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Troops crossing out of the Free City into Poland<br />

September 1, 1939, forever etched in the history books<br />

as the day the world went to war. The planet would never<br />

be the same again, and it started here, seventy years<br />

ago, with Gdansk as the opening gambit in Hitler’s vile<br />

master plan.<br />

Prelude<br />

Endlessly caught in a tug-of-war between Germany and<br />

Poland, the end of World War One saw the League of Nations<br />

come up with a hare-brained solution to the ceaseless<br />

bickering - it matched the city to neither suitor, instead<br />

assigning it the title of Free City of Danzig. To give it to the<br />

Germans - who let’s face it, had previous form for causing<br />

trouble - was out of the question, while leaving her in Polish<br />

hands was a gamble; would the Poles side with their Slavic<br />

brothers east and turn red? Anything was possible in this<br />

volatile post-war Europe, and the thought of Gdansk - then a<br />

hugely important international trading route - falling into the<br />

hands of the communists was all too much. And so it was<br />

that Gdansk became a semi-independent state, an answer<br />

that pleased neither Germans nor Poles.<br />

Nonetheless the region thrived, and the two communities<br />

(the majority of whom were German) co-existed for quite<br />

some time; the Germans controlled the State senate, the<br />

police and much of the business, while the Poles dominated<br />

the railways, port authority and had their own postal service.<br />

The rise of Hitler changed all that, and bitter rivalries soon<br />

came to the surface after his election in next door Germany.<br />

Anti-Polish sentiment spread rapidly, and by 1935 the local<br />

police force had started keeping tabs on any Pole seen as<br />

a threat to the German way.<br />

The rise in tensions wasn’t lost on the Poles. From 1925 the<br />

League of Nations bowed to pressure and consented to the<br />

deployment of a token 88 man Polish force across the water<br />

from Gdansk on the Polish controlled Westerplatte Peninsula.<br />

As the years went on, and Hitler’s posturing became ever<br />

more threatening, the Poles continued to covertly strengthen<br />

their foothold, smuggling in military hardware and secretly<br />

building fortifications in breach of League of Nations decrees.<br />

To all intents and purposes Westerplatte was guarded by a<br />

German troops destroy all signs of Poland in the Reich’s Danzig<br />

crack unit, whose unspoken remit was to be able to hold out<br />

for one day should the Germans attack, thereby giving other<br />

Polish units enough time to rescue Gdansk from Nazi claws.<br />

Outbreak<br />

On August 31, 1939, Nazi units dressed in Polish uniform<br />

infamously staged a mock attack on a radio tower in the<br />

German border town of Gleiwitz (now Gliwice).<br />

Pictures of the victims (actually corpses of concentration<br />

camp inmates dressed in German uniforms) were flashed<br />

across the world, with Hitler looking innocent and claiming<br />

a provocative attack by the Polish army. The following dawn,<br />

Germany launched a strike on Westerplatte, an attack that<br />

would ultimately kick off World War II.<br />

Popular theory asserts the first shots were fired from the<br />

German warship the Schleiswig Holsten, supposedly visiting<br />

Gdansk on a goodwill mission. Wrong. Logbooks recovered by<br />

the Nowy Port Lighthouse prove beyond doubt that the German<br />

battleship was pre-empted by a matter of three minutes<br />

by a gun emplacement nestled halfway up the lighthouse.<br />

The Poles, taken aback, missed this target entirely. Second<br />

time round they scored a direct hit, credited to a Pole called<br />

Eugeniusz Grabowski, thereby in all likelihood making the<br />

lighthouse gunners the first casualties in a war that would<br />

go on to claim 55 million lives.<br />

The German shelling of Westerplatte was simultaneously<br />

supported by infantry attacks on the Westerplatte gateway,<br />

with the Polish defenders repelling repeated attempts at<br />

advance by the navy storm troopers. At precisely the same<br />

time this assault had begun, another equally ferocious battle<br />

was being waged at the small post office in the city’s thencalled<br />

Hevelius Square. Detachments of German police and<br />

SS laid siege to the 50 Polish post workers inside, who put<br />

up a brave struggle for over 17 hours until casualties became<br />

intolerable, part of the building collapsed and the Germans<br />

began to attack with flamethrowers. A truly heroic story of<br />

David and Goliath proportions, and one that has entered<br />

Polish folklore. However what the story fails to tell is just why<br />

a bunch of posties were armed to the teeth, and why two<br />

elite units were attacking them. The explanation becomes<br />

clearer when one recognizes that the Polish Post Office was<br />

the centre of intelligence, breaking ciphers and smuggling<br />

secrets in and out of Gdansk, and as such was seen as a key<br />

strategic target by the Nazis. All of the Post Office ‘workers’<br />

were later executed and buried in a mass grave in Zaspa.<br />

Siege<br />

Yet while the post office capitulated, the garrison at Westerplatte<br />

- numbering around 220 men - held on. The plan was<br />

simple: in the event of an attack in Gdansk the Polish navy,<br />

stationed in nearby Gdynia (Poland), would sail in to help,<br />

aircraft from Puck would be scrambled, and the bridge in<br />

Tczew would be blown to stop a German advance into what<br />

was the demilitarized zone of the Free State. <strong>In</strong> the event<br />

everything that could go wrong, did. The navy was caught<br />

out in the Bay of Gdansk, while the air force was destroyed<br />

while still on the ground. There were some successes, mind.<br />

Polish customs officers succeeded in blowing the bridge<br />

at Tczew, crucially slowing the German advance whose<br />

armour was gathered over in Szymankowo. They paid for<br />

their bravery with their lives, and all were later shot by their<br />

German opposites, themselves also armed and primed for<br />

war. Today Stutthof museum has a post-execution picture<br />

of a grinning Nazi shooting party taken outside the Pullman<br />

wagons in which the Polish officers had lived.<br />

Gdańsk <strong>In</strong> <strong>Your</strong> <strong>Pocket</strong> gdansk.inyourpocket.com<br />

Adolf Hitler salutes the crowds on Langgasse (ul. Dluga)<br />

Britain and France declared war on Germany on September<br />

3, but hopes of outside help being directed to Poland<br />

proved ill founded. Yet still the Westerplatte garrison fought<br />

on. By now water had begun to run short, and the terrain<br />

they defended had churned up into a pockmarked mass<br />

of craters. <strong>In</strong>tensive bombardment from land, sea and air<br />

continued night and day, before finally, at 10:15 on the<br />

morning of September 7, Major Henryk Sucharski took the<br />

decision to raise the white flag. The battle had cost just 15<br />

Polish lives, and the bravery of the troops was recognized<br />

by the German general who allowed Sucharski to keep his<br />

sword with him in captivity, as well as by German soldiers<br />

who allegedly saluted their Polish counterparts as they were<br />

marched away. To this day German losses in the battle for<br />

Westerplatte remain an official secret. Gdynia surrendered<br />

two weeks later, and then Hel - the final Polish stronghold in<br />

Pomerania - fell on the 2nd of October by which time Poland<br />

had been invaded from the east by the Soviet Union. Ironically,<br />

Hel, the final stand for the Poles, would also be the<br />

last place the Nazis would relinquish in 1945.<br />

Under the Reich<br />

Hitler had always made much of incorporating Danzig into<br />

the Reich, yet somewhat surprisingly he only made two<br />

visits to the city - a deep held suspicion of Danzigers, and a<br />

fear of assassination explaining such apathy. The second of<br />

these visits came on September 18, 1939, with an exultant<br />

Fuhrer arriving to Sopot on board his armoured train, the<br />

Amerika. It was there he checked into the Kasino Hotel (today<br />

the Sofitel Grand), booking into rooms 251-253. His stay<br />

lasted a week, during which time he received a delegation<br />

from Japan, visited the Schleswig-Holstein, Westerplatte<br />

and inspected a parade outside Dwor Artus on Gdansk’s<br />

Dlugi Targ. Stories of him eating in the nearby Ratskeller<br />

persist to this day, and you’ll still find ghouls asking to be<br />

seated on his table.<br />

By this time fervent Nazis were already clamouring to rid the<br />

region of all traces of Polonization. <strong>In</strong>telligentsia and other<br />

such targets were arrested and incarcerated in numerous<br />

camps and prisons, including the Victoriaschule (ul. Kładki 1.<br />

B-5), which was used as a interview and processing centre,<br />

the city jail (now replaced by a newer model) and Stutthof -<br />

later to morph into a notorious concentration camp. Flags,<br />

signs and anything else remotely Polish was torched and<br />

destroyed, and even today visitors can view a Polish eagle in<br />

the Free City Museum (C-4 ul. Piwna 19/21), its form clearly<br />

scarred from the rocks thrown at it.<br />

Governor and Gauleiter of the region was Albert Forster,<br />

and his reign still arouses controversy and debate among<br />

both scholars and survivors. Unlike other Gauleiters in<br />

annexed and occupied territories, Forster followed a<br />

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program of assimilation, granting thousands of Poles<br />

German citizenship if they swore German heritage. Even<br />

more remarkably, those Poles rounded up and persecuted<br />

in the first wave of arrests could seek German citizenship,<br />

and even pursue compensation and restitution for any<br />

property originally seized. Benign by some benchmarks,<br />

Forster was a form Nazi on others. Jews faced merciless<br />

persecution, Stutthof emerged as a true place of terror<br />

and he is personally thought to have given the order for<br />

the mass murder of over 2,000 Poles executed between<br />

1939 and 1940. Today traces of Forster’s Danzig are<br />

scant - his country retreat on Wyspa Sobieszewksa, where<br />

he hunted and lived in extravagant style, is today fenced<br />

from prying eyes. His Danzig home in Oliwa has been<br />

pulled down, and the secret escape tunnel running from<br />

Party HQ in Wrzeszcz (ul. Orzeszkowej 2 H/I-3) to the foot<br />

of a hill in the Siedlice district (ul. Kartuska 135L I-5) has<br />

long been bricked up. Eventually caught and held on the<br />

Hel Peninsula trying to flee westwards, even his death<br />

remains a mystery - some claim he was hung in Biskupia<br />

Gora after the war, others that it was his body double who<br />

faced the hangman. Yet more sources claim he was taken<br />

to Warsaw’s Mokotow Prison and beaten to death. The<br />

truth, it appears, will never be known.<br />

The End<br />

For ordinary Danzigers the quality of life remained relatively<br />

good for much of the war. Sopot, especially, became<br />

a favourite stamping ground for soldiers on R&R, and in<br />

spite of rationing and occasional shortages life didn’t get<br />

worse until the closing stages. The first warning signs that<br />

all was not well came with the first air raids, yet even so<br />

allied bombers targeted the shipyards - home to munitions<br />

factories producing V1 and V2 rockets - and the<br />

Zaspa airfield. The war still seemed far off, even in 1943<br />

when work commenced on whisking cultural treasures to<br />

locations westwards.<br />

By 1944 a different picture had emerged; Danzig had<br />

become a major transit point, not least with swarms<br />

of refugees fleeing from the east, as well as a regular<br />

target for bombing raids. By March, 1945, with the Red<br />

Army fast approaching, the population had reached 1.5<br />

million and city stood on the precipice of chaos. Suspected<br />

deserters were strung up from the lampposts<br />

and trees of al. Zwyciestwa, and the city descended<br />

into a Dantean vision. Historian Antony Beevor writes<br />

of the ensuing siege: ‘Fighter bombers strafed the<br />

towns and port areas. Soviet Shturmoviks treated<br />

civilian and military targets alike. A church was as<br />

good as a bunker, especially when it seemed as if<br />

the objective was to flatten every building which still<br />

protruded conspicuously above the ground... Tens of<br />

thousands of women and children, terrified of losing<br />

their places in the queues to escape, provided<br />

unmissable targets’.<br />

Danzig had been designated a closed fortress, or Festung,<br />

and the defence proved bitter and bloody. Gdynia fell in<br />

the middle of March, and faced the full wrath of a drunken,<br />

avenging army, spurring the defenders of Danzig to fight<br />

even harder to grant the remaining civilians the chance of<br />

evacuation. Encircled and out-powered, even when the opportunity<br />

to surrender was offered the Germans continued<br />

fighting; that fires were burning a month after Danzig was<br />

captured is testament to the ferocity of the siege. Polish<br />

and Red Army troops finally entered the city on March 21;<br />

Gdansk, home to the first shots of the war, now lay adrift on<br />

a sea of rape and ruin.<br />

May - July 2012<br />


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