Representing Property Wetlands and Riparian Areas - Montana ...

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What are <strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong>s</strong> Worth? <strong>Property</strong> Values,Community Values <strong>and</strong> MoreHealthy wetl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> riparian areas provide <strong>Montana</strong>’s citizens, new <strong>and</strong>native alike, with the opportunity to enjoy the unique natural beautythat <strong>Montana</strong> has to offer. It’s a well known fact that property near openwater is worth more <strong>and</strong> sells more quickly than other property. Whatabout property near wetl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> riparian areas?Protected wetl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> riparian areas notonly increase housing prices, but also providemany other local economic advantagesthat improve the quality of life.Healthy wetl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> riparian areaslead to strong, vibrant communitiesthat attract businesses <strong>and</strong> newcomersto <strong>Montana</strong> by providing:Increased tax revenueInexpensive flood protectionIncreased revenue for businessesproviding recreation services <strong>and</strong>productsProtection for surface- <strong>and</strong> ground-waterHousing priceincrease for homes neara protected riparian corridor:• 32% (Rubey Frost, J. <strong>and</strong>Sternberg K. 1992)• 10-15% (Quayle <strong>and</strong> Hamilton,1999)• 6% (Colby <strong>and</strong> Wishart, 2002)People are willing to pay morefor homes near protectedriparian areas.quality, eliminating the need for costly water treatment facilitiesthat many communities cannot affordInexpensive erosion control<strong>Montana</strong>’s Marvelous <strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong>s</strong><strong>Montana</strong> residents are fortunate to have many different types of wetl<strong>and</strong>sto enjoy: peatl<strong>and</strong>s, prairie potholes, seeps or springs, wet meadows,oxbow sloughs, <strong>and</strong> riparian wetl<strong>and</strong>s.Wet meadow, courtesy of Sue Ball; prairie potholes, courtesy of Joe Stutzman, USFWS;oxbow slough, courtesy of Constanza von der Pahlen; spring, courtesy of Denine Schmitz.2

Wondering about <strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong>s</strong>?When touringa property look forthese signs of a wetl<strong>and</strong>:low depressions, presence ofwater, water loving plants<strong>and</strong> poorly drainedPhoto courtesy of Sue Higgins.soils.<strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong>s</strong> are areas that are saturated withwater for part or all of the year. They areusually near water bodies, rivers, streams or in lowlying depressions that collect water. Although you will need a specialist toidentify the exact boundaries of a wetl<strong>and</strong>, you don’t need to be an expertto look for certain clues that indicate there is a wetl<strong>and</strong> on the property.Water: The presence of water is an obvious sign that the area could be awetl<strong>and</strong>. But wetl<strong>and</strong>s aren’t necessarily wet all year round. During partof the year or an extended drought, the wetl<strong>and</strong> may not be wet at all. Forjurisdictional wetl<strong>and</strong>s which are regulated by the Army Corps of Engineers<strong>and</strong> delineated by a professional, l<strong>and</strong>s only need to be saturated ator NEAR the surface for 12.5 percent of the growing season. In <strong>Montana</strong>,this translates to about 12.5 days. Most of the time surface water will notbe present, so you’ll need to look for other signs, such as vegetation <strong>and</strong>l<strong>and</strong>form location.3<strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong>s</strong> may not be wet year round.

Plants: Only specialtypes of plants thrive inwet soggy ground. Theseplants are called hydrophytes(hydro=water,phyte=plant). Look forareas of robust, green vegetationthat are more vigorousthan the surrounding area,especially if located in a smalldepression or adjacent toopen water. Several commonwater-loving plants <strong>and</strong>trees in <strong>Montana</strong> includewillow, alder, cottonwood,cattail <strong>and</strong> water birch.Soils: Wetl<strong>and</strong> soils arepoorly drained <strong>and</strong> may lookgrey. The color of the soilis only one indicator <strong>and</strong>does not solely determine ifan area is a wetl<strong>and</strong>. If youcan’t readily see the colorof the soil but suspect thearea is a wetl<strong>and</strong>, contact awetl<strong>and</strong> delineator <strong>and</strong> leavethe digging to the experts.Small photos from top:Shooting stars;lush wetl<strong>and</strong> vegetation, photocourtesy of Sue Ball;bullrush <strong>and</strong> riparian grasses, photocourtesy of Sue Ball;bear prints in wetl<strong>and</strong> soil.Sidebar photo:Cattails in wetl<strong>and</strong>, photo courtesyof Debbie Zarnt.4

What Do <strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Riparian</strong> <strong>Areas</strong> Do?Wildlife: Wildlife thrive in healthy wetl<strong>and</strong>s. Birds, fish <strong>and</strong> mammalsuse wetl<strong>and</strong>s like we use the grocery store, nurseries <strong>and</strong> hotels. <strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong>s</strong>provide an ample supply of food <strong>and</strong> habitat for wildlife so they can feed,raise their young <strong>and</strong> find shelter.Flood control: Many wetl<strong>and</strong>s are locatednext to rivers <strong>and</strong> small streams <strong>and</strong> servecommunities by absorbing flood waters. Largevolumes of water that would otherwise accumulate<strong>and</strong> cause massive downstream flooding<strong>and</strong> endanger homeowners are absorbed bynearby wetl<strong>and</strong>s.Wetl<strong>and</strong> absorbing flood water.Erosion Control: By absorbing high flows, wetl<strong>and</strong>s also prevent erosionof stream banks. Healthy robust streamside plants <strong>and</strong> trees provideeconomical bank stability, cool stream temperatures, <strong>and</strong> excellent habitatfor fish <strong>and</strong> wildlife.Water Supply: <strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong>s</strong> allow water to soak into the earth <strong>and</strong> replenishground-water supplies called aquifers. Approximately half of <strong>Montana</strong>’sresidents rely solely on ground water for their drinking water <strong>and</strong> domesticuse.5Sediment filtration.Pollution: <strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong>s</strong> help purify contaminatedwater <strong>and</strong> prevent toxins from entering nearbystreams, rivers <strong>and</strong> ground water. <strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong>s</strong>break down pollutants <strong>and</strong> filter out sediment.<strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong>s</strong> are often called the earth’s kidneys.They are giant filters that provide <strong>Montana</strong>’scommunities with a clean water supply.

<strong>Riparian</strong> <strong>Areas</strong><strong>Areas</strong> next to the river are great places torelax, listen to the sound of the flowingwater, <strong>and</strong> maybe catch a glimpse of<strong>Montana</strong>’s wildlife. No wonderthat property near streams <strong>and</strong>rivers are premium locations.These areas, called riparian areas,also serve the communityin many other ways that aren’tobvious to the new l<strong>and</strong>owner.Temperature control:<strong>Riparian</strong> areas are like an airconditioner or thermostat foraquatic life. Healthy riparian areaswith robust plants <strong>and</strong> trees coolthe stream temperature which allowsaquatic life to thrive.“Except for supportof biodiversity,some of the environmental servicesof riparian areas can be providedby technologies, such as reservoirs forflood control <strong>and</strong> treatment plants forpollutant removal. However, these substitutionsare directed at single functionsrather than the multiple functions thatriparian areas carry out simultaneously<strong>and</strong> with little direct costs to society.”National Research CouncilErosion Control: The roots, stems <strong>and</strong>leaves of riparian plants slow the flow ofthe water in a flooding river <strong>and</strong> allownew sediment to settle, rebuilding thebanks <strong>and</strong> preventing erosion.Clean Water: Healthy riparian areasput the brake on fast-flowing pollutedwater from storms. These areas absorb<strong>Riparian</strong> plants slow erosion.<strong>and</strong> filter pollution collected fromrainfall, streets, parking lots <strong>and</strong> other paved areas during storms (urbanrunoff) that would otherwise funnel into the river.Wildlife: <strong>Riparian</strong> areas provide similar benefits to wildlife as wetl<strong>and</strong>s: aplace to live, eat <strong>and</strong> raise young.Western Grebes.Photo courtesy of Tom Hinz.Columbia spotted frog.Photo courtesy of Lisa Eby.6

<strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong>s</strong>, Rivers <strong>and</strong> Streams: A Recipe for a QuickSale or a Regulatory Headache?If a property contains wetl<strong>and</strong>s or riparian areas,it will be subject to certain regulations aboutActivities that do which your client should know. By underst<strong>and</strong>ingthe basics of these permits, younot require permits <strong>and</strong>will be able to help your client feel moreare beneficial to wetl<strong>and</strong>s confident <strong>and</strong> knowledgeable about the<strong>and</strong> riparian areas are re-property <strong>and</strong> make wise l<strong>and</strong> use decisions.establishing native vegetationThere’s no need to be intimidated oralong the stream bank <strong>and</strong> confused by wetl<strong>and</strong> <strong>and</strong> riparian areaplanting trees. regulations. The regulations are designed tominimize damage to these valuable areas forthe benefit of the l<strong>and</strong>owner <strong>and</strong> their community.Stewardship of these areas begins with recognizingtheir value <strong>and</strong> avoiding impacts to them by building away fromthese areas or restoring them if necessary. If construction near these areasis unavoidable, the permit system ensures that minimal damage is done <strong>and</strong>if necessary, restoration projects are completed.Additionally, it’s not difficult to apply for these permits. To reducepaperwork, several <strong>Montana</strong> agencies involved in permitting developed ajoint application. L<strong>and</strong>owners can now fill out <strong>and</strong> submit one applicationfor four different permits. Also, the people in charge of administering thepermits are willing to answer questions <strong>and</strong> may be available for a site visit.Several l<strong>and</strong>owner activities that will require permits include, but are notlimited to: dredging or filling of wetl<strong>and</strong>s, bridge construction, river bankstabilization, use of heavy equipment near surface waters, road construction,building a dock or boat ramp, building a pond, <strong>and</strong> installing a culvert.This list is not all-inclusive, but provides an introduction to the majoractivities concerning private l<strong>and</strong>owners <strong>and</strong> water resource regulations.Contact information is provided (pages 10-12) so that you can obtain themost up to date information on how to apply.7If the l<strong>and</strong>owner is considering any of the activities listed above <strong>and</strong> ispurchasing a property with wetl<strong>and</strong>s or riparian areas, please reviewthe following list of potential permits they may need.

If the property has wetl<strong>and</strong>s:404 Permit318 AuthorizationLocal Setback RegulationsIf the property has a river or stream:310 PermitFloodplain Permit404 Permit318 AuthorizationWater RightsLocal Setback RegulationsIf the property is near a lakeLakeshore Regulations318 AuthorizationIf the property has a well or needs a septicsystem:Ground Water CertificateSeptic System PermitIf the property is located on a tribalreservation:Flathead Reservation: 1) ShorelineProtection <strong>and</strong> Aquatic L<strong>and</strong> ConservationOrdinance for work near a stream, river,lake or wetl<strong>and</strong>. 2) Confederated Salish <strong>and</strong>Kootenai Tribes Water Quality Program,Ordinance 89 B for projects affectingreservation waters. On the web at Reservation: Aquatic L<strong>and</strong>sProtection Ordinance 90 for projects thatoccur in wetl<strong>and</strong>s, riparian areas or streams.Other reservations are currently developingtheir own protection measures. If theproperty is located on a reservation, contactthe appropriate tribal government.Activities requiring permits. Photos from top: streamrestoration, building within a floodplain, road construction,wellhead.8

If the l<strong>and</strong>owner is considering developing a pond:Non-Commercial Private Fish Pond LicenseWater RightsDepending on the location, the pond may be subject to the wetl<strong>and</strong>regulations listed above. Additionally, if it is in the floodplain, near astream, river, wetl<strong>and</strong>, lake, or on a reservation, other regulations mayapply.Having or building apond is not simple or easy <strong>and</strong>requires time, money <strong>and</strong> responsiblemaintenance by the l<strong>and</strong>owner. If yourclient is considering a pond, please seeA Guidebook to <strong>Montana</strong> Ponds, availablefrom the <strong>Montana</strong> Watercourse for moreinformation. This guidebook describes thebenefits <strong>and</strong> potential drawbacks fromowning a pond as well as other options,l<strong>and</strong>owner considerations <strong>and</strong>resources.Permits are required forprivate fish ponds.Photo courtesy of USDANatural ResourcesConservation Service.9

Information on Commonly-Required PermitsJoint Application: In <strong>Montana</strong>, l<strong>and</strong>owners can fill out one application forthe following permits: 310 Permit, Floodplain Permit, Section 404 Permit,<strong>and</strong> 318 Authorization. The joint application permit is available online at 404 Permit: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) administersthe Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit, which regulates dischargeof dredged or fill material in “waters of the United States” that includesjurisdictional wetl<strong>and</strong>s <strong>and</strong> open water systems. L<strong>and</strong>owners proposingprojects that involve a regulated discharge require this permit.On the web at USACE: Helena, 406-441-1375; Billings, 406-657-5910310 Permit: The Board of Supervisors of the local Conservation Districtadministers the <strong>Montana</strong> Natural Streambank <strong>and</strong> L<strong>and</strong> Preservation Act,which regulates any activity that physically alters or modifies the bed orbanks of a perennially flowing stream. These activities include, but are notlimited to: streambank stabilization, placing a culvert in the stream, buildinga bridge, diversions, reservoirs, or other channel changes.Contact: Local Conservation DistrictLocal Setback Regulations: Many of <strong>Montana</strong>’s counties <strong>and</strong> cities haveregulations governing minimal distances between new buildings <strong>and</strong> rivers,streams <strong>and</strong> wetl<strong>and</strong>s. Contact city <strong>and</strong> county planning offices to findout about setback requirements in your area. For more information onsetbacks see A Planning Guide for Protecting <strong>Montana</strong>’s <strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong>s</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Riparian</strong><strong>Areas</strong>, available from the <strong>Montana</strong> Watercourse.Contact: Local County <strong>and</strong> City Government Planning DepartmentFloodplain Permit: These permits are administered locally by the floodplainadministrator who may be the city/county planner, sanitarian,building inspector, town clerk or county commissioner. L<strong>and</strong>ownersplanning to build within a designated 100 year floodplain must apply for afloodplain permit. Local planning officials or the Department of NaturalResources <strong>and</strong> Conservation (DNRC) will have floodplain maps if one hasbeen made for that area.On the web at Local County <strong>and</strong> City GovernmentDNRC at 406-444-0862

318 Authorization: The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)administers Short-term Water Quality St<strong>and</strong>ard for Turbidity (318 Authorization)for projects that will cause short term or temporary violationsof state surface waters for turbidity. The state waters include any body ofwater, irrigation system, drainage system, ponds <strong>and</strong> also wetl<strong>and</strong>s. L<strong>and</strong>ownerswho will be constructing near a river or wetl<strong>and</strong> will need to applyfor this permit.On the web at DEQ Water Protection Bureau at 406-444-3080Septic System Permits: The local county sanitarian or health departmentadministers septic system permits. The local official will review the design,size, placement <strong>and</strong> installation of the septic system to ensure that it willfunction properly. The DEQ reviews septic systems for subdivisions.Contact: Local County GovernmentWater Rights: Our constitution declares that <strong>Montana</strong>’s waters belong tothe state for the use <strong>and</strong> development of its citizens. Water rights holdersdo not own the water itself but instead possess a right to use the water.This use is authorized <strong>and</strong> documented by a “water right.” The DNRCadministers both surface- <strong>and</strong> ground-water rights. Water rights are subjectto the Doctrine of Prior Appropriation which guides <strong>and</strong> allocates waterrights in times of shortage. This doctrine in short provides that first intime is first in right. A person must receive a Permit to Appropriate Waterbefore beginning to construct diversion work or diverting water from anywater source. There are some developments that require a water right butmay be exempt from the permitting process. Currently, anyone intendingto appropriate ground water over 35 gallons/minute or 10 acre feet/yearmust apply for a water right permit. (This regulation is current for 2006 <strong>and</strong>may change during the next legislature. Please contact the DNRC to get themost up to date information.)On the web at DNRC Water Rights Bureau at 406-444-6610 for a referral tothe correct Regional DNRC Water Resources OfficeLakeshore Regulations: Under the Lakeshore Protection Act, local countygovernments can develop lakeshore regulations for lakes that are at least160 acres in size. L<strong>and</strong>owners proposing projects such as building docks,boat ramps, filling <strong>and</strong> constructing breakwaters, or otherwise alteringthe lakeshore should contact the local county planning office for11more information.Contact: Local County Government

Non-Commercial Private Fish Pond License: Based on state law firstpassed in 1945, <strong>Montana</strong> Fish, Wildlife <strong>and</strong> Parks (FWP) administers privatefish pond licensing. Regulations are intended to (1) allow the stockingof private fish ponds while ensuring that public resources are not adverselyaffected by unwanted fish or fish diseases, (2) guarantee that nuisanceaquatic species are not planted into ponds where they can escape or beintroduced into state waters, <strong>and</strong> (3) ensure that habitat of wild fish is notharmed. Many streams suffer from de-watering by consumptive water usesthat have been legal in <strong>Montana</strong> for over 100 years. Additional water withdrawalscan compound an already serious problem for wild fish <strong>and</strong> theirhabitat. Pond builders should be aware of <strong>and</strong> sensitive to the fact thatwater withdrawals for new fish ponds may negatively impact downstreampublic resources, including wild fish. All private fish ponds consume somewater. Every effort should be made to eliminate or minimize the use ofstream surface water or alluvial groundwater for ponds.• The FWP will not process a Fish Pond License until it is certain thatthe l<strong>and</strong>owner has legal water rights.• The license must be renewed every ten years.On the web at <strong>Montana</strong> Fish, Wildlife <strong>and</strong> Parks at 406-444-2535More information:The Guide to Stream Permitting at: local county contactinformation visit: local Conservation Districtinformation visit:

Good Advice Pays in the Long Run!As the new l<strong>and</strong>owners’ first contact, you will be in a position to providevaluable advice about the property. If the l<strong>and</strong>owner has a choice of whereto build, you can encourage projects that are located away from wetl<strong>and</strong>s<strong>and</strong> riparian areas. In fact, more local governments are requiring that newbuildings are set back from streams <strong>and</strong> wetl<strong>and</strong>s. Be sure to check withyour local government to know what is required. If the building is fartheraway from these areas, it will minimize the need for permits, simplify thepermitting process <strong>and</strong> provide other benefits such as improved wildlifeviewing, stable stream banks, <strong>and</strong> long term protection of these resources.Homes built away from rivers will also protect the l<strong>and</strong>owner from flooding<strong>and</strong> ensure enjoyment of the property for many years.Projects that minimize damage by preserving the native vegetation, usingbioengineering methods, allowing fish passage, or mitigating the impactsthrough restoration or creation of other wetl<strong>and</strong>s will have an easier timereceiving agency approval.So that they have clear expectations, advise the l<strong>and</strong>owner that it couldtake up to four months to go through the permitting process. For ponddevelopment, obtaining water rights could take up to two years. Althoughthe permit system may seem daunting at first, it is much easier to apply fora permit before the project begins rather than deal with expensive mitigation<strong>and</strong> fines afterwards. Fines can be severe <strong>and</strong> cost the l<strong>and</strong>owner tensof thous<strong>and</strong>s of dollars. Therefore, it is beneficial for the l<strong>and</strong>owner to applyfor these permits <strong>and</strong> contact local <strong>and</strong> state l<strong>and</strong> management agenciesprior to starting their project.Photo courtesy of Billie Kerans.13

Conservation Options:There are many conservation <strong>and</strong> restoration options available for l<strong>and</strong>ownerswho own property with wetl<strong>and</strong>s or riparian areas. Large scaleprojects can seem daunting if you don’t know about the many differentoptions available. Technical <strong>and</strong> financial assistance is available forl<strong>and</strong>owners interested in restoration projects, management assistance, orconservation easements.Federal options: Natural Resource Conservation Service°°°Wetl<strong>and</strong> Reserve Program, Quality Incentives Program, Wildlife HabitatIncentives Program, Habitat Incentives Program, <strong>and</strong> Wildlife Service: Partners for Fish <strong>and</strong> Wildlife Program,http://montanapartners.fws.govState Programs: <strong>Montana</strong> Department of Transportation Aquatic ResourceMitigation, 406-444-6201 <strong>Montana</strong> Fish, Wildlife <strong>and</strong> Parks: Future Fisheries, Organizations that H<strong>and</strong>le Conservation Easements: Bitterroot L<strong>and</strong> Trust,http://www.bitterrootl<strong>and</strong>, 406-375-0956 Blackfeet L<strong>and</strong> Trust, 406-338-2992 Five Valleys L<strong>and</strong> Trust,, 406-549-0755 Flathead L<strong>and</strong> Trust,http://www.flatheadl<strong>and</strong>, 406-752-8293 Gallatin Valley L<strong>and</strong> Trust,, 406-587-8404 Mid-Yellowstone L<strong>and</strong> Trust, 406-252-2606, <strong>Montana</strong> <strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong>s</strong> Legacy,http://www.wetl<strong>and</strong>, 406-994-7889 <strong>Montana</strong> L<strong>and</strong> Reliance, http://www.mtl<strong>and</strong>; Helena,406-443-7027; Flathead, 406-837-2178; Billings, 406-259-1328 Prickly Pear L<strong>and</strong> Trust,,406-442-049014

Produced by<strong>Montana</strong> Watercourse of the <strong>Montana</strong> Water CenterWritten byDebbie Zarnt, <strong>Montana</strong> WatercourseGraphic DesignMolly Boucher, <strong>Montana</strong> Water CenterReview CommitteeJanet Ellis, <strong>Montana</strong> AudubonTom Hinz, <strong>Montana</strong> <strong>Wetl<strong>and</strong>s</strong> LegacyJean Ramer, U.S. Army Corps of EngineersJeff Ryan, <strong>Montana</strong> Department Environmental QualityLynda Saul, <strong>Montana</strong> Department Environmental QualityAllan Steinle, U.S. Army Corps of EngineersAdditional ReviewersFrances Graham, <strong>Montana</strong> WatercourseTim Hall, Department of Natural Resources <strong>and</strong> ConservationSue Higgins, <strong>Montana</strong> Water CenterMike McLane, Department of Natural Resources <strong>and</strong> ConservationKathleen Schulte, Northwest <strong>Montana</strong> Association of RealtorsFunded byThe Environmental Protection Agency <strong>and</strong> the Wetl<strong>and</strong> GrantProgram administered through the <strong>Montana</strong> Department ofEnvironmental Quality.To request additional copies<strong>Montana</strong> Watercourse(406) 994-6671mtwatercourse@montana.eduVisit for an electronic copy.Printed September 2006. © <strong>Montana</strong> Watercourse 2006.M ONTANAUniversity SystemWATER CENTERTHE MONTANAWATERCOURSE

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