The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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lhnbers 33:3; 9:l; 1O:ll;13:l-3,26, 26 ; 32 : 8; Joahu 14: 6-?,lo.)Joshua crossed the Jordan in the same yearha began conquering the l<strong>and</strong> . . . 1675 B. C.\ (Thin was the year when the Jewr enteredCanaan <strong>and</strong> began to count for their ju-' bile- Evq iiftieth year was to be r jubike.-Lsr.25 : 1-30.)<strong>The</strong> Jem left Egypt 40 Jean previoua, or 1615 B. C.(Deuteronomy 8 : 2. This data ia puticululynoticed in the Great Pyramid)hd'8 covenant with Abrnham 430 yean prah(Exodus 12 : 404 ; Gal. 3 : 17) 2046 B. C.(Abraham wu 75 yearn old when he enteredCanaan, <strong>and</strong> this covenant waa madewith him the lwune year. (Gen. 12: 47;Actu 7 : 4) Date of Abraham's birth 75- years previoua, or 2120 B. C.-20 yeamafter the Great +amidwaa built.)Abraham entered Canaan the year when hirfather died at Haran, or . . . . . . 2046 B. C.<strong>The</strong> flood waa 427 yeam previous to thedeath af Teqh, Abraham'r father, as perrecord in Gene& 11 : 10-32, or . . . . 2472 B. 0.From the ftood back to creation gf Adamsrm 1,656 rurs, or . . . . . . . 428 B. C.(Qenesir 6: 1-29; 7: 6; 8: 13)From the creation of Adam 4128 B. C. to the fbdyear of Gym 636 8. C. inclusive ir 3,592 yeara. OtherwiseRated, the 6rst year of Cyn~ WM 3592 anno mu&3592 plas 536 B. C. plns 19U A. D. equd 6,052. ItAdam had behaved himself becomingly, he would dlbe alive, a Me <strong>and</strong> hearty young rum of 6,052 yean,with prorpectr of agea to come, perfed in every wry,apparentIy no older than thirb years of agaOur accepted Gregorian calendar is admitD?dly inerror by fifteen months. Jesua a_as born about Octoberlst, B. C, 2, or one <strong>and</strong> onequarter yeam prior to ourcalendar date. Januaq, 1925. rhould be the fourthmonth of 1926, to be technically correct. Bll theancients began the year in the fd, <strong>and</strong> tbe Jm stillcelebrate their New Year about October latUr. Menziea waa nearly correct in estimating thatthe mouth of the L'aeU'* indicated the death of fesuaMore particularly, it represented the mnection ofJesus Though both the death <strong>and</strong> the resurrection ofJesus occur& in the same year, we find that the GreatPyramid uses sometimes the "well'* md mmetimea thenorth nail to indicate the year 35 A. D. Ar Christdied in the spring of the year, the actual time is 321,A. A yeam. <strong>The</strong> addition of fifteen months makeaJesus 33% year$ of age at the tima of Hia death.-!Pyramid Built in 2140 B. C8 BEFORE stated, it hrd been cutronomicallyA calculated that the Pyramid's location togetherwith the incline of the Descending Passage, indidltesthe year 2140 B. C. u the data of erection of the Pyramid.<strong>The</strong> Py-ramid iW corroborater that dab. Natrthe accompanying drawing.Considering the vertical Iine of the north w d of theGr<strong>and</strong> Gdery M representing tly denth of Christ in33.25 A D., wa meamma back, down the Fint deeendingPassage, to the point where ih floor would intuwatthe floor of the Descending Passage. <strong>The</strong> distance im'1,545 British inches, or 1,543.50 Pyramid inchea. Fromthis deduct the 32.25 aa A D. yearm, md aa ham1,51135 an B. C. yeam. <strong>The</strong> point of intemction ofthe two floors represente 1511.25 B. C. Messnring upthe Descending Passage we note two 6neIy dram lines, Ione on each of the side walls, exactly opposite each other,<strong>and</strong> at right aaglea with the floor. Thia distance k628.75 British inches, or 628.26 Ppmid inchar Addingthe 1,51125 <strong>and</strong> the 628.26, wu have 2,139.60 Pytr-,mid inch- M the diatanca from the point marking thebirth of Jnmr to the= two lines. Stated in yeam itthe middle of 2140 B. C. It b inbeding to notdthat at midnight of the autumnal equinox of the year2140 B. C. these two linta were pointing did7 towudathe Pleiaden, considered by aome to be the centerof the universe <strong>and</strong> the throne of God, while at thesame the the Dragon Star, symbol of Sa-, would belooking directly down the Descending Pasrgr Thuain two ways did the builder dehitely girr thr dab dthe erection of the PyramidTlb Jew8.&# Egypt in 1615 B. CTHE First Ascending Paasage relatea dm& exciusivelyto the Jews, <strong>and</strong> God's ddings Kiththem u a nation, not aa individuals We mq thereforecall it the "Jewish Age", or period of tha Law CovenanL<strong>The</strong> Gr<strong>and</strong> Gallery deals almost exclusively with thaChurch, <strong>and</strong> may well be ded the "Gorpel A#. Bothof theae ages have dehite beginninp <strong>and</strong> endings..<strong>The</strong> "granite plug at the lower end of the "JtariahAge" denotes the impossibility of the Jew to keep theha, but ia of such a length aa to indicata, fn connectionwith t& Paaaageway, tha exact number of para thatQ d dult with that nation, under th. Law. -<strong>The</strong> accompanTing drawing dl wist to nuk. itplain. Tle distance from the north wall of the GrmdGallery to the Iowa end of the granite plug u 1,470.76

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