The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar -


y Brother \\-illi:un \V. Johnston (now in charge of t tieAfrican Branch of the Watch Towcr Bible and Tct, tSc~ci~ty). also soor1 nvc*rcmwclrrl. and still tire plwj\iecontii~ucd tu conre in grc;it nnmbcrs, We Jrad the satisfaction,Im\vcver. of sripplyiiig the lmti~re in pamph1c.tform to tliosc who wi-ere unable to hear. vany of tvhc.brnhirtl come lung distances.So great a multitl~de of people coming to hear Gocl's~Iorious Plan of the Ages naturally fillcd us nith praiseand thanksgiving. We recalled to mind, as nw bchcldthat crowded building, a long-cherished and often-expressrdcl~sire of our dear sister in the Lord, Aunt Sarah, that thislarge hall should one day be filled wvith people ca, -cr t~hear the glad message of God's lovc it9 we undcrstml it.In tile old days our little cLxss of ahout a dozen nlct in ller"wee back shop" in the Cowcacldcns ; ant1 \\-hen wve hadan " extra hrge " meeting of two or three dozt-n, :\tint- Sarah I-ould make 11s smile as she ww-ould cnthusi;lstic.aIlvexclaim : "\\'e'llhat-e St. Anclrewv's Hall filled yet ! 'Noting our incredulous smiles. slrc 1%-ould continnc-" 1 locsnot the Lord say, ' L>clight 11~\-sclf also in the 1-ord, aridHe sl~all give thee tire drsires of thine heart' ? \Yell, theLord will yet let me set St. Andre\v's I4a11 filled with folklistening to the good tidings of grcat joy. for I am ciclizhtingrnys~lf in Him, and that is one of the desire of my heartJust j-ou wait and yurc'll see !" And wve did src ! liulnone of us had ct-cr thoi~ght the prophecy 11-oulci bc scamplv fulfilled. Tml~, Ephesians iii. 31 was rxrniplitit dliere. for tlie 1.nrt-I 11aA certainly grnn tctl .-\:in t C;:tr;t11'sdcsire " cxcccc!ing ;rbtindantly above all " that sl~r Iladasked or tlrr1ng11 t !AS might Iw c*spcctcd, freat blcssing flowed from thismeeting ; tllrongh it tlle Truth \\-as brotight into nllichprominence. The lecture xi-as freely discassecl in manyof the large workshops and warcl~ortscs in the city. Tl~cbooklet \ras taken up by many bookccllcrs. who frcqrltnt ly

y Brother \\-illi:un \V. <strong>John</strong>ston (now in charge of t tieAfrican Branch of the Watch Towcr Bible <strong>and</strong> Tct, tSc~ci~ty). also soor1 nvc*rcmwclrrl. <strong>and</strong> still tire plwj\iecontii~ucd tu conre in grc;it nnmbcrs, We Jrad the satisfaction,Im\vcver. of sripplyiiig the lmti~re in pamph1c.tform to tliosc who wi-ere unable to hear. vany of tvhc.brnhirtl come lung distances.So great a multitl~de of people coming to hear Gocl's~Iorious Plan of the Ages naturally fillcd us nith praise<strong>and</strong> thanksgiving. We recalled to mind, as nw bchcldthat crowded building, a long-cherished <strong>and</strong> often-expressrdcl~sire of our dear sister in the Lord, Aunt Sarah, that thislarge hall should one day be filled wvith people ca, -cr t~hear the glad message of God's lovc it9 we undcrstml it.In tile old days our little cLxss of ahout a dozen nlct in ller"wee back shop" in the Cowcacldcns ; ant1 \\-hen wve hadan " extra hrge " meeting of two or three dozt-n, :\tint- Sarah I-ould make 11s smile as she ww-ould cnthusi;lstic.aIlvexclaim : "\\'e'llhat-e St. Anclrewv's Hall filled yet ! 'Noting our incredulous smiles. slrc 1%-ould continnc-" 1 locsnot the Lord say, ' L>clight 11~\-sclf also in the 1-ord, aridHe sl~all give thee tire drsires of thine heart' ? \Yell, theLord will yet let me set St. Andre\v's I4a11 filled with folklistening to the good tidings of grcat joy. for I am ciclizhtingrnys~lf in Him, <strong>and</strong> that is one of the desire of my heartJust j-ou wait <strong>and</strong> yurc'll see !" And wve did src ! liulnone of us had ct-cr thoi~ght the prophecy 11-oulci bc scamplv fulfilled. Tml~, Ephesians iii. 31 was rxrniplitit dliere. for tlie 1.nrt-I 11aA certainly grnn tctl .-\:in t C;:tr;t11'sdcsire " cxcccc!ing ;rbtindantly above all " that sl~r Iladasked or tlrr1ng11 t !AS might Iw c*spcctcd, freat blcssing flowed from thismeeting ; tllrongh it tlle Truth \\-as brotight into nllichprominence. <strong>The</strong> lecture xi-as freely discassecl in manyof the large workshops <strong>and</strong> warcl~ortscs in the city. Tl~cbooklet \ras taken up by many bookccllcrs. who frcqrltnt ly

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