REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS For ADA Concrete Ramps at ...

REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS For ADA Concrete Ramps at ... REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS For ADA Concrete Ramps at ...


818 S. FLORES ST. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78204 www.saha.orgProcurement DepartmentREQUEST FOR QUOTATIONSForADA Concrete Ramps at WoodhillForHOUSING AUTHORITY OF THECITY OF SAN ANTONIO, TEXASANDAFFILIATED ENTITIESRFQ #: 1010-909-62-3350Closes November 9, 2010 @ 11:00 AMPrepared by:Department of Procurementof theSan Antonio Housing Authority818 South Flores StreetSan Antonio, Texas 78204President and CEO....………………….…….. Lourdes Castro RamirezOctober 2010

818 S. FLORES ST. SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78204 www.saha.orgProcurement Department<strong>REQUEST</strong> <strong>FOR</strong> <strong>QUOTATIONS</strong><strong>For</strong><strong>ADA</strong> <strong>Concrete</strong> <strong>Ramps</strong> <strong>at</strong> Woodhill<strong>For</strong>HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THECITY OF SAN ANTONIO, TEXASANDAFFILIATED ENTITIESRFQ #: 1010-909-62-3350Closes November 9, 2010 @ 11:00 AMPrepared by:Department of Procurementof theSan Antonio Housing Authority818 South Flores StreetSan Antonio, Texas 78204President and CEO....………………….…….. Lourdes Castro RamirezOctober 2010

Request <strong>For</strong> Quot<strong>at</strong>ions (RFQ) NO. 1010-909-62-3350 <strong>ADA</strong> <strong>Concrete</strong> <strong>Ramps</strong> <strong>at</strong> Woodhill=========================================================================1.0 SAN ANTONIO HOUSING AUTHORITY (SAHA) CONTACT: All questions pertainingto this quot<strong>at</strong>ion shall be addressed to Carl Bottoms, Procurement Supervisor,telephone 210-477-6165, fax 210-477-6167 or e-mail <strong>at</strong> APPLICABILITY: By submitting a quote (hereinafter referred to as "bid") toSAHA, the firm or individual doing so (hereinafter, "the bidder") is autom<strong>at</strong>icallyagreeing to abide by all terms and conditions listed herein, including those termsand conditions within the HUD Handbook 7460.8 REV 2, Procurement Handbookfor Public Housing Agencies, d<strong>at</strong>ed 2/2007, and SAHA General Terms andConditions. These documents may be obtained by contacting Carl Bottoms,Procurement Supervisor, telephone 210-477-6165, fax 210-477-6167 or e-mail <strong>at</strong> SAHA’s RESERVATION OF RIGHTS: SAHA reserves the right to:3.1 Reject any or all bids, to waive any informalities in the Solicit<strong>at</strong>ion process,or to termin<strong>at</strong>e the Solicit<strong>at</strong>ion process <strong>at</strong> any time, if deemed by SAHA tobe in the best interest of SAHA.3.2 Termin<strong>at</strong>e a contract awarded pursuant to this Solicit<strong>at</strong>ion <strong>at</strong> any time forits convenience upon delivery of a 14-day written notice to the apparent orsuccessful bidder.3.3 Determine the days, hours and loc<strong>at</strong>ions th<strong>at</strong> the successful bidder shallprovide the items or services called for in this Solicit<strong>at</strong>ion.3.4 Reject and not consider any bid th<strong>at</strong> does not, in the opinion of SAHA,meet the requirements of this Solicit<strong>at</strong>ion, including but not necessarilylimited to incomplete bids and/or bids offering altern<strong>at</strong>e (not including “orequal” items) or non-requested items or services.3.5 SAHA reserves the right to:3.5.1 To make an award to the same bidder (aggreg<strong>at</strong>e) for all items; or,3.5.2 To make an award to multiple bidders for the same or different items.4.0 BIDDER’S RESPONSIBILITY: Each bidder must carefully review and comply withall instructions provided herein, or provided within any named <strong>at</strong>tachments.5.0 DEADLINE: Each bidder shall submit his/her proposed costs, prior to the posteddeadline, where provided herein. Whereas this is an informal solicit<strong>at</strong>ion process,SAHA reserves the right to extend the posted deadline <strong>at</strong> any time prior to thedeadline, if, in the opinion of SAHA, it is in the best interests of SAHA.Equal Housing Opportunity Equal Opportunity Employer

Request <strong>For</strong> Quot<strong>at</strong>ions (RFQ) NO. 1010-909-62-3350 <strong>ADA</strong> <strong>Concrete</strong> <strong>Ramps</strong> <strong>at</strong> Woodhill=========================================================================6.0 HOLD PRICES/NON-ESCALATION: By submitting a bid, each bidder therebyagrees to "hold" or not increase the proposed bid prices for a minimum period ofsixty (60) days with no escal<strong>at</strong>ion. Quantities listed in this Solicit<strong>at</strong>ion are for thepurpose of determining best pricing per line item.7.0 Method of Award: SAHA may, <strong>at</strong> its sole discretion, procure the applicable goods orservices by issuance of a PO or execution of a Contract. By submitting a bid, thesuccessful proposer agrees to accept the PO or execute the contract.8.0 AWARD CRITERIA: If an award is completed pursuant to this Solicit<strong>at</strong>ion, andunless otherwise instructed by SAHA, an award shall be made to the responsiveand responsible contractor th<strong>at</strong> submits the best value to SAHA using price andother factors listed below.Experience, Cost, and Past Performance9.0 BID COSTS: There shall be no oblig<strong>at</strong>ion for SAHA to compens<strong>at</strong>e any bidder orprospective bidder for any costs th<strong>at</strong> he/she may incur in responding to thisSolicit<strong>at</strong>ion.10.0 ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL: SAHA retains the right to demand and receive achange in personnel assigned by the successful bidder to provide services toSAHA if SAHA believes th<strong>at</strong> such change is in the best interest of SAHA and thecompletion of the work or provision of the items.11.0 UNAUTHORIZED SUB-CONTRACTING PROHIBITED: The successful bidder shallnot assign any right, nor deleg<strong>at</strong>e any duty for the work proposed pursuant tothis Solicit<strong>at</strong>ion (including, but not limited to, selling or transferring the ensuingPO or contract) without the prior written consent of SAHA. Any purportedassignment of interest or deleg<strong>at</strong>ion of duty, without the prior written consent ofSAHA shall be void and may result in the cancell<strong>at</strong>ion of the PO or contract withSAHA.12.0 LICENSING REQUIREMENTS: By submitting a bid the successful bidder therebycertifies th<strong>at</strong> he/she possess and will, prior to issuance of a PO by SAHA, presentto SAHA, proof and/or certific<strong>at</strong>ion of the following:12.1 If applicable, local business license or permit issued by the City of SanAntonio.12.2 If applicable, a copy of the bidder’s license issued by the St<strong>at</strong>e of Texaslicensing authority allowing the bidder to provide the services or productsas detailed herein.Equal Housing Opportunity Equal Opportunity Employer

Request <strong>For</strong> Quot<strong>at</strong>ions (RFQ) NO. 1010-909-62-3350 <strong>ADA</strong> <strong>Concrete</strong> <strong>Ramps</strong> <strong>at</strong> Woodhill=========================================================================13.0 SPECIFICATIONS /SCOPE OF WORK <strong>FOR</strong> THIS SOLICITATION:13.1 Woodhill Apartments, 4909 Woodstone, San Antonio, TX 7823013.2 Apt. #1901-1 and Apt. #205-2• Contractor shall remove the existing concrete steps and install a newconcrete ramp th<strong>at</strong> meets or exceeds all requirements for an <strong>ADA</strong>approved ramp for wheelchairs.• The ramp is approxim<strong>at</strong>ely 10 ft. to 12 ft long and must be <strong>at</strong> least 36inches clear width• The slope shall be a maximum of 1:12• The ramps must have a landing <strong>at</strong> the top and bottom of the ramp• The landing must be <strong>at</strong> least as wide as the ramp• If a ramp run has a rise gre<strong>at</strong>er than 6 in (150 mm) or a horizontalprojection gre<strong>at</strong>er than 72 in (1830 mm), then it shall have handrails onboth sides. Handrails are not required on curb ramps or adjacent tose<strong>at</strong>ing in assembly areas• Top of handrail gripping surfaces shall be mounted between 34 inchesand 38 inches above ramp surfaces.• Ends of handrails shall be either rounded or returned smoothly tofloor, wall, or post.• <strong>Ramps</strong> and landings with drop-offs shall have curbs, walls, railings, orprojecting surfaces th<strong>at</strong> prevent people from slipping off the ramp.Curbs shall be a minimum of 2 inches high.• Outdoor ramps and their approaches shall be designed so th<strong>at</strong> w<strong>at</strong>erwill not accumul<strong>at</strong>e on walking surfaces.13.3 Responses may be hand delivered to:San Antonio Housing Authority,<strong>at</strong>tn. Carl Bottoms, Procurement Supervisor,818 S. Flores, San Antonio, TX 78204orFaxed to: Attn. Carl Bottoms <strong>at</strong> 210-477-6167Emailed to: carlton_bottoms@saha.org14.0 INSURANCE: The following table details the standard liability policies with therequired limits and waivers of subrog<strong>at</strong>ion required by SAHA of all contractorsperforming work on SAHA property.Equal Housing Opportunity Equal Opportunity Employer

Request <strong>For</strong> Quot<strong>at</strong>ions (RFQ) NO. 1010-909-62-3350 <strong>ADA</strong> <strong>Concrete</strong> <strong>Ramps</strong> <strong>at</strong> Woodhill=========================================================================Business Automobile LiabilitySAHA and its affili<strong>at</strong>es must be named as an additional insured and as the certific<strong>at</strong>e holder.This is required for any vendor th<strong>at</strong> will be using their vehicle to do work on SAHA properties.Workers Compens<strong>at</strong>ion and Employer’s LiabilityWorkers’ Compens<strong>at</strong>ion coverage is St<strong>at</strong>utory and has no pre-set limits. Employer’s Liabilitylimit is $500,000. Workers’ Compens<strong>at</strong>ion is required for any vendor made up of more thanone person. A Waiver of Subrog<strong>at</strong>ion in favor of SAHA must be included in the Workers’Compens<strong>at</strong>ion policy.Required Limits$500,000 combined sinlimit, per occurrenceRequired LimitsSt<strong>at</strong>utory$500,000SAHA and its affili<strong>at</strong>es must be a Certific<strong>at</strong>e Holder.Commercial General LiabilityThis is required for any vendor who will be doing hands on work <strong>at</strong> SAHA properties.SAHA and its affili<strong>at</strong>es must be named as an Additional Insured and as the Certific<strong>at</strong>e Holder.Required Limits$1,000,000 peraccident$2,000,000 aggreg<strong>at</strong>e15.0 Invoicing: Invoices shall be sent to: San Antonio Housing Authority, AccountsPayable, P.O. Box 830428, San Antonio, TX 78283-0428 or may be e-mailed Contractor shall invoice SAHA within 60 days after thedelivery of the goods or service. If contractor fails to invoice within 60 days SAHAreserves the right to not pay the invoice. Upon the Award of Contract, Contractorshall receive a request from SAHA to process all payments electronically to insureprompt and efficient payment of all invoices.16.0 WARRANTY: All services and goods provided pursuant to this RFQ and theresulting contract shall be covered by the most favorable commercial warrantiesgiven to any customer for same or similar supplies or services, but in any eventsuch goods and services shall be warranted for <strong>at</strong> least a period of one (1) year.17.0 Fair Labor Standards Act: Both parties hereby agree to comply with theprovisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act (29 U.S.C. 201, et seq).18.0 This fee listed on the Quote <strong>For</strong>m must be all-inclusive of all rel<strong>at</strong>ed costs th<strong>at</strong> aContractor will incur to provide the noted services in compliance with thissolicit<strong>at</strong>ion, including, but not limited to: employee wages and benefits, clericalsupport, overhead, profit, licensing, insurance, m<strong>at</strong>erials, supplies, tools,equipment, long distance telephone calls, and motor vehicle fuel, and all travelexpenses.19.0 Fees: All fees are all-inclusive of all rel<strong>at</strong>ed costs th<strong>at</strong> a proposer will incur toprovide the noted services in compliance with this RFQ, including, but not limited to:employee wages and benefits, clerical support, travel and lodging, overhead, profit,licensing, insurance, m<strong>at</strong>erials, supplies, tools, equipment, long distance telephonecalls, document copying and motor vehicle fuel, fully burdened.Equal Housing Opportunity Equal Opportunity Employer

Request <strong>For</strong> Quot<strong>at</strong>ions (RFQ) NO. 1010-909-62-3350 <strong>ADA</strong> <strong>Concrete</strong> <strong>Ramps</strong> <strong>at</strong> Woodhill=========================================================================Quote <strong>For</strong>mRFQ Closes on November 9, 2010 <strong>at</strong> 11:00AM1010-909-62-3350Cost for <strong>ADA</strong> <strong>Concrete</strong> <strong>Ramps</strong> (2 each) <strong>at</strong> Woodhill$__________2. Sub-Contractors: Proposer shall identify his sub-contractors if any:a)b)Non-Collusive Affidavit: The undersigned party submitting this proposal hereby certifies th<strong>at</strong> suchbid is genuine and not collusive and th<strong>at</strong> said bidder has not colluded, conspired, connived oragreed, directly or indirectly, with any bidder or person, to put in a sham bid or to refrain frombidding, and has not in any manner, directly or indirectly sought by agreement or collusion, orcommunic<strong>at</strong>ion or conference, with any person, to fix the bid price of affiant or of any other bidder,to fix overhead, profit or cost element of said bid price, or th<strong>at</strong> of any other bidder or to secure anyadvantage against the SAHA or any person interested in the proposed contract; and th<strong>at</strong> allst<strong>at</strong>ements in said bid are true.Initials________In performing this contract, the contractor(s) shall comply with any and all applicable federal, st<strong>at</strong>eor local laws including but not limited to: Occup<strong>at</strong>ional Safety & Health, Equal EmploymentOpportunity, Immigr<strong>at</strong>ion and N<strong>at</strong>uraliz<strong>at</strong>ion, The Americans with Disabilities Act, St<strong>at</strong>e Tax andInsurance Law, and the Fair Housing Act.Initials________In submitting this bid, it is understood if written notice of the acceptance of this bid is mailed, e-mailed, or delivered to the undersigned within sixty (60) days after the opening thereof, or <strong>at</strong> anytime thereafter before this bid is withdrawn, the undersigned agrees to execute and deliver theproducts and/or services described herein. By sign<strong>at</strong>ure hereon the bidder certifies he has the rightand authority to bind the company.Submitted by:(Firm)(Sign<strong>at</strong>ure)(Business address,)(Phone)(Printed name and title)(E-mail)D<strong>at</strong>e:__________________Equal Housing Opportunity Equal Opportunity Employer

Request <strong>For</strong> Quot<strong>at</strong>ions (RFQ) NO. 1010-909-62-3350 <strong>ADA</strong> <strong>Concrete</strong> <strong>Ramps</strong> <strong>at</strong> Woodhill=========================================================================Proposers Certific<strong>at</strong>ionBy signing below, Proposer certifies th<strong>at</strong> the following st<strong>at</strong>ements are true and correct:1. He/she has full authority to bind Proposer and th<strong>at</strong> no member of Proposer’s organiz<strong>at</strong>ion isdisbarred, suspended or otherwise prohibited from contracting with any federal, st<strong>at</strong>e or localagency;2. Items for which bids were provided herein will be delivered as specified in the bid,3. Proposer proposes to furnish and deliver in accordance with the terms, conditions, and specific<strong>at</strong>ionsembodied herein, all of which terms, conditions, and specific<strong>at</strong>ions are hereby accepted and made apart of this bid, all m<strong>at</strong>erials and supplies, which are described on the bid worksheets herein andopposite of which prices have been entered, <strong>at</strong> the price or prices quoted, subject to valid pricereductions as hereafter defined, as ordered for delivery, by SAHA,4. Proposer agrees th<strong>at</strong> this bid shall remain open and valid for <strong>at</strong> least a period of 60 days from thed<strong>at</strong>e of the Bid Opening and th<strong>at</strong> this bid shall constitute an offer, which, if accepted by SAHA andsubject to the terms and conditions of such acceptance, shall result in a contract between SAHAand the undersigned Proposer,5. He/she has not given, offered to give, nor intends to give <strong>at</strong> any time hereafter any economicopportunity, future employment, gift, loan, gr<strong>at</strong>uity, special discount, trip, favor, or service to a publicservant in connection with this bid,6. Proposer, nor the firm, corpor<strong>at</strong>ion, partnership, or institution represented by the Proposer, oranyone acting for such firm, corpor<strong>at</strong>ion or institution has viol<strong>at</strong>ed the antitrust laws of the St<strong>at</strong>e ofTexas or the Federal Antitrust laws, nor communic<strong>at</strong>ed directly or indirectly the bid made to anycompetitor or any other person engaged in such line of business,7. Proposer has not received compens<strong>at</strong>ion for particip<strong>at</strong>ion in the prepar<strong>at</strong>ion of the specific<strong>at</strong>ions forthis RFP, and8. The individual or business entity named in this bid is eligible to receive the specified payment andacknowledges th<strong>at</strong> this Contract may be termin<strong>at</strong>ed and payment may be withheld if thiscertific<strong>at</strong>ion is inaccur<strong>at</strong>e,SIGNED: _________________________________________________________________(Print Name)_________________________________(Print Company Name)_________________________________(Company Phone & Fax & Email Address)________________________________(D<strong>at</strong>e)Equal Housing Opportunity Equal Opportunity Employer

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