Rebecca Shapiro Thesis (11 May 2011).pdf - Brandeis Institutional ...

Rebecca Shapiro Thesis (11 May 2011).pdf - Brandeis Institutional ...

Rebecca Shapiro Thesis (11 May 2011).pdf - Brandeis Institutional ...


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always valued its Jewish origins, it had never limited membership to Jewish students, andas such was free from the debate. In 1948, they demonstrated this freedom by openlydeclaring in their organization’s convention their "pride and pleasure in the creation ofthe State of Israel" and pledged its support to the new Jewish state. 152Otherorganizations however, such as ZBT and SAM, that had remained exclusively Jewishfrom its inception, were forced to tackle what was known as the "S" question, formallyaddressing whether or not they would become secular. 153 The universities continued tothreaten organizations that remained Sectarian. SAM officially removed its restrictiveclauses in 1953, and ZBT followed suit in 1954.ZBT chapters first removed restrictive clauses from the public charter andconstitution in 1950, however the final debate that took place at the National conventionAugust 28, 1954, was on the ritual in which brothers stated "A believer in God and theBrotherhood of Man; I am a Jew." 154 Stanley Relkin, a ZBT brother studying for theRabbinate stated that removal of the words would be "striking the heart from thefraternity." 155 Another brother, Frank Fleischer, forced fellow attendees to imaginethemselves as alumnae, thirty years after the removal of Jewish aspects in the rituals. Hequestioned "You might be the outstanding Jewish leader in your community. I am suremost of us will…How would you like to have it known that your ZBT is now a Gentilefraternity? This could very easily happen if we go through with this." 156However, thesepleas for remaining proudly Jewish were met with protest. Some argued that Jews havesurvived bigger obstacles; others argued that they must set the example for harmonious152 Toll, 206153 Sanua, 275154 Sanua, Here's To Our Fraternity, 195155 Sanua, Here's To Our Fraternity, 197156 Sanua, Here's To Our Fraternity, 19843

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