Draft Contract - Philippines Bases Conversion and Development ...

Draft Contract - Philippines Bases Conversion and Development ... Draft Contract - Philippines Bases Conversion and Development ...

SECTION 19. OGCC REVIEW. It is recognized by BCDA <strong>and</strong> the CONSULTANT that this <strong>Contract</strong>is subject to review by the Office of the Government Corporate Counsel (OGCC). whose comments.revisions <strong>and</strong> amendments shall form part of this <strong>Contract</strong>.SECTION 20. SEPARABILITY. BCDA <strong>and</strong> the CONSULTANT hereby agree that should any of theterms <strong>and</strong> conditions or any provision of this <strong>Contract</strong> be declared void or unenforceable bycompetent authority, the same shall not invalidate the other terms <strong>and</strong> conditions or provisions of this<strong>Contract</strong>, which shall continue to be in full force <strong>and</strong> effect.For purposes of the immediately preceding, the PARTIES hereby agree to amend or modify anyprovision of this <strong>Contract</strong> which has been declared invalid or contrary to law. to conform to thesubject <strong>and</strong> objective thereof.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto hereby set their h<strong>and</strong>s on this __ of_______ 2011 at Taguig City, <strong>Philippines</strong>.BASES CONVERSION ANDDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITYBy:ARNEL PACIANO D. CASANOVA, Esq.President & CEO(Consultant)SIGNED IN THE PRESENCE OF:AILEEN AN. R. ZOSAExecutive Vice President, BCOAPage 5 of 6

-----------------~ACKNOWLEDGMENTREPUBLICOF THE PHILIPPINES)) 5.5.BEFORE ME, a Notary Public. in <strong>and</strong> for the above jurisdiction, personally appeared:NameType of 10CompetentEvidence of Identity10 No. & expiryARNEL PACIANO O. CASANOVA, Esq. Driver's LicenseN01.()().247066/March 09. 2014both known to me <strong>and</strong> to me known to be the same persons who signed this <strong>Contract</strong>, <strong>and</strong>acknowledged to me that the same is their own free <strong>and</strong> voluntary act <strong>and</strong> deed <strong>and</strong> the free <strong>and</strong>voluntary act <strong>and</strong> deed of the entities they represent.The foregoing instrument, which consists of six (6) pages, including this page where theacknowledgment appears but excluding all Annexes, has been duly signed by the parties hereto <strong>and</strong>their instrumental witnesses on each <strong>and</strong> every page hereof. <strong>and</strong> sealed with my notarial seal.WITNESSDoc. No. __ ,Page No. __ 'Book No. __ ,Series of 2011.MY HAND AND SEAL on the date <strong>and</strong> at the place first above-written.NOTARY PUBLICPage 6 of 6

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