. <strong>The</strong> year 1799not only terminated the 1260 days of waiting, but was also the last year of the papal millenium. It was thebeginning of the time of the end of this great Gentile system. I want you to underst<strong>and</strong> that this apostate churchsystem, this counterfeit kingdom of Christ, while it claimed to be Christ's kingdom, is really a Gentile kingdom,<strong>and</strong> is so regarded by God. <strong>The</strong> time of the end will last 115 years.In 1870 the Papacy lost all temporal dominion, yet in that same year the Pope claimed infallibility. By October1914 the end will come. This term of 115 years besides showing a gradual fall of the Gentile powers, showsalso the gradual rise of the Kingdom of Christ. When we go back from the end of the counterfeit days we findthe period from 724 to 840 showing the time of the end of the Pagan power <strong>and</strong> the time of the preparation ofthe anti-Christ kingdom. <strong>The</strong> 1260 days brings it to 1979. Nothing very marked happened at that date, but tenyears before that date, something very marked did happen, the French revolution, which brought about the endof this great Gentile power. We are told in the 12th chapter of Daniel, that the vision would not begin to beunderstood until the "Time of the End." We find it was only after the year 1799 that the people in general beganto get more educated <strong>and</strong> to read the Scriptures. Daniel tells us that the 1290 days would bring us to 1829, thetime when the "wise should underst<strong>and</strong>," <strong>and</strong> when many would be purified <strong>and</strong> made white <strong>and</strong> tried. That wasexactly what happened. It was in 1829 that Miller first began to underst<strong>and</strong> these days of Daniel <strong>and</strong> he <strong>and</strong> hisfollowing began to expect the near approach of the Kingdom of Christ. He did not underst<strong>and</strong> the matter fully atthat time, for he fixed the date for coming of Christ at 1844, which was 30 years before the true time. So thesecond part of the prophecy was fulfilled in 1844, for it was in this year that many were purified <strong>and</strong> madewhite by a great trial because the things that were looked for did not happen. <strong>The</strong>re was a great disappointmentbecause the Kingdom of Christ was not established.<strong>The</strong> 1335 days extended to 1874, which is the beginning of the millenium, the time for the return of our Lord.That was the time for the true underst<strong>and</strong>ing of the Days of Daniel. No wonder Daniel burst forth with theexclamation: "Oh, the blessedness of him who cometh to the 1335 days;" because that was the time for theunfolding of the truth, the time for Christ to come <strong>and</strong> the time for the millenium to commence. We, dearfriends, are living in that time when these truths are due to be known, but the kingdom will not be fullyestablished until 1915 when all the present kingdoms will be destroyed. So you see these days of Daniel takeyou to the following important dates:1260 to 1789 <strong>and</strong> 1799.1290 to 1829 <strong>and</strong> 1844.1335 to 1874 <strong>and</strong> 1915.<strong>The</strong> Antichrist has corresponding dates. As from 1789 to 1915 there has been a gradual rise of the true church<strong>and</strong> in 1915 Christ will become King of Kings <strong>and</strong> Lord of Lords, so history shows that from 714 to 840 therewas a gradual rise of the Papal system, <strong>and</strong> in 840 the Pope became king of kings <strong>and</strong> lord of lords. <strong>The</strong> latterperiod is called the period of Charlemagne. It is so called because the events of that time centered around hisname chiefly. <strong>The</strong>re were several causes for the overthrow of Pagan Rome <strong>and</strong> the establishment of PapalRome. One was that from the days of Constantine there was a growing estrangement between the people of thewest <strong>and</strong> the east. About the year 724 the Emperor Leo issued an edict forbidding the worship of images in thechurch. It was the quarrel over images that brought the estrangement to a head. <strong>The</strong> Pope took advantage of thisedict <strong>and</strong> told the people that the emperor had fallen away from the faith <strong>and</strong> was not to be obeyed. Pope

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