Simrad SP90

Simrad SP90 Simrad SP90
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Simrad SP90NoteTarget trackTo track a target, place the cursor over the desired location andpress the Target Track button. A circle will appear on the displayand its position automatically tracked by the system using thestrongest echo centred in the ”window” represented by two lineson the audio line. The “window’s” size may be selected by theTrack Window buttonintheSetup menu.The vector originating from the target’s centre indicates its courseand speed. The length of the vector increases relative to the target’sspeed. One knot is represented by a small mark on the vector. Acourse line can also be displayed showing the target’s track.Target tracking symbols and data are displayed with a light violetcolour. In addition to the information on the Catch data page, thespeed, course and distance for some modes are found in the lowerleft hand corner of the screen.When the Auto Tilt function is activated in the Target Trackmode, the tilt angle will automatically follow the strongest echo.The upper and lower tilt angle limits can be used to preventtracking surface or bottom echoes.Manual training overrides the Target Tracking function.32 850-164511 / B

Sonar Operating PanelTiltManual tiltIn Manual mode the transducer may be tilted within the systemslimits by pressing the Tilt up (arrow) or Tilt down (arrow) buttons.Pressing either button once changes the tilt angle in steps of 1degree. Pressing and holding either button continuously changesthe tilt angle until finger pressure is removed.(CD5349)NoteTILTAuto tiltIn the Auto Tilt mode the selected tilt angle forms theManualcentre of the tilt search. The selected tilt limits aredisplayed on the tilt indicator by yellow lines andcorresponding numerical values for both the upper andlower limits.AutoThe centre of the tilt search sector is adjusted bypressing the Tilt up (arrow) or Tilt down (arrow)buttons. Sector limits are adjusted by pressing andholding the Auto button and simultaneously pressingthe Tilt up (arrow) or Tilt down (arrow) buttons.Tilt search sector limits can be incremented in steps of 1 degree to10 degrees according to the value selected in the in the Tilt menu.The Auto Tilt function responds differently with regard to thetraining mode selected as follows:• Manual training mode: The transducer automatically changesthe tilt angle after each transmission in steps within the selectedlimits.• Auto search training mode: The transducer automaticallychanges the tilt angle after each complete search is performed.• Position tracking mode: The tilt angle’s centre willautomatically be adjusted with regard to the distance to theposition being tracked. The transducer will tilt automatically insteps after each transmission.• Target tracking mode: The tilt angle will automatically beadjusted to provide the strongest echo within the selectedtracking sector. The upper and lower tilt limits can be used toprevent tracking surface or bottom echoes.If the optional stabilization system is installed and activated, thebeamformer will automatically adjust the tilt angle with regardto the vessel’s motion (even if manual tilt is selected). The changein the tilt angle for the beamformer will not be shown on the tiltindicator.850-164511 / B33

<strong>Simrad</strong> <strong>SP90</strong>NoteTarget trackTo track a target, place the cursor over the desired location andpress the Target Track button. A circle will appear on the displayand its position automatically tracked by the system using thestrongest echo centred in the ”window” represented by two lineson the audio line. The “window’s” size may be selected by theTrack Window buttonintheSetup menu.The vector originating from the target’s centre indicates its courseand speed. The length of the vector increases relative to the target’sspeed. One knot is represented by a small mark on the vector. Acourse line can also be displayed showing the target’s track.Target tracking symbols and data are displayed with a light violetcolour. In addition to the information on the Catch data page, thespeed, course and distance for some modes are found in the lowerleft hand corner of the screen.When the Auto Tilt function is activated in the Target Trackmode, the tilt angle will automatically follow the strongest echo.The upper and lower tilt angle limits can be used to preventtracking surface or bottom echoes.Manual training overrides the Target Tracking function.32 850-164511 / B

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