The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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JUNE 15, 1905 ZION'S WATCH TOWER (185-186)could not be due to chance. hior to 636 B. C. <strong>and</strong> 1309 A. D,fleshly <strong>and</strong> spiritual Israel were completely in the power ofBabylon, but these yeare marked the turning-point, <strong>and</strong> thenstep by etep the great reform went on. <strong>The</strong> people had beenpunished for their sins, but now God was beginning to b&whie favor upon them for a aeason in order to prepare themfor the Messiah. Each of the items noted above wae s distinctste i? the reformation of Jews <strong>and</strong> Christians. So muchfor the $nnimg of the 70 reeks. 'Rte eventl at the end ofthe 70 wee s are detailed in DAWN n.<strong>The</strong> prophecy of the 70 weeke dm not, however, indicatawhen the final overthrow would take place, <strong>and</strong>, e~cept for thereference to the seven weeks, no ment~on ie made of any eventein the interval between the commisaion of Nehemiah <strong>and</strong> the70th week. In line with this, we find that the hietorim1 canonof the Old Testament ende with Ezra <strong>and</strong> Nehemiah. It bevident that God did not intend to indicate the Lutheran movementin connection with this prophecy. Thie might have appeared strange to me had I not formerly seen that this movementwas typified by the diviaion of the kingdom of Israel onthe death of Solomon. A11 the above etages of reform were inthe church, but Luther's reform was a complete revolt, resultingin a division of the kingdom, <strong>and</strong> waa, therefore, best representedby the division of the typical kingdom of Israel before its final overthrow by Nebuchadnezzar.Dear Brother, I shall be glad to hear what you think oftheae time-parallels. So far as I can judge at present, theyeeem to me to be very conclusive, <strong>and</strong> have helped to confirmme very etmngly in the opinion that your views regarding thetimes are correct. I feel convinced. <strong>The</strong> "truth ia mighty <strong>and</strong>will prevail." Youre in him, JOHN Emu.Below we give an outline chart built upon the Bible chronology presented in MILLERH~ DAWH <strong>and</strong> embodying ouroriginal "Chart of the Ages." It preeente additionally several new features, "parallels," which no doubt will be bothinteresting <strong>and</strong> instructive. It ie by Bro. U. Q. LeeTHE CHRIST, THE SON OF CODJOHN 20 :3I.--JUNE 25.GOLDEN TEXT:-"But these are etten, tbt ye might belieoe that Jesus is the Christ, the 8on of God; <strong>and</strong> that betieuingye mdght have life through hie name."Our Golden Text is a very appropriate one for a review lee- Some in our day, tatally misunderst<strong>and</strong>in5 the divine planson, preparatory to a new murae of stndiea in the Old Testa- with reference to human salvation, would be Inclined to saymmt.We have been considering the testimonies of the Evan- What difference whether we believe that Jesne ie the Christ thegelishi respecting the worde <strong>and</strong> mighty works of him who Son of God, or believe merely that he was an ordinary man, aspake as never man spake, <strong>and</strong> who, as the finger of God, aa a wise <strong>and</strong> qood man, the son of Joseph ? Would not hie conductsmall manifestation of divine power, east out devils, healed <strong>and</strong> teach~nga be just the same in either event? And is it notthe sick, awakened the dead. <strong>John</strong> sums up the object, the the teachings of Jesus <strong>and</strong> their mom1 influence that we eeekpurpose, of theae recorde, mying that they were written to the aa a power over men rather than any faith in him? What isintent that we might believe on Jesus aa the Christ, the &n the value of faith anyway? is it not works that we wiaht Ifof W.a man have good works without faith would he not be just asC36791

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