Rusudan Tsurtsumia - International Research Center For Traditional ...

Rusudan Tsurtsumia - International Research Center For Traditional ... Rusudan Tsurtsumia - International Research Center For Traditional ...


Georgian Polyphony in a ModernSocio-Cultural Context635This is what fills me with the belief that in this or that form multipart singing willnever lose the function of expressing Georgians’ ethnic-national identity, and like theGeorgian language, it will always remain one of the strongest attributes of the representationof national culture and identity.ReferencesAdorno, Theodor W. (1999). “Introduction in Sociology of Music” // Selected works:Sociology of Music. Moscow – Sanct-Petersburg: Universitetskaia kniga (p. 7-190) (inRussian).Garaqanidze Edisher. (1989). “Nekotorie voprosi ispolnitelstva gruzinskikh narodnikh peseni ansambl “Mtiebi” (“Some Aspects of Performance of Georgian Folk Songs and Ensemble“Mtiebi”). In Traditsionni folklor i sovremennie folklornie khori i ansambli (The TraditionalFolklore and Contemporary Folk Choirs and Ensembles). Leningrad: State Institutefor the Theatre, Music and Cinematography of Leningrad. p. 124-132 (in Russian).Chavchavadze, Niko. (2007 2 nd edition). Kultura I tsennosti (Culture and Value) Tbilisi:Publisher “Nino Chavchavadze”. 1 st edition: 1984, Tbilisi:Metsniereba (in Russian).Konen, Valentina. (1975). “Znachenie vneevropejskix kultur dlia muziki XX veka” ( “TheSignificance of Non-European Cultures for the Music of XX Century” // In Studies onForeign Musi. p. 227-268. Moscow:Muzika (in Russian)Lapin, Vladimir. (1989). “Ot redaktora” (“From the Editor”) In Traditsionni folklor isovremennie folklornie khori i ansambli (The Traditional Folklore and ContemporaryFolk Choirs and Ensembles). Leningrad: State Institute for the Theatre, Music and Cinematography.p. 4-5 (in Russian).Mamardashvili, Merab. (1990). Kak ia ponimaiu philosophiu (How I Understand Philosophy).Moscow: Progress (in Russian).Orjonikidze, Givi. (1978). Aghmavlobis gzis problemebi (The Problems of Moving Forward).Tbilisi: Khelovneba (in Georgian).Tsurtsumia, Rusudan. (1997). “Kartuli khalkhuri simghera dghes _ tsotsckhali procesi tusamuzeumo eqsponati? (sociologiuri analizis tsda)~ [Georgian Folk Song Today – AliveProcess or Museum’s Exhibit? (The trial/experience of Sociological Analyze // In Essays onMusicology. Proceedings of the scientific works. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State Conseratoire. p.3-17(in Georgian).Tsurtsumia, Rusudan. (2005). XX saukunis kartuli musika. Tvitmqopadoba da ghirebulebitiorientatsiebi. (20th Century Georgian Music. The Individuality and Value Orientation).Tbilisi: Tbilisi State Conservatoire (in Georgian with English summary).Zemtsovsky, Izaly. (1989). “Ot narodnoi pesni k narodnomu khoru: igra slov ili problema?”(“From the Folk Song to the Folk Choir: Casuistry or Problem?”) In Traditsionni folklor isovremennie folklornie khori i ansambli (The Traditional Folklore and ContemporaryFolk Choirs and Ensembles). Leningrad: State Institute for the Theatre, Music and Cinematographyof Leningrad. p. 6-19 (in Russian).

636 Rusudan TsurtsumiaZemtsovsky, Izaly I. (2003). “Polyphony as a Way of Creating and Thinking. The MusicalIdemtity of Homo-Poliphonicus” // The First International Symposium on TraditionalPolyphony. Proceedings. PPP. 45-53. Tbilisi: The International Research Center forTraditional Polyphony of Tbilisi State Conservatoire.Zemtsovsky, Izaly I. (2005). “Polyphony as “Ethnohearing” and its Musical “Substance”:Homo-Poliphonicus in Action”// The Second International Symposium on TraditionalPolyphony. Proceedings. gv.. 25-32. Tbilisi: The International Research Center for TraditionalPolyphony of Tbilisi State Conservatoire.

Georgian Polyphony in a ModernSocio-Cultural Context635This is what fills me with the belief that in this or that form multipart singing willnever lose the function of expressing Georgians’ ethnic-national identity, and like theGeorgian language, it will always remain one of the strongest attributes of the representationof national culture and identity.ReferencesAdorno, Theodor W. (1999). “Introduction in Sociology of Music” // Selected works:Sociology of Music. Moscow – Sanct-Petersburg: Universitetskaia kniga (p. 7-190) (inRussian).Garaqanidze Edisher. (1989). “Nekotorie voprosi ispolnitelstva gruzinskikh narodnikh peseni ansambl “Mtiebi” (“Some Aspects of Performance of Georgian Folk Songs and Ensemble“Mtiebi”). In Traditsionni folklor i sovremennie folklornie khori i ansambli (The <strong>Traditional</strong>Folklore and Contemporary Folk Choirs and Ensembles). Leningrad: State Institutefor the Theatre, Music and Cinematography of Leningrad. p. 124-132 (in Russian).Chavchavadze, Niko. (2007 2 nd edition). Kultura I tsennosti (Culture and Value) Tbilisi:Publisher “Nino Chavchavadze”. 1 st edition: 1984, Tbilisi:Metsniereba (in Russian).Konen, Valentina. (1975). “Znachenie vneevropejskix kultur dlia muziki XX veka” ( “TheSignificance of Non-European Cultures for the Music of XX Century” // In Studies on<strong>For</strong>eign Musi. p. 227-268. Moscow:Muzika (in Russian)Lapin, Vladimir. (1989). “Ot redaktora” (“From the Editor”) In Traditsionni folklor isovremennie folklornie khori i ansambli (The <strong>Traditional</strong> Folklore and ContemporaryFolk Choirs and Ensembles). Leningrad: State Institute for the Theatre, Music and Cinematography.p. 4-5 (in Russian).Mamardashvili, Merab. (1990). Kak ia ponimaiu philosophiu (How I Understand Philosophy).Moscow: Progress (in Russian).Orjonikidze, Givi. (1978). Aghmavlobis gzis problemebi (The Problems of Moving <strong>For</strong>ward).Tbilisi: Khelovneba (in Georgian).<strong>Tsurtsumia</strong>, <strong>Rusudan</strong>. (1997). “Kartuli khalkhuri simghera dghes _ tsotsckhali procesi tusamuzeumo eqsponati? (sociologiuri analizis tsda)~ [Georgian Folk Song Today – AliveProcess or Museum’s Exhibit? (The trial/experience of Sociological Analyze // In Essays onMusicology. Proceedings of the scientific works. Tbilisi: Tbilisi State Conseratoire. p.3-17(in Georgian).<strong>Tsurtsumia</strong>, <strong>Rusudan</strong>. (2005). XX saukunis kartuli musika. Tvitmqopadoba da ghirebulebitiorientatsiebi. (20th Century Georgian Music. The Individuality and Value Orientation).Tbilisi: Tbilisi State Conservatoire (in Georgian with English summary).Zemtsovsky, Izaly. (1989). “Ot narodnoi pesni k narodnomu khoru: igra slov ili problema?”(“From the Folk Song to the Folk Choir: Casuistry or Problem?”) In Traditsionni folklor isovremennie folklornie khori i ansambli (The <strong>Traditional</strong> Folklore and ContemporaryFolk Choirs and Ensembles). Leningrad: State Institute for the Theatre, Music and Cinematographyof Leningrad. p. 6-19 (in Russian).

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