FD36a Docker JUL05-REV.indd - Fremantle Football Club

FD36a Docker JUL05-REV.indd - Fremantle Football Club

FD36a Docker JUL05-REV.indd - Fremantle Football Club


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CharitiesHelping the SalvosCP FOCUSFROM ITS HUMBLE beginnings, when a groupof dedicated parents joined together to supporteach other and strive to find specialisedservices, the Cerebral Palsy Associationof Western Australia (formerly the SpasticWelfare Association of WA) finds itself morethan 50 years later as a leader in the provisionof services and support for children and adultswith cerebral palsy and their families.The Association provides high quality uniqueservices and the development of resourcesto ensure that people with cerebral palsy areenabled to participate in community life asvalued citizens.Cerebral Palsy is a permanent physicalcondition that affects movement – it is not adisease nor is it hereditary and it is certainlynot contagious! It can be as mild as just aweakness in one hand, ranging to almostcomplete lack of movement. In most instancesthe cause of cerebral palsy is unknown andseverity is on the increase. There is no prebirthtest for cerebral palsy and there is noknown cure.In Australia it is estimated that a child isborn every 18 hours with cerebral palsy.This year the Cerebral Palsy Associationof Western Australia will provide servicesand support to more than 900 children andadults with cerebral palsy, throughout thestate. These services include therapy, respite,accommodation, employment, alternatives toemployment and recreation.The Cerebral Palsy Association of WesternAustralia is reliant on the support of thecommunity to continue to meet the serviceand equipment needs of our clients.This year the Cerebral Palsy Associationof Western Australia looks forward to anexciting charity partnership with the <strong>Fremantle</strong><strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>. This premiership partnership willprovide an opportunity for the <strong>Club</strong> to make adifference to the lives of people with cerebralpalsy and the communities within which theylive. The vision for people with cerebral palsyis to actively participate in their own lives.This physical activity focus fits well with the<strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>’s vision.Cerebral Palsy Association of WesternAustralia Physiotherapist Scott Phillips saidthat getting involved in physical activitywas important for health and well-being andbuilding social skills and confidence. “Forchildren with cerebral palsy, being part ofa sport and ‘having a go’ can present somechallenges but with the support of their family,their therapists and the community they canbecome much more involved,” he said.There is no doubt that <strong>Fremantle</strong> players andcharity ambassadors Jeff Farmer and TroyCook will be wonderful role models for theAssociation and help provide that little bitof extra motivation for children with cerebralpalsy to ‘have a go’ with their peers.Dog of a GamePATERSONS, The Australian Stockbroker and the club uniteagain to raise funds for the Association of the Blind WA in the2005 Patersons Guide Dogs Game when the Western Bulldogsventure to Subiaco Oval in round 15.Each guide dog puppy requires training for approximately18 months at a cost of $20,000 per puppy. Guide Dogs areprovided free to people who are blind or visually impaired, andthe Association relies on the generosity of the community tobe able to provide this much-needed service.<strong>Fremantle</strong> players James Walker, Matthew Pavlich and Josh Carrare Ambassadors for this year’s Patersons Guide Dogs Game andare encouraging all <strong>Fremantle</strong> members and supporters to donategenerously when they see a Guide Dogs or Patersons volunteercollecting outside Subiaco Oval on Sunday 10 July.PREMIER SPONSOR ALINTA, togetherwith <strong>Fremantle</strong> <strong>Football</strong> <strong>Club</strong>, again gavea helping hand to the Salvation Army byraising funds at the Alinta Salvation ArmyRed Shield Appeal game, the round 7 clashgame against Collingwood on 8 May. Alintaemployees once more volunteered theirtime on game day armed with collectiontins outside the ground and <strong>Fremantle</strong>members and supporters continuedto demonstrate their support for thewonderful work of the Salvos donating$10,018.35 on the day, beating last year’seffort by over $2,600. The Salvation Armyrelies on the support of the community tocare for the homeless and disadvantagedproviding meals, beds, shelter, clothing,counselling and food vouchers amongmany other essential services. Thanksto the support of Premier Sponsor Alintaand the generosity of members andsupporters, the Salvos 2005 Red ShieldAppeal got off to a flying start.RED SHIELD APPEALfremantlefc.com.au July 2005 <strong>Docker</strong> 17

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