Fourier Transforms

Fourier Transforms

Fourier Transforms


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uk,y Ak e|k|y Bk e −|k|y .Now apply the boundary and far-field conditions. The far-field condition can only besatisfied if Ak 0 and the condition on y 0givesBk gk, thus uk,y gk e−|k|yandbyinversionux,y 12 gk exp−ikx |k|y dk .−In fact the transform uk,y is of convolution form and results obtained previously can beemployed to determine the functions involved. The details are not presented here and thefinal form isux,y y −gkx − k 2 y 2 dk .and this is known as Poisson’s formula.3.3.3 Integral EquationsIntegral equations occur when the unknown function occurs as part of an integrand ratherthan in a differential equation. If the integral is over a fixed domain - such as the finitedomain a,b or an infinite one −,, then the integral equation is called a FredholmEquation. If the domain varies with the unknown x, then the equation is known as aVolterra Equation. Only equations of Fredholm type are considered here.Fredholm equations are divided into two main categories, known as the First Type and theSecond Type; there is a Third Type but this can be re-written as one of second type and isnot considered here. The general form of these equations types, for unknown fx, isType 1 hx abkx,t ft dtType 2fx hx abkx,t ft dtwhere is a constant. The function kx,t is called the Kernel and hx is called the FreeTerm. Ifhx 0 in type 2, then the equation is sometimes said to be homogeneous.Both of these definitions apply only to linear equations. Thus if f 1 x and f 2 x are bothsolutions of either a type 1 or type 2 equation, then fx Af 1 x Bf 2 x is also a solutionfor constants A and B. This comment is made despite the fact that we do not yet know how15

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