Elite Sports Training Program - Milton Academy

Elite Sports Training Program - Milton Academy Elite Sports Training Program - Milton Academy


EliteSports TrainingProgramLocation: Milton AcademyOffering theArea’s BestStrength & ConditioningProgramsince 2003Summer 2011Male and Female Athletesages 13 and upTrainingthest21CenturyAthlete

<strong>Elite</strong><strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Training</strong><strong>Program</strong>Location: <strong>Milton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong>Offering theArea’s BestStrength & Conditioning<strong>Program</strong>since 2003Summer 2011Male and Female Athletesages 13 and up<strong>Training</strong>thest21CenturyAthlete

<strong>Elite</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Training</strong> <strong>Program</strong><strong>Training</strong> the 21st Century AthleteToday’s athletes are becoming bigger,faster, and stronger each year. Everyoneis looking for a “Competitive Edge” totry and improve performance and reachmaximum levels of competition.<strong>Elite</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Training</strong> <strong>Program</strong>will give athletes the abilityto reach these maximallevels of competition ina safe quality manner.The program will alsohelp athletes lower the riskof sustaining injuries when participating intheir sports by stressing the importance of finetechnical skills in all areas of training.<strong>Elite</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Training</strong> <strong>Program</strong>Too many young athletes today aredeveloping chronic overuse type injurieswhich have affected their performance.These and other types of injuriescould have been prevented if athleteshad participated in a quality strengthtraining program by addressing certainweaknesses such as upper or lower bodystrength, core strength and stability(abdominal, low back, hip region) andflexibility. Athletes who participate inthis program will understand what theirweaknesses may be and how to improvein these areas to help prevent injuries andimprove performance.Session DatesWeek #1: Wednesday, June 22 – Friday, June 243 day Introductory program involves training and testing.(See application form for specific times.)Followed by either 4 or 9 weeks of training:3 times per week (Mon – Wed – Fri)June 22 - August 24............Full 10 week programJune 22 - July 22..................5 week program**Additional week(s) may be added/substituted due tovacations,camps, etc. Please speak to program director for moreinformation.<strong>Training</strong> the 21st Century Athlete

Level I <strong>Program</strong>Afternoon Session (Session IA)12:30 pm – 2:30 pmEvening Session (Session IB)6:00 pm – 8:00 pmThe Level I <strong>Program</strong> is designed to helpall athletes ages 13 and 14 improve theiroverall athleticism. This particular stage ofdevelopment and growth is important for youngathletes. The age specific strength, speed, andconditioning exercises introduced to this groupwill help athletes of any sport see and feelimmediate improvements in all areas of training.With specific attention focused on developingproper movement patterns, this program willhelp athletes understand how to properly trainso they can reach their true potential in a safeenvironment. The excersise programs occurboth in and out of the fitness center and areclosely supervised by our well trained staffmembers. Athletes do not have to commit tothe afternoon or evening session. they canchange which session (afternoon or evening)they would like to train in during each workout.Level II/III & Collegiate<strong>Program</strong>Afternoon Session (Session IIA/IIIA)3:00 pm – 5:30 pmEvening Session (Session IIB/IIIB)5:30 pm – 8:00 pmThe Level II/III & Collegiate <strong>Program</strong>s arefor athletes ages 15 through the CollegiateLevel. Collegiate athletes must havecompleted at least one year of collegiateathletics. Whether one is new to training oris advanced, all of the programs will helpone elevate his or her athleticism to new levels.All the workouts are supervised by our CertifiedCoaching Staff in all areas of training (speed,power, strength, flexibility, conditioning, agilityetc.) to ensure a safe quality program. Manybasic and advanced concepts of training areintroduced so each member of the program canreach his or her maximal potential in anysport.<strong>Program</strong> ObjectivesEach Athlete will learn how to:• Increase Overall Strength• Increase Explosive Power• Improve Balance and Agility• Decrease Risk of Injuries• Increase Speed• Improve Flexibility• Improve Nutritional Knowledge• Increase Overall StabilityThe <strong>Program</strong> will provide:• Spacious Weight Room Facility• Indoor and Outdoor Track• Football Field• Fluid Replacement• <strong>Program</strong> T-shirt• Knowledgeable Hands-On Coaching<strong>Program</strong> Director Mr. Steven Darling • 170 Centre Street • <strong>Milton</strong>, MA 02186 • 617-898-1748 • elitesportstraining09@gmail.com

Staff<strong>Program</strong> DirectorSteve Darling, LATC/CSCS• B.S. Northeastern University• NATA – Certified Athletic Trainer• NSCA – Certified Strength and ConditioningSpecialist• USA Weightlifting – Certified Level I Club Coach• Head Athletic Trainer; Boston College High School(1994 – 2002)• Assistant Director Peak Performance Strength andConditioning <strong>Program</strong> at BC High (1998 – 2002)• USA Hockey – 14/15 yr old, Off-Ice Director ofMassachusetts Satellite <strong>Program</strong> (2005 – 2007)• Assistant Athletic Trainer/Director of Strength andConditioning, <strong>Milton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> (2002 – present)• Talbot Baker Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2008CoachesJoe Lorincz, M.S., CPT/CSCS• M.S. Springfield College, Exercise Science• B.S. University of Massachusetts - Boston, Exercise Science• NSCA – Certified Personal Trainer• NSCA – Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist• Wilkes Barre Penguins - AHL Hockey, HeadStrength and Conditioning Coach (2009 - present)• <strong>Elite</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Training</strong> Summer <strong>Program</strong>Coach (2005 – present)Mike Holmes, B.S., CSCS• B.S. Bridgewater State College, Exercise Science• <strong>Milton</strong> <strong>Academy</strong> – Assistant Strength andConditioning Coach (2009 – present)• Northeastern University – Assistant Strengthand Conditioning Coach (2008 – 2009)• Parisi Speed School, Assistant Strength andConditioning Coach (2008)• <strong>Elite</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Training</strong> Summer <strong>Program</strong> Coach (2006 – present)Tim Sharpe, B.S., CSCS• B.S. University of Massachusetts - Boston, Exercise Science• Owner/CEO – Sharpe Strength and Conditioning, Sharon, MA• National <strong>Sports</strong> and Fitness Gym – Personal Trainer,Walpole, MA• <strong>Elite</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Training</strong> Summer<strong>Program</strong> Coach (2010)Mike Zawilinski, B.S., CSCS• B.S., University ofMassachusetts - Boston,Exercise Science• Northeastern University –Assistant Strength andConditioning Coach; football,track and field, women’svolleyball, crew, men’s soccer(2005 – present)• <strong>Elite</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Training</strong> Summer<strong>Program</strong> Coach(2003 - 2004; 2010)<strong>Program</strong> Director Mr. Steven Darling • 170 Centre Street • <strong>Milton</strong>, MA 02186 • 617-898-1748 • elitesportstraining09@gmail.com

2011 Application FormDeposit **$200.00 • Full Payment is Due June 1, 2011.Family discounts availablePlease check which Session you would like to attendLevel I <strong>Program</strong> (Ages 13 - 14)Session IA 12:30 pm - 2:30 pm...........................□Session IB 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm..............................□Full <strong>Program</strong> (10 weeks)......June 22 - August 24.....□ $675Half <strong>Program</strong>* (5 weeks).....June 22 - July 22..........□ $450* 1-2 weeks may be added to make up a week (or two) that may be missed dueto camps, vacation etc., during the first 5 weeks of the program)Level II/III & Collegiate <strong>Program</strong> (Ages 15 and up)Session IIA/IIIA 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm...................□Session IIB/IIIB 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm...................□Full <strong>Program</strong> (10 weeks)......June 22 - August 24.....□ $675Half <strong>Program</strong>* (5 weeks).....June 22 - July 22..........□ $450* 1-2 weeks may be added to make up a week (or two) that may be missed dueto camps, vacation etc., during the first 5 weeks of the program)Collegiate <strong>Program</strong> (completed 1 year of collegiate athletics)Session IIIA 3:00 pm - 5:30 pm....................... □ $375Session IIIB 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm....................... □ $375T-Shirt Size (Adult sizes)□ Small □ Medium □ Large □ X-Large □ XX-LargeMail completed application and deposit to <strong>Program</strong> Director:Mr. Steven Darling • 170 Centre Street • <strong>Milton</strong>, MA 02186Please make checks payable to: Mr. Steven Darling.**Non-refundable deposit will be applied to tuition.Tuition will only be refunded with proof of medical ineligibility.<strong>Elite</strong> <strong>Sports</strong> <strong>Training</strong> <strong>Program</strong>Athlete’s Name_______________________________________________________________________Home Address_______________________________________________________________________City-State________________________________ Zip________________________________________Telephone________________________________ E-mail______________________________________Date of Birth______________________________ Grade September 2011_______________________School______________________________________________________________________________<strong>Sports</strong>______________________________________________________________________________Mother’s Name______________________________________________________________________Mother’s Address (if different from above)________________________________________________City_____________________________________ Sate______________ Zip______________________Phone - Home_____________________________ Work_______________________________________Cell_____________________________________ E-mail (optional)_____________________________Father’s Name _______________________________________________________________________Father’s Address (if different from above)_________________________________________________City_____________________________________ Sate______________ Zip______________________Phone - Home_____________________________ Work_______________________________________Cell_____________________________________ E-mail (optional)_____________________________Emergency Contact (other than parent)Name and relationship________________________________________________________________Phone (Home/Work/Cell)______________________________________________________________Athlete’s Medical HistoryMedical Conditions___________________________________________________________________Daily Medications_____________________________________________________________________Allergies____________________________________________________________________________Any other Health Conditions of significance program director should be aware of_____________________________________________________________________________________________________(cut here)<strong>Program</strong> Director Mr. Steven Darling • 170 Centre Street • <strong>Milton</strong>, MA 02186 • 617-898-1748 • elitesportstraining09@gmail.com

<strong>Elite</strong> <strong>Sports</strong><strong>Training</strong> <strong>Program</strong>Mr. Steven Darling170 Centre Street<strong>Milton</strong>, MA 02186<strong>Training</strong> the 21st Century Athlete

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