The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

The Watchtower Society and John and Morton Edgar - A2Z.org

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E'directly under the Gr<strong>and</strong> Gallery; <strong>and</strong> at our left isthe upper end of the Firat Ascending Passage, blockedat ita lower <strong>and</strong> by the granite plug. All thee meet at'#the wellD*.Looking caddy, we .we that the Gr<strong>and</strong> Gallery ex-- tends up, up, up, ova 160 feet, at the same deep inclineu the Pint Ascending Passage. !t'he floor betweentwo low stone benches or extending theentire length of the Gr<strong>and</strong> Gallery b forty-two inche.wide, bat at the top of the *'ramp$' it ia seven feet wide;yet the aide walls narrow by seven oerlappings, until- at the ceiling, twenty-eight feet up, it is again butforty-two inches wide. At the south end the Galleryends abruptly, though not perpendicularly. It haa seven'overlappings of three inches each, so that the ceiling ttwenty-ane inches shorter than the floor. Seven in theBible is a number which aignzes perfection or completeness;<strong>and</strong> it is the same in the Great Pyramid.We turn to look at the mouth of "the *ell", <strong>and</strong> findthat it somewhat resembles an explosion, h thoughcame power had ford it open. That reminds us of whatSt. Peter said on the day of Pentecost : c ~ o God m hathraised up,' having loosed the paina of death ; because itwns not possible that he shoyd ba holden of ity'-A&2 : 24.Christ '%rought life <strong>and</strong> immortality C light". (2Timothy 1 : 10) He opened up a way for aome to reachthe plane of immortal life, in heaven, <strong>and</strong> for others toreach the plane of everlasting life, as human being, onearth. <strong>The</strong> Gr<strong>and</strong> Gallery rymbolizes the path of theChristian to immortality, heavenly glov <strong>and</strong> honor, towhich the path is narrow, steep, slippery <strong>and</strong> hard totravel, though high in joy <strong>and</strong> hope (Colossians 1: 5)Strange to say, the length of the Gr<strong>and</strong> Gallery indicatesthe time between the first <strong>and</strong> second advents of. the Lord. .<strong>The</strong> drawing representing the King's Chamber willassist to a clearer underst<strong>and</strong>ing. At the upper end thoinclined floor ends abruptly at a "step" three feet high,tri a horizontal floor. This extends five feet to thesouth wail of the Gr<strong>and</strong> Gallery. Here again i~ shownthe date of 1914 A. D. <strong>and</strong>, in addition, that of 1925,a p)ominent data in the Bible<strong>The</strong>.King9a <strong>and</strong> Queen's ~?iarnbelaFfurther; for a large granite block L krmedirbl) iafront of him. <strong>The</strong> only way he can go furthm ia tostoop again, aa low aa before, under the granib bf&This signifies the entering fully into the rvrieb ofChrist: "Thosoever doth not bear hia croa~~, <strong>and</strong> com~after me, cannot be my disciple." (Luke 14: 87) brhe stoops to lift his cross, aad atepa under the @kblock, he immediately steps upon a @tC &or. (SWpage 216.) He then has a divine st<strong>and</strong>ing u d a@covering. ''If any man be in Chrbt ha k a new ozslture.,"a fact which is eymbolized here. Thir dn*chamber is mmetimea termed a nchoob whsrs th.Christian must prepare for his future reign with Christ.(Revelation 3: 21) In thin school he Stap d a th.remainder of hie earthly qwriencaOm mom low stoop, ~~ the death oi ~human n~ture, as "flesh <strong>and</strong> blood cannot inherit thekingdom of heaven" ; <strong>and</strong> he enters the King's Chamber.This beautiful chamber appropriately represents thsthrone room, the divine natye, immorblity. LCmhbyare given unto us exceeding pat <strong>and</strong> preci01upromises; that by [meana of] thew ye might be partakersof the divine naturan (2 Peter 1 : 4) It isthe gr<strong>and</strong>est chambet in the Ppmid; <strong>and</strong> ia approximately seventeen feet north <strong>and</strong> south, thiq-fourfeet e& <strong>and</strong> west, <strong>and</strong> nineteen feet high. <strong>The</strong> floor,walls <strong>and</strong> ceiling are ail of polished granik Leadingfrom the north <strong>and</strong> muth walls are two mall &-channels, extending upward <strong>and</strong> outward to the outeravfaca <strong>The</strong>y rupply an abundance of cod treah air.<strong>The</strong>= signify a place of residence, a dvelling phe, -a beautiful symbol of the place which Chri8t went toprepare for His Church, as He pmmiaed: Y g to prapare a place for you," <strong>and</strong> 'To him that ovacomethwill I grant to sit with me in my thra116~ (<strong>John</strong> 14:1-3; helation 3: 21) Thus in symbol do@ the GreatPyramid erpress the words of the apde Pad: ''<strong>The</strong>prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jcsw"-Philippians 3 : 14.Returning to the lower end of the Gr<strong>and</strong> Gallery, weenter the Horizontal Passage, leadinq wuth, didjunder the floor of the Gr<strong>and</strong> Gallery, but on a 1 4plaue. This paasage ia forty-two inch wide <strong>and</strong> fortyeightinches high, <strong>and</strong> appears to be a continuation dthe Fimt Ascending Passage, except that the GrradGallery has been, so to speak, thrown in between, uit were a parenthetical work, as though God had throughthc Law offered the Jews an opportuniv which theyRObf the south, upper end of the Gr<strong>and</strong> Gallerya small passageway forty-two inches wide <strong>and</strong>forty-four inches high leads through the wall to a smallchamber, known as the Antechnmber, which is a little could not fulbl, in the meantime carrying on anotherwider than, the passageway. 1t.k about ten feet long, work. Later, when the Jews come up through thatwelve iind-one-half feet high, <strong>and</strong> div~ded into two"well", God rill again take up His work with them, <strong>and</strong>apartments. A person must stoop low to enter thi~' thro~~gh them with all the remainder of mankindchamber. But as goon as he enters he has a covering A,&, the apostle Paul states in words what is symbolofgranite; for the ceiling is of granlte, syrnboluing ized here: "I would not, brethren, that ye ~hould bethat aa soon a8 one entera the service of God he has a ignorant of this mystery,. ...that blindnese in part iadivine covering. But seemingly he can pramd no happened to h a 4 until the fulnesr [the full n m

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