The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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11-14. He wondered n.hy Isaiah viii. 18 should have beenquoted here by tbe writer, <strong>and</strong> offered various explanations; but I insisted that he must not talk. Before 'I lefthe requested me to convey several messages. <strong>and</strong> gavedirections by which a certain brother, who requiredspiritual assistance, might be brought into touch withone. able to help him. -That afternoon Stanley brought me a little note -fromhis father, in which he had tabulated in his usual methodicalway the different items he wishzd me to attend to. Issiled as I saw the list, thinking, How like <strong>John</strong> ttris is,"but nevertheless regretting that I had not assured himnore definitely that I would remember. <strong>The</strong>n I noticedsome writing in small characters dong the edge to theeffect that the physician had again examined him, <strong>and</strong>thought he might have sub-acute appendicitis. <strong>The</strong> newsnaturally caused me anxiety, <strong>and</strong> I decided that the Churchmust know of this development. In the evening, therefore(on the 6th une-the seventh anniversary of our father'sdeath), the 8 hnrch received the message that the doctor'sillness was more than mere indisposition. We rememberedhim in prayer, <strong>and</strong> though we felt a little alarmedat the thought of the possible dangerous mafady, wehoped that all would yet be well.I saw him once more that evening, <strong>and</strong> again foundhim reading his Bible. I gently took the book from him,saying that I knew too much about sickness to allow himto read any more. I lingered with him a little, <strong>and</strong> then.as he hoped he might settle to sleep, I left for home, feelingvery anxious, though somewhat assured by a message\which the physician had telephoned to Mrs. <strong>Edgar</strong>.During the night he &d from severe pain <strong>and</strong> sickness,but, wishing not to disturb his physician's rest, hewaited till morning before sending a message to him tocome <strong>and</strong> bring with him a surgeon. <strong>The</strong> examinationtook place at 8.45 a.m., <strong>and</strong> the symptoms which indicated

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