Telecommunications Electronics Technician Items ListingTELECOMMUNICATIONSELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN - TCMITEMS LIST(A listing of the major areas required for courses, training or study in Telecommunications Electronics)1.0 Cables and Cabling1.1 Unshielded twisted pair (UTP)1.2 RJ45/48 telephone connectors and fittings1.3 CAT 5 & 5e wiring1.4 10/100 base T1.5 T568A / T568B standards1.6 Cable TV wiring for data and voice1.7 Coax types RG 58, RG 59 and RG 61.8 Grounding of electronics equipment1.9 Single and multi-mode fiber optics1.10 Connector types and terminations2.0 Analog telephony2.1. History of the telephone industry2.2 Basic phone systems2.3 POTS, DID, OPX, tie lines and WATS lines2.4 Multiple phone lines2.5 PBX and explain basic switching methods2.6 Local loop2.7 Key system units (KSU)2.8 Central Office2.9 Tones, loop start, ground start and wink start2.10 CO, CPE.2.11 Dedicated lines, metered and switchedservices2.12 Broadband DSL and ISDN3.0 Equipment3.1 Telephone parts & components3.2 Telephone set disassemble and reassemble3.3 RS-232, RS-530, V.35 and USB interfaces4.0 Telecom Safety4.1 Safety procedures in the workplace4.2 Safety procedures in homes and businesses4.3 Safety procedures for outside equipment4.4 OSHA requirements4.5 Installer abilities required4.6 ESD procedures in the workplace5.0 Transmission Service Providers5.1 LEC’s—Local Exchange Carriers5.2 CLEC’s—Competitive Local ExchangeCarriers5.2 Regional Operating Companies5.3 RBOC’s—Regional Bell OperatingCompanies5.3 Independent telephone company5.4 Network control points5.5 In-band and Common Channel Signaling(CCS) and Signaling System 7 (SS7)5.6 T1 and T3 lines5.7 Multiplexing6.0 Distribution Methods6.1 Plug and adapter wiring6.2 Punch down blocks and tools—labeling6.3 T carrier (DS1’s)6.4 Repeaters6.5 Channel Banks6.6 Common Carrier6.7 Patch panels6.8 Ethernet and switch hubs6.9 Routers7.0 Computer7.1 Interrelationship—computers andcommunications technology7.2 Modems7.3 Worldwide numbering systems7.4 Network control points7.5 Databases7.6 CTI—Computer Telephony Integration7.7 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)8.0 Digital Telephony8.1 ISDN8.2 DSL8.3 Bundling and unbundling of telephoneservices8.4 Bytes, bits, packets and frames8.5 Caller ID8.6 Common Carrier9.0 Interfacing9.1 Telephone equipment—consumerelectronics interconnection problems9.2 Electrical power surge problems9.3 EIA, CTIA and ITU protocols and standards10.0 Internet10.1 Internet10.2 TCP/IP duties and protocols10.3 Security problems10.4 ISP’s11.0 Network Infrastructures andTopologies11.1 RS232 standard11.2 Transmission protocols11.3 LANs & WANs technology11.4 Installation and troubleshooting networks11.5 Sonet RingTCM Competency 2 Electronics Technicians Association, Int’l.

Telecommunications Electronics Technician Items ListingTELECOMMUNICATIONSELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN - TCMITEMS LIST(A listing of the major areas required for courses, training or study in Telecommunications Electronics)12.0 Office Wiring12.1 Building wiring standards12.2 Pre-wiring—wiring methods13.0 Test Equipment13.1 Certifying wired communications networks13.2 Bit Error Rate (TBerd, etc.)13.3 OTDR13.4 Micro-test13.5 Toners14.0 Troubleshooting14.1 Telephone test equipment14.2 Troubleshooting methods and loop testing15.0 Transmission Protocols15.1 Modulation schemes16.0 Telecom Mathematics16.1 Mathematics required for telecommunications17.0 Optical Wiring17.1 Fiber disposal—eye safety17.2 Optical cable types17.3 Conversion process—copper to fiber17.4 SONET17.5 DWDM, (Dense Wave Division Multiplexing)18.0 Wireless Telephony18.1 Wired vs. Cellular networks18.2 Cellular technology—architecture18.3 Spread Spectrum techniques18.4 TDMA and CDMA modulation18.5 Paging Services technology18.6 Telephone communications via satellites18.7 Components of satellite uplink and downlink18.8 Microwave transportTCM Competency 3 Electronics Technicians Association, Int’l.

Telecommunications Electronics Technician Items Listing<strong>TELECOMMUNICATIONS</strong><strong>ELECTRONICS</strong> <strong>TECHNICIAN</strong> - <strong>TCM</strong>ITEMS LIST(A listing of the major areas required for courses, training or study in Telecommunications Electronics)1.0 Cables and Cabling1.1 Unshielded twisted pair (UTP)1.2 RJ45/48 telephone connectors and fittings1.3 CAT 5 & 5e wiring1.4 10/100 base T1.5 T568A / T568B standards1.6 Cable TV wiring for data and voice1.7 Coax types RG 58, RG 59 and RG 61.8 Grounding of electronics equipment1.9 Single and multi-mode fiber optics1.10 Connector types and terminations2.0 Analog telephony2.1. History of the telephone industry2.2 Basic phone systems2.3 POTS, DID, OPX, tie lines and WATS lines2.4 Multiple phone lines2.5 PBX and explain basic switching methods2.6 Local loop2.7 Key system units (KSU)2.8 Central Office2.9 Tones, loop start, ground start and wink start2.10 CO, CPE.2.11 Dedicated lines, metered and switchedservices2.12 Broadband DSL and ISDN3.0 Equipment3.1 Telephone parts & components3.2 Telephone set disassemble and reassemble3.3 RS-232, RS-530, V.35 and USB interfaces4.0 Telecom Safety4.1 Safety procedures in the workplace4.2 Safety procedures in homes and businesses4.3 Safety procedures for outside equipment4.4 OSHA requirements4.5 Installer abilities required4.6 ESD procedures in the workplace5.0 Transmission Service Providers5.1 LEC’s—Local Exchange Carriers5.2 CLEC’s—Competitive Local ExchangeCarriers5.2 Regional Operating Companies5.3 RBOC’s—Regional Bell OperatingCompanies5.3 Independent telephone company5.4 Network control points5.5 In-band and Common Channel Signaling(CCS) and Signaling System 7 (SS7)5.6 T1 and T3 lines5.7 Multiplexing6.0 Distribution Methods6.1 Plug and adapter wiring6.2 Punch down blocks and tools—labeling6.3 T carrier (DS1’s)6.4 Repeaters6.5 Channel Banks6.6 Common Carrier6.7 Patch panels6.8 Ethernet and switch hubs6.9 Routers7.0 Computer7.1 Interrelationship—computers andcommunications technology7.2 Modems7.3 Worldwide numbering systems7.4 Network control points7.5 Databases7.6 CTI—Computer Telephony Integration7.7 Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)8.0 Digital Telephony8.1 ISDN8.2 DSL8.3 Bundling and unbundling of telephoneservices8.4 Bytes, bits, packets and frames8.5 Caller ID8.6 Common Carrier9.0 Interfacing9.1 Telephone equipment—consumerelectronics interconnection problems9.2 Electrical power surge problems9.3 EIA, CTIA and ITU protocols and standards10.0 Internet10.1 Internet10.2 TCP/IP duties and protocols10.3 Security problems10.4 ISP’s11.0 Network Infrastructures andTopologies11.1 RS232 standard11.2 Transmission protocols11.3 LANs & WANs technology11.4 Installation and troubleshooting networks11.5 Sonet Ring<strong>TCM</strong> Competency 2 Electronics Technicians Association, Int’l.

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