Rebecca Shapiro Thesis (11 May 2011).pdf - Brandeis Institutional ...

Rebecca Shapiro Thesis (11 May 2011).pdf - Brandeis Institutional ... Rebecca Shapiro Thesis (11 May 2011).pdf - Brandeis Institutional ...
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include: Friends of the IDF, ELEM, Jewish National Fund, Keshet, Leket Israel, Save aChild's Heart and Sharsheret.• AEPI partnered with Friends of The Israel Defense Forces in 2007 for itsIMPACT! Scholarship Program. This program provides grants toveterans from disadvantaged socio-economic backgrounds to ensure theirability to pursue their educational goals. AEPI nationally supports oneIMPACT! student each year at the cost of $16,000 per student over fouryears.• Elem is an organization, founded in 1983, that is dedicated to developingand implementing innovative solutions to meet the needs of Israeli youth.The organization identifies hardships that Israeli Youth face and providestreatments and personnel to attend to the tens of thousands of adolescentsthat seek ELEM’s services for help with distressing conditions such asabsorption, drugs and addiction issues, alcohol, prostitution andhomelessness. AEPI specifically provides a grant to the GALGAL projectthat meets the needs of Jerusalem's homeless youth population. Thisassistance includes essentials such as: clothing, food, medical care,counseling services, laundry and showers.• Founded in 1901, Jewish National Fund (JNF) specializes in developmentof Israeli land and infrastructure. AEPI is specifically involved with JNF's"Sderot Indoor Recreation Center", a 21,000 square foot indoorplayground and community center open to residents of Sderot. The $5million facility keeps children safe in a city in which residents must51

always be within fifteen feet of a bomb shelter. AEPI's funding goestowards operational costs, equipment purchases, program development,security, staffing and maintenance, and ensures that this center will remainopen, keeping citizens of Sderot both safe and happy. 176• Keshet is a Jewish organization dedicated to individuals with specialneeds. Keshet ensures that the community accepts individuals withspecial needs and provides financial assistance that helps alleviate thecosts of medical and therapeutic needs. Money raised by AEPI helpsprovide scholarships for families. AEPI also committed itself tovolunteerism and advocacy on behalf of this cause. AEPI brothers createawareness about the special needs of individuals with disabilities. 177Keshet recognized AEPI fraternity's philanthropic commitment of$100,000 and the brothers' involvement with local Keshet summer campsfor children with developmental disabilities. 178• Leket Israel, formerly Table-to-Table Israel, serves as Israel's NationalFood Bank. The organization collects food from restaurants, weddinghalls and celebrations, and transports the food to nonprofit organizationsthroughout Israel. AEPI committed to buying Leket Israel a $100,000+15-ton truck emblazoned with AEPI's logo that transports and distributesfood to the 250 organizations serving Israel's unemployed, working poor,homeless, elderly, and underprivileged populations. AEPI is additionally176 "Jewish National Fund," Alpha Epsilon Pi, Jewish National Fund, accessed April 28, 2011, "Keshet," Alpha Epsilon Pi, Keshet, accessed April 28, 2011, "AEPi Honored at Keshet Gala Affair in Chicago," Alpha Epsilon Pi, accessed April 28, 2011,

always be within fifteen feet of a bomb shelter. AEPI's funding goestowards operational costs, equipment purchases, program development,security, staffing and maintenance, and ensures that this center will remainopen, keeping citizens of Sderot both safe and happy. 176• Keshet is a Jewish organization dedicated to individuals with specialneeds. Keshet ensures that the community accepts individuals withspecial needs and provides financial assistance that helps alleviate thecosts of medical and therapeutic needs. Money raised by AEPI helpsprovide scholarships for families. AEPI also committed itself tovolunteerism and advocacy on behalf of this cause. AEPI brothers createawareness about the special needs of individuals with disabilities. 177Keshet recognized AEPI fraternity's philanthropic commitment of$100,000 and the brothers' involvement with local Keshet summer campsfor children with developmental disabilities. 178• Leket Israel, formerly Table-to-Table Israel, serves as Israel's NationalFood Bank. The organization collects food from restaurants, weddinghalls and celebrations, and transports the food to nonprofit organizationsthroughout Israel. AEPI committed to buying Leket Israel a $100,000+15-ton truck emblazoned with AEPI's logo that transports and distributesfood to the 250 organizations serving Israel's unemployed, working poor,homeless, elderly, and underprivileged populations. AEPI is additionally176 "Jewish National Fund," Alpha Epsilon Pi, Jewish National Fund, accessed April 28, 20<strong>11</strong>, "Keshet," Alpha Epsilon Pi, Keshet, accessed April 28, 20<strong>11</strong>, "AEPi Honored at Keshet Gala Affair in Chicago," Alpha Epsilon Pi, accessed April 28, 20<strong>11</strong>,

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