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176Cairns: Eco-Ethics and Sustainability Ethicsmental quality control data requires effective communication between and among the traditionaldisciplines and an enormous array of special interest groups. Coupling societal (including technological/economic)and natural systems to produce a sustainable, mutually beneficial relationshipwill require creativity, empathy, and the capacity to adapt quickly to the inevitable evolutionarychanges in both of these complex multivariate systems. Humankind is so enamored with the technological/economicsystem that it needs neither explanation nor defense. However, the ecologicallife support system needs both an explanation and defense so that both systems are fully understoodand a mutualistic relationship can be developed between them. Resource wars will notcease until use without abuse of natural systems is a sine qua non. Living sustainability does notensure peace but living unsustainably will lead to resource wars.Although synthesis has occurred within the traditional disciplines, transdisciplinary synthesis israre. The term “interdependent web of life” recognizes the many connections in the environment.Humankind asserts that it respects the web, although human practices continue to cause grievous,possibly fatal, damage to the web. Although humans may become extinct long before life on Earthis extinguished if present unsustainable practices continue, severe damage to ecological and evolutionaryprocesses is highly probable (e.g., Myers and Knoll 2001). This damage, in turn, will havedeleterious effects on humankind.Capra (2002) has undertaken to extend the new understanding of life that has emerged fromcomplexity theory to the social demand, with particular attention to sustainability. As Capra (2002)remarks, humankind is surrounded by massively complex systems that increasingly permeatealmost every aspect of human lives. The fact that these complex industrial systems and theirunsustainable practices are the primary threat to the ecological life support system upon whichsustainable use of the planet depends is alarming.DOUBLETALKAs Hausman (2003) remarks, deception and doubletalk are common in advertising, politics, andthe news media. Effective communication requires trust in the sources of the information (based ona reputation for accuracy, objectivity, and a systematic, orderly approach to issues important tosustainable use of the planet), which, in turn, requires a high level of literacy about nurturinghumankind’s life support systems. Special interest groups that are reaping profits from theseunsustainable practices will regard high levels of literacy about current unsustainable practiceswith disfavor. War is also profitable to many special interest groups, so the path forward will be contentiousand controversial. The issue of cigarette smoking in the United States often focuses on theeconomy and lost jobs. However, many of the costs (i.e., health and loss of working time) are predictablydownplayed because of the pressure of special interest groups.WORLD GOVERNANCEAssuming that it is possible to diminish deception and doubletalk, which appears utopian at present,how can any world governance emerge that is capable of eliminating unsustainable practicesthat lead to resource wars? Capra (2002) believes that the present form of global capitalism is bothecologically and socially unstable in an era of economic instability. The ecological and social disequilibriaare already quite apparent, and the global economic system is quite fragile. Badly neededis an organization capable of sustainably managing the global system so that it is protected fromexploitation by nation-states, special interest groups, and individuals. Exploitation is an obstacle toboth peace and sustainable use of the planet.

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