The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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British inches. <strong>The</strong> plug is I78 inches in length. If zontal. <strong>The</strong> point of intersection nodd, therefow be4 we consider the plng a9 though it were a draw in a teIe up 2.75 inch- from the lowed end of the paurgs I)4! mop, <strong>and</strong> pulled out full length, I. that it. upper end dncting 2.75 fnchea, to the point of inMan,ware where the lower end now is, the total length fa -have (3,037.50 lean 2.75) 3,034.75 Britirh inch, Or! 1,648.75 British inchen, or 1,647.26 *amid inches. 3,031.75 P d d inches. a,oal.ra 7- 1- I,arl$8Deduct from thu the 32.25 A. D.; <strong>and</strong> we have 16lS an B. C. leave 1,520.10 aa k D. It L fntamdbg b .8. C. Thi~ ddte ~~rresponds exactly' with the Bible recall that it waa in May, 1821 A. D., re& 1620 ph,that Martin Luther appeared before the Diet at Wormq<strong>and</strong> that during the wneyeutheofficinlbullwuirarcd,declaring Luther an outlaw, from which natlted th.split of Christendom into ho camps, the Catholic mdthe Protestant. Here, one h<strong>and</strong>red feet below the rariPerof the foundation rock, hidden for OTW 3,600 ~suqwritten in add done, was information which foretoldthe pat &ism which would come to Cbhtmdom,the very year that it should start, How did Shem howwhat would occur in 1821 A. D-?<strong>The</strong> past fLfty ye- am often n f d to aa 'an Wof miracles". Within that time more mlightenmentstatements a9 shorn in the foregoing Bible Chronology.This was the year when Moses led the children of Israelfrom E m <strong>and</strong> <strong>org</strong>anized them into a nation. Athfount Sinai God made a covenant with them "by theh<strong>and</strong> of Mod. (Leviticus 26; 45,46) God also saidto them through Mom: "Thou art m holy people nntoJehovah thy God, <strong>and</strong> Jehovah ha choeen thes to bes pecalilv people nnta himeelf, ahom dl the nationsthat are upon the earttL7*-Deuteronomy 14 : 2.<strong>The</strong> Jewish nation was cast ot? ftom God's favorjust before the crociiirion of Christ in the epring ofA. A 33. (Matthew 23 : 38,39) Having lost God'rfavor, that nation soon went to pieces Sap EnsebmduEcdcsiastid History-":Tt may be proper to mention alaa what things accanedthat showed the benigniQ of that all-graciouProvidence that had deferred their destruction for fortyyenra site their crimes against Christ."<strong>The</strong>n ahe stepped into a neighbois .how for a fewSays Cornil's '%istory of the People of Israel":"On the 15th of Nisan, i r., of April, in the year 73. A. D., the &-st day of the Easter festival, the eamc dajon which, according to tradition, the Qod of Israel hadled Hia people out of Egyptian bondage into Mom,the last bulwark of Israel's liberty had fallen, <strong>and</strong> Israelwas d-,ered into bondage."Uany details of Jewish history are connected withthe First Ascending Passage, but we have not space hereto take them up.nTe have noticed that the point of intersection of thetno floors iddicates the pear 1511.25 B. C. Let us nowmeasure noukb, down the Descending Passage from thatpoint. At 3,037.50 inches we reach a "turn in the road",which indicates some great change in the affairs of man-* kind At that point the psseage takes a sharp turn to_+-+ -a level plane. <strong>The</strong> floor of this TIorizontal Passegedoes not come out to meet the inclined floor exactly, aathe latter is cut 2.75 inches belm the plane of the hori-has come to the nationn along all rcientific linss, moremechanical improvements h m been brought forth thrPin all the previous hltory of inan pat together. Nsrczbefore have there been mch gonad schooling privilegesfor the common man, to the end that k able to m e-<strong>and</strong> enjoy the comforts <strong>and</strong> arcp the luxuries of lifemore than ever befo0n, 'almost all of which ha- comawithin the Iast Hty years. Why is this?-Mother has been called upon to attend to a nick friend;<strong>and</strong> only Little <strong>John</strong>nie <strong>and</strong> May, ten <strong>and</strong> eight rampecti~ely, can be left to att<strong>and</strong> to the home while Moth- .er is away. Plused to be put upon their hanor, they -work zeslonalJ; but it ia not long until the home d ynhowed the lack of a motheir h<strong>and</strong>. How they did w idMother would hurry <strong>and</strong> oome homel One day, whilethey were at school, she returned, <strong>and</strong> noon straightend -up the home to ib old-time cheerfuLneaa md tidin-momenta Meantime the children came from ech001,not knowing that Mother had come <strong>John</strong>nie o&the door, gave one look of glad eurpriae, <strong>and</strong> ahoutad:"5lotheis got homel" How did he how? He aeibeaw her nor heard her. One look at that kitchen w uenough evidence. Mother's atouch" was everpahemabout. Although she had come "like a thief", ~pceived,the evidences of her presence were plentiful.Christ Returned in 1874 A. D.HE Scri~tures indicata that Chriat ma to returnT in 1874, "as a thief." Since that time the worldhas been going on in many respects an before; yet rrmarkable changea have come about. Organizationr atmen hare been bringing in better labor <strong>and</strong> hedth aonditions,increased educational facilities, mechrnid inventionsby the thous<strong>and</strong>r, better larq atc' Ysnldndhas been too busy adjusting, itself to the ever-in-creasing changes to aearch into the causes dthese great changes. Christ's disciples rsked Hk:!

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