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Cairns: Eco-Ethics and Sustainability Ethics 157DEDICATIONThe dedication of ESEP Book 2 to my wife Jean is printed in Part 1. Since Part 1 has no picture of Jean, Ithought it appropriate to include one here. This photograph was taken in summer 1994 near Rocky MountainBiological Station in Colorado, USA. Although neither of us could have known then, this summer was the lastone that our health permitted us to hike in that area. Since we were just over 70 years old then, we were luckyto enjoy such a wonderful environment for so many years.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI am grateful to Mary Batson, Managing Editor, for valued help on this and other ESEP publications and toSandra Hammer for typesetting duties. My editorial assistant Darla Donald acquired copyright permissions,collected manuscripts, and provided valuable editorial services. Individuals who helped with specific manuscriptsare thanked in the acknowledgements of each article. Last, but not least, I am deeply indebted to thepublishers of the separate articles for permitting me to use them in this volume. Particular sources areacknowledged at the beginning of each article.

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