Rebecca Shapiro Thesis (11 May 2011).pdf - Brandeis Institutional ...

Rebecca Shapiro Thesis (11 May 2011).pdf - Brandeis Institutional ... Rebecca Shapiro Thesis (11 May 2011).pdf - Brandeis Institutional ...
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as President, the Segan Rishon and Segan Sheni served as the first and second vicepresidents, the Sopher held the position of corresponding secretary, the Ro'EhCheshbonoth was the financial secretary, the Gizbar served as the treasurer and theShomer Hasaph as the sergeant of arms. German Jewish students discomforted by theword's resemblance to 'Nazi' removed the title of Nasi in the 1930's. 67 Their advisory andexecutive system was named the Beth Din, named for the Rabbinical Court. Theirmission, according to the fraternity’s first charter, 'was to "promote the cause of Zionismand the welfare of Jews in General; and to unite fraternally all collegiate Zionists of theUnited States and Canada." 68Proud of their Jewish Heritage, ZBT brothers stated, "I ama believer in God and the Brotherhood of Man; and I am a Jew" in initiation rituals untilthey were legally forced to remove the phrase in 1954. 69Phi Epsilon Pi, established by a group of seven friends at City College in 1904 asa nonsectarian fraternity similar to Pi Lamda Phi. 70 The fraternity originally chosesymbols of the three monotheistic religions to serve as their crest, showing a cross, acrescent and a star. The star, unlike the Star of David, however only contained fivepoints as opposed to the usual six. 71 The fraternity often competed with ZBT as it oftendrew members from the same pools, that is upper-middle class Germans affiliated withthe Reform movement. 72Despite its best recruitment efforts, the fraternity failed torecruit a large Gentile contingency. 73 The members later compromised and decided to67 Sanua, Here's To Our Fraternity, 5668 Sanua, Here's To Our Fraternity, 1269 Sanua, 5670 Sanua, 6071 Sanua, 6272 Sanua, 6273 Sanua, 6217

maintain a nonsectarian constitution but allow only Jewish members. 74 Maintaining itsnonsectarian status allowed them to bypass the anti-Semitic barriers raised by collegepresidents and administrators attempting to prevent an influx of Jewish students to theircollege campuses. 75 Yet, college administrators grew skeptical of a nonsectarianfraternity comprised entirely of Jewish members.Next, came Sigma Alpha Mu (∑AM), known as Sammy. Founded at CityCollege of New York in 1909, ∑AM attracted a new population of Jews to the Greeksystem. As opposed to the upper-class Reform German Jews attracted by Phi Epsilon Piand ZBT, ∑AM attracted most the upward-bound children or grand children of EasternEuropean, Yiddish speaking Jews from the Lower East Side. 76 The group originallyplanned to call themselves the "Cosmic Fraternal Order" and to use Hindu letters ratherthan Greek to represent themselves. They chose the Octagon to serve as their symbol asit represented the eight men present at their first meeting. In keeping with their symboliceight, they named their governing council "the Octagon" and their publication theOctagonian. 77While the Fraternity was accepted by the administration, the student body farfrom accepted their organization. At City College, the location of their founding, orAlpha, chapter, stood a row of benches used by student groups and fraternities during thelunch house. Members of ∑AM described "many a dirty look and worse comment" thatthey received when they attempted to seize their own bench. 78 Several years later, whenthe benches were removed, ∑AM arranged to have their meeting bench removed from74 Sanua, 4875 Sanua, 6276 Sanua, 6977 Sanua, 7078 Sanua, 7118

maintain a nonsectarian constitution but allow only Jewish members. 74 Maintaining itsnonsectarian status allowed them to bypass the anti-Semitic barriers raised by collegepresidents and administrators attempting to prevent an influx of Jewish students to theircollege campuses. 75 Yet, college administrators grew skeptical of a nonsectarianfraternity comprised entirely of Jewish members.Next, came Sigma Alpha Mu (∑AM), known as Sammy. Founded at CityCollege of New York in 1909, ∑AM attracted a new population of Jews to the Greeksystem. As opposed to the upper-class Reform German Jews attracted by Phi Epsilon Piand ZBT, ∑AM attracted most the upward-bound children or grand children of EasternEuropean, Yiddish speaking Jews from the Lower East Side. 76 The group originallyplanned to call themselves the "Cosmic Fraternal Order" and to use Hindu letters ratherthan Greek to represent themselves. They chose the Octagon to serve as their symbol asit represented the eight men present at their first meeting. In keeping with their symboliceight, they named their governing council "the Octagon" and their publication theOctagonian. 77While the Fraternity was accepted by the administration, the student body farfrom accepted their organization. At City College, the location of their founding, orAlpha, chapter, stood a row of benches used by student groups and fraternities during thelunch house. Members of ∑AM described "many a dirty look and worse comment" thatthey received when they attempted to seize their own bench. 78 Several years later, whenthe benches were removed, ∑AM arranged to have their meeting bench removed from74 Sanua, 4875 Sanua, 6276 Sanua, 6977 Sanua, 7078 Sanua, 7<strong>11</strong>8

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