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320Cairns: Eco-Ethics and Sustainability Ethicscatastrophes of anthropogenic origin will occur and humankind must learn to cope with them.Better yet, by taking the precautions espoused by ecological and sustainability ethics, humankindcan help avoid many of these catastrophes. The emotional attachment humankind has to itsunsustainable practices is placing billions of people at risk.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSI am indebted to K Cairns for typing the first draft of this manuscript, D Donald for editorial assistance, P Kullbergfor calling my attention to useful publications, and to three reviewers for their helpful comments.LITERATURE CITEDAgyeman J, Bullard RD, Evans B (2003) Just sustainabilities. MIT Press, Cambridge, MABlake NM (1980) Land into water — water into land: a history of water management in Florida. UniversityPress of Florida, Tallahassee, FLBrown LR (2001) Eco-economy. WW Norton, New YorkBrown LR (2002) The earth policy reader. Earth Policy Institute, WW Norton, New YorkCairns J Jr (2002) Environmental refugees. TSC Jour 13(1):34–44Cairns J Jr (2003) Carrying capacity, exponential growth, and resource wars: ethical dilemmas of humansociety. TSC Jour 14(1):56–63Cincotta RP, Engleman R, Anastasion D (2003) The security demographic population and civil conflict afterthe Cold War. Population Action International, Washington, DCDaily GC, Ellison K (2002) The new economy of nature. Island Press, Washington, DCDaly HE (2003) Steady-state economics: concepts, questions, policies. TSC Jour 13(3):163–170Doorenbos J, Kassam AH (1979) Yield Response to Water. United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization,RomeDorey J (2003) INS enforcement and immigrant borne diseases. TSC Jour 14(1):34Dovell JE (1947) A history of the Everglades of Florida. PhD Dissertation, University of North Carolina, ChapelHill, NCDurham DF (1994) Carrying capacity philosophy. Focus 4(1):5–7Hardin G (2001) Living on a lifeboat. TSC Jour 12(1):36–47Hawken P, Lovins A, Lovins H (1999) Natural capitalism. Little, Brown & Co, New YorkHendrickson DC (2002) Toward universal empire: the dangerous quest for absolute security. World PolicyJour Fall:1–10Howard R (2003) SARS and tuberculosis. TSC Jour 14(1):32–33Jefferson T (1781) Notes on Virginia. Virginia. As reproduced in Ford PL (ed) (1905) The works of ThomasJefferson, Vol III (1780–1782), federal edn. GP Putnams Sons, New YorkLight S, Dineen J (1994) Water control in the Everglades: a historical perspective. In: Davis SM, Ogden JC(eds) Everglades: the ecosystem and its restoration. St. Lucie Press, Delray, FL, p 21–38Lord LA (1993) Guide to Florida environmental issues and information. Florida Conservation Foundation,Winter Park, FLLutton W (2003) Immigration and public health. TSC Jour 14(1):12–20Masters MW (2001) Ecology, ethics, and immigration. TSC Jour 12(1):5–12McNeill JR (2000) Something new under the sun. WW Norton, LondonMcNeill JR, McNeill W (2003) The human web. WW Norton, New YorkMenzel P (1994) Material world: a global family portrait. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco, CAMyers N with Kent JV (1998) Perverse subsidies: tax $s undercutting our economies and environment alike.International Institute for Sustainable Development, Winnipeg, ManitobaOlson E (2004) Unnatural weather, natural disasters: a new UN focus. New York Times, 18 May, late ednfinal:F2Orr DW (2004) The last refuge. Island Press, Washington, DC

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