Medical Physics Hand.. - Voss Associates

Medical Physics Hand.. - Voss Associates

Medical Physics Hand.. - Voss Associates


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survey instrument. Older camera lenses (1950s-1970s)oftenemployed coatings of thorium-232 to alter the index ofrefraction.Fertilizer. Commercial fertilizers are designed to providevarying levels of potassium, phosphorous, and nitrogen. Suchfertilizers can be measurably radioactive for two reasons:potassium is naturally radioactive, and the phosphorous canbe derived from phosphate ore that contains elevated levelsof uranium. The abundance of radioactive K-40 in naturalpotassium is 0.0118%. Phosphate ore leaches out andconcentrates any natural uranium ore it is in contact with.Food. Food contains a variety of different types and amountsof naturally occurring radioactive materials. Although therelatively small quantities of food in the home contain too littleradioactivity for the latter to be readily detectable, bulkshipments of food have been known to set off the alarms ofradiation monitors at border crossings. One exception wouldbe low-sodium salt substitutes that contain enoughpotassium-40 to be detectable with a radiation detector.Water Softener. Water softeners often use potassiuminstead of sodium to exchange the hardness in water with amore soluble chemical. The natural potassium contains K-40.Tritium Exit Signs. Tritium exit signs typically contain 8curies of tritium. The tritium is contained in vials along with achemical that gives off light in reaction to the beta radiationemitted by the tritium. The bremsstrahlung radiationproduced by material reaction with the tritium beta can bedetected with a radiation detector.survey instrument. Older camera lenses (1950s-1970s)oftenemployed coatings of thorium-232 to alter the index ofrefraction.Fertilizer. Commercial fertilizers are designed to providevarying levels of potassium, phosphorous, and nitrogen. Suchfertilizers can be measurably radioactive for two reasons:potassium is naturally radioactive, and the phosphorous canbe derived from phosphate ore that contains elevated levelsof uranium. The abundance of radioactive K-40 in naturalpotassium is 0.0118%. Phosphate ore leaches out andconcentrates any natural uranium ore it is in contact with.Food. Food contains a variety of different types and amountsof naturally occurring radioactive materials. Although therelatively small quantities of food in the home contain too littleradioactivity for the latter to be readily detectable, bulkshipments of food have been known to set off the alarms ofradiation monitors at border crossings. One exception wouldbe low-sodium salt substitutes that contain enoughpotassium-40 to be detectable with a radiation detector.Water Softener. Water softeners often use potassiuminstead of sodium to exchange the hardness in water with amore soluble chemical. The natural potassium contains K-40.Tritium Exit Signs. Tritium exit signs typically contain 8curies of tritium. The tritium is contained in vials along with achemical that gives off light in reaction to the beta radiationemitted by the tritium. The bremsstrahlung radiationproduced by material reaction with the tritium beta can bedetected with a radiation detector.survey instrument. Older camera lenses (1950s-1970s)oftenemployed coatings of thorium-232 to alter the index ofrefraction.Fertilizer. Commercial fertilizers are designed to providevarying levels of potassium, phosphorous, and nitrogen. Suchfertilizers can be measurably radioactive for two reasons:potassium is naturally radioactive, and the phosphorous canbe derived from phosphate ore that contains elevated levelsof uranium. The abundance of radioactive K-40 in naturalpotassium is 0.0118%. Phosphate ore leaches out andconcentrates any natural uranium ore it is in contact with.Food. Food contains a variety of different types and amountsof naturally occurring radioactive materials. Although therelatively small quantities of food in the home contain too littleradioactivity for the latter to be readily detectable, bulkshipments of food have been known to set off the alarms ofradiation monitors at border crossings. One exception wouldbe low-sodium salt substitutes that contain enoughpotassium-40 to be detectable with a radiation detector.Water Softener. Water softeners often use potassiuminstead of sodium to exchange the hardness in water with amore soluble chemical. The natural potassium contains K-40.Tritium Exit Signs. Tritium exit signs typically contain 8curies of tritium. The tritium is contained in vials along with achemical that gives off light in reaction to the beta radiationemitted by the tritium. The bremsstrahlung radiationproduced by material reaction with the tritium beta can bedetected with a radiation detector.survey instrument. Older camera lenses (1950s-1970s)oftenemployed coatings of thorium-232 to alter the index ofrefraction.Fertilizer. Commercial fertilizers are designed to providevarying levels of potassium, phosphorous, and nitrogen. Suchfertilizers can be measurably radioactive for two reasons:potassium is naturally radioactive, and the phosphorous canbe derived from phosphate ore that contains elevated levelsof uranium. The abundance of radioactive K-40 in naturalpotassium is 0.0118%. Phosphate ore leaches out andconcentrates any natural uranium ore it is in contact with.Food. Food contains a variety of different types and amountsof naturally occurring radioactive materials. Although therelatively small quantities of food in the home contain too littleradioactivity for the latter to be readily detectable, bulkshipments of food have been known to set off the alarms ofradiation monitors at border crossings. One exception wouldbe low-sodium salt substitutes that contain enoughpotassium-40 to be detectable with a radiation detector.Water Softener. Water softeners often use potassiuminstead of sodium to exchange the hardness in water with amore soluble chemical. The natural potassium contains K-40.Tritium Exit Signs. Tritium exit signs typically contain 8curies of tritium. The tritium is contained in vials along with achemical that gives off light in reaction to the beta radiationemitted by the tritium. The bremsstrahlung radiationproduced by material reaction with the tritium beta can bedetected with a radiation detector.

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