FD36a Docker JUL05-REV.indd - Fremantle Football Club

FD36a Docker JUL05-REV.indd - Fremantle Football Club

FD36a Docker JUL05-REV.indd - Fremantle Football Club


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EventsFor the Diary2005 Banquet Auction20 JULYTHE ANNUAL Carlton Mid Banquet Auction is one of the major events onthe club’s calendar each year, with funds raised from the evening onceagain going to support the club’s Community Development Programme.The 2005 Carlton Mid Banquet Auction will be held at the BurswoodGrand Ballroom on Wednesday 20 July and more than 900 people areexpected to attend this year’s event, to be hosted by Channel 9’s DixieMarshall and this year’s feature entertainer is Mark Seymour, of Huntersand Collectors fame.With last year’s Banquet Auction such a huge success, tickets are onsale now from the club for $120 per person. A fantastic range of itemswill again be up for auction including unique sporting memorabilia, finewine and a magnificent boat supplied by Challenger Marine. For furtherdetails contact Kellie at the club on 9433 7000.Pre-match Luncheon24 JULYALREADY THE CLUB has had held two pre-match game day luncheons atSubiaco Oval. Prior to both the Carlton and Kangaroos games, membersand supporters enhanced their match day experience and enjoyedfantastic hospitality with fellow <strong>Fremantle</strong> fans.One match day luncheon remains available, at the round 17 gameagainst Melbourne at Subiaco Oval on Sunday 24th July.At only $35 per adult (children under 12 years of age are $25) theseluncheons are fantastic value that include a buffet meal, a specialguest speaker and door prizes with drinks available for purchase. Tablesconsist of either eight or ten people and there is simply no better way toget ready for the game!Bookings are essential so to reserve your seat or if you require furtherinformation please contact the membership team on 1300 88 20 77.2005 Doig MedalPresentation Dinner1 OCTOBERTHE BURSWOOD Grand Ballroom will again be the setting for the galaevent of the year, the 2005 Doig Medal Presentation Dinner on Saturday1 October. The black tie affair is the culmination of the season withthe awarding of the 2005 Doig Medal for the club’s best and fairestplayer over the 22 rounds of the home and away season, the BeaconAward for best young player, the Best <strong>Club</strong>man Award and other awardsrecognising significant achievements during the year.Tickets to this prestigious evening are $150 per person and withlast year’s Doig Medal dinner a sell-out with more than 1,000 peopleattending the gala event, tickets for this year’s event are sure to sellout quickly. Guests will again enjoy the fabulous hospitality of Burswoodto celebrate the season past and acknowledge the Doig Medallist for2005. For ticket enquiries contact Kellie at the club on 9433 7000.Junior Members Movie NightMORE THAN 500 JuniorMembers turned out to see‘Herbie: Fully Loaded’ at the firstJunior Members Movie Nightthis year on Wednesday 22 June.Following its great success clubsponsor Hoyts Cinemas hasprovided another Movie Day onSunday 11th September 2005 at10.30am Hoyts Cinema City tosee ‘Sky High’. Junior memberscan book their tickets by calling1300 882 077 but tickets arelimited.Please note that this screeningis for junior members only,however a maximum of oneparent or guardian per juniormember will be able to attend.Thanks again to Hoyts and BuenaVista International for providingthese wonderful nights for ourJunior Members.Show your coloursand win $50!AT THE round 17 gameagainst Melbourne,you could be one ofsix lucky peopleat the game whowill be selected towin $50 <strong>Docker</strong>Dollars to spend atthe <strong>Fremantle</strong> TeamStore just by wearingyour <strong>Fremantle</strong>jumper to the game– the club’s ‘Wear YourJumper’ game.If you don’thave a<strong>Fremantle</strong>jumper,the clubis offeringmembersandsupportersa fantasticdeal with30% offMembers RaffleBigger and BetterTHIS YEAR’S member raffleis bigger and better than everbefore with fantastic prizesincluding a fabulous Mazda 3Neo, as first prize valued at$24,000. Each adult memberof the club, will receive two10 ticket raffle books and allfunds raised will support theclub’s Community DevelopmentProgramme. Each year the club’smembers do a fantastic jobselling raffle tickets and thisthe retail price of any on-fieldplaying jumper during theweek before or the weekafter the round 17 game.That’s right! All you haveto do to receive 30% offyour brand new on-fieldplaying jumper is showyour 2005 Membershipcard at the Team Storeat <strong>Fremantle</strong> Ovalbetween 18 and 29 July2005.This offer is notavailable inconjunctionwith anyother offer.year, some of the club’s loyalsupporters will also be sellingtickets at metropolitan shoppingcentres including, MorleyGalleria, Warwick Grove andGalleria Carousel. The fantasticefforts of members to sell theraffle tickets will undoubtedlycontinue as the opportunity towin the sensational Mazda 3Neo can’t be passed up. At just$3 per ticket, tickets are sure tosell fast.38 <strong>Docker</strong> July 2005 fremantlefc.com.au

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