Club Information - Sun City Anthem

Club Information - Sun City Anthem Club Information - Sun City Anthem

<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> Community Association2450 Hampton RoadHenderson, NV 89052Front Desk: (702) 614-5864Phone: (702) 614-5800Fax: (702) 614-5813SCA website: CENTER HOURSMonday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.Saturday – 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.<strong>Sun</strong>day – 9:00 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.614-5864Fitness Center HoursMonday – Saturday5:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.<strong>Sun</strong>day 5:30 a.m. – 9:00 p.m.Fitness Center614-5885Serenity At <strong>Anthem</strong> Day Spa614-5809INDEPENDENCE CENTER HOURSMonday – Friday6:30 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.Saturday & <strong>Sun</strong>day7:30 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.614-5803LIBERTY CENTER HOURS2211 Somersworth DriveHenderson, NV 89044Monday - Friday 5:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.Saturday & <strong>Sun</strong>day 5:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.638-5780Community Service Assistance614-5862Emergency Preparedness 263-6378Community Patrol 614-6751Pulte/Del Webb Customer Relations914-4800 / 800-664-3089RMI Management, LLC 932-6777THE REVERE GOLF CLUBThe Revere Golf <strong>Club</strong> 259-4653Buckman’s 617-5780ADVERTISINGAdvertising at (702) 592-4818Debbie Landry -redheadmarketing@cox.netThe primary mission of the Spirit is to provide a nonpoliticalcommunication link to the members, buildcommunity awareness and inform <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>members of community news. The Association providesthis publication for informational purposes only andneither endorses nor promotes any of the products orservices advertised herein and assume no responsibility orliability for the statements made in this publication. Wereserve the right to refuse advertising for any reason, orcause. We also reserve the right to edit, condense andverify all articles and graphics submitted for publication.4 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.If this falls on a holiday weekend, the office will be open the following Saturday.SCA CUSTOMER SERVICE RECEPTIONISTFront Desk 614-5864COMMUNITY MANAGERSacha Fotu 614-5800 administration@scacai.comAssistant Community ManagerWilliam “Buddy” Jarrett 614-5800 administration@scacai.comAssociate Community ManagerSkyler Jewell 614-5800 administration@scacai.comAdministrative AssistantLily Cardenas 614-5800 administration@scacai.comSCA MEMBERSHIP SERVICESRMI Membership Service RepresentativeDebbie Green 614-5816 membership@scacai.comShannon Cameron 614-5817 membership@scacai.comMargo Johnson 614-5817 membership@scacai.comCUSTOMER SERVICE/ACCOUNTS PAYABLEManager Rich Mooney 614-5861 membership@scacai.comACTIVITIESManager Greg Dreyer 614-5860 activities@scacai.comAssistant Jacque Klaus 614-5806 activities@scacai.comFacility Rental/Scheduler<strong>Sun</strong>ny Nelsen 614-5865 activities@scacai.comCOMMUNICATIONSManager Kathy Martin 638-5750 communications@scacai.comAdministrative AssistantDanielle Bartle 614-5822 communications@scacai.comCommunications ITAittel Sanchezcommunications@scacai.comNetwork AdministratorSteve Myersit@scacai.comNetwork Administrator AssistantJuvelyn Caparidait@scacai.comFITNESSManager Kathy Kline 614-5887 fitness@scacai.comManager Meg Poulson 614-5873 fitness@scacai.comFitness Assistant Barbara Mowry 614-5823 fitness@scacai.comCOMPLIANCE DEPARTMENT (CC&Rs, Rules & Regulations)Compliance Department ManagerChristine Wikoff 614-5859 compliance@scacai.comCompliance Department AssistantJulie Murray 638-5751 compliance@scacai.comArchitectural Compliance/Design Guidelines/ARCArchitectural Compliance ManagerJennifer Guilliams 614-5812 architectural@scacai.comArchitectural Compliance AssistantJames Arteaga 614-5820 architectural@scacai.comFACILITIESManager Bruno Panek 614-5851 facilities@scacai.comLandscape Christine Noble 614-5814

Table of ContentsDem Boys from Chicagowith Mr. Shelly Fisher831Join Shelly with his classy leads of Nat “King” Cole,Lou Rawls and Joe WilliamsFriday, May 11, 7:00 p.m.Independence Center,Freedom Hall186Board of Directors24Fitness8Board Summary Report27Facilities/Landscaping11Committee Reports31Revere Golf14Community Services32<strong>Club</strong> Directory16Community Patrol33<strong>Club</strong> News18Activities54Service DirectoryMay 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 5

SUN CITY ANTHEM BOARD OF DIRECTORSPresident’s ReportBoard’s Organizational Meeting. The newly constitutedBoard resulting from this year’s election will hold itsorganizational meeting starting at 10:00 a.m. on May 10th.At this meeting our Board will elect officers and establishcommittee liaison assignments.Tax Audit Update. Our special tax counsel and membersof our Tax Task Force met with the IRS on March 21. TheIRS has granted us time to submit additional informationsubstantiating our position. The IRS will not issue a noticeof deficiency while our discussions with them continue.We anticipate that our discussions will take at least sixmore months before a resolution is possible.2013 Association Budget. Our Finance Committee andstaff have been working on next year’s budget since earlyFebruary. Our Board will hold a budget workshop todiscuss the guidelines for the 2013 budget on May 15starting at 10:00 a.m. A pre-meeting at 9:00 a.m. willprovide an overall review of our budgeting process.Management Contract Preparations. Our Association hasbeen managed under contract by RMI Management, LLCsince 2006. To read this contract, search for “ManagementAgreement” using the site search feature of the SCAwebsite. The current contract expires at the end of thisyear, at which time the contract will continue on amonth-to-month basis. Our Board has appointed twogroups to provide information on the future managementof our Association.A task force composed of three directors andrepresentatives from the Finance, Community Lifestyleand Property and Grounds committees have beenholding public workshops to develop our community’sexpectations for the management of our Association. Asecond task force composed of member volunteers willassess the availability of management companies capableof managing an association as large and complex as ours.The Board will use the information developed by thesetwo groups in making decisions about the futuremanagement of our Association.Government Affairs. Nevada lawmakers have written alengthy and complex set of laws regulating homeownerassociations. These laws apply to everything from smallneighborhood associations that just manage entrancegates to associations like ours, with community buildingsserving thousands of residents. Our Board’s legislativetask force has been meeting with representatives of severalother large associations to identify and address legislativeand regulatory issues shared by large associations. Thegoal of this process is to provide lawmakers with proposedlegislative and regulatory changes from the perspectiveof the volunteers governing large associations. Ourlegislative task force will recommend proposed changes toour Board for adoption as Association goals.<strong>Anthem</strong> Center Traffic Circle. The traffic circle at the main<strong>Anthem</strong> Center entrance continues to create confusion andpanic stops to avoid accidents. Most problems can beavoided by remembering that traffic always flows in acounter-clockwise direction around the traffic circle, and avehicle within the traffic circle has the right of way over avehicle entering the traffic circle.Traffic Enforcement. The Henderson Police Department isresponsible for enforcing the traffic laws throughout ourcommunity. Police cruisers regularly patrol both our mainstreets and the streets within villages. The police also rely onour residents to learn about specific problem areas. You canprovide this information by calling the traffic hotline at(702) 267-5099 or by using the “Contact Us” tab Provide information about thespecific day and time of the complaint and the type ofproblem (speeding, running a stop sign, etc.)Policy Governance. Our Board spends most of its time andeffort reviewing and acting on recommendations made byour standing committees, special task forces, andmanagement staff. In essence, we are reactive rather thanproactive. Indeed, this is the normal approach followed byAmerican governing boards, whether they oversee abusiness, a non-profit organization, or a government entity.This approach is so common that many assume it is the onlyoption.We recently learned there is an alternative approach gainingacceptance, which is referred to as the Policy GovernanceModel. Under this approach, our Board would establish theend results that are the goals of our Association, establishthe limits placed on the attainment of these end results, anddevelop the methods to monitor accomplishment of theseend results. Our Board is currently studying the potentialbenefits and likely difficulties of applying this approach toour Association. A detailed article discussing the PolicyGovernance Model can be found Truck. Your next opportunity to have sensitiverecords shredded will be on Saturday, May 5, from 8:00 noon. You will need to show your SCA activities card tohave your documents shredded.Jim Long,Board President6 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

Board Summary ReportSummary of the March 22, 2012Board of Directors Meeting MinutesThe March 22, 2012 meeting agenda was accepted, andthe February 23, 2012 meeting minutes were approved.The Finance Committee chairperson was approved. Amember of the Communications Committee and amember of the P&G Committee were approved. NewVilla representatives were approved.The message board Terms of Service was approved.The Communications Committee Privacy and PolicyAgreement was approved. The new website conceptplanning document was approved. The LifestyleCommittee Confidentiality Policy and Agreement wasapproved. The revised Lifestyle Committee Charterwas approved. Modifications to the Election ProcessManual pertaining to the Election Committee VolunteerConfidentiality and Conflict of Interest Agreementwere approved. The 2011 <strong>Club</strong> Financial andCompliance Review report was accepted. The revisedHealth and Fitness Charter was approved. The pilotprogram for independent fitness activities wasapproved for a six month trial period. The P&GCommittee strategic goals update was accepted.The solicitation for RFPs from law firms specializing inrestaurant business was approved. The due diligenceanalysis of any selected tenant by current CPAs wasapproved. The restaurant consulting bids were rejectedand any further search was terminated. A “restaurantfor lease” ad was approved. An advisory group wasapproved to determine availability and qualifications ofHOA Management Companies able to manageSCACAI.The following expenditure requests and contracts wereapproved: carpet extractor; floor polisher; <strong>Anthem</strong>Center irrigation controller replacements; LibertyCenter benches; floor auto scrubber; VolunteerAppreciation Luncheon catering.The Konica Minolta Agreement amendment wasapproved. The revised Document Request Policy andForm were approved. The RFP for general legalcounsel was approved. The Channel 99 VolunteerConfidentiality Agreement was approved.Bids were opened for: recreational facilities Wi-Fi;smoke control air balance service; Independence Centerreception office task and desk chairs; Channel 99 armchairs; Channel 99 directors chairs; woodshopinsulation replacement; <strong>Anthem</strong> Center interior poolarea painting.SUN CITY ANTHEMBOARD OF DIRECTORSPresident ~ James J. Long 478-6030 BoardPres@scacai.comVice President ~ Wade E. Terry 353-8201 Wade.terry@scacai.comSecretary ~ Jerry Gardberg 275-9170 Jerry.gardberg@scacai.comTreasurer ~ Dan Forgeron 588-2990 Dan.forgeron@scacai.comDirector ~ Celeste Bové 614-8119 Celeste.bove@scacai.comDirector, Vice President ~ Bella L. Meese 407-0970 Bella.meese@scacai.comof Community RelationsDirector ~ Michael L. Carey 614-9036 Michael.carey@scacai.com8 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012BOARD MEETING NOTICESTuesday, 5/1/2012, 8:30 a.m.Annual Membership Election Ballot Counting Meeting<strong>Anthem</strong> CenterThursday, 5/10/2012, 10:00 a.m.Board of Directors Organizational MeetingFreedom HallThursday, 5/15/2012, 10:00 a.m.Board of Directors Budget Guidelines WorkshopDelaware RoomTuesday, 5/22/2012, 10:00 a.m.Board Book Review Workshop<strong>Anthem</strong> CenterThursday, 5/24/2012, 9:00 a.m.Board of Directors Executive Session Meeting<strong>Anthem</strong> CenterThursday, 5/24/2012, 1:30 p.m.Board of Directors MeetingFreedom HallIn accordance with NRS 116.3108 the above agenda shall serveas notice of the Board of Directors meeting for the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong><strong>Anthem</strong> Community Association, Inc. Homeowners arepermitted to speak to the association or executive board, unlessthe executive board is meeting in executive session. At thebeginning of every Board Meeting, there is a member commentperiod for comments relating to agenda items only. At the end ofevery Board Meeting, there is member comment period forcomments on any subject. During this period, the Board willhear member comments. The Board of Directors will not takeaction on comments or requests made during the commentperiods. Agendas for the Board Meeting are available on theMonday prior to the meeting from the Administrative Office inthe <strong>Anthem</strong> Center and on the Association’s web site( The Agenda is also posted on the Mondayprior to the Board Meeting on the Community bulletin board inthe <strong>Anthem</strong> Center. Homeowners are permitted to receive acopy of the minutes or a summary of the minutes in electronicformat at no charge to the homeowner, or in paper format at acost not to exceed $.25 per page for the first ten pages, and$.10 per page thereafter. Copies of the minutes from a Board ofDirectors meeting are available from the Administrative Office.Audio copies of a Board of Directors meeting are available fromthe Administrative Office upon request at a cost of $2.00 per disc.The Management Office is located in the <strong>Anthem</strong> Center, 2450Hampton Road, Henderson, Nevada 89052. Office Hours are:8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m., Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday;8:00 a.m.- 6:30 p.m., Wednesday; and the first Saturday of eachmonth from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. or the second Saturday if thefirst Saturday falls on a holiday. The telephone number forobtaining an agenda is 614-5800. The board is aware of all legalrequirements pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations.

MAKING A DIFFERENCEPickleballThe Fun Sport with the Funny NameWhen a clue on the TV game-show “Jeopardy” stumps allthree contestants, you are looking at a response that isesoteric, to say the least. And so it is not surprising thatwhen the correct answer was given — a cross betweentennis and ping pong, this sport was named for a dog, nota gherkin — it elicited silence instead of a correspondingquestion.But in March 2011, when emcee Alex Trebek announcedthe answer, pickleball, certain viewers in <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>had already gotten it right. That's because more than 90very active members of the SCA Pickleball <strong>Club</strong> here playon the sport's eight courts at Liberty Center.Pickleball is an organized activity with national andinternational governing bodies. Although it resemblestennis, key differences make pickleball more accessible toa wider range of players, including seniors. The speed ofthe pickleball ball — which is a three-inch diameterwaffle-like plastic ball with air holes — is one-third of theaverage speed of a tennis ball. The size of the court is alsoone-third of the area of a tennis court. To visualize thephysical dimensions of the game, imagine two tenniscourts at Liberty Center transformed into eight pickleballcourts.The smaller court area combined with the slower-movingball makes the pace of pickleball easier to play thantennis. The game is also not as strenuous on the body, asless running is required to cover the court.Players hit the polymer wiffle ball with a hard paddle overa net approximately six inches lower than that used intennis. The ball is served underhand and the return ofservice must be allowed to bounce by the server. Once youget the hang of it, the game is terrific fun and a vigorouscardio-vascular workout.The game has a history as colorful and quirky as itsname. Back in the day, before Nintendo Wii and othertechnologically-driven entertainment, people actuallyimprovised games to amuse themselves. So it happenedthat in 1965, a congressman from Washington state, JoelPritchard, and two friends created a game to entertaintheir kids. Using whatever gear was on hand — a badmintonnet, wiffle ball and some plywood — they cut paddlesfrom the plywood, hung the net and voila! — pickleballwas born. Right in Mr. and Mrs. Pritchard's backyard.Given the elapsed time since its origins, how the gameacquired its name is steeped in folklore. A popular versionis that the game was named after the family dog, Pickles.The wiffle ball was the dog's toy, and whenever there wasan errant shot, he would retrieve it and hide the ball.Ergo, it was Pickles' ball. That story persists, despitewritten accounts that Joan Pritchard told the press thatPickles didn't join the family until 1967.A shorter rendering of the story is that Joan Pritchardsaid the game reminded her of a rowing competition inwhich the slowest oarsmen were assigned to the “pickle–By Sherryl Dalyboat.” The USA Pickleball Association — which publishesthe Official Pickleball Handbook, sponsors tournamentsand ranks top players — cites the “Pickles the dog” versionon its website, game can be rigorous when played one-on-one but,according to Pickleball <strong>Club</strong> president Doug Kimball, “Weare currently only playing doubles, two on two, as singlesis rather difficult and demanding. Also, games arerelatively short because 11 points wins.”Drop-in play occurs during normal club hours, whichare Monday-Wednesday-Friday and weekend mornings7:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., and Tuesday-Thursday-<strong>Sun</strong>dayevenings 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. During those times,players can simply show up to play. The winners of agame remain on the court, but split up to play with twonewcomers, thereby creating rotation of players. Thiscontinues throughout drop-in play time and gives everybodywho shows up, with or without a partner, theopportunity to participate and to pair up with manydifferent players.Even if you haven't handled a racket in decades andconsider yourself a couch potato, Doug says you'rewelcome to join the club. Free classes for residents arescheduled in response to demand. Express your interestby sending an email to Jack Silas, For those new to thegame, balls and paddles are available.Although the SCA Pickleball <strong>Club</strong> does hold annualtournaments, for the most part, Doug Kimball says, “SCApicklers just wanna have fun.” <strong>Club</strong> members get togetherevery third Thursday evening at the courts for a potluckof finger foods and have coffee at the courts the firstSaturday of every month, which is also during open play.Kimball urges you to come, bring a friend or neighbor,and join in the fun.Please check the SCA Pickleball <strong>Club</strong>'s website,, for more information or emailDoug Kimball at 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 9

teeth Eat. Smile. Kiss.a conversation with Gregg C. Hendrickson DDSabout dental implants and implant supported denturesDid you know that one in four seniorcitizens are missing at least one tooth?(Some are missing upwards of ten.)Add in how many seniors aredissatisfied with their dentures and I'llbet that number increases to one inthree!Many seniors have turned to DentalImplants and Implant SupportedDentures to solve their smile anddenture issues. I asked local dentist,Gregg Hendrickson about implants.Why Dental Implants?Dental Implants can restore smiles toa beautiful state. I can restore a singletooth or your entire mouth. It justdepends on what a client wants toachieve. Most clients want to have agood looking smile, be able to eathealthy and nutritious food and don'twant a denture flopping around intheir mouth. Implants can fix all ofthose issues.Tell me about Implant Supported Dentures.My clients love these! Implantsupported dentures are essentiallydentures that snap or screw intoimplants. If you choose the snap inimplant supported denture you cantake them in or out of your mouth. Ifyou choose the screw in Implantsupported denture they arepermanently attached to yourimplants and only your dentist canremove them. Both options arefantastic. The snap in option will costyou less than the screw in option.What Is the benefit of an Implant?A single tooth implant is straightforward. I am replacing a missingtooth that might show when a personsmiles. They get their complete smileback. No more covering their smilewith their hand when they talk or eat.What is the benefit of ImplantSupported Dentures?A glamorous smile that you can eatand talk with! Many times, clients areeither dissatisfied with their denture orare missing enough teeth to want adenture. We'll talk about giving thema beautiful smile. We'll talk abouthaving teeth securely in their mouthso their denture doesn't slosh around.Through the process of restoring theirteeth we really are restoring theirconfidence and their zest for life. Theycan eat again, smile again, they caneven kiss again! For some people it's areturn to romance in their life.What about these places offeringteeth in a day?In my opinion, I wouldn't send myfriends or family there. When you putan implant into bone, your bone needstime to heal. Bone healing takesanywhere from three to six months. Itis that simple. Your natural teethweren't made in a day and it is myopinion that you shouldn't be havingsurgery and replacement teeth all in aday. It didn't take a day to lose yourteeth and I personally not comfortablewith any process that says you canhave them all back in a day.advertisementWe are loving life!What advice would you give topeople looking for implants?Do your homework. Find out whodoes implants in your area, andschedule a consultation. Don't feelpressured. Make sure you meet withthe dentist. How can treatment bediscussed if the dentist hasn'tbothered to look in your mouth!Tell us why people should chooseyour office.Well, I'm pretty sure I am the bestdentist in Henderson! Honestly, mydental team is just fabulous. We stillbelieve in customer service and do afantastic job at delivering that to ourclients. We are not a dental mill, weoffer implants from start to finish atour office, we offer sedation so clientswon't feel a thing, our prices are veryreasonable, and we offer complimentaryconsultations to discuss options andanswer any questions.How can people reach you?My office is located on the northeastcorner of Horizon Ridge and CoronadoCenter. Call me at 702-735-3284.Gregg C. Hendrickson DDS2790 W. Horizon Ridge PkwyHenderson, N V 89052702-735-3284

ARCArchitectural ReviewLionel Draper, Architectural Review SubcommitteeChairpersonHomeowners of <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>, without question, aresome of the most fortunate people on the planet.It's with much sadness that for personal reasons our 2012Chairperson Walt Sanders had to resign. We thank him forhis stellar service and wish him well from all our members. SoI, Lionel Draper, the 2009 chairperson, have volunteered to fillin for the rest of the year. We look forward to approving anyhomeowner’s plans who would like to make changes to theexterior of their property.We are open for business on the second and fourthThursday of the month from 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. and a veryhelpful group will be at your service.As we are now well into spring, a number of our residentsplan to add a pool or spa. Unfortunately, excessive noise iscreated by the equipment, hence a 5ft L-shaped wall must bebuilt around the equipment details of which are available onrequest at the front desk.If you have any questions, please contact ArchitecturalCompliance Manager, Jennifer Guiliams, 614-5814 or herassistant James Arteaga at 614-5820.COMMUNICATIONSCOMMITTEECommunications CommitteeJoan Roth, Chairperson421-5646, joanroth23@cox.netNext Meeting: May 9, 10:00 a.m.Arlington Room, <strong>Anthem</strong> CenterThe Communications Committee (CC) continues work on itsmany projects including print, Internet, public relationsand broadcasting.The SCA website message board trial has been a success. Thetrial period is over, and the forum is now open to all residentswho wish to participate. You must be a registered SCAwebsite user to access the message board. Cards withinstructions on how to register for both the SCA website andthe new message board are at the front desks of <strong>Anthem</strong>,Independence and Liberty Centers. If you have questionsrelated to the message board, email its March 22 meeting, the Board approved the CC'srecommendation to accept resident Robin Wilen as a newcommittee member for a two-year term commencing April 1,2012 through March 31, 2014. Robin has an extensive ITbackground with Allegiant and United Airlines and isalready an active participant on the committee's PublicRelations and Website task forces. The BOD also approvedthe New Website Concept Planning Document submitted bythe CC.Channel 99 has various openings, no experience necessary.Channel 99 will train volunteers. For more information, emailBob Passaro, the station's executive director, to look for CC meeting minutes and otherimportant news at Just log in, choose theBoard & Committees box, and select CommunicationsCommittee from the drop-down menu.We value resident input and invite you to attend our monthlymeetings or email our chair with comments or suggestions.Committee ReportsELECTION COMMITTEEElection Committee Meeting: Tuesday, May 8, 2012, at9:00 a.m. Concord Room, <strong>Anthem</strong> CenterBrian Segal, ChairpersonPhone: 270-6942 Email – ecbrian@cox.netVotes for the three open positions on the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>Board of Directors will be counted at a MembershipMeeting scheduled for 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, May 1, in<strong>Anthem</strong> Center Hanneman Hall. Results will beannounced following that meeting. For more informationregarding the election process, see the Election ProcessManual and Election Calendar on the SCA website. TheElection Committee wishes to thank all seven candidatesfor their willingness to step forward and serve thecommunity.The May 8 Election Committee meeting will concentrateon reviewing what went right and what went wrong inthis year’s election, with an eye to improving the electionprocess. We especially will be seeking input from all of thecandidates, both those who won and those who did not.We are looking for more volunteers willing to serve thecommunity as part of next year’s Election Committee.Terms will start June 1, 2012, and run through May 31,2014. Computer and organizational skills are necessary, aswell as the ability to function in a team. If you would likemore information, please contact Election CommitteeChair Brian Segal.SCA I.D. is required at all Election Committee meetingsand events.FINANCEThe next regularly scheduled Finance Committeemeeting will be held on Wednesday, May 9, at 1:00p.m. in the <strong>Anthem</strong> Center.Jim Mayfield, ChairPhone: (512)786-6779 Email: jnm@jamesmayfield.comThe Finance Committee has four principal responsibilities:1) conduct monthly and expanded quarterly reviews of theSCA financial statements to verify that SCA and itsmanagement company are operating within approvedbudget authorizations and policy, 2) development of thedraft of annual budget for submission to the Board ofDirectors for consideration and adoption, 3) oversight ofthe governance and financial compliance requirements bythe SCA charter clubs, and 4) ride herd over the annualaudit and internal controls review work of SCA’sindependent CPA firm. In order to effectively performthese duties, the Finance Committee needs additionalqualified volunteers.If you have a background in accounting and/or financialmanagement, we would like the opportunity to discusswith you how you can help us support the Board ofDirectors in overseeing the financial operations of SCA. Ifinterested, please feel free to contract me for moreinformation.All meetings of the Finance Committee are open to thepublic. Residents are encouraged to attend our meetingsto better understand the financial operations of yourcommunity. We welcome resident input at the meetingsas a way to both gather new ideas and to maintain contactwith the community.May 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 11

Committee ReportsHEALTH AND FITNESSCOMMITTEENo Meeting in MayPatricia Carrell, Chair @ 260-3383pcarrell22@gmail.comLET'S DO IT! The Health and Fitness Committee iscontinuing to accept proposals for resident-directedhealth, wellness, fitness programs and activities.Residents interested in getting together to maintain orimprove their health and fitness are invited to submitproposals for the Health and Fitness Committee's PilotProgram. The committee will sponsor pilot programs ofup to six months in duration, beginning May 1. Thisprogram is a cooperative effort with the Lifestyle Committeewhich is assisting by accommodating space andscheduling. If you have a concept or idea related to health,wellness or fitness that you would like to explore or haveidentified an area of need, please contact the committeechair.The Health & Fitness Committee holds regularlyscheduled meetings, at least quarterly. All residents arewelcome to attend these meetings and feedback isappreciated.LIFESTYLENext Meeting Date: Thursday, May 3, 1:00 p.m.<strong>Anthem</strong> Center, Arlington RoomKaren Lotspiech, ChairE-Mail: koddy@aol.comPhone: 263-2347Recently, a resident asked me what the LifestyleCommittee does. What is our area of focus? The otherstanding committees all deal with very specific subjects,and then there’s us – “lifestyle,” kind of vague.The majority of our time is devoted to all our wonderfulclubs. We just approved club number 51, The Filipiniana<strong>Club</strong>. A lot of time was spent reviewing their charter andbylaws, and helping them get off to a good start. The clubscome to us when they want to revise their bylaws or holda special event, something open to the SCA community,not only club members. The clubs really keep us on ourtoes, and as a result, we have begun another round ofrevisions to the Chartered <strong>Club</strong> Guidelines & Rules.This year, for the first time, the standing committee chairsare meeting together, informally, to strengthen ourcommunication with each other and discuss topics thatoverlap. Committee members are attending othercommittee meetings as needed. We are striving to make iteasier for clubs and residents to navigate through thesystem.With the current lack of a restaurant on campus, the clubshave been inconvenienced by not having a caterer with aliquor license easily accessible for parties and events. Wedid some research and learned about the NV approvedAlcohol Awareness Course which certifies “pourers” toserve liquor. We then wrote a new Chartered <strong>Club</strong>sActivities and Alcohol Policy, which was disseminated tothe clubs and will become an appendix to the Chartered<strong>Club</strong> Guidelines.Our two monthly meetings are open to the community.The second one in May will be Friday, May 11, at 9:00 a.m.PROPERTIES & GROUNDSNext Meeting: May 8, 2012, 10:00 a.m.Location: Arlington Room, <strong>Anthem</strong> CenterChairperson: Stan LenciContact Info: 702/953-5796 or sjlenci@att.netThe members of the Properties and GroundsCommittee (P&G) would like to welcome RoyMontambeau as our newest member. Roy has been anactive volunteer of the community over the years. Hehas been involved with the recommendation ofamenities for both the Independence and LibertyCenters, chaired the workgroup which developedthe charter for the Plans and Processes Committeeand was a member and Chair of the LifestyleCommittee. We look forward to the experience,expertise and background Roy brings to ourcommittee.Although the Properties & Grounds Committee isnow fully staffed with nine members, we alwaysencourage anyone interested in joining thiscommittee to submit an application at anytimethroughout the year. Applications are available 24/7on SCA’s website under the Volunteers Tab or at theMembership Desk at <strong>Anthem</strong> Center. Just completethe form and drop it off at the Administration Officein <strong>Anthem</strong> Center to the attention of the AssistantCommunity Manager.As members of the Properties and GroundsCommittee, we have many responsibilities. One ofthese responsibilities is providing a liaison to theLandscape Supervisor in regard to all Association-ownedproperties. Marge Pierzchala is that liaison. Her role in thistask is to make monthly inspections with Christine Noble,<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>’s Landscape Supervisor. Our intent isfor P&G to assist with an eye, voice and awareness of thelandscape conditions and make recommendations whereappropriate. Our mutual goal is to keep our communitylooking as beautiful as possible, while being very aware ofbudgetary restrictions.The Properties and Grounds Committee supports theBoard of Directors and serves as a communication linkwith the residents in the management and development ofour common amenities. We meet on the Tuesdaypreceding the second Thursday of every month at 10:00a.m. in the Arlington Room at <strong>Anthem</strong> Center. Residentsare encouraged to attend to offer comments on our agendaitems or voice other concerns regarding our commonamenities.12 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

WE WANT TO BUY YOUR DIAMONDSMJ WILL PAY YOUTOP DOLLAR FORYOUR DIAMONDSGOLD, SILVER, PLATINUM,GEMS, ROLEX & FINE WATCHESCASH FOR YOUR DIAMONDSWe are purchasing both loose and mounted diamonds that are a halfcarat and larger. You will find our quotes to be higher than otherjewelers and pawn shops simply because we value your treasures.We have a large global distribution network that specializes in buyingand selling diamonds, allowing us to turn diamonds over quickly and payyou premium prices.TRADE UP YOUR DIAMONDSIf you’re looking for something larger, a better quality, a different shape,or you’re just tired of your existing setting, we will trade in your diamondstoward the purchase of a new one. Trade those old or unwanteddiamonds in for a new look, or design the ring of your dreams using ourCustom Design Studio in store.GOLD, SILVER & PLATINUMMJ Christensen Diamonds is the premier platinum, gold, and silver buyerin Nevada. Diamonds and precious metal prices are at an all-time high.At MJ, the process of selling Diamonds, Gold, Platinum and silver is fastand easy. Please allow our certified and professionally trained staff toappraise your items and make you an offerwithout any obligation or pressure.“YOU CAN EVEN DOUBLEYOUR CASH WHEN YOUCHOOSE ANMJ GIFT CARD!”ROUND PEAR HEARTEMERALD OVAL MARQUISERADIANT BAGUETTE TAPERED BAGUETTECliff Miller/CEO“The ACE Of Diamonds”CUSHION TRILLION PRINCESSHENDERSON10400 South Eastern Ave.S. Eastern at Coronado702-617-8818BOCA PARK8980 W. Charleston Blvd.Corner of Rampart & Charleston702-952-2300WWW.MJCHRISTENSEN.COMLICENSED AND BONDEDOVER 70 YEARS IN THEINDUSTRY • HIGHEST SKILLEDCERTIFIED BUYERS, GIAGEMOLOGIST ONTAFFS

Community ServicesThe CommunityService <strong>Club</strong>Independence CenterBingo dates for 2012 are:<strong>Sun</strong> June 10th, 2012<strong>Sun</strong> Sept. 9th, 2012<strong>Sun</strong> Dec. 9th, 201220 Games/ $2050/50 Raffle for CashBonanza Coverall JackpotDoors Open 6:00 p.m.Early Bird 6:15 p.m.Regular Bingo 7:00 p.m.TRANSPORTATION FORUMThe Community Service Group will present aTransportation Forum on Thursday, May 17, at 10:00a.m. in Freedom Hall. This Forum will explain thevarious transportation options available to thiscommunity.Representatives from Paratransit, RTC andITN will answer your questions concerning availabilityand qualifications to utilize thetransportation services.All SCAresidents andinterested parties arewelcome. Pleasecontact Bob Ingersonat 492-6194 foradditionalinformation.The Community Service <strong>Club</strong> thanks Jim Zigelfor his outstanding service to <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>.In the past six years, Jim has volunteeredover 16 weeks of his time performingh o m e m a i n t e n a n c e f o r h i sneighbors. Jim and Janice retiredin 2004 to Las Vegas from Buffalo,NY where he was a corporatelawyer. He graduated from theUniversity of Missouri and fromBoston University Law School. He alsoserves on the SCA Community Patroland also serves as a driver for the CSC. Jimand Janice also find sometime to travel.Thanks, Jim.ASSISTANCE LINE:614-5862Business Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday-Friday(no weekends, no holidays)Volunteers provide the following services:TRANSPORTATION:To local area medical providers or supermarkets. Three (3)business days notice required to arrange your ride.EQUIPMENT:We will loan you (on a temporary basis) a wheelchair, walker,crutches, cane, or other durable medical equipment.HOME MAINTENANCE:Assistance with minor home maintenance chores such ascleaning or replacing overhead air filters, replacing batteries insmoke alarms and CO detectors, changing overhead light bulbsor lubricating garage doors.HOME ASSISTANCE:Resource directory of information on fee-based, discount,and many other services available to seniors. Volunteers willalso shop and deliver groceries or prescription medication toresidents who are temporarily homebound.SUPPORT GROUPS:CSC sponsors several support groups to assist the residents of<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>.THESE GROUPS INCLUDE:Cancer: 2nd Monday, 9:30 a.m. Greene RoomLiving “Well” with Disabilities 2nd Thursday,10:30 a.m. Greene RoomLow VisionAlzheimer’s CaregiversBereavement (non-denominational)One-on-one grief counseling for loss of a childOne-on-one guidance throughJewish bereavement protocolFriends of Bill W. Meeting of Alcoholics AnonymousHome Caregivers(for those caring for a loved one at home)Volunteers are the backbone of the CSC. We need your help!Help us now and we will help you later!Call 614-5862 to volunteer or for further information.Wewould like to express our gratitude to:(formerly The Minuteman Foundation) for supportingour efforts to help our neighbors in the community.14 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

May 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 15

<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>Community PatrolEMERGENCY –911Non-Emergency -311SCACP - 614-6751Consider Volunteeringfor your Community Patrol!This article discusses the multiple layers of security within <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>.Layer 1: Neighborhood Watch Program.This is a nationwide program started in 1972 by theNational Sheriffs’ Association. Since that time,Neighborhood Watch Programs have become one of themost effective means of fighting crime in communities.This is because neighborhood residents are the most likelyto know what is going on and the most likely to see a crimeand call for help. The Neighborhood Watch Program issimple in approach in that it only requires residents toform a concerned group of neighbors and to meet therequirements of the local law enforcement agency. Fromthat point on, it is just being observant of theneighborhood surroundings, looking out for each otherand reporting suspicious activity. For our community, callthe Henderson Police Department at 311, or 267-5000.Additional information on the SCA Community NeighborhoodWatch Program (CNWP) can be found on theSCA HOA website, by calling 638-5770, or by contactingyour SCA Community Patrol office at 614-6751. The nextCNWP meeting is May 3.Layer 2: Community Patrol Walking/Biking Volunteers.Patrol members at layer 2 consist of a two-hour patrol oftheir village and adjoining villages wearing the appropriateuniform once a week. This method provides a “slowpatrol” by our members who are very familiar with theirvillages and neighborhood streets. It also provides a moreeffective way of communicating with local residents. Thisalso works well with the CNWP. I often see residentswalking and biking around our community and think ofhow effective it would be to have them all in Patroluniform, a very visible deterrent to criminal activity. Inaddition to showing you care about your community, it isa great way to “GIVE SOMETHING BACK” byvolunteering and performing a great service to yourcommunity.Layer 3: Community Patrol Driving Volunteers.The Community Patrol has three vehicles, clearly marked<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> Community Patrol, and equipped with2-way radios, cell phones, scanners and emergency lights.Layer 3 volunteers drive these vehicles and have contactwith dispatchers in the office (when staffed) andaround-the-clock contact with the Watch Commander andthe Patrol Chiefs. We do our best to have at least onevehicle out at all times on our streets, watching for anysuspicious activities or things that look out of place in ourcommunity. During the hours of darkness, our volunteersalso look for open garage doors and blinking “911” lights,indicators that something may be wrong at thoseparticular homes.Layer 4: Henderson Police Department.Henderson Police patrols are very active in ourcommunity. They often patrol our village streets in the latenight and early morning hours while most of us are allpeacefully sleeping. They are very responsive to calls fromour residents. Layer 4 provides a tremendous deterrent tocrime in our community.AttendThurs., May 10at 5PMPrestige Travel695 N. Stephanie (at <strong>Sun</strong>set)Guest SpeakerRob TaylorLearn about:2012-2013 Europe & AlaskaCruiseToursNEW Summer SaleDetails on upgrades, aircredits & shipboard creditsChildren’s fares on Europe CruisesTues., May 15at 6PMPrestige Travel Executive Bldg.Guest SpeakerRobin SelleckHear about:Panama Canal, Caribbean& Europe itinerariesRoyal Advantage UpdatesOasis & Allure of the SeasYou’re Invited!Wed., May 16at 5PMPrestige Travel Executive Bldg.Guest SpeakerRick Madden2012-13 Cruises to Alaska,Canada/New England,Europe & HawaiiNEW Ship - NorwegianBreakawayLattiudes Rewards membersencouraged to attend.Come in “Aloha Wear” for achance to win a prize!You’re Invited!Tahiti Caribbean Europe Panama CanalWed., May 23at 5PMCall for LocationGuest Speaker: Nancy IovinoFeaturing:All-inclusive cruisingExclusive Private island, “Motu Mahana”Gourmet Delights withParisian celebrity chefJean-Pierre VigatoJean-Michel Cousteau’sOcean Futures Society ProgramAmbassadors of the EnvironmentYouth ProgramRSVP by May 7Limited Seating. Light Refreshments served. Note that presentation details are subject to change so your RSVP is important.Mariner Societymembers areencouraged to attend.RSVP by May 7RSVP by May 11RSVP by May 1816 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

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<strong>Club</strong> Sponsored Events20 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.Arlington RoomSaturday, May 12, 12:00 p.m.– 4:00 p.m.Greene Room$12.00 foron AARP Wednesdays members,$14.00 for non-membersMin 10 ParticipantsMax 20onSaturdaysMay 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 21

22 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

ComplianceCLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PET- IT'S THE LAW!If your neighbor's backyardseems to have excessiveamounts of pet feces, please callHenderson Animal Controlat (702) 267-4970 to placea telephone complaint. AnAnimal Control Officer willbe dispatched to the residenceo f c o n c e r n t o i s s u e acourtesy notice regardingt h e c o m p l a i n t .T h e Henderson Municipal code pertaining to sanitation(HMC 7.04.130) reads as follows:A. Every person who is the owner of any animal, or keepsthe same upon his premises or under his care, custody orcontrol, shall keep the animal restrained by a fence, cage,coop, chain, leash or other adequate means so that saidanimal shall not leave or escape from the premises uponwhich it shall be kept; provided that no person shall keep anysuch animal unless its living area is kept clean and freefrom offensive odors, animal wastes and rodents,excessive amounts of flies, or any other offensive orunwholesome condition.B. It is unlawful for the owner or person having care,custody or control of any animal to permit, either willfully orthrough failure to exercise due care or control of such animal,any animal to excrete any solid waste upon any sidewalk ofany public street or public park, or to excrete any solidwaste upon any real property under the control of or in theWe’re Open!Finally, a place for seniors to call theirvery own. A place to laugh, a place tolearn and a place to stay healthy.The SMA Lifestyle CenterEast5820 S. Eastern Ave., Suite 100The SMA Lifestyle CenterWest8680 W. Cheyenne Ave.possession of any other person, or upon any place to whichthe public has normal access or right of ingress or egress,provided further, that no violation of this section shall occurif the owner of the offending animal promptly andvoluntarily removes the animal waste.One of the simplest and most basic responsibilities of petownership is to clean up after your pet. Whether on publicareas or in your own backyard, bend over and scoop thepoop. During any time of the year it is important to keepthings clean. Spring and summer are when things really startheating up over the animal sanitation issues between neighbors.Temperatures rise and the odors from an unkept arearide on the heat waves. When disposing of your pet's waste,make sure you close the garbage can lid! If you don't have alid, dispose of the waste in a garbage bag and tie it off or sealit before leaving it in the garbage can.DON'T BE A POOP! STOP AND SCOOP!Quick Notes:• Cats and dogs must be on a leash when outside ofthe house or fenced yard,• Several residents have asked that we remind you thatleaving your cigarette butts in the common areas or onsidewalks or private property creates a mess for othersto clean up.• Please do not put the trash out any earlier thannecessary as it attracts pests and wind can blow itthroughout the neighborhood.Chris Wikoff, Compliance Department Manager 614-5859socialclubseniorguidanceCentered AroundYOUseniormedical carecommunityresources11NVSMA11947Open toall seniors!For more information, please call (866) 249-7674.May 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 23

Fitness SCA Membership Required for EntryCLASS SPOTLIGHTPILATESFITNESS NEWS:The Roc-IT Series 1102 BicepCurl has arrive at <strong>Anthem</strong>Fitness Center.Monday, Wednesday, & Friday10:30 a.m. – 11:30 the Independence CenterFREE CLASSWednesday, May 16Fitness For You!Features:Cable-driven exercise movement automaticallyadjusts to accommodatevarying lengths and shoulder widths.Starts the body in an upright posture toimprove arm extensions for biceprecruitment, then rocks rearward duringexercise to reduce shoulder and backmovement.Personal TrainersProvide Customized Workout Sessions!Call 630-5407To schedule your appointment.BLOOD DRIVEFriday, May 188:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.Arlington RoomFor moreinformation see theFitness Desk at<strong>Anthem</strong> Center.FREE FITNESS ORIENTATION.NEED HELP with a machine?Have a question about whether or notyou are doing enough cardio?Join Meg for a trip around the FitnessCenter to learn about safety, technique,or just to ask a few questions about yourworkout regimen.Sign up at the Fitness Center or call614-5885.SERENITY SPA…. Call 614-5809On line scheduling now available!www.serenityatanthemdayspa.com24 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>

Facilities/LandscapingMay~ Mother’s Day is May 13Mother’s Day was first observed in 1908, designated by Presidential proclamation,and recognized officially by Congress and the President in 1914.Southern Nevada Water Authority’s official start of summer as related to our watergroup “E” in <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> is the first of May. This means you may now waterlandscape any day of the week. Please note, however, that even though watering dailyis allowed, you may not run sprinklers between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.on any day. This restriction was put into effect due to the evaporation that occurs fromthe hotter days and the usual almost daily afternoon winds. Watering with a handheldhose or testing irrigation with supervision is allowed. If you do not follow these SNWAmandates, it could result in a water-waste fee or citation to the property owner.May is one of the most beautiful months of the year. The cold weather is gone andwe usually have a couple months before the hotter temperatures arrive here in<strong>Anthem</strong>. Wild flowers are beginning to bloom in the desert areas and deciduoustrees are sprouting their new spring growth, all of which attract all the birds andanother new population of rabbits.Now that almost every species of tree or plant is showing off their new spring growth, we are still very busy inour quest to identify and plant all of the areas where landscape has been damaged due to the freezingtemperatures this past winter. For those who have inquired about plants missing in different locations, we doappreciate your comments and patience while we complete this project.There are many of the native Cacti that have beautiful flowers. Thefeatured photograph is an Echinocereus Cacti, often referred to asthe “Comb Hedge Hog.” This particular species of cactus is muchloved by cactus growers worldwide. There are severalcharacteristics that collectively account for their popularity. AllEchinocereus are small plants. In the wild, some species may formlarge mounds of many hundreds of stems, but this takes manyyears and these same species are still quite manageable incultivation. They have some of the most brilliant flowers of thecactus family and range in color from electric-pink to deep scarlet.In the wild, Echinocereus range from as far north as South Dakotaand south through most of Mexico, from low elevation deserts tomountainsides of 8,000 feet or more.With the prime goal of keeping our community beautiful, weregularly walk our grounds and interact with the crews from threelandscape companies that maintain our outdoor areas. Theseareas include: the grounds around the Centers; SCA streetscapes;desert re-veg areas; the common areas and gate maintenance in Pinnacle Village; thelandscape around the duplex homes; and rock drains within our community. We always welcome theopportunity to speak with the homeowners. If you have questions, comments or concerns regarding any of ourproperties, please don’t hesitate to contact me at or (702) 614 5863.Thank you,Christine Noble, Facilities/Landscape Coordinator“Caring for our Community”For information regarding building maintenance and other facility projects, contact our website: where the Facilitiesand Maintenance Section is maintained and frequently updated by Bruno Panek, Facilities Manager.May 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 27

“Am I crazy?”I’m offering My Amazing $149 Air Conditioner Tune-Upfor only $79… AND I guarantee your system won’tbreak down this Summer or my service is FREE!”I must be crazy! So, why am I offering such adrastic discount on my Super-Tune-Ups? It’s verysimple. I want you as a client for life! So, I call thismy INVESTMENT IN YOU!Right! I make you a spectacular offer you can’trefuse and win you as a new client for life.Back to my offer.Scott Meier“The King of Cool”I know that I run the tightest service company inthe business. I belong to a National Organizationof highly motivated and technically competentheating and air conditioning contractors. We areprofessionally and continually trained in the skillsof service, repair, system replacement, If mytechnicians weren’t the best in the industry I couldnot make such an amazing offer!I am serious about my profession; proud of myentire staff; and completely dedicated to each andevery one of my clients… new and old.Now, how am I going to prove all this to you if Ican’t get your attention?My Super-Tune-Up includes a painstaking andthorough 14 point examination of more than 50potential problem areas in your air conditioner. Iwill inspect, adjust, and clean your system and if Ind anything wrong, I’ll bring it to your attention.I will guarantee that your system is xed right andif it breaks down this summer my service is FREE!This is a $149 value for only $79, when thewarm weather hits I will be too busy to offer thissuper value, and since I have to limit how many ofthese we do each day, the schedule will ll quickly,so don’t miss out!Call 996-6215 now and ask for Tiffany orBrandi. They will set your appointment time.Your "Precision Tune-Up and Professional Cleaning"Consists of These 14 Individual Operations:Thoroughly Clean Condenser CoilTighten Electrical ConnectionsLubricate All Motor BearingsTest Compressor Starter ComponentsVerify Proper Supply Air TemperatureElectronically Monitor Refrigerant LevelCheck System for Proper Air FlowClean Air FilterInspect Evaporator Coil performanceCheck Air Conditioner Condensate DrainInspect Plenums For Air LeaksClean debris from Air Conditioning UnitCheck Calibration of ThermostatCheck operation of electronic circuit boardwww.RightNowAir.comLic. # 0023649A, MHL# A0024WE FIX IT RIGHT& WE FIX IT NOW!CALL US RIGHT NOW996-6215SP 00228 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

Bringing dialysis toyour doorstep.Dialysis canour promise: our UltraCare at home® commitment to providing the highest quality carepossible. For a home dialysis program that’s right for you, call (888) 863-6198 or 2012 •29

Foundation Assisting SeniorsBy Favil WestFor more than 30 years, the Del Webb Corporationsuccessfully marketed “active lifestyle” as the foundationof the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> concept. It sold me, it sold my friends, andit sold you. It is a great concept, but one not withoutshortcomings. What is left unsaid, is how long this “activelifestyle” and “living on” can be maintained and whathappens when, for whatever reason, one cannot maintainthe lifestyle they bought into.By visiting older established age-qualified communitieswe learned that as the community ages many are lefthomebound or with limited abilities to get out and enjoyretirement. They suffer falls, strokes, joint & mobilityproblems, macular degeneration, diabetes and many otherage-related illnesses.In spite of age-related problems, we’ve learned that mostof our resident seniors want to stay in their communitiesand remain active as long as possible. Nearly all havestarted a whole new life with new friends and newactivities and no longer fit in to the former life. Since early2002 the Foundation has been addressing the special needsof seniors in the age-qualified communities. TheFoundation has, over the 10-plus years it has been inoperation, become the cornerstone of the seniorcommunity. Here at <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>, it was the solenegotiator for the design and construction of theCommunity Service Building, which it later arranged tohave donated to the Association. It obtained and donatedthe van used by the Community Service Group, It has beeninstrumental in the funding of much of the equipment forCh. 99, and the service clubs, and retains funds for theeventual funding of the hospice.This issue of the Spirit is dedicated to the FoundationAssisting Seniors, its trustees, and its companion, theCommunity Service <strong>Club</strong>. More than ten years ago, FavilWest and Chuck Davis teamed up to form the Foundationand shortly thereafter Favil West teamed up with JerryGardberg to form the Community Service <strong>Club</strong>. In theensuing years, this partnership has grown to become avital part of the lifestyle we enjoy at <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>.The Foundation Assisting Seniors is a 501 (c) (3)non-profit charitable corporation dedicated to improvingthe quality of life in the senior community. The Board ofTrustees of the Foundation are: Bob Berman, Liz Trosper,Charley Kilkuskie, William Fitzpatrick, Bob Sansing,Harriet Schreider, Denny Lesterson, Emile Girard,Marianne Blaha, Frank Blaha, Brian Wittman, EvonneAlpern, John Waterhouse. The officers are: Favil West,President and Chuck Davis, Vice President, Jack Silas,Treasurer, and Phyllis Washburn, Secretary, The officersand trustees are unpaid volunteers committed to assistseniors during the difficult times of illness, recovery,confinement in home, loss of spouse, disease and otherchallenges associated with aging. In conjunction with ourpartners, the Community Service <strong>Club</strong>s, we haveresponded to more than 35,000 calls requesting service;more than 7,000 of those calls came in 2011.The Foundation plans to initiate two new programs byearly summer, redesign our website, and present a newand updated logoOne of the new programs the Foundation plans is a drugreminder service which will begin tests this month. Theother program which we plan to initiate by May willprovide singles and others with a service that will ensurethat those who are enrolled will be found if they fall, getvery sick, or pass away. This service is in response to thefact that 13 of our residents passed away without anybodyknowing. Testing of this program should begin by May.The Woman’s <strong>Club</strong> has been kind enough to donatemoney to facilitate this program, but more is needed.The long-term goals of the Foundation are to help fundconstruction of a hospice in Henderson as well as fund theoperation of a mini-bus to provide transportation toresidents who, for one reason or another can no longerdrive. The mini-bus will provide transportation from theresident’s home to the Center, the grocery store, pharmacyand/or doctor and will be free.To date, nearly 70% of all money raised by the Foundationcomes from supporters outside the community. Wereceive donations from individuals, corporations andthrough various fund-raising activities. Major donorsinclude Brian A.Wittman & Associates, InvestmentCounsel, Del Webb/Pulte, Troon Golf Management, SouthPoint Resort and Casino, Golden Gaming/PT Pubs, RobOsur’s Financial Wellness Center, Valley CrestLandscaping, Special Operation Associates, <strong>Anthem</strong> HillsBarber Salon, Ron Tiburti/Putters, Findlay Toyota, andmany others. In addition, the following clubs and/orindividuals have donated larger amounts of money: TheSewing and Quilting <strong>Club</strong> of <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>, TheInternational Culture <strong>Club</strong>, The Women’s <strong>Club</strong> of <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong><strong>Anthem</strong>, Joe & Mary Lay, Dave & Sharon Smith, Favil &Pat West, Bob Sansing, Chuck & Vickie Davis, and PhyllisWashburn and Rose Huffman, the Coffee Klatch andothers.The Foundation’s major fund raising events includequarterly bingo, golf cart raffle, and most importantly theNinth Annual Foundation Assisting Seniors Charity GolfTournament, sponsored by Brian A. Wittman & AssociatesInvestment Counsel. The tournament will be heldMonday, May 28, 2012 at the Revere Golf Course. The priceis $95 which includes: 18 holes of golf, cart, driving range,lunch and a gift bag. Terrific prizes will be awarded to firstand second place finishers on both courses. More than 100items will be raffled off at the lunch, and, two luckyplayers will have a chance to win $1,000,000 dollars, andfour players will have a chance to win $250,000 each. Thisis a wonderful opportunity to have a great time playinggolf with your friends and all for a good cause. A specialchallenge play between the Men’s Golf Group, the Titansof Revere, the Wackos, Hooligans, Legacy, Siena, and WildHorse <strong>Club</strong>s, an event within the tournament, will be heldwith first prize of $400 and second Prize of $200 to thewinning men’s and women’s team. Please join us at eitherbingo or the golf tournament.Special thanks to Brian Wittman for his continuedsponsorship of the golf tournament.For information call Favil West at 702-755-6047 or GaryDuffel at 858-5760.30 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong><strong>Club</strong> Contact Telephone Email<strong>Anthem</strong> Authors .................................... Richard Wine 251-1932 pamrobjon@cox.netAquacize ................................................ Helen McKenney 415-944-0973 henabear@gmail.comArts and Crafts ...................................... Ralph Saccoliti 456-1819 ragfsac@cox.netBallroom Dance .................................... Fred Goldberg 914-2722 freddyg3@cox.netBid Whist ............................................... Tyrone Mason 485-2282 onegr8shot2@aol.comBilliards.................................................. Ron Armstrong 837-0251 ronarmstrong@cox.netBocce Ball ............................................. Marcy Fridmann270-2677marcyfridmann@hotmail.comBook ...................................................... Susan Hernandez 263-4088 sehernandez1@gmail.comBowling ................................................. Vern Schaubert 263-3630 marivern@centurylink.netBunco .................................................... Helen McKenney 415-944-0973 henabear@gmail.comCeramics ............................................... Cathy Doll 616-3946Channel 99 ............................................ Nancy Hepburn 269-8607 anthemalive@hotmail.comChinese Heritage .................................. Peter Tu 492-9098 ptu888@cox.netCommunity Patrol ................................. Ed Miller 614-6751 patrol.chief@scacai.comCommunity Service .............................. Emile Girard 270-0470 bevo61@cox.netComputer .............................................. Bernie Thompson 616-9440 president@myscacc.comCurrents Events/History ....................... George Zielsdorff 586-0960 geoziels@cox.netDemocratic <strong>Club</strong> ................................... Janet Miller263-0881SCADemocrats@aol.comDuplicate Bridge ................................... Carl Weinstein 616-9601 hr1955@aol.comEmergency Preparedness .................... Roy Prince 889-8221 reprince@earthlink.netFilipiniana <strong>Club</strong> ................................... Carmelo Beley 837-4900 beleyc@aol.comFinancial.............................................. Don Manning 453-1492 don.manning@cox.netGarden................................................... Gloria Gorman 564-3667 gloriahg@cox.netHand & Foot ....................................... Karen Fleischer 270-8386 fleischer1@cox.netHavurah............................................... Pam Finefineltc1315@yahoo.comHiking & Outing .................................... Mike Picciano 468-8542 mike4245@cox.netHow To, Can Do................................... John Waterhouse 492-0186 johnwaterhouse@cox.netInternational Culture Conn .................... Marianne Blaha 897-0229 bigwwt@gmail.comItalian Forum.......................................Vince Capillupocapivj@cox.netLifelong Learning .................................. Larry Kaplan 896-3913 larrykap@cox.netMah Jongg ............................................ Nancy Lebish 614-8694 nlebish@cox.netMen’s Golf.......................................... Gary Duffel 407-7122 elduff@cox.netOpera Lover’s....................................... Mary Bruner 837-7371 brunerkdmg@aol.comPaddle Tennis....................................... Sal Fiorentinomotorsal@aol.comPan ...................................................... Carol FranklinCfranklinremax@aol.comParty Bridge ........................................ Jack Trugman997-1005jtrug1@cox.netPerforming Arts................................... Bill Starr 263-7716 wisdom3@cox.netPet .......................................................JoAnne Swadron 614-7707 vegussunpuppy@aol.comPickleball............................................. Barbara Wrightwrightbarbara@gmail.comPinochle ................................................ Katherine Ficaro 263-8273Poker................................................... Coleman Washington 302-2409 Ezyryde102@aol.comPorcelain ............................................... Carol Montambeau 896-0095 cmontambeau@yahoo.comRepublican <strong>Club</strong> .................................... Kay Dwyer 733-0401 kaycd@cox.netRV....................................................... George Ormsby 492-2542 george_ormsby@msn.comScrabble.............................................. Samaria Graham 260-6307 ozellag@cox.netSewing and Quilting............................. Mary Ann Brim981-7417scasaq@hotmail.comShanghai Rummy.................................Shirley LaChance 837-9924 mymoneyandme@yahoo.comSingles................................................. Carol Bochner 685-9441 bochnerc@aol.comSoftball................................................ John Paul Molfetta 361-4572 jpmvegas@yahoo.comTable Tennis......................................... Wes McGlaughlin 873-7083 sca_tabletennisclub@ifs.lvcoxmail.comTennis.................................................. Ed Burrellejb107@juno.comVeterans .............................................. Bill Campbell 263-9302 wealthbc@cox.netWomen’s ............................................. Jo Ann Malterjoannmalterscawc@aol.comWomen’s Golf........................................ Gail Horky 454-0288 redteeslv@cox.netWoodchips.......................................... Bill Van Ooyen 614-8056 vanooyen@cox.netNeighborhood Advisory Group Representatives by VillagePinnacle Village: Donna Dickey 617-9930 labloverx2@cox.netAdele Doyle 914-1792 johnandadeledoyle@gmail.comJackie McRitchie 270-9264 jake89052@cox.netJudy Sansone 889-5067 nikkismama@gmail.comCanyon Crest Villas (20 units): Jackie Mars 407-6709 Jackie.mars@cox.netHigh Mesa Villas: Gilda BrownleeAnita De Souza202-1236269-5638gr8rn4life@yahoo.commeandmo1@cox.netMountain View Villas (58 units): Laura West 363-3702 laurawest@gmail.comCarol Wilson 489-4427n/a32 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

ANTHEM AUTHORSWhat is written without effort is in general read withoutpleasureSamuel JohnsonWe have begun some new creative events. Joan Nagayawon the topic of the month contest—an obituary—with atouching memory of a dog. The three-part serial story,“Snowbound” was read. This is a project where onemember writes the first third of the story, then passes it onto the next person to complete the second part and it isthen passed on for finishing.We also circulated a paper around the table, with eachperson writing one sentence before passing it on. The lackof continuity was enjoyed by all.Recent readings have included Kazuko Monobe describingher mother’s visit from Japan, Scotty Curran readingthe chapter, “The Killer,” from his novel in progress andnew member Sherry DePaepe reading her short story, “AMonster in the House.” James Logsden described hisarrival in the Philippines for a new job. There have beenreadings from other works-in-progress.These are a few examples of the exciting things <strong>Anthem</strong>Authors experience. You, too, can listen and share yourwriting. We meet every Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. in <strong>Anthem</strong>Center. Our annual membership dues are $10.00. Pleaseview our website at www.<strong>Anthem</strong> and readsome of our writings or contact Elaine Stubbs at 361-8529for more information. You can also call our President,Richard Wine at 251-1932.Also, don’t miss the display of our members’ books in thecabinet outside the Computer <strong>Club</strong> Room in <strong>Anthem</strong>Center.AQUACIZEMay Birthday Luncheon Wednesday, May 16, 11:00a.m. Elephant Bar and Restaurant 2270 Village Walk Dr.Henderson in The DistrictHappy May to all our members. We have a new restaurantto celebrate the birthdays of Janet Buhr, Esther Finder, BeaGriebling, Sherry Marquiss, Jeannette Pinocci, SueWeddle, Candy Zak and Valerie Lapin.RSVP's are due no later than May 13 to Helen McKenneyat 702-722-1607 or email or toRacheal Kay at 714-394-8778 or big thank you to all the members who helped in theCoffee Bar in April. The money will help finance ourannual appreciation luncheon held this summer.Anyone enjoying our Aquacize classes is invited to joinour swim club social group. See Marci Price at poolside orcall her at 702-998-0722 to request an enrollment form.Forms are also available in the <strong>Anthem</strong> Business Center.Annual dues are five dollars. We get together once amonth to celebrate member’s birthdays and, get to knoweach other.See you in the pool!ARTS AND CRAFTSProduct Displays:Several examples of creative designs made by the Arts andCrafts membership are located in the cabinets in the lobbyof the Independence Center. Items in these display casesmay be purchased through the membership desk locatedin the Independence Center or by contacting JoanSchaumburg at Artist Spotlight:This month, Arts and Crafts are pleased to feature creationsby Janette Bond representing Beading. Please contactJanette (information below) for information and/orquestions regarding specific beading techniques andprojects. Please enjoy!Further <strong>Information</strong>:Membership to Arts and Crafts is open to all interestedparties. Please contact any of the following individuals foradditional information about the various Arts and CraftsGroup activities.Bead Weaving: Janette or 336-8006Colored Pencils: Jo Cappellitti ....................................................914-0119Fused Glass: Sandy Dyan..............................................................614-9939Knit/Crochet: Mary Turner..........................................................421-6727or Sandra Watkins...........................................................................492-9343Mosaics: Judy Jones..........................................................................869-8528Needlepoint: Barbara Zielsdorff................................................586-0860or Roberta Kushner.........................................................................616-7165Photography: Bob or 860-1557Polymer Clay: Pat Badgers..............................................................489-6783Donna Bourdon..............................................260-7047Scrapbooking: Alice Leonard......................................................614-8976Stained Glass: John D’ or 407-0556Stamping: DianaTitus....................................................................837-7913Liz Walek-Sowin............. or 269-5658Beginners: Audrey Hearn .... or 283-5007Tuesday Painters: Ruth McDermott............ or750-2553Woodcarving: Martel Thompson.............m25thomp@yahoo.comFurther <strong>Information</strong>:President, Ralph Saccoliti..............................................................456-1819or Spirit Magazine Liaison, Marilyn Davis: 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 33

BALLROOM DANCEDon’t forget our Spring Dinner Dance, from 5:00 p.m. - 9:00p.m. in the <strong>Anthem</strong> Ballroom on <strong>Sun</strong>day, May 6. Although thedeadline for purchasing tickets was <strong>Sun</strong>day, April 29, theremay be a few seats left. Contact Marge Meves at 269-6994ASAP. No tickets will be sold at the door on the day of theevent.We have great classes for beginner, intermediate and expertlevels, as follows:Monthly <strong>Sun</strong>day Dance:<strong>Sun</strong>day, May 6, Dinner Dance. From 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. -<strong>Anthem</strong> Center Ballroom. For more information email FredGoldberg at or call 914-2722.Basic & Intermediate Ballroom Class:Mondays 4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.- Building 3 – Liberty Center at$10.00/person/class. Contact Esther at 443-0788.American Ballroom Dance Freestyle Class:Tuesdays 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. – Building 3 – Liberty Centerat $10.00/person/class. Contact Kimie Radke at 234-0222 oremail to Ballroom Dance Class:Wednesdays 4:00 p.m. – 5:15 p.m. - Building 3 - Liberty Centerat $10.00/person/class. Contact Kimie Radke at 234-0222 oremail to Tango Latin Dance Class:Wednesdays 11:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. – Building 3 LibertyCenter at $10.00/person/class. All levels welcome. Instructors:Marcos Questas and Ruta Maria. Contact Stan Rokickiat or 492-0677for more information.Basic Beginner Class:Thursdays 2:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m. Building 3 – Liberty Centerat $10.00/person/class. Contact Kimie at 234-0222 Dance Practice:Thursdays 4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. Building 3 – Liberty Center(free for members only.) A mini- dance lesson from 3:30 p.m. –4:00 p.m. will be offered prior to the dance practice. Forinformation, contact Charlie Meves at 269-6994..34 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

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<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong>BID WHISTFriday evenings from 7:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. in theEmerson/Franklin Room at the <strong>Anthem</strong> Center, youwill find many interesting people from all parts of theUnited States. This group meets to play "Bid Whist.”Bid, an announcement in a card game of what a playerproposes to accomplish. Whist, a card game played byfour players in two partnerships with a deck of 54cards.We welcome all <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> residents to join usfor an entertaining evening.Our President Tyrone "Tony" Mason, can be reached at(702) 419-3931 or CLUBThe Billiards <strong>Club</strong> is a social organization for people whoenjoy the game of Billiards, along with socializing andmaking new friends. Whether you are an expert player,need to brush up on your skills or want to learn the game,the Billiards <strong>Club</strong> invites you to join! If you have neverplayed pool, you’ll discover it’s a lot of fun. All <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong><strong>Anthem</strong> residents are welcome and encouraged to join.Call <strong>Club</strong> President, Ron Armstrong, 837-0251, VicePresident, Chuck Boxwell, 897-3991, Secretary, BethWeddle, 407-8342, or Treasurer, Dzintra Landers, 492-6778,for information on joining.<strong>Club</strong> Structure: Regular competitive club play consists ofdifferent member flights, handicapped by ability. You playagainst members with similar skill levels. New membersare evaluated before competitive play. There is also a socialflight for those who simply want to play to improve theirgame, meet new people and have fun. Lessons areavailable free of charge to any and all club members.Please call an officer for details.Tournaments: Daily tournaments are played at 1:00 p.m.,Monday through Friday. All tournaments are held in theBilliards Room in Independence Center. Tables arereserved for women’s play on Saturdays from 9:30 a.m.until noon. This is drop-in play, and all are welcome.Our next quarterly meeting will be held on Wednesday,May 2, 2012, at 1:00 p.m. in the Penn Room inIndependence Center.BOCCEAnother Bocce Season has ended!! Season play ended theweek of April 23 with the leaders of all divisions decidedand to be announced at the Annual Bocce AwardsBanquet.The culmination of everyone developing their bocce skillson our new courts will be judged by the competition at theSpring Bocce Tournament to be held on Saturday, May 5,at 9:00 a.m. Every team is invited to participate and be atthe courts by 8:30 a.m.ALL team members MUST be present in order toparticipate (no substitutes allowed.)Everyone is invited to come and observe the competitionwhich will be lively.May 7 will be the Bocce Awards Banquet at the Gold CoastHotel & Casino, 4000 West Flamingo Road at 5:30 p.m.Cost is $25 for members and $40 for non-members. Themenu consists of Filet Mignon served with potato,seasonal vegetables, salad, rolls and butter, and crokinshell with fresh berries and cream with choice of coffee,regular and decaffeinated, and hot tea. Awards will bepresented to club winners followed by an Entertainer/DJwith music and dancing. It always is a wonderful eveningto end the Bocce season with our friends and neighbors.For all the latest Bocce news, visit orcontact Lisa Evans at 823-4665.BOOK<strong>Club</strong> Meeting – Thursday, May 17, 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 the Penn/Nelson Rooms at IndependenceCenter.Each month the Book <strong>Club</strong>reads and discusses a book.The May book selection isRebecca Skloot's bestseller, TheImmortal Life of HenriettaLacks. This is the true story ofan African American womanwho died of cancer in 1951.Without her knowledge orpermission or that of her family,her cancerous cells wereharvested and used forresearch. Known as He-La, thecells have been the basis foryears of scientific study andmedical discoveries.Meanwhile, Henrietta's family has continued to live inpoverty, her contribution has never been appropriatelyrecognized and few even know her name.Book <strong>Club</strong> members volunteer at the SCA library. Thelibrary is available to all SCA residents and contains avaried collection of fiction and nonfiction, both paperbackand hardcover. Books may be donated to the library,although due to space constraints, only books publishedwithin the last eight to ten years are accepted.The Book<strong>Club</strong> normally meets on the third Thursday of each month.Guests are welcome at any Book <strong>Club</strong> meeting. For thosewho wish to join, dues are $5. Please address any questionsto Susan Hernandez at <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

BOWLINGSCA Bowling <strong>Club</strong>: The <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> Bowling <strong>Club</strong>was established April 2003.The purpose of the club is topromote the game of bowling for <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>residents. The Bowling <strong>Club</strong> primarily acts as an interface tothe SCA Community Association and the SCA BowlingLeagues. Bowling League members, in general, are de factomembers of the SCA Bowling <strong>Club</strong>. The clubPresident is Vern Schaubert (702-263-3630.) Internet userscan now obtain SCA League information by signing up This site is loaded withinformation.SCA Sin <strong>City</strong> Seniors: The Thursday fall/winter Sin <strong>City</strong>Seniors Bowling League is held at the South Point BowlingCenter. Regular bowling start time is 10:00 a.m. The leaguecurrently has 60 teams. The secretary maintains a list ofindividuals who desire to enter the league; please contacther if you wish to bowl. This fall/winter league seasonends 5/24/2012.This is a closed league and is open only to SCA residents age55 or over. Each league member must pay an annual USBCsanction fee (currently $20.00), plus a weekly bowling feewhich is $10.00 per bowler this season.Officers for the fall/winter season are: President: HectorRosario (702-586-7225), Vice-President: Ken Hershfield,Secretary: Bev Wertz (702-407-8761), Sgt. at Arms: Al Fried.Questions regarding the league should be addressed toeither Bev Wertz or Hector RosarioSummer League: The SCA <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Seniors II summerBowling League starts May 23, 2012 at South Point BowlingCenter with a 9:00 a.m. meeting. Contact Robert LaMorte at702-837-6223 (email: for moreinformation.For Your Health CareInsurance N eedsJOEL GLABMANABroker For 36 Years A <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> ResidentFor People on MedicareUniversal Health Care - PFFS (Any, Any, Any)Senior Dimensions HMOMedigap Policies:AARP AETNA Gerber Life ConsecoPrescription Drug Plans:AARPFor People N ot on Medicare, Under 65Sierra Health (PPO/ HMO)Aetna (PPO/ HSA)United Healthcare (Golden Rule)<strong>Anthem</strong> Blue Cross (PPO)Long Term Carejglab2@centurylink.netBlue Cross<strong>Anthem</strong> Rollers: The 10:00 a.m. (Monday) Bowling Leagueis organized as a Trio (3 bowlers per team) at the SouthPoint Bowling Center. Contact Robert LaMorte at702-837-6223 (email: for information.Current other contacts are Robert Selitzky (702-254-0761),and Colleen Clem (702-837-7671.)BUNCO CLUBThe Bunco <strong>Club</strong> meets every Monday night at 7:00 pm inthe Emerson/Franklin Room. So if your Monday nightroutine could use a change, why not join us for a game ofBunco. If you can throw dice and count, you can play thiseasy-to-learn, fun and sometimes frustrating dice game.You’ll meet new friends, maybe have a chat with some oldfriends and enjoy a night out. Bring yourself, a partner ora friend. Everyone is welcome, including guests. If youwish to join the yearly membership fee is $3.00 and it costs$2.00 a week to play. For more information you can contactHelen McKenney at 702-722-1607 or Sue Weddle at702-837-3363CERAMICSIf you’ve worked with ceramics before, or have neverenjoyed the experience of creating your own clay“masterpiece” but think you’d like to, this is the club foryou. Our members paint, glaze and fire pieces that arealready molded, or some start from scratch with just ablock of clay. We have a formal orientation for all newmembers. If you think you’d enjoy creating a special pieceas a gift or have plans to decorate your home and yardwith your creations, all this is possible if you become amember of the Ceramics <strong>Club</strong>. The Ceramics Room in the<strong>Anthem</strong> Center is available to members every day butWednesday mornings, and monitors are available onTuesday, Thursday and Friday 9:00 a.m. to noon andMonday, Tuesday and Thursday 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m., ifyou’d like to stop by for a tour. Come enjoy the goodfellowship and creativity of the Ceramics <strong>Club</strong> and beprepared to be inspired by our creative members.We welcome new members and Cathy Doll, President, canbe contacted at 616-3946 if you have questions.CHINESE HERITAGEThe Chinese Heritage <strong>Club</strong> (CHC): The Chinese Heritage<strong>Club</strong>s (CHC) sponsors group activities and events that areof interest to all <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> Residents. CHC activesand events are designed to celebrate, preserve, promoteand share among our fellow residents the Chinese culturesand traditions. They include such areas as arts, music,culinary, health enhancements and ancient philosophy.CHC also sponsors a number of social activities.CHC Sponsored Weekly Activities for all members:Health Enhancement Gathering: Monday, Wednesday2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. – Liberty Center Friday 3:00 p.m. –5:00 p.m. – Liberty Center. Contact Thomas Cheng attmhcheng@cox.netModern Chinese Dance Workshop: <strong>Sun</strong>day 8:45 a.m.-10:45 a.m. Liberty Center and Wednesday 8:30 a.m.-10:00 a.m. Liberty Center. Contact Lizwu Wu atwulizwu@cox.netcontinued...May 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 37

<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong>Yuan-Ji Dance: Monday and Friday 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.Liberty Center. Contact Celia Chang atcpchang709@hotmail.comChinese Folk Dance: <strong>Sun</strong>day 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.Liberty Center Contact Grace Liang atgracemliang@yahoo.comAdvance Mandarin Chinese Class: Wednesday 2:00 p.m.–3:30 p.m. – <strong>Anthem</strong> Center’s Greene Room. ContactKitty Zee at DZ888KZ@aol.comBeginner Mandarin Chinese Class: Thursday 3:00 p.m. –4:30 p.m. – <strong>Anthem</strong>s Center’s Greene Room. ContactKitty Zee at DZ888KZ@aol.comCHC is sponsoring a May Fair in celebration of theforthcoming Dragon Boat Festival on May 20 from 5:00p.m.– 10:00 p.m. in the <strong>Anthem</strong> Grand Ballroom.Please check the CHC web sitewww.SCA-ChineseHeritage<strong>Club</strong>.org for further detailsand information as it develops.Board MeetingThe CHC Board of Director meets on the 3rd Tuesday ofeach month from 9:00 a.m. – noon in Penn Room atIndependence CenterMembership:To join CHC, please go to:www.SCA-ChineseHeritage<strong>Club</strong>.org or contact JosephHsu at 982-7303 or email josephfhsu@gmail.comThe dues are $5.00 per person per calendar year.COMPUTER CLUBMembershipThe Computer <strong>Club</strong> welcomes any <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong>resident with an interest in using a computer. Stopby to learn more and join the clubSome benefits of membership:• Use of the club computer lab• Free classes• Eligibility for personal computer help/ house callsVisit our website at More InvolvedInterested in contributing articles to either our websiteor monthly newsletter or becoming a club monitor orclassroom aide? Contact Terri for more details at 263-5240or InstructionTo view class offerings and descriptions, visit our websiteat and click on Classes, or to viewmonthly class schedules select Calendar. <strong>Club</strong> memberscan sign up for classes via our website by logging in andthen clicking on specific classes on the Calendar page.MeetingsGeneral Meetings are open to all SCA residents andare held at 1:30 p.m. in Freedom Hall on the secondThursday of the month.May 10 – The program details will be posted on the clubwebsite at Talk –Thursdays at 9:00 a.m. in the clubclassroomComputer AssistanceNeed personalized one-on-one computer instruction, helpsolving computer problems, assistance in setting up acomputer or your home network? With our House Callprogram, a club volunteer will come to you for just a $20donation to the club. For a list of volunteers and their areasof expertise, visit answers to computer-related questions or forsuggestions visit or e-mailhelp@myscacc.comCURRENT EVENTSThe club meets every Monday from 10:00 a.m. until noonand every Thursday from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. in the<strong>Anthem</strong> Center (Bristol & Concord Rooms.) The 2ndThursday of each month is in Independence Center.We are an information and entertainment club. Topics runthe gamut from local, regional, national and international.They are presented from both conservative and liberalpoints of view. Civility in our discourse is encouraged,controversy is guaranteed. All members are welcome toparticipate in any of the discussions or just listen at yourleisure. If you are frustrated not having a forum to expressyour views and concerns, this is the place for you!Annual membership dues are $10/year (less than$0.10/meeting.) Prospective members are permitted toattend up to (3) meetings free of charge prior to joining.Contact: George Zielsdorff Email: 10 hrs/week contract)Henderson Area(702) 407-1100Summerlin Area(702) 562-3322• Up to 24 hour care (2 hour minimum) • Properly licensed, bonded & insured• Staff and services are available 24/7 • Medicaid in home care for seniors,the disabled, dementia/alzheimer’s,rehabilitation, respite and hospice care.2 FREE hourswith new service contractsNow hiring part-time care givers!38 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

DEMOCRATS CLUBThe SCA Democrats extends anSCA D emocrats invitation to all residents to joinus every second Monday of themonth in the IndependenceCenter’s Morris Room startingat 6:30 p.m. Plan to attend and hear from lawmakers andexperts in the field of public policy. They address yourissues of concern, and you will hear from a variety ofpolitical commentators. Join your neighbors, enjoy ourrefreshments and make new friends. You will becomebetter informed on the critical issues of the day and engagein the political process in a fact-based, dignified andstimulating atmosphere of mutual respect.<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong>DUPLICATE BRIDGEDuplicate Bridge can be played at the <strong>Anthem</strong> Center inthe Emerson/Franklin Room. The game is open to alllevels of Bridge players (beginners thru expert.) Allinterested persons are welcome. Playing times areWednesdays from 6:00 p.m. until approximately 9:30 p.m.,and Saturdays from noon until approximately 3:30 p.m.If you have never played Duplicate Bridge, this is a greatopportunity to play in a low level, competitive and friendlyenvironment.Our game is not ACBL (American Contract Bridge League)sanctioned, but we abide by ACBL standards of play. Pointsare not awarded.<strong>Club</strong> officers can be contacted for additional information:President David Fineman 270-6441Vice President Jerry Vonderahe 837-7500Treasurer George Freeman 614-4527Secretary Mary Ellen Dolan 616-9761Anyone wishing to play who needs a partner shouldcontact Gerda Hagen at 702-614-7745.Greg Esposito speaking on the importance of theDemocratic County ConventionAt the March 12 meeting, the club featured candidatesfrom Congressional District #3 with a special presentationfrom Greg Esposito, from the Clark County DemocraticCentral Committee. He discussed the details of the April14 Clark County Democratic Convention.Don’t miss the meeting on May 14 when we present ourJudicial Forum. You will meet the Judicial candidatesseeking your vote.The issues facing us as seniors in 2012 are truly profound.If you are concerned about the plans to privatize SocialSecurity, voucherize Medicare, dismantle the EPA, deregulateWall Street, repeal the Patient Protection and AffordableHealth Care Act, remove the rights of women tocontrol their own health care and reproductive choices, thecalls to rush to war with Iran, the future of our SupremeCourt, then join our <strong>Club</strong>.Feel free to contact us for more information.Ronald Garland At-Large, Donald Kusel, Vice President,Jane Kusel, Rec. Sec., Vernon Mattson, At-Large,Susan Mihalich, Dir. of Comm.,Janet Miller, President, Rich Miller, Treas,Zelda Weingard, Cor. Sec.Phone/Fax 702- 263-0881SCADemocrats@aol.comMay 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 39

<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong>FilipinianaThe Filipiniana <strong>Club</strong>, the newestchartered club at <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong><strong>Anthem</strong> (SCA), was organized topreserve, promote and share theFilipino culture and traditionsamong all residents of SCA.Social, cultural and a variety ofactivities will be organized topromote fellowship among thelarge Filipino population and allothers in our community. Memberships are open to all SCAresidents. Annual dues are $5.Our 2012 officers areCarmelo Beley,President; Tito Fernandez,Vice President; VivianEnverga,Secretary; Fred Eleazar,Treasurer; Tessie Cruz,Social Chair; RomyNolasco,Membership Chair; andJosie Baker,Communication Chair. Allare shown in the photo except for Tito Fernandez.The first social event, a dinner dance “Pista Sa Nayon,” willbe held on June 8, 2012, 5:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m., at the <strong>Anthem</strong>Ballroom.Contact Carmelo Beley, or 837-4900 forgeneral club information, and Tessie Cruz , or 914-2343 regarding club social events.FINANCIALMay 16, 2012 - 7:00 p.m. in the DelawareRoom at <strong>Anthem</strong> CenterThe speaker for this month is TonyMuhlenkamp, Executive Vice President,Client Service Department atMuhlenkamp & Co. The subject will be:Europe, China and U.S. Politics—WhyDo We Care?A few of the topics will be:• European Debt: Can Germany save the Eurozone?• Chinese Inflation: Headed toward a Soft Landing orRecession?• U.S. Economy: The junction of politics, economics,and the markets—What can be done?Participants will be informed about:• The defining characteristics of the current investmentenvironment;• The investment areas best avoided; and• Where we are finding opportunities to investMark your calendar for our June 13 program. Our speaker willbe Robert Massi, local attorney and Fox News Legal Analyst.Bob is one of our most popular speakers!We are conducting our 2012 "Guess the Dow" contest. Theobjective will be to guess the close of the DJIA on June 29, 2012.Forms will be available at our April 11 meeting. At our July 11meeting, prizes will be awarded to the three closest guesses.40 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012Our speaker at the March 14 meeting was Jason Thomas,VP for Tax Services at Fair, Anderson & Langerman, CPAs.The slides from this presentation are available on the<strong>Anthem</strong> Financial <strong>Club</strong> website at .Please consider joining the AFC Board of Directors. Wehave an urgent need for new talent. Contact Don Manning,AFC President, if you are interested (453-1492.)GARDENThe <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> Garden <strong>Club</strong> will be hosting ourannual Residents' Garden Tour and Luncheon on Tuesday,May 8. Members are invited to meet at 9:00 a.m. in theLobby at <strong>Anthem</strong> Center where they will pick up the mapsand locations of the members' homes who will be openingup their gardens for tours. As in past years, members willsee various plants ranging from desert cactus, agave,yucca and succulents, to beautiful flowers, fruits andvegetables! Each garden promises to be unique andinteresting!The hosting members will show that anything is possiblefor you to grow and enjoy if you take the time andinvolvement to make it happen. Host members will besharing their secrets for their successes.Following these tours, members will return to theIndependence Center for a wonderful lunch and a chanceto meet and discuss gardening techniques as well ashaving an opportunity to wish one another a healthy andproductive summer!HAND AND FOOT CLUBThe <strong>Club</strong> meets each Tuesday at 5:45 p.m. and eachFriday at 12:45 p.m. in the Morris/Nelson Rooms inIndependence Center.The game is easy to play, you don’t have to come with apartner and new players will receive instructions. Dues for2012 are only $5.00. For further information call KarenFleischer, 270-8386.Hope to see you soon.HAVURAHHavurah, or Friendship Group, at <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> wasformed in 2002 as a means for many of the new Jewishresidents, as well as others, to meet, socialize and ease thetransition from their prior communities. We often tell newmembers to think of us as their “new family.” This isachieved by organizing a wide variety of social, cultural,educational, and recreational events throughout the year.The SCA Havurah welcomes all SCA residents to join andparticipate in its activities. A variety of activities isplanned to meet the needs and interests of all of ourmembers. We get together for our Purim Party, movienights, dine-in, dine out, Break the Fast, Succot Picnic,lectures, our annual Hanukkah Dinner Dance, where weeat, mingle, dance the night away and more!For more information, contact Maxine Drapkin have our General Membership Meetingsapproximately every three months. Meetings are held inthe Morris and Nelson Rooms in Independence Center.continued...

<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong>Officers are:President-Jeff BerkowVice President-Allan SebotnickVice President Membership-Maxine DrapkinTreasurer-Elaine HalprinSecretary-Pam FineMember at Large-Ron WilenCheck our website at: contact us for upcoming events and programs such asthe afternoon Lake Mead cruise and lunch, movie nights andmore..HIKING AND OUTINGPresident Mike Picciano mike4245@cox.net702- 468-8542New Member Advisor - Burt 702-466-3821Next MeetingMay 30th Social MeetingIndependence Center Multi PurposeRoom Social Hour 6:30 p.m.70+ Birthday Celebration/ Ice Cream SocialSEE CLUB WEBSITE –• Membership and contact information• Schedule and description of monthly hikes & lastminute weather/trail condition changes• Social Calendar• Away trip information & sign upEnjoy the wonderful outdoors and hiking trails in and nearthe Las Vegas Valley. Stay fit and healthy with theencouragement and camaraderie of friends. Our social eventsand away trips offer fun times and great memories.Trail hikes vary by levelto build endurance andskill. If you prefer to walkin the neighborhood orwant to work on yourconditioning for trailhikes, check out theweekly walks. Socialevents and away tripsoffer fun times andgreat memories.Trail hikes vary by levelto build endurance andskill. If you prefer to walk in the neighborhood, or want towork on your conditioning for trail hikes, check out theweekly walks.Hikes: Monday and Friday morning (start times dependon seasonal conditions.) Meet in northeast <strong>Anthem</strong> Centerparking lot. New members should attend hikingorientation session or receive “hike clearance” from theNew Member Advisor. ALL hikers must wear hikingboots and bring adequate water. Trails are rated frommoderate to extremely strenuous.V. P. Beth Lane 592-8733 keithandbeth@embarqmail.comNeighborhood Walks: Wednesday mornings meet in<strong>Anthem</strong> Center parking lot at 8:00 a.m. Check website forchanges.COMING UP……..May 4 – Annual PicnicMay 5 – Komen Race for the CureMay 30 – Ice Cream SocialAway Trips• June - Bryce Canyon• September - Yellowstone• October - Capitol ReefMembers sign up on website & include email.V.P. Greg Pardee 702-896-7364HOW TO, CAN DOThird Thursday, 10:00 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.How To — Know your wills, trusts, deeds, maritalcontracts, life insurance and annuities. Morbidity andmortality issues are not just creative liabilities for you andyour family.Can Do — Learn to do the right things in law andeconomics when it comes to your money by knowing thequestions that you need to ask. Then learn to ‘Pro Se’yourown solutions to probable negative issues and difficultiesin law, in economics and when it comes to your money,your investments, your taxes and your estate andfinancial health. The key to the club is knowledge,learning right from wrong and making sure you know theright questions to ask for your security and peace of mind.Contact John Waterhouse 492-0186 or johnwaterhouse@cox.netICCCThe International Culture Connections <strong>Club</strong> (ICCC) is achartered SCA club dedicated to exploring culturesaround the world. We welcome people who are interestedin promoting and sharing their ethnic heritage with all<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> residents. We also encourage members tosupport the community, deserving youth-oriented groupsand worthy charitable organizations.The “Happiness <strong>Club</strong>” is a Shared Interest Group underthe ICCC which meets every first Tuesday of the month inthe Greene Room at <strong>Anthem</strong> Center from 10:00 a.m. tonoon. For more information about the group, pleasecontact Christine Kevorkian at 702-516-0914 or email herat The Social Group Dance is now scheduled onTuesday at 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at the Liberty Center. ThisGroup Dance is offered under the auspices of the FilipinoSocial Group. Anyone interested in joining the DanceGroup may contact Mel Aguelo at 702-478-8861 or emailhim at St Patrick’s Day Celebration, held on March 18, 2012,featuring the Clark High School Chamber Orchestra, the<strong>Anthem</strong> Jazz Dancers and the Show Stoppers DanceGroup was a tremendous success. It was a standingovation - the band performance and music selections wereoutstanding; the dances and dancers were fantastic withbeautiful costumes and graceful movements. The showwas followed by an afterglow reception. What a lovelyway to spend a <strong>Sun</strong>day afternoon!For your info, the Clark High School Chamber Orchestracontinued...May 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 41

<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong>performed at the Carnegie Hall on the last week of March2012. Thank you to all the generous donors whocontributed during the St. Patrick’s Day Celebration tohelp in their trip expenses to New York.The Lin Hong Li Chinese Music Ensemble will perform atthe Freedom Hall on <strong>Sun</strong>day, May 27, 2012 from 2:00 4:00 p.m. Also featured are the Show Stoppers and<strong>Anthem</strong> Jazz Dancers. It is free; tickets will be given on a“first come, first served” basis. For tickets, please callMarianne Blaha at 702-897-0229 or Charlie Wong at702-492-6318. Refreshments will be served after the showat the Nelson and Morris Rooms.The Philippine Independence and Birthday Celebration, acombined event, will be held on <strong>Sun</strong>day, July 15, 2012 from4:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the SCA Grand Ballroom. It is apotluck and the theme is western. Tickets are $10 formembers and $15 for non-members. Attire is semi-formalbut we encourage you to wear your cowboy outfit - boots,hats and all. Make your reservation by June 30, 2012. Fortickets and more information, please call Marianne Blahaat 702-897-0229 or Charlie Wong at 702-492-6318.The ICCC Board Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday ofeach month at the Conference Room at Liberty Centerstartingat 10:00 a.m. to noon. All members are invited toattend.A couple of ICCC party pictures are shown below.LIFELONG LEARNINGThe LLL Center pursues knowledge through lectures anddiscussions. Members free; non-members, $1.00.Programs are in the <strong>Anthem</strong> Center (Delaware Room.)The Life Long Learning Center is looking for speakers.If you, or anyone you know, might be interested inpresenting a program, please do not hesitate to contact me.Any and all topics are welcome. Al Tenner, (702) 448-6518.alvintenner@hotmail.comSince programs are scheduled well in advance,cancellations and changes for various reasons areinevitable. Every effort is made to inform the membershipof these changes; please look to all fliers & e-mails forcurrent information.Wednesday, May 2, (First Wednesday), at 1:00 p.m. *Wednesday, May 9, (Second Wednesday), at 10.00 a.m.Herb Schultz, Regional Director of Health and HumanServices, will speak on the Affordable Health Care Act.What it does and does not do.Tuesday, May 15, (Third Tuesday), at 10.00 a.m. TomPiechota, PhD and Chair of the Citizens AdvisoryCommittee, <strong>City</strong> of Henderson, will present “A DifferentKind of Green in the Desert-Energy, Water, Recycling”.Monday, May 28, (Fourth Monday) at 7:00 p.m. RobertPassaro, Executive Director of Channel99/980 will speakon Channel 99/980: By and For the residents of SCA.Discussion, Friday, May 25, at 10:30 a.m. (Last Friday) inthe Concord Room, <strong>Anthem</strong> Center. TOPIC TO BEANNOUNCED-WATCH FOR MONTHLY FLIER*The executive board, with the approval of the generalmembership, voted to limit our speakers to 3 per month.ITALIAN FORUMThe Italian Forum <strong>Club</strong>is open to all in <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong><strong>Anthem</strong> who want tohave fun Italian-style.We host three or fourevents every year,most with excitinge n t e r t a i n m e n tand dancing. Italian<strong>Club</strong> parties are usuallyfun-filled with goodfood, music and a few raffle prizes. Our first party for 2012,Carnivale, was held on March 17 in the <strong>Anthem</strong> Center,and it was a great success. Friends joined together andplanned their pot luck dinner for tables of eight.Breakaway, with Tony Cedola, performed lively music fordancing. For more information on events or to learn aboutmembership, contact <strong>Club</strong> President, Vince Capillupo, or 914-448142 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

MAH JONGGAND THE WINNERS ARE: Our American/WesternTournament was a great success. First place: Faye Diamond,Second place: Lan Palmer, Third/Fourth place tie: Gail Perryand Marie Siddall, Fifth/Sixth place tie: Rose Marie Kiley andMaxine McCurry. Congratulations to all.Something new! Drop-in Mah Jongg,Wednesday, May 2 atnoon. Snowbirds, singles and newcomers – if you would liketo play Asian or American and have no game, drop in andwe’ll get you going.American/Western Mah Jongg Mixer - Tuesday, June 12, from9:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Join us for a great day of fun.Want to learn American/Western Mah Jongg? We haveclasses available to club members. To make a reservationcontact Natalie Rakow at 434-8555,, or SueGordon at 630-2284, Mah Jongg is growing in popularity. We have allsupplies for the game plus our newly revised and updatedfan pays card. The cost of the card is $1.00 for club membersand $2.00 for non-members. Asian lessons are held in LibertyCenter on Thursday from 10:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Forinformation, contact Elaine Galant at 444-2528 events: Asian Mixer on Tuesday, September 11.American Tournament on Wednesday, October 10.American Mixer on Wednesday, November 7. HolidayLuncheon on Friday, December 14.If you would like join the Mah Jongg <strong>Club</strong>, contact NancyLebish at 614-8694 or We are always happyto have new members.HAVE A GREAT GAME. WE DESERVE IT.MEN’S GOLF"Pace of Play Day" was held on March 7. We had morethan 108 players take part. The event was a huge success.There was a free raffle with prizes that included dinners,shows and golf. Each foursome had to finish in 4 1/2hours. Thank you to Jim McGonigle and his committee forall their hard work to make this event a fun day.On April 10 and 11, we were invited to participate in aHome and Home match with Aliante. About 40 playersparticipated. The Foundation Assisting Seniors event willbe held May 28. This is always a fun time. Emile Girardworks very hard on this event.Two qualifying rounds of stroke play will be played onMay 30 and 31, for the <strong>Club</strong> Championship. The top 16players (gross score) will be selected to play matches todetermine the <strong>Club</strong> Champion. The reigning <strong>Club</strong>Champion is automatically included in the 16.We welcome any newmembers to join our club.The purpose of the club is todevelop and coordinate thegolfing activities and playdates for our membership.Visit our website ordrop by the Pro Shop atRevere and pick up anapplication.<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong>OPERAMeeting – May 10, 6:45 p.m. at Freedom HallPuccini’s La Rondine is thechosen opera this monthand this production isThe Metropolitan OperaOrchestra and Chorusstarring Angela Gheorghiuand Roberto Alagna. I s i tr e a l l y p o s s i b l e thatt h e r e ’ s a m a t u r em a s t e r p i e c e by the world’s most cherished operacomposer that is hardly known by the public? Accordingto the conductor director, and stars of this production of LaRondine, it’s not only possible, it’s beyond question. LaRondine is first rate Puccini and, though little known,deserves a place in the repertory alongside his other greatsuccesses. It is Puccini, but there is no great tragic ending,no death. How can this be a Puccini opera? Magda,the opera’s heroine, is dreaming of love, of beingloved for herself.“Ms Gheorghiu, as Magda, sings withgleaming sound and wonderfully dusky colorings” (NewYork Times.) The story starts in Paris, in Magda’s salon.Act Two takes place in the ballroom, at Bullier’s while ActThree is stagedat a villa on the Riviera.A synopsis will be sent to club members prior to themeeting.Plan on seeing this 2009 production from the Met.Members and their guests are welcome and all residentsare invited to join us.PADDLE TENNISLiberty Center Courts- Revised spring playschedule…Tuesday, Thursday and <strong>Sun</strong>daym o r n i n g s , M o n d a y a n d We d n e s d a yevenings. Please refer to the posted scheduleon the courtside activity board at LibertyCenter as starting times will change astemperatures rise.Two of our six major tournaments on the 2012SCAPTC Player’s Tour, the”Ground Hog DayInvitational” and the extremely popular “St.Patty’s Day” event have paved the way foranother fantastic year of Paddle Tennis fun at SCA.Congratulations to the team of John Gibbs and Russell Lee forsecuring first place in our King of the Court St. Patty’s Challenge.The next major event on our Player’s Tour will be our “May DayFun Festival” on Saturday, May 12. Good food, good play and agood time for all who participate, make these play events a greatway to enjoy the great outdoors with many of your co-playersplus a chance to mingle with our new members.You should know by now that our major play events are all aboutFUN. We do not take ourselves, or our sport, too seriously soplayers of all abilities can be assured of a good time. Join ustoday. Membership forms are available in our SCA <strong>Club</strong> Mailbox.Dues are just $10.00 for the entire 2012 season.There are now games for all skill levels plus introductory classes,providing those new to the sport with an opportunity to play onthe court. Contact Sal Fiorentino at toschedule your free introductory lesson today.Paddles and balls are available for check out at the Liberty Centermain desk. If you enjoy your game, then we welcome you to joinour club to participate in a host of fun play events.May 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 43

<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong>PANMondays, 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. -9:30 p.m. & Saturday, 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.We just had our firstPan Tournament for2012 and it was asuccess! Everyonewho participatedhad a wonderfultime. The first placewinner was LynnLamorte, secondplace went to SandyKatz, third placewas Al Kerner and fourth place went to Peter Engel. Wealso had three door prize winners; Linda Eckenrod, LyndaKleinman and Bobbi Monteforte. We’d also like to thankthe Tournament Committee; Faye Schoenfeld, MarilynSchiff, Elaine Ellis and Nancy Rose.Come make new friends, come see old friends and play afun, fast-paced and exciting game of cards. This game willkeep you smiling and laughing from fun and a littlefrustration. Pan is a game enjoyed by both men andwomen. A very popular rummy-style game in the Westernpart of the United States and Florida.If you would like to join in and learn the game, please callFrank Eckenrod, at 570-7567. If you just need a refreshercourse, stop by and see us during any play time listedabove. We’ll be glad to have you see if it’s the game youremember. We’re located in the main building near theFitness Center.Look for upcoming social events and have fun with us!Any questions about membership, please contact CarolFranklin, Communications Chair BRIDGEReserve the date! On May 7, the Party Bridge <strong>Club</strong> will holda deal and dine session for members in the Morris/Nelsonrooms at Indepedence CenterParty Bridge Sessions are held as follows.Location: Emerson/Franklin Room at the <strong>Anthem</strong> CenterRubber-Scored Non-Partner sessions are Thursdayafternoons from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.Chicago Scored Partner sessions are held on <strong>Sun</strong>day andTuesday afternoons from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. With priornotice, allowance for late arrival may be possible. A sit-outround and play with a "dummy" are used when needed sothat no one need be sent "home" if there is an incompletetable.Dues: $10.00 per person per year. Your first two sessions arefree.For questions please call Jack Trugman at 997-1005 orSandra Burke at 896-0705Expect only the highest level of stroke carewhen you or a loved one need it most.One morning while exercising, Jenny experienced a suddenweakness in her body and loss of vision. Her husband made sureshe got to St. Rose Dominican Hospitals immediately where it wasconfirmed that she had suffered a stroke.At St. Rose, we provide the full spectrum of care, from acuteintervention and neurosurgery at our Siena Campus, toone-on-one acute rehabilitation at our Rose de Lima Campus.St. Rose Dominican Hospitals’ Siena Campus, the valley’s newestJoint Commission Primary Stroke Center, is the Stroke Center forHenderson.To learn more about Jenny’s story andour Certified Stroke Stroke PatientSt. Rose Dominican Hospitals Siena CampusDo you have a St. Rose doctor? Call 616-4508.44 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

PERFORMING ARTSTicket Sales begin at 1:00 p.m. on Friday, May 25 at theIndependence Center Box Office, for our upcomingcomedy show entitled “Mish/Mash.” This show will bringloads of laughs to audiences on June 8, 9 and 10 inFreedom Hall. Tickets are $10.00.The Desert Divas Dance Groupis looking for new members. Ifyou want to have fun and dancein Performing Arts <strong>Club</strong> showsand other events, contact KathyDauenhauer, representative forthe Desert Divas @ 581-3332 oralternate representative, Paula@ 409-7912.All residents are invited to aunique evening of dancing andentertainment. “Dancing Underthe Stars in The Make BelieveBallroom” will be held in the Independence CenterCourtyard on Friday, May 4 from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.Tickets are $10.00 per couple/$5.00 for singles. There willbe a cash bar. You will dance to big band music with somecountry and western added to the mix. Some of ourpopular dance troupes will be on hand to entertain. Comedressed in your 1940s and 1950s finery. Ticket sales beginon Monday, April 23 at 6:00 p.m. at the IndependenceCenter Box Office.PETIn May, the Pet <strong>Club</strong> will welcomeNancy Rouas, owner of PettingZoo 2 U. She is an animal trainerhaving experience with a widevariety of species including: dogs,cats (big and small,) birds(including free flight,) horses,camels, goats, sheep and primates.She graduated from the ExoticAnimal Training and Managementprogram in Simi Valley, Californiaw i t h a m a j o r i n b e h a v i o rmodification. She has worked withanimals on the strip for many yearsincluding camels at the Luxor,horses at Excalibur, parrots andfish at the Rainforest Cafe insidethe MGM Grand and currently at the Wynn, flying birds inLeReve. She is bringing a few exotic species native toSouth America. Animals that will be visiting are a Blue andGold Macaw (pictured,) a Kinkajou, a Patagonian Mara, anIguana and a Llama. We will be meeting in the Courtyardof Independence Center at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, May23. We will not have our own pets at this meeting for fearof frightening the visiting animals. Our June meeting willbe in a park where our own companion animals can mixand mingle with old and new friends. Nancy says“Animals are not my whole life, but they make my lifewhole.”The Pet <strong>Club</strong> now has a Lost Pet Line – 638-5757, whereresidents can report a lost or found animal.<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong>To be placed on the Pet <strong>Club</strong> email list simply send anemail to SCAPet<strong>Club</strong> and you will receive emailadvising you of upcoming events. Guest Policy allows youto attend two events before joining.For more information contact President JoAnne Swadronat 614-7707.PICKLEBALLSocial Events -The Pickleball <strong>Club</strong> would liketo invite members of otherclubs to join us forrefreshments and court playfor those interested in learningthe game. Please contactBarbara Wright at club has a number of Social events scheduled for thisspring/summer which include a monthly “Coffee at theCourts” and “Potluck at the Courts.” These are events thatwill enable members to socially interact with othermembers/spouses.Player Development-Clinics for new players- Clinics will continue to be offeredfor new members thru May and then from September toDecember on Mondays & Wednesdays. The training willinclude two lessons (one each week,) followed by individualtraining for the next two weeks for those who wish. Otherswill play games with each other under the guidance of aninstructor. At the end of the four sessions, players will beencouraged to join the club. Those wishing to receivetraining, need to make sure they pre-register for classes.Walk-ons will not be accepted. For enrollment informationemail Jack Silas at scapickleballclasses@earthlink.netTournaments-Men’s, Women’s & Mixed Doubles Tournaments have beenscheduled for 2012 and will be organized to include playersof all levels of play.Please check out our Pickleball <strong>Club</strong> web site atanthempickleball.comThose residents interested in joining contact Barbara Wrightat wrightbarbara@gmail.comBe sure to check out our club featured in “Making ADifference” in this month’s Spirit.May 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 45

<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong>PINOCHLEWednesday, 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.Thursday, 5:30 p.m . – 10:00 p.m.Emerson/Franklin RoomDo you like to win cash, fabulous vacations and new cars?Regrettably, we don’t do that in this club! We just have funsocializing with other residents and playing pinochle.We are looking for new members for both single anddouble deck. If you’ve never played before or are justrusty, we will happily show you the game. Hope to seesome new faces. The dues are only $5.00 yearly. What adeal!POKERCongratulations to the winnersof our first quarterly TexasHold'em "Sit N Go"Tournament.1st Carl Mandley2nd Robert B. Loch3rd Roy A. Schroeder4th Harvey Ferber5th Mike EllisWe play on Tuesdays at noon until 4:00 p.m. Thursdayevening from 6:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. and Saturdaysfrom 10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Please come in early to geta seat.We also have our weekly "Sit N Go" Tournaments. We onlyplay Texas Hold'em in these tournaments. We play onThursdays at 6:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. and Saturdays10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Any questions please contact ourTournaments Director Don Eckroad @ desertduo1@cox.netColeman Washington President,SCA Poker <strong>Club</strong>Ezyryde102@aol.comPORCELAINWednesdays, 9:30 a.m. - noon., <strong>Anthem</strong> CenterThe Porcelain <strong>Club</strong> invites new members to experience thegreat joy of completing a porcelain project that will beappreciated as a gift or enjoyed in one’s home.Experienced members are available to share their expertiseon cleaning purchased Greenware, firing pieces using theclub's kiln, and painting porcelain pieces in China paintand pastels to complete items such as Lladro figurines,chess sets, nativity sets, tea and coffee sets, vases and dolls.The Porcelain <strong>Club</strong> is pleased to announce that we arefortunate to have Carole Beck join our club. She is availableeach Wednesday morning from 9:30 a.m. - noon toteach our members to paint porcelain items using Chinapaints. She works with members together as a group andindividually to teach painting techniques to our members.To keep costs to a minimum for members, the clubprovides the China paints, as well as some of the otherrequired painting supplies.If you would like more information or have questionsabout Carole's class, please call Diana Borja at 837-7444.For additional information about the Porcelain <strong>Club</strong>,please call Carol Montambeau at 896-0095 or stop by thePorcelain and Ceramics Room during workshop day,every Wednesday - 9:30 a.m. - noon. The club's yearlymembership is $5.00. We look forward to introducing youto the wonderful world of porcelain.REPUBLICANThe Republican <strong>Club</strong> of <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> (RCSCA) meetsat 10:00 a.m. on the second Saturday of each month inIndependence Center. Please join us for interestingspeakers (recently Bob Massi and Governor Robert List)and lively discussion. The scheduled speaker for our nextmeeting on April 14 is Barbara Cegavske, U. S.Congressional District 4 candidate.The purpose of the RCSCA is to promote the principlesand core values of the Republican Party through educationprograms, publicity and forums for discussion and debate.We encourage such civic duties as voter registrationdrives, candidate forums, and constituent servicesworkshops and to help identify, promote and supportRepublican candidates for office. The core Republicanprinciples are constitutionally limited government, fiscaldiscipline, individual freedom and responsibility, freemarkets and economic freedom, and preserving ournational military and moral strength.Republicans and Democrats agree that the November 6,2012 election will be the most important in at least ageneration. The Republican position favors limitedgovernment, fiscal responsibility, and personalresponsibility. It appears that the Democrat position offersmore and larger government, increased spending andtaxes, and government infringement on personal freedom.The RCSCA hopes to convince our community that theformer approach is best not only for us but, moreimportantly, also for our children and grandchildren.In this and future Spirit issues we will conclude with a“Thought for the Day”, to provide food for thoughtwhen considering the November 2012 election choices.Thought for the day: The federal government spends over$3.5 trillion dollars per year. We must borrow about 40cents of every dollar to support this spending, much of itfrom China. Are the federal government programs worthborrowing money from China?Don Manning, Communication Committee MemberYou may contact Kay Dwyer, Secretary at orphone: 733-0401 for further information about the RCSCA46 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong>RVNothing really exciting happened last month - except anexhilarating powered-raft trip down the roaring ColoradoRiver. This was all part of the fun-filled “Tom Sawyer”Rally hosted by Tom and Diane Smith. We spent threehours exploring the 12 miles of history as we passedthrough the canyon walls that in some places rose 2,000feet above the river’s edge. We experienced the waterfalls,hot springs and other geological wonders including DesertBig Horn sheep, Osprey, Great Blue Heron and muchmore. Someone even said they saw an American BaldEagle. During our adventure, we even had a chance toswim in the beautiful waters of the Colorado. This was oneof the more popular rallies the club has undertaken in thenine-year history of the club. We had a fabulous Italianpot-luck dinner created by Tom & Diane.Future scheduled trips include Santa Maria,California/Napa wine country/Reno, north centralOregon/Crater Lake/Columbia River Valleyand Washington, Paso Robles wine country, Rocky Point,Mexico, and Albuquerque Balloon Festival. Stay tuned!Our meetings are held at 4:00 p.m. on the last Tuesday ofthe month (except December, June and July) in the PennRoom at Independence Center. If you are interested,please come to any of our meetings and see first-hand howmuch fun we have or contact our Membership Chair JackWiseman at 407-4042, or President George Ormsby at492-2542. If you are RVers & want to make some greatfriends, the SCA RV <strong>Club</strong> is the way to go!The Scrabble Plus <strong>Club</strong> meets each Friday afternoon from1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. in the Emerson/Franklin Room at<strong>Anthem</strong> Center. Anyone not a member is welcome to joinus as a guest for a friendly game of Scrabble. If you want tojoin, membership is open to all SCA residents for only $10a year.The Scrabble “Word of the Day” is NINJA, a covert agentor mercenary in feudal Japan who specialized inunorthodox warfare.Now for some Scrabble trivia: Since this is an election year,here’s an interesting tidbit. A local ordinance inAtwoodville, Connecticut prohibits people from playingScrabble while waiting for a politician to speak.A new high point score was made by 50 year old JoelSherman, Bronx, NY, in December 2011. He scored sevenbingos to get this score but a fourteen year old, BradleyRobbins, tied him also with the most bingos in a game. Nota newcomer to Scrabble, Joel was a participant in the 2011National Scrabble Championship.As stated in previous Spirit issues, there are words in oureveryday vocabulary that are names as well havemeanings allowing their play in a Scrabble game. There isa boy’s nickname which means stylish. The word itderived from means “precious.” It is also the commonname, but not the official name, of a theatre acting award.The TONY Awards, officially the Antoinette PerryAwards, are given for theatrical productions annually inthe United States. TONY is an adjective: having anaristocratic, expensive or stylish presentation.Spring has sprung and Mother’s Day isapproaching. The members of the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong><strong>Anthem</strong> Sewing and Quiltinging<strong>Club</strong> are busy with manyfun activities. The DollyMommas make dollclothes for the AmericanGirl Doll and the BittyBaby doll. Some of theproceeds from these sales go to charity. We are also makingpillow cases this year for ConKerr Cancer. This is aprogram where pillow cases are made and given tochildren who are in the hospital and dealing with cancer.The Happy Hookers are a crochet group whomake blankets and afghans for new moms and veterans.We have a busy andactive embroiderygroup as well as aquilt group calledL o o s e T h r e a d swhich does manyfun and creativethings. We also havea knitting groupcalled Chicks withSticks. Our sergergroup helps newserger owners learnhow to use their newm a c h i n e s . O nThursday afternoons, we have a craft group that meetsand makes all the wonderful items you see displayed inthe windows of our sewing room.As you can see, we have a variety of activities available formembers at all skill levels from beginner to experiencedsewers. If you are interested in joining our fun group, stopin and visit us sometime. You can also check out ourwebsite at You will be glad you did.May 2012 •

SHANGHAI RUMMY (PUSH)Mondays 11:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Emerson/Franklin RoomShanghai Rummy, aka Push, is an easy card game of threeto four players. We welcome men and women to play.Members play with the same table each week. We do notrotate tables as some games do. New members arewelcomed. Please call President Shirley LaChance at837-9924 to schedule an orientation to the game. It takesabout 20 minutes. Happily, all new members have found atable. Join in an afternoon of friendship and cards.Dues are $5.00 a year. Card racks are for sale for $15.00.New officers for 2012 are:President Shirley LaChance at 837-9924,Vice President Donna Topolski, Secretary Carol Jeffersand Treasurer David Olmstead.SINGLESSCA Singles <strong>Club</strong> is a wonderful place to meet other<strong>Anthem</strong> singles. Prospective members are welcometo come and join our T Times. T Times are held on the firstand third Fridays of each month from 5:00 p.m. to6:30 p.m. at Buckman’s with good conversation, cocktailsand on some occasions, dinner at a nearby restaurant. Formembership information, you may contact Maxine Blockat 489-8996, or Marion Wilkens at 616-3955. Dues are$10.00 per year and entitle members to attend allfunctions.We have many Shared InterestGroups including games, movies,dance, cooking, fine dining andoptional breakfast and lunch scheduleseach week. Upcoming eventsinclude Kentucky Derby/Cinco DeMayo party on May 5, 2012at Independence Center whichfollows a short semi-annualmeeting. The food will be aMexican theme along with TVcoverage of the Kentucky Derby,special contests, etc., and fun for all. Seniors Prom dancewill be held on June 23, 2012 with other single clubsattending.Also, Il Divo excursion coming up in July.Officers for 2012 are:President – Carol BochnerVice President – Janie HortonSecretary – Ann PetersTreasurer – Gail Van WagonerFor further information, log on to our website or you may check the bulletin boardin <strong>Anthem</strong> Center for possible changes.Board meetings are held the first Monday of each month at5:00 p.m. in the Concord Room in <strong>Anthem</strong> Center. Forfurther information, contact Carol Bochner at 685-9441.48 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

SOFTBALLEvery Tuesday & Friday morning, a bunch of the mostfriendly, warm and zany people you could ever meet gettogether to get some exercise, enjoy a little camaraderieand play one of the greatest sports, EVER! How can I get inon the fun, you say?' Well, here's the skinny.......We are <strong>Anthem</strong> Senior Softball and we play theaforementioned two days a week, over at <strong>Anthem</strong> Field,behind the Del Webb School. Starting at 8:30 a.m. with alittle practice to loosen up dem ol' bones followed by thegames at 9:00 a.m. We have an eclectic group of retiredmen AND women! Yes Virginia, I said MEN ANDWOMEN!! Anyone can play!We supply all the essentials: bats, balls, pitching screensand ice packs for the occasional sprained something orother! All you need to bring is a glove. Oh....and a pair ofcleats would probably be a good idea because at our age,we need all the traction that we can get!!!!Now you might say that you are not sure that the old bodycan still take it. We will let you play three games beforeyou would have to join. That should be enough time tojudge for yourself. If and when you do join the club, theyearly dues are only $35. That's less than 25 cents a game!!Now tell me that ain't a great deal!You'll need to be 50 years or older and live in <strong>Anthem</strong>. So,if you wanna have a grand old time and relive the joy andgood times of your childhood, come on down! Find outmore about us by calling our president, JP Molfetta at1-702-36-4572......Get out and play with us.....You'll be gladyou did!!TABLE TENNISThe <strong>Anthem</strong> Table Tennis <strong>Club</strong>has reserved club times onMonday & Fridays, 6:00 p.m. –10:00 p.m., Tuesday & Thurs-days, 8:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.,Wednesdays, 7:00 p.m.– 10:00p.m., Saturdays, 12:30 p.m. to4:30 p.m. at Independence HallAerobics & Fitness Rooms<strong>Anthem</strong> residents, of all abilities, are welcome to join theTable Tennis <strong>Club</strong>. Table Tennis is a great sport forall individuals who want to improve their hand-eyecoordination while having fun.<strong>Club</strong> members have access to a Table Tennis ball machine(robot) that can help players improve their skills and workon a multitude of different strokes at different speeds.Several volunteers have been trained on how to set up theclub robot for others. Yearly dues, which are only $5, areused to maintain our equipment and purchase newneeded items. A new member's guide has been developedas a way to inform new club members about all of our clubactivities and schedules. In addition, mentors for newmembers are available.<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong>Our annual tournament on March 10 was preceded by aluncheon and a brief business meeting. The tournamentwas well attended; a complete success and everyone had agreat time. Congratulations to all of the winners:Women's Singles - Anita Fan (Gold), Lois Savage (Silver)& Shu-Ching Ng (Bronze)Women's Doubles - Xiaoyin Zhang & Vicki Van Fossen(Gold) Anita Fan & Lois Savage (Silver) & Nancy Chen &Shu-Ching Ng (Bronze)Men's Singles A Division - Alan Ehrlich (Gold), James Yee(Silver) & Wes McGlaughlin (Bronze)Men's Singles B Division - Mario Najera (Gold), MikeBarry (Silver) & Glen Savage (Bronze)Men's Doubles - Wes McGlaughlin & Odo Wang (Gold),James Yee & Gordon Hua (Silver), & TC Chen & MikeBarry (Bronze)Mixed Doubles - James Yee & Xiaoyin Zhang (Gold), MikeBarry & Liz Saide (Silver) & TC Chen & Shu-ChingNg (Bronze)Open Singles - Alan Ehrlich (Gold), TC Chen (Silver) &Xiaoyin Zhang (Bronze)Check our club bulletin board for the date of the next"SAM" cup tournament between the Summerlin, <strong>Anthem</strong>and MacDonald Ranch Table Tennis <strong>Club</strong>s. Also an e-mailwill be sent to all active club members with the details ofthis tournament.In the last six months, our Player Development Programheld presentations and workshops on "Improving YourTable Tennis Skills," "Beginner's Basics," "Serving," "Returnof Serves" and "Footwork." Future seminars andworkshops will be developed based on club players'requests.In February, we created a singles challenge board. Thisallows members who want to play more singles tochallenge higher seated players. Any club member can beadded to the singles challenge board by contacting RichGiroux.Contact Wes McGlaughlin at 873-7083( for more information.May 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 49

<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong>TENNISVETERANSSecond Tuesday, 7:00 p.m.Delaware Room, <strong>Anthem</strong> Center.“The mission of the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong><strong>Anthem</strong> Veterans <strong>Club</strong> is tosupport all service members,veterans and their families.”Exciting news from our USTA Senior and Super Seniorteams. First, two Super Senior Women's teams competedin the regional playoffs at the Darling Tennis Center onMarch 9-11. The SW 7.0 team, captained by Josie Baker,competed against four other teams from the IntermountainRegion (Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming and Utah.) Josie'steam, consisting also of Norma Wiebe, Beverly Ginsberg,Toni Madsen, Karin Bridges, Marci Loss, Elizabeth Saide,Lani Kuncl, Barb Booth, Durinda Stewart, Irene Schwartz,Patty Yamano, Carole Amendola, Laura Au-Yeung andSuelue Anderson, finished solidly in second place. The SW6.0 team, captained by Pam Cox, consisting also of AlbertaBonnett, Judy Mayes, Wendy Kimball, Ursula Gerads,Barbara Bechard and Janice Priece, competed against twoother teams (Colorado and Idaho) from the same regionand also finished a solid second. Congratulations to bothteams.Second, Linda Jones's Senior Women's 3.5 team finished insecond place in their flight and will compete in the districtplayoffs at Darling Tennis Center on May 3-5. The team,shown in the accompanying photo consists of (from left toright in photo) Lani Kuncl, Diana Czak, Najwa Sabra,Linda Jones, Pat Peterson, Patty Novak, Pat Carrell, LaurieSieberg, Barb Booth, Diane Bold, Ellen Carr, and BessMewes. For more information about league play comingup in the fall or next winter and spring, please contactJosie Baker at April 15 Fun Mixer held at the <strong>Anthem</strong> Center Courtswas a big success. Coming up on May 20, will be a TeamTennis Tournament, with four teams of eight players eachcompeting in a round robin format. Then, on June 15, wewill have a Tennis Social, mostly mixed doubles withdifferent partners. New club members are encouraged toparticipate in both these events. For further information,contact Tournaments/Mixers Chair Beverly Ginsberg new tennis pro contract has been awarded by the SCAAssociation to WTS doing business out of Dragon RidgeCountry <strong>Club</strong>. Players interested in drop-in and private orgroup tennis clinics may obtain schedules and pricinginformation from the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> FitnessDepartment.Susan Stephens has become the new webmaster for theclub's website. Look for frequent news and updates May meeting willbe a panel discussionwith 5 SCA WWII andKorean veterans whohave previously beeninterviewed by ourFINF (Freedom is notFree) team. SteveMcCarthy will be thehost/moderator forthis unique discussion.Please join us for this meeting that will surely be one to beremembered.We are actively seeking WWII and Korean War Veterans tobe interviewed by the FINF (Freedom Is Not Free) team.Copies of the interviews will be sent to the Library ofCongress. For details, please contact FINF show producer,Bill Campbell at 263-9302 or lease tune in to our “VeteranCorner” monthly report by HerbSolomon, Color Guard Commander,especially for Community Veteranson Cox CH 99 or HD980 the firstweek of each month.Any <strong>Anthem</strong> resident in good standing in our HOA, andwho is a veteran, is eligible to have his or her name placedon the <strong>Anthem</strong> Veterans Memorial Plaque located in<strong>Anthem</strong> Center. This can be done via email with your request or call DaveLeonard at 702-837-0451.Visit our Web Sitewww.scaveterans.comfor information aboutour club. If you havenot yet attended one ofour monthly meetings,we cordially invite youto do so.50 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

SCA WOMEN’SSCA Women's <strong>Club</strong> “KentuckyDerby” Luncheon ~Thursday,May 10, 2012 ~Something New & Fun … youwon’t want to miss thisluncheon. After you sign in, ourgreeters will guide you out tothe patio where you will enjoyappetizers, beverages and acash bar for those who wouldprefer a cocktail. Later we willbe “called to Post” in theballroom where the “DerbyHorse” will make an appearance. There will be a specialraffle and prizes throughout the event. We’re having a“HAT CONTEST,” so wear your finest hat.The doors open at 10:30 a.m. and the cost for members is$30 and guests $40. More details to follow in the SCAWomen’s <strong>Club</strong> May Chatter.If you have suggestions or you need to speak to ourPresident, Jo Ann Malter, you can contact Jo Ann at483-6494 or at email address: ,or our President-Elect, Debbie Evans, 492-0983, or at emailaddress: you need help with luncheon reservations, you maycontact Marilyn Doran, Membership Director, 982-5312, orat her email address: Friends and Family: If you know ofsomeone who can use a little cheer in their life because ofillness or a death in their family, we would like to send acard. Therefore, please contact: Donna Cant, Secretary, Timers (Bowling): Nan O’Malley,, 407-84079-5ers/Working Women: Stella Giordano, 492-9923, Girls: A group whose mission is to get togetherladies over 75 for monthly luncheons. It is open to mothersand daughters/relatives/caregivers for bonding of eachage group and for developing friendships with commoninterests. Contact Carol Siebel at 407-4193 of The Chatter are now available at the <strong>Anthem</strong>Center's office, inside the Women's <strong>Club</strong> Slot, for ourLadies who are members of the SCA Women's <strong>Club</strong>, butdo not have computer access.<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> Women's <strong>Club</strong> website has beenupdated and will continue to be updated with SpecialEvents and other items of interest. Our website address the Women’s <strong>Club</strong>! Membership applications can beobtained in <strong>Anthem</strong> Center adjacent to the mailboxes.<strong>Club</strong> <strong>Information</strong>Dues are $20 for the year. If you are a member of theWomen’s <strong>Club</strong> and are not receiving the club’s monthlyChatter, please send your correct email address’S GOLF<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> Women’s Golf <strong>Club</strong>The SCA Women’s Golf Course is kicking off the month ofMay with its annual Member-Member Tournament, May 1and 2. The two-person team event on both the Concordand the Lexington concludes with an awards luncheon.Thanks to our Member-Member Chairs Sally Brennan andJudy Kaade.“The Battle on the Concord” Invitational for women golfersfrom throughout Southern Nevada will be June 5.Thirty-two four-person teams will compete.The 128 participants will end the day with an awardsluncheon and raffle. Co-chairs Carolyn Gwynne and JaneAzuma are heading up the sixth annual event. Put a teamtogether and join us for this fun event which just keepsgetting better every year.Thank you to Gary Cranford from UBS, our wonderfulsponsor, who helps make so many of our special eventspossible with his generous donations to our club. He alsosponsored lunch after our “Playday Exchange” golf match,when we hosted the South Shore Ladies <strong>Club</strong> onthe Concord at Revere on April 25.After a “bye” on the first Team Play event, SCAWGC’steam won 18 1/2 out of 24 points against Spanish Trail atLas Vegas Country <strong>Club</strong>; and 10 out of 24 at Canyon Gateagainst Boulder <strong>City</strong>. The next match will be held at LosPrados against <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Summerlin.S h e i l a L e s t e r s o n ,o u r HospitalityChairperson, hosted a“Newcomers Tea” towelcome new members,Cherlyn Spencer, BetseyTrecker, Priscilla Rice,Jane Hess and JayneKoster (see photo.)Our club c u r r e n t l yh a s 1 2 9 members.SCAWGC welcomes new members for 18-hole play onTuesdays and 9-hole play on Thursdays. Please visit thewebsite at or ask for informationin the Revere Pro Shop.May 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 51

WOODCHIPSWhether you are a master woodworker, are just beginningthe craft, or have skills somewhere in between, SCAWoodchips woodworking club has a place for you. Newmembers as well as previous members who may havebeen inactive in woodworking for a while are all welcome.To help members enjoy a successful woodworkingexperience, the club offers training classes and amentoring program. Training modules focus on the skillsneeded to correctly and safely operate related types oftools. Modules are taught regularly according to demand.The schedule of available training classes and detailsabout the mentoring program are listed on our website.Woodchips <strong>Club</strong> President Bill Van Ooyen, shown withapron in the photo, recently instructed new members inthe proper use of the SawStop table saw. This state-of-theartsaw finger-sparing safety features are featured in avideo on our website. The SawStop is representative of thehigh quality of equipment available in the shop.Woodchips membership is open to all SCA residents foronly $25.00 a year. After mandatory safety training, youwill be on your way as a woodworker. Our shop, which islocated at the rear of Independence Center, is openMonday, Tuesday and Wednesday for member trainingand shop projects; and Thursday through Saturday, 9:00a.m. – 2:00 p.m. for general member use. Check theWoodchips website at: forinformation on the club and pictures of many of ourmembers’ projects. Stop by the shop or contact DanMcLean at 896-6896 or danielmclean@msn.comfor information on becoming a member.<strong>Club</strong> InterestsDo any of these subjects interest you? With enough communityinterest, these groups can become Chartered <strong>Club</strong>s. If you areinterested in forming a club, call 614-5806Anti-aging Health Group, Sophia Wass de Czege....................................................... ....588-9058Big Sky Women’s Group, Linda Krivec......... 260-3534Car Enthusiasts, John Bergler......................... 269-3090Craps <strong>Club</strong>, BeverLee Weite .............................361-9990Cribbage/Chess,Joe Fay........................775-781-1247Euchre, Carol Richards..................................... 982-3075Florida Gators <strong>Club</strong>, Bill Kelley....................... 614-8222Fishing, Marshall Gabriel................................. 260-7766Gin Rummy, Marla Sturman .................................722-0551Lincoln/Douglas Political DebateVernon Matson 269-0636Masonic Fellowship Group, Richard Hunker .......................................................................rhunker@hotmail.comMissouri-Kansas <strong>Club</strong>, Hanna Apple .............722-1947Model Railroads, John Knox .......................... 304-8372Motorcycle Fun Rides, David Gage.dfgage@hotmail.comNorthern Californians, Valerie Lapin.............269-1891Oath Keepers, Ed Bridges...............................586-4475Origami, Carol Stevens .....................................457-9892Persian Culture, Shahla Pfeiffer ..................... 629-6222Retired Advertisers, Jerry Sakura.....................432-6369Rummy KUB, Maddy Ekstein..........................485-5542Runner’s Group, Janet Shanta ........................ 269-0078SCA Musicians, Wilfred Krom..........................837-6325Senior Sports Enthusiasts, Janet Shanta....... 269-0078Sheepshead, Diane Collins ............................. 436-6339Skiing, Jeff Malter ................................................. 483-6494Travel, Sara Raney ............................ sara@sararaney.comVegetarian & Vegan, Cindy Joseph ................914-7994Women's Inspirational Group, Helen Lieblein .. 476-220352 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012

May 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 53

Service DirectoryA/C & HEATINGEli’s A/C Heating, Repair, Maintenance, New Units.Lic 0072945 Bonded/Ins. 702-327-7850Moore Air Cond & Heating, Svce, Repair, Replacement.50 yrs exp. 685-4343ATTORNEYRobert A. Massi & Associates – Wills, Trusts, Probate, RealEstate, Personal Injury, Business Law & Legal Consultations.11201 S. Eastern Ave., Suite 100 Henderson, NV 89052Call 702-870-1100. www.bobmassi.comPoloni & Associates – Darci Poloni, ESQ. Living Trusts,Wills, Probate, Corporate Formation ~ 616-9240;2850 W. Horizon Ridge Pkwy #200 Henderson, Licensed inCA and NV ~ www.PoloniLaw.comCABINETSElite-Design-SCA Res Merrillat Dealer, Enhance Your Kit &Bath, Custom Entertainment Centers, Custom Closets Systems,Add Roll-Out Shelves. Repair Old Finish, ChangeCab. Color. Carole Fagan 263-6230 Many SCA Referrals.COIN APPRAISALS<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Collector Offers More. No Obligation.Call Irv Atkins At 614-9099COMPUTERIPhone Problems Need Help, We Come To You. Call Larry TheIPhone Fixer at 242-6964.(702) 608 2123 - Onsite Repair - Free diagnostics - No repairover $100ELECTRICIANT.B.M. Electric: Lic#70592, Bonded And Insured.Call For Your Free Estimate 277-5031NOW! Electric: 24/7 Service, Senior Discount Lic. # 67680736-4040NVH Electric Lic# 72389 Insured. 29 Yrs Experience <strong>Anthem</strong>Resident. Many SCA referrals, same day-SCA disc. Fans, lights,outlets etc. Steve 580-1414Mister Sparky: America’s On Time Electrician: $36 OffCompleted Work. Ceiling Fan & Lighting Upgrades, OutletsNot Working, Surge Protection, Pool, Hot Tub, All ElectricNeeds 545-6280 Lic. # 72758 B/InsFLOORINGFabulous Floors 9893 S. Eastern F1 Target Center Next toPier 1. Every Type Of Floor And Window Covering. Open 7Days a Week 458-2505GARAGE DOOR SERVICEGarage Door Service Our Commitment Is Your Satisfaction260-9010The Association at <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumesno responsibility or liability for the statements made.54 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> • May 2012PRECISION Garage Door & Opener Sales & Svc, Open 24/7“Snr Disc” Call 361-8455All Access Garage Door Co: Free Estimates.Springs/Doors/Openers. Same Day Service.Military/Senior Disc. Call 882-1320GOLF CART REPAIRAmerican Eagle On The Spot! Repairs, Battery Sales& Installation. 531-8550HAIR STYLISTBest Kept Secret 4 Color Cut Perms! Call Vicki 274-5040Beautiology Salon-Von’s CenterHEALTH & FOODPassionate About Health and Nutrition? Xocai HealthyChocolate Offers A Complete Line Of Delicious DarkBelgian Chocolate for Wellness, Weight Loss & Anti-Aging.Diabetic Friendly.SCA Residents. Call 629-3919HOME SERVICESAll-Trade Services All Plumbing Repairs & Installation,Sewer & Drain Cleaning, Irrigation Repairs, Hard WaterFilteration, Electrical Fixtures. Call Lou at (702) 260-6955Experienced - SCA Res - Handyman ServicesCall Ray 589-1137 www.EveryDayRay.comJim’s Do-All Handy Man Service - Carpentry, Plumbing &Electrical Repairs. Call Jim 755-3505Joe's Home Improvements - NV Lic# 0075901For Quality Work At Excellent Prices! Call 538-3115Finish Carpenter Handyman – TV Enclosures,Cabinets Avi – 480-6714HOUSE CLEANINGA TLC Cleaning Company, LLC <strong>Anthem</strong> Based -(Lic/Ins/Bond) Call 260-8772 Free In Home Quote FamilyOwned Xlent Refs. Angie’s List Super Service Award Winner.Check Out Our Website at Clean Getaway Licd/Insur Family Owned/Operated373-8396<strong>Sun</strong>shine Cleaning Service, Lic/Bond/Ins Xllent Ref. FamilyOwned & Operated 18 Yrs. Call 896-5239Aidas Cleaning Svce 2 Girls/ 2 Hrs Up To 2000 sqft $60 LicIns 702-810-2912INSULATIONFull Service Insulation Comp, Re Blow Attic, Lic #54563Free Estimate 702-262-7847

LANDSCAPINGThe Best! Vegas Sprinkler Specialists 622-8777www.vegassprinklers.comShibata Landscape, Inc. Relandscape/Maint/CleanupLic/Ins/Bond. 702-263-1872SOS Lawn Service & Maintenance/Landscape.Shane 372-9479Champion Pool & Landscape Solutions 457-5296www.championsolutionslv.comYoung Lawn Service-One Day $100.00 Clean/Trim 487-0191or 0192NOTARYMobile Notary Anytime/16 Yrs NV Exp/Local Refs AvailNatasha@466-3018PAINTINGHunter Painting Lic. #33937 ph# 458-7180 Free Estimate100% Satisfaction We Carry All Necessary Insurance.Gary Hunter Owner & <strong>Anthem</strong> Resident.www.hunterpaintinglv.comPERSONAL ASSISTANTAll About Time – House Cleaning – All Pet Care – Shopping& Errands, Handyman, Rides? & Wait For Service –Dr. Appointments, Etc. 897-4416PEST CONTROL<strong>Sun</strong> Country Pest Services. Lic/Insured, SCA Res 263-7346Amazon Pest Control. Licensed & Insured. No Start-Up Fee.No Long Term Contracts. Monthly Service As Low As $25.00.(702) 558-3730.Pest Control Inc 702-228-4394 “<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong>’s Primary PestControl Company” 1st Service Free - Call Today!PET SITTINGBarbie’s Pet Sitting 612-5791 SCA Res.Purr-fect Pet Sitting 513-8307 Lic/Ins/ (SCA Res)Personalized Visits/Overnights Lic/B/InsPLUMBINGAtlas Plumbing. At Last A Plumber. State Lic #19707, Est. 1980.385-3656Jack Dish Plumbing. All Residential Plumbing Service. Repairor Installation. Family Owned & Operated since 1977. 24 hrs.Lic#57046. 283-2320.Badger Plumbing LLC Lic #0074880 SCA Resident SeniorDiscount 702-423-0906Butter Plumbing 24 Hour Service. Lic/Bond, Ins. 10% Discount655-5214Service DirectoryPOOL SERVICEExpert Pool Care-Weekly Service, Maintenance & RepairsCall 685-8433ROOFINGFree Estimate 702-262-7847SOLAR SCREENSAtomic Solar Screens Family Owned Since 96. BBB MemberTom 869-2083TAX PREPARATIONPaul LaChance 838-0091Michael Bergman SCA Resident 40 Yrs. Experience inCalifornia and all States. 270-2593.Gregg Spector, CPA – SCA Resident - FREE ConsultationAnd Review Of Your Prior Year Tax Return.Please Call With Any Questions - 702-262-6210.TRAVELWholesale! Caprice Cruises & Travel, SCA Res. Robin778-7130 robinlowestfare@aol.comWINDOW CLEANINGFour Seasons Window Cleaning-Free Est/Free Screen CleaningW/1st Window Cleaning. Family Owned W/Over 10 Yrs Exp.Call Rick or Jill 521-3144.Window Bright Window Cleaning and Maintenance Program497-6342 Solar Screens and Bug Screens, Build, Install, Repairor ReplaceAll Washed Up Window Cleaning Windows So Clean You’llThink They’re Open Call 273-9500WINDOW COVERINGSEast-West Blind & Shutter Co. Family Owned.33 Yrs Experience. 255-0502.The Association at <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> neither endorses nor promotes any of the products or services advertised herein and assumesno responsibility or liability for the statements made.May 2012 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 55

SENIOR DISCOUNTNV Lic. #5704624 HOURS• Drain Cleaning • Water Heaters & Water Softeners• Garbage Disposals, Faucets & Toilets• Bathtubs & Showers • Repair Specialist• Hydro Jetting Drain<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 57May 2012 •

WindermereR E A L ESTATE<strong>Anthem</strong> HillsThe “<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> Experts”12231 South Eastern Avenue Suite150Henderson, NV 89052On the corner of Eastern and <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> Drive• Buyer Representation • Listings (including Short Sales)• Property Management and RentalsOver 30 local real estate professionals to serve you!Margaret Nolencell: 702-539-3999mnolen@windermere.comFeatured property:1873 Lemon Grove St.Helen Pressercell: 702-738-3936helen@helenpresser.comFeatured property:2021 Poetry AvenueHelene Cookie Bensoncell: 702-556-9953Cookiebenson@windermere.comFeatured property:3965 Palm Beach St. #201Kristin Dittmancell: 702-306-7087kdittman@windermere.comFeatured property:2082 Dipinto Avenue$529,000NOT A SHORT SALE!!Beautiful Gold Key Concord model.Highly upgraded, on elevated golfcourse lot, strip views, built-inbarbecue and inground spa. OriginalOwner. Call for Showing!$290,000On a quiet street in Coventry.Artistically designed backyard withfountain and pond. Spacious 3bedrooms, 2 full baths, office and dualentry pantry. Call for more details.All offers seriously considered.MLS# 1200992Approved short sale! Great 3bedroom, 2 bath condo in northwest.Attached 1 car garage with interioraccess. Great for first time buyer,investor or second home. Greatcondition. Call for details!$569,000Pride of ownership throughout thisexpanded Concord model. Mountainand golf course views! Immaculateone-of-a-kind home with upgrades inevery room. Call or email for yourprivate viewing today.Call 702-212-1900Email: anthemhills@windermere.comOpen 7 days a week“Locally Owned and Operated” Di Redman, Broker/Owner

December 2011 • <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>City</strong> <strong>Anthem</strong> 59

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