Golden Goal - Mega Miniatures

Golden Goal - Mega Miniatures Golden Goal - Mega Miniatures
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1Version 1.0We encourage you to submit any questions or suggestions you have while play testing Golden Goal Version 1.0This is a work in progress, and we look forward to creating a more polished version once it has been played by manypeople like yourself offering ideas on how to improve upon what was started.• What you need to play1- It is assumed that players of Golden Goal have some basic knowledge of the rules of the actual sport (Football /Soccer).2- A game field (see the section in the back of this book for game field dimensions and instructions.3- Two teams (paper minis supplied).4- Six sided dice (not supplied).DefinitionsFigure - a miniature model that represents one real life player.Player - a figure on the field (playing area).Attacking Side - the team in possession of the ball.Attacker - any figure on the side that has the ball.Defending Side - the team without the ball.Defender - any figure on the side without the ball.Owner - the human player that controls one of the teams.D6: a six sided die that returns a result of 1 to 6D3: a six sided die. Roll the die and a result of (1 or 2) = 1, (3 or 4) = 2 and (5 or 6) = 3.Game ball: model ball that represents the ball in playGolden Goal rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.Golden Goal logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at

1Version 1.0We encourage you to submit any questions or suggestions you have while play testing <strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> Version 1.0This is a work in progress, and we look forward to creating a more polished version once it has been played by manypeople like yourself offering ideas on how to improve upon what was started.• What you need to play1- It is assumed that players of <strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> have some basic knowledge of the rules of the actual sport (Football /Soccer).2- A game field (see the section in the back of this book for game field dimensions and instructions.3- Two teams (paper minis supplied).4- Six sided dice (not supplied).DefinitionsFigure - a miniature model that represents one real life player.Player - a figure on the field (playing area).Attacking Side - the team in possession of the ball.Attacker - any figure on the side that has the ball.Defending Side - the team without the ball.Defender - any figure on the side without the ball.Owner - the human player that controls one of the teams.D6: a six sided die that returns a result of 1 to 6D3: a six sided die. Roll the die and a result of (1 or 2) = 1, (3 or 4) = 2 and (5 or 6) = 3.Game ball: model ball that represents the ball in play<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

2Ball MomentumAny ball that is left uncontrolled is moved half of the distance it traveled in the last turn until it is brought back undercontrol or it leaves the field of play. The ball always moves in a straight line when this happens, and it is moved before anyplayers are moved.Example: the ball is kicked 8 inches during a turn and it is uncontrolled. The next turn it will move 4 inches. If it stillremains uncontrolled at the start or the next turn, it is moved forward 2 inches.Player Zones will be referred to as PZIEach player has a "zone" of 1-inch radius around the figure. This zone will affect other players and the ball - tackles canbe made if an attacker enters a defending player's zone, and any ball entering the zone make be stolen or controlled.At the end of this book find Template B-6. These are your PZI markers that can be cut out in quarters or halves asshown in the image below left. During game play if you are not sure a figure or ball is in a players PZI then you simplyplace these PZI markers on the table next to the player in question.NOTE: When using paper miniatures supplied, always lay the PZI marker on top of the paper base and against thestanding figure as shown. When using <strong>Mega</strong> <strong>Miniatures</strong> metal figures place the PZI template against the outer roundbase as shown.Six Sided Dice Rules referred to in this book as d6When rolling d6 for player tests during game play, a 1 is an automatic failure and a 6 allows for a re-roll, the result ofwhich is added to the original roll. This should bring balance to the game - bad players can do good and star players canhave bad days.The rule of “1” does not apply when rolling for a figure’s movement, unless the fatigue advanced rule is used.Creating a teamThe first step is to assemble your players. If you want to get started immediately, we have supplied you with Twodimensional paper minis at the end of this book. These two dimensional paper minis has their player number on the frontbase and on the back side of their shirts. One of these paper minis must be designated as a goalie. A future update ofthese rules will contain paper goalie miniatures with different colour schemes. Metal versions of all 11 players can bepurchased from www.<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA minimum of 11 players are needed per side to play a game. More players may be used in order to makesubstitutions during a game. Simply print more paper minis and change the number on their bases or buy more metalminiatures.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

3Player Stats• Movement (MV): the maximum number of inches a figure can move in one turn. The figure may be moved less thanthe movement rate, but not over it, unless a special movement is made.• Ball Handling (BH): used to determine the control over the ball a figure has.• Kicking (K): used to kick the ball around the field or to kick a goal.• Attack (A): used by figures attempting to take the ball from an opposition figure.• Defense (D): used by figures with the ball to prevent ball loss, and by the goalie to prevent goals.Determining player statsRandom Method: Roll 2d3 for each stat in order. This gives a result of 2 to 6 for stats.Random allocation method: roll 2d3 five times and allocate the total between each stat.Once stats have been determined, each player may be allocated one point to one stat based on the position they play:<strong>Goal</strong>ie: +1 Defense statStrikers: +1 kicking or +1 Ball handlingMidfielders: +1 Ball handling or +1 attackFull backs: +1 defense or +1 movement• Creating your teamEach owner must have 11 figures to form a team. Additional players may be painted up: five may be included in the teamroster as substitutes, of which 3 substitutes can be made during a game.A total of 25 players may be "owned" by the team in total.These figures must be painted in the team colours. Owners should consult each other to ensure that no two teams lookalike with team colours. Painting up two teams so that an owner has colours for home games and away games are a goodidea.Players must have numbers painted on the back of their jerseys.All players and stats must be recorded on the Team Record Sheet.Any figure that isn't painted and with a number may not be used for a game.Team ColoursNo two teams are to have the same colour scheme, although the same colours may be used by different teamsprovided:a) the two teams do not wear the same colours during a gameb) the visiting team must wear a different uniform.BootsAll players on the team must wear the same coloured boots, unless they are star players.CaptainThe captain must wear an armband on the left sleeve of his shirt.Hair stylesAll players, with the exception of star players, must have "normal" haircuts and be of a natural colouring (i.e. nomulitcoloured styles).<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

4Star PlayersAny player with any stat of 7 or more is regarded as a star player. Not only do star players have higher stats, but they canalso gain skills (see more below).Star players may wear boots of any colour.Star players may have stylized haircuts - shaved, dread locks, mohawks, ponytails, and these may be of non-naturalcolour.Star Players may have any coloured boots and hair style/colour the owner wants to give them.Star Players get one Skill for each point in any stat they have over 6.NOTE: Star player and their skills will be provided for free in future rules files. Join our yahoo group and discuss starplayer skills.• THE NUMBER OF PLAYERS ON THE FIELDPlayersA match is played by two teams, each consisting of not more than eleven players, one of whom is the goalkeeper. Amatch may not start if either team consists of fewer than seven players.SubstitutesUp to a maximum of three substitutes may be used in any match played, although 5 substitutes may be nominated to siton the bench for owners to choose from.All MatchesIn all matches, the names of all players, including the substitutes must be written on the team roster prior to the start ofthe match. Substitutes not so named may not take part in the match.Opposition owners may ask to see the team roster before the game starts.Substitution ProcedureTo replace a player by a substitute, the following rule is used:The owners desire to replace a player is indicated by placing the substitute figure on the edge of the field in line with thehalfway line.Play continues until a stoppage in play occurs. Once play has stopped the substitute is placed on the field and thesubstituted player is removed from the game.• from that moment, the substitute becomes a player and the player he has replaced ceases to be a player• a player who has been replaced takes no further part in the match• all substitutes are subject to the authority and jurisdiction of the rules, whether called upon to play or notChanging the <strong>Goal</strong>keeperAny of the other players may change places with the goalkeeper, provided that:• the opposition owner is informed before the change is made• the change is made during a stoppage in the matchnote: this rule does not cover a substitute goalkeeper coming on the field, only a player changing places with thegoalkeeper.Unless substituted, the goalkeeper remains on the field.Infringements/SanctionsIf a substitute enters the field of play without the correct procedure being used:<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

5• play is stopped• the substitute is cautioned, shown the yellow card and required to leave the field of play• play is restarted with an indirect free kick at the place the ball was located when play was stopped given to the team theinfringement was against.If an owner changes player places with the goalkeeper without the correct procedure being used:• play continues• the players concerned are cautioned and shown the yellow card when the ball is next out of playFor any other infringements of this Law:• the players concerned are cautioned and shown the yellow cardRestart of PlayIf play is stopped by the referee to administer a caution:• the match is restarted by an indirect free kick, to be taken by a player of the opposing team from the place where the ballwas located when play was stoppedPlayers and Substitutes Sent OffA player who has been sent off before the kick-off may be replaced only by one of the named substitutes.A named substitute who has been sent off, either before the kick-off or after play has started, may not be replaced.Number of players and stoppage of the gameA match should not continue if there are fewer than seven players in either team.• THE REFEREE2 dimensional paper figures and metal versions have yet to be created for the game but are in the works. Watch ouryahoo group for an announcement of their release. You can print an additional three paper minis to represent refereesand mark over their number with an R1, R2 and R3.A Ref has the following stats:MV - Movement: the distance + 1d6 the ref moves a turnWR - Whistle Rating: influences the likely hood a Ref will blow his whistle to award a foulThese stats are determined the same way that player stats are.Referee SkillsJust like star players, ref stats can be increased, and when one passes 6, he will get a skill. Some skill ideas for the refare:Card Giver: +1 on dice rolls to determine the type of foulWhistle Happy: +1 on dice rolls to determine if there was a foulLow Tolerance: +1 on dice rolls against players taking a dive.MovementThe ref must be moved each turn, always the same way the ball is moving. Any owner may move the ref, but he can onlybe moved once a turn. This is done instead of moving a normal player (which can be an advantage).<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

6Provided the ref moves in the direction the ball is going, he can be moved by any path.• THE ASSISTANT REFEREESThere are two Assistant refs that who’s job it is to enforce the offside rule, and make decisions on corner kicks, goal kicksand throw-ins.They may also indicate any incident of misconduct that may be out of view of the Ref.MovementThe Assistant refs must be moved each turn, always the same way the ball is moving. Any owner may move the ref, butthe he can only be moved once a turn. This is done instead of moving a normal player (which can be an advantage).The Assistant refs are moved up and down the touch line, and for the purposes of the miniature football game, they donot enter the field.At this stage there isn't a great function within the rules for the assistant refs, but they do add to the chance of a foulbeing given by the ref.• THE DURATION OF THE MATCHPeriods of PlayThe match lasts two equal periods of 45 turns.Allowance for Time LostAllowance is made in either period for all time lost through:• substitution(s)• assessment of injury to players• removal of injured players from the field of play for treatment• wasting timeOne extra turn is added for each of the above occurrences.Penalty KickIf a penalty kick has to be taken or retaken, the duration of either half is extended by one turn.Abandoned MatchAn abandoned match is replayed unless the competition rules provide otherwise.Competition matches/finalsIf you are playing a competition match where a result is needed, and scores are tied at the end of full time, then extra timeis played.One extra period of 15 turns is played, and if there still is not a result at the end of this time, then a second period of extratime, again of 15 turns is played.If at the end of both extra time periods the scores are still even, then a shoot out occurs.• THE START AND RESTART OF PLAYStarting the GameEach Owner rolls 1d6, with tied results rolled again. The Owner that rolls the highest decides which goal his team willattack in the first half of the match.The other team takes the kick-off to start the match.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

7The team that wins the toss takes the kick-off to start the second half of the match.In the second half of the match, the teams change ends and attack the opposite goals.Kick-offA kick-off is a way of starting or restarting play.A kick-off is taken:• at the start of the match• after a goal has been scored• at the start of the second half of the match• at the start of each period of extra time, when applicableA goal may be scored directly from the kick-off.Procedure• all players are in their own half of the field, positioned where the owner chooses.• the opponents of the team taking the kick-off must be at least 5 inches from the ball until it is in play• the ball is stationary on the centre mark• the ball is in play when it is kicked and moves forward. Until the ball moves forward the defending team may not moveany figures.• For purposes of having moved, no movement markers are place on the team record sheet until the ball has movedforward.• the player taking the kick-off may not touch the ball a second time until it has touched another player. (seeinfringements/sanctions below)After a team scores a goal, the kick-off is taken by the other (non-scoring) team.Infringements/SanctionsIf the kicker for the kick-off touches the ball a second time before it has touched another player:• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team to be taken from the place where the infringement occurredFor any other infringement of the kick-off procedure:• the kick-off is retakenSpecial CircumstancesA free kick awarded to the defending team inside its own goal area is taken from any point within the goal area.An indirect free kick awarded to the attacking team in its opponents’ goal area is taken from the goal area line parallel tothe goal line at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred.Dropped BallA dropped ball is a way of restarting the match after a temporary stoppage that becomes necessary, while the ball is inplay, for any reason not mentioned elsewhere in the Laws of the Game.ProcedureThe referee drops the ball between two opposing players, at the place where it was located when play was stopped.The ball is placed between two opposing players, with the ref to one side between those players. All three figures are tobe touching the ball.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

8Players may reposition any of their figures before the drop occurs. The defending side places a figure first, then theattacking side and so on until all repositioning has been made.Both players make an Attacking skill check to determine who gains control of the ball. The owner rolls 1d6 + Attackingskill. Highest roll wins. Tied results mean the ball has moved in a random direction by 1d3 inches from where the ball wasdropped.Random direction for dropped ball:Roll 1d6:1 - 2 = left front of the ref3 - 4 = to the front of the ref5 - 6 = to the right of the refInfringements/SanctionsThe ball is dropped again:• if it is touched by a player before it makes contact with the ground. (this may occur if one of the players rolls a 1 whentrying to gain control of the ball).• if the ball leaves the field of play after it makes contact with the ground, without a player touching it (which mayhappen if both rolls are tied).Special CircumstancesA dropped ball to restart the match after play has been temporarily stopped inside the goal area takes place on the goalarea line parallel to the goal line at the point nearest to where the ball was located when play was stopped.• Game PlayThe game turnEach turn is equal to one minute of real time.The attacking side moves one figure, then the defending side moves one figure and so on until all figures (including refs)have been moved.As each figure is moved a counter is placed on the team record sheet on the movement track to indicate which playerhas moved.An owner may choose not to move a player. To do so a counter is placed on the movement track just as if a player wasmoved.Ways to end a turnOnce all figures have been moved the turn ends.When a goal is scored the turn ends.When the ball moves out of the playing area the turn ends.When a foul occurs the turn endsRestartWhen a goal is scored all players start the new turn on their own side of the playing field.All other restarts: players may be re-positioned around the field before the new turn begins.MovementWhen you move a player, roll 1d6 and add the player's MV stat. This is how many inches the player may be moved thisturn.A player doesn't have to be moved the full rate during a turn, but once moved he may not be moved again, unless due tospecial rules.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

9Passing the ball from player to playerMeasure the distance in inches between the players, using the centre of the base as the known point.This distance becomes the target number. Add +1 to the target number for each defending player with a PZI that overlaps the path of the ball.The owner must now declare if the pass is a ground kick or an air kick.If the kick is an air ball then halve the PZI factor.Roll 1d6 + the Kicking (K) skill of the kicking player + any skills the kicker may have.If the result is => the target number, then the pass in on target.If the result is < the target number, then you need to determine where the ball ended up (unless it is intercepted)Ground kickRoll 1d6:1 - 2 = short by 1d6 inches3 - 4 = left by 1d6 inches5 - 6 = right by 1d6 inchesAir kickRoll 1d6:1 = long (over the receiver's head) by 2d6 inches2 - 3 = left by 2d64 - 5 = right by 2d66 = short by 2d6Number of kicks/passes a turnA player may only kick or pass a ball once per turn.When kicks/passes can be madeA player may kick the ball at the start or end of his movement, but not during.DribblingThe player controlling the ball may be moved and retain control of the ball - dribbling.To do so, roll for movement as normal. The number of inches moved equals the target number needed to keep control ofthe ball.Next, roll 1d6 + BH + and relevant skill vs the target number.Deduct 1 from the test for every opponent PZI the player moves through.If the result is equal to or greater than the target number, then the player has kept control of the ball, and is moved to theamount chosen by the owner.If the result is less than the target number, then the player looses control of the ball:if the player moved through an opponents PZI, then that opponent may take control of the ball (make a test vs.the same target number the attacking player had),Or if there was not any PZI on the player, the ball moves 1d3 inches away from the player (roll 1d6: 1 - 2 = to thefront left, 3 - 4 = to the front, 5 - 6 = front right).If the player dribbling rolled a 1, roll to test if there was an injury.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

10Kicking the ball into spaceThe ball doesn’t have to be kicked to a player or at goal. The owner may choose to kick the ball into open space andhope that one of his players can reach it before the opposition does.The procedure: place the "target ball" where you want the ball to go. Measure the distance in inches. The number ofinches = the target number.Roll 1d6 + K + any relevant skill of the kicking figure.Result: => equals on target - replace the target ball with the game ball. Remember to use ball momentum rules.< = ball lands else where. Use the ball deviation charts as per passing the ball above.InterceptionsAny pass that is made and fails may be intercepted. Any interceptions are made before determining where the ball mayend up for a failed pass.Any opposition player that has a PZI through which the ball passes may attempt to intercept the ball.To do so, roll 1d6 + BH + any skill the intercepting player may have. The target number is the same as thekicking/passing player.As successful test means the ball has been intercepted.A failure means another player in a position to intercept the ball may make an attempt to get the ball, or if there are nomore players in position to intercept the ball roll to see where the ball ends up as per the procedure previously explained.Player FatigueAny player that rolls a 1 during the second half of the game may become fatigued (in addition to any other bad thing thatmay happen).Roll 1d6. If the result is a 1, then the player becomes fatigued and suffers -1 to all tests made for the remainder of thegame.Place a marker on the match roster to indicate the player is fatigued.If the same player rolls for fatigue again, then a further -1 penalty is applied for each subsequent fatigue test failed.Subs made in the second half are not subject to Fatigue.• THE BALL IN AND OUT OF PLAYBall Out of PlayThe ball is out of play when:• it has wholly crossed the goal line or touch line whether on the ground or in the air• play has been stopped by the refereeBall In PlayThe ball is in play at all other times, including when:• it rebounds from a goalpost, crossbar or corner flagpost and remains in the field of play• it rebounds from either the referee or an assistant referee when they are on the field of play• THE METHOD OF SCORING<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

11A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, between the goalposts and under the crossbar,provided that no infringement of the Laws of the Game has been committed previously by the team scoring the goal.Kicking <strong>Goal</strong>sAny attacking player with the ball may attempt to kick a goal.Measure the distance in inches from the ball to the center of the goal line between the two posts. This number becomesthe target number for the kicker to kick a goal.To score a goal: roll 1d6 + K (kicking stat) + any skill the player may have that is relevant.It must be announced if the kicker is making a ground or an air kick.Deduct 1 to the result for every opponent's PZI the ball must travel through on its path. Remember the end result. (halvePZI for an air kick)If the result of the roll is equal to or greater than the target number, then a goal may have been scored.If the result is less than the target number then a goal hasn’t been scored.At this stage, any player, from either side, that has a PZI in the ball's path may attempt to gain control of the ball.All such attempts are made from the closest player first, with each successive player making a control attempt only if theprevious player fail to get control of the ball. The goalkeeper has not part of this procedure.Control attempts: the player rolls 1d6 + BH (Ball Handling) + any skill relevant. If the result is equal to or higher than theoriginal kicker's target number then the ball is under control.If no player is able to control the ball, roll 1d6 to determine when the kick went:1 - 2: the ball goes to the left or right of the goal and over the goal line3 - 4: the ball goes over the goal net and is out of play5 - 6: the ball hits a goal post and bounces back into play by 1d6 inches, at a reverse angle to the direction it cantowards the goal.If the kicker attempting a goal passes his test, then the goalie may attempt to stop the ball.The defending goalie must pass a test with the kicker's result as his target number.Roll 1d6 + D (Defense) + any relevant skill the goalie has.If the goalkeeper's test is less than the target number, then a goal has been scored.If the test is equal to or higher than the target number, then the goal has been stopped. All that is left is to determine whathappens to the ball.Roll 1d6:1 - 2: the goalie deflects the ball back out into the goal area by 1d6 inches.3 - 4: the goalie punches the ball over the net and it is out of play5 - 6: the goalie keeps hold of the ball.Winning TeamThe team scoring the greater number of goals during a match is the winner. If both teams score an equal number of goals,or if no goals are scored, the match is drawn.Competition Rules<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

12When competition rules require there to be a winning team after a match or home-and-away tie, only the followingprocedures, which have been approved by the International M.F.A. Board, are permitted:• Extra time• Kicks from the penalty mark as part of a penalty shoot out• OFFSIDEOffside PositionIt is not an offence in itself to be in an offside position.A player is in an offside position if:• he is nearer to his opponents’ goal line than both the ball and thesecond last opponentA player is not in an offside position if:• he is in his own half of the field of play or• he is level with the second last opponent or• he is level with the last two opponentsOffenceA player in an offside position is only penalised if, at the moment the ball touches or is played by one of his team, he is, inthe opinion of the referee, involved in active play by:• interfering with play or• interfering with an opponent or• gaining an advantage by being in that positionNo OffenceThere is no offside offence if a player receives the ball directly from:• a goal kick or• a throw-in or• a corner kickInfringements/SanctionsFor any offside offence, the referee awards an indirect free kick to the opposing team to be taken from the place wherethe infringement occurred.During Game PlayIn order to prevent an offside from occurring by defensive players moving forward and thus putting an attacking playeroffside, the attacking owner may re-position such potentially offside players as soon as such moves are made by thedefensive side.If potentially offside figures are not moved back as soon as they are about to become offside (i.e. when the defensiveplayers are moved), then the Assistant Ref will call offside.• FOULS AND MISCONDUCTCalling FoulsWhenever a player rolls a 1, an owner calls a dive or a Star Player uses a relevant skill, there is a chance the ref will calla foul.Types of fouls that may be awarded and when:Direct Free Kick<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

13A direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following offences (and the situation a 1is rolled):• kicks or attempts to kick an opponent (competing for control of the ball)• trips or attempts to trip an opponent (when attempting a tackle)• jumps at an opponent (when competing for an air ball)• charges an opponent (when move at the maximum move and then makes a tackle)• pushes an opponent (when competing for control of the ball)A direct free kick is also awarded to the opposing team if a player commits any of the following four offences:• tackles an opponent to gain possession of the ball, making contact with the opponent before touching the ball (whentackling for the ball)• holds an opponent (any time two figures are in base to base contact and a 1 is rolled - this can be when neither is inpossession of the ball)A direct free kick is taken from where the offence occurred.Penalty KickA penalty kick is awarded if any of the above offences is committed by a player inside his own penalty area, irrespective ofthe position of the ball, provided it is in play.Indirect Free KickAn indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if a goalkeeper, inside his own penalty area, commits any of thefollowing four offences:• takes more than six seconds while controlling the ball with his hands before releasing it from his possession (rolls a 1when putting the ball back into play)• touches the ball again with his hands after it has been released from his possession and has not touched any otherplayer (takes control of the ball before touched by another player)• touches the ball with his hands after it has been deliberately kicked to him by a team-mate (rolls a 1 when receiving thekick)• touches the ball with his hands after he has received it directly from a throw-in taken by a team-mate (rolls a 1 whenreceiving the throw-in)The indirect free kick is taken from where the offence occurredDetermining the foulMeasure the range in inches from the ref to the player causing the foul to get a target number for the ref. [inches = targetnumber]Roll 1d6 + the ref's WR + any skill the ref may have.Deduct 1 from the roll for each player blocking direct line of site between the fouling player and the ref.Add 1 for each Assistant Ref with line of sight to the tackle.Add or deduct any relevant skills the players involved may have, such as Ham Acting.If the result is => the target number, then the ref awards a foul. Any other result sees a continuation of play.Roll 1d6: 1 - 3 = free kick, 4 - 5 = free kick + Yellow Card, 6 = free kick + Red card.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

14The team owner against whom the foul has been made gets to roll for the ref.• FREE KICKSTypes of Free KicksFree kicks are either direct or indirect.For both direct and indirect free kicks, the ball must be stationary when the kick is taken and the kicker does not touch theball a second time until it has touched another player.The Direct Free Kick• if a direct free kick is kicked directly into the opponents’ goal, a goal is awarded• if a direct free kick is kicked directly into the team’s own goal, a corner kick is awarded to the opposing teamThe Indirect Free KickA goal from an indirect kick can be scored only if the ball subsequently touches another player before it enters the goal.• if an indirect free kick is kicked directly into the opponents’ goal, a goal kick is awarded• if an indirect free kick is kicked directly into the team’s own goal, a corner kick is awarded to the opposing teamPosition of Free KickFree Kick Inside the Penalty AreaDirect or indirect free kick to the defending team:• all opponents are at least 5 inches from the ball• all opponents remain outside the penalty area until the ball is in play• the ball is in play when it is kicked directly beyond the penalty area• a free kick awarded in the goal area is taken from any point inside that areaIndirect free kick to the attacking team:• all opponents are at least 5 inches from the ball until it is in play, unless they are on their own goal line between thegoalposts• the ball is in play when it is kicked and moves• an indirect free kick awarded inside the goal area is taken from that part of the goal area line, which runs parallel to thegoal line, at the point nearest to where the infringement occurredFree Kick Outside the Penalty Area• all opponents are at least 5 inches from the ball until it is in play• the ball is in play when it is kicked and moves• the free kick is taken from the place where the infringement occurredInfringements/SanctionsIf, when a free kick is taken, an opponent is closer to the ball than the required distance:• the kick is retaken (not likely to happen during a game, but treat the base of a figure as being the edge of the player formeasuring this distance).If, when a free kick is taken by the defending team from inside its own penalty area, the ball is not kicked directly into play:• the kick is retakenFree kick taken by a player other than the goalkeeperIf, after the ball is in play, the kicker touches the ball a second time before it has touched another player:• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to be taken from the place where the infringementoccurredIf, after the ball is in play, the kicker deliberately handles the ball before it has touched another player:• a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred• a penalty kick is awarded if the infringement occurred inside the kicker’s penalty area<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

15Free kick taken by the goalkeeperIf, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball a second time (except with his hands), before it has touchedanother player:• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to be taken from the place where the infringementoccurredIf, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper deliberately handles the ball before it has touched another player:• a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the infringement occurred outside the goalkeeper’s penalty area, thekick to be taken from the place where the infringement• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the infringement occurred inside the goalkeeper’s penalty area,the kick to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred.Players may reposition any of their figures before a free kick occurs. The defending side places a figure first, then theattacking side and so on until all repositioning has been made.• THE PENALTY KICKA penalty kick is awarded against a team that commits one of the offences for which a direct free kick is awarded, insideits own penalty area and while the ball is in play.A goal may be scored directly from a penalty kick.Additional time is allowed for a penalty kick to be taken by adding one turn to the period the penalty kick is taken in.Position of the Ball and the PlayersThe ball is placed on the penalty mark.The player taking the penalty kick is properly identified.The defending goalkeeper remains on his goal line, facing the kicker, between the goalpostsuntil the ball has been kicked.The players other than the kicker are located inside the field of play outside the penalty areabehind the penalty mark at least 5 inches from the penalty mark.ProcedurePlace the ball on the penalty mark.Place the player taking the kick behind the ball, facing the goal.Place the <strong>Goal</strong>keeper on the goal line in the centre of the goal.The attacking player rolls 1d6 + K + any relevant skill.The defending goalie rolls 1d6 + D + any relevant skill.If the attacking result is higher than the defending result, then a goal has been scored.If the defending result is equal to or higher than the attacking result, then the goalie made the save and the ball is out ofplay and the game is restarted.• Using Penalty Kicks to determine a winner of a matchOnce Full time and two extra time periods have been completed and the scores are still tied, then taking kicks from thepenalty mark is the method of determining the winning team where competition rules require there to be a winning teamafter a match has been drawn.Kicks from the penalty markProcedure• The owners each roll 1d6. The owner that rolls the highest chooses the goal at which the kicks will be taken. Re-roll tiedresults.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

16• The owners then roll1d6 again. The owner that rolls the highest then chooses which team willtake the first or the second kick. Re-roll tied results.• Each owner chooses 5 players to take make the kicks for their team and writes down the players' numbers in order thekicks are to be taken. This list may be checked by opposition owners at any time.• The kicks are taken alternately by the teamsThe actual dice rolling procedure for the penalty kick shoot out is the same as for penalty kicks, with the followingguidelines:• If, before both teams have taken five kicks, one has scored more goals than the other could score, even if it were tocomplete its five kicks, no more kicks are taken.• If, after both teams have taken five kicks, both have scored the same number of goals, or have not scored any goals,kicks continue to be taken in the same order until one team has scored agoal more than the other from the same number of kicks• A goalkeeper who is injured while kicks are being taken from the penalty mark and is unable to continue as goalkeepermay be replaced by a named substitute provided his team has not used the maximum number of substitutes permittedunder the competition rules.• only players who are on the field of play at the end of the match, which includes extra time, are allowed to take kicksfrom the penalty mark• Each kick is taken by a different player and all eligible players must take a kick before any player can take a second kick• An eligible player may change places with the goalkeeper at any time when kicks from the penalty mark are being taken• Only the eligible players and match officials are permitted on the field of play when kicks from the penalty mark are beingtaken• All players, except the player taking the kick and the two goalkeepers, must remain within the centre circle• The goalkeeper who is the team-mate of the kicker must remain on the field of play, outside the penalty area in whichthe kicks are being taken, on the goal line where it meets the penalty areaboundary line• When a team finishes the match with a greater number of players than their opponents, they shall reduce their numbersto equate with that of their opponent. The excluded players' numbers are to be written down on an exclusion list and maybe looked at by the opposition owner at any time.• Before the start of kicks from the penalty mark, ensure that only an equal number of players from each team remainwithin the centre circle and they shall take the kicks.• THE THROW-INA throw-in is a method of restarting play.A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in.A throw-in is awarded:• when the whole of the ball passes over the touch line, either on the ground or in the air (take the position of the ball onthe base, not the base the ball is on).• from the point where it crossed the touch line• to the opponents of the player who last touched the ball<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

17ProcedureAt the moment of delivering the ball, the throwing figure:• faces the field of play• is placed with the centre line of the base along the touch line• The owner decides the direction the ball is to be thrown back into play• Roll 1d6 to determine the distance the ball is thrown.• Place the ball on the field where it lands• Players may reposition any of their figures before the throw in occurs. The defending side places a figure first, then theattacking side and so on until all repositioning has been made.Any player attempting to gain control of a ball from a thrown in must roll 1d6. Provided a 1 isn't rolled then the ball isunder control. If a 1 is rolled the player is deemed to have used his hands and the appropriate penalty is given.The thrower may not touch the ball again until it has touched another player.All opponents must stand no less than 1inch from the point at which the throw-in is taken.The ball is in play immediately after it enters the field of play.The <strong>Goal</strong>keeper may take a throw in for balls that cross over the goal line without scoring a goal.Infringements/SanctionsThrow-in taken by a player other than the goalkeeperIf, after the ball is in play, the thrower touches the ball a second time (except with his hands) before it has touched anotherplayer:• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to be taken from the place where the infringementoccurredIf, after the ball is in play, the thrower deliberately handles the ball before it has touched another player:• a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred• a penalty kick is awarded if the infringement occurred inside the thrower’s penalty areaThrow-in taken by the goalkeeperIf, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball a second time (except with his hands), before it has touchedanother player:• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to be taken from the place where the infringementoccurredIf, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper deliberately handles the ball before it has touched another player:• a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the infringement occurred outside the goalkeeper’s penalty area, thekick to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the infringement occurred inside the goalkeeper’s penalty area,the kick to be taken from the place where the infringement occurredIf an opponent unfairly distracts or impedes the thrower:• he is cautioned for unsporting behaviour and shown the yellow card• THE GOAL KICKA goal kick is a method of restarting play.A goal may be scored directly from a goal kick, but only against the opposing team.A goal kick is awarded when:<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

18• the whole of the ball, having last touched a player of the attacking team, passes over the goal line, either on the groundor in the air, and a goal is not scored.Procedure• the ball is kicked from any point within the goal area by a player of the defending team• opponents remain outside the penalty area until the ball is in play• the kicker does not play the ball a second time until it has touched another player• the ball is in play when it is kicked directly beyond the penalty areaThe method for kicking the ball is as per normal kicks in the rules.Infringements/SanctionsIf the ball is not kicked directly into play beyond the penalty area:• the kick is retaken<strong>Goal</strong> kick taken by a player other than the goalkeeperIf, after the ball is in play, the kicker touches the ball a second time (except with his hands) before it has touched anotherplayer:• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to be taken from the place where the infringementoccurredIf, after the ball is in play, the kicker deliberately handles the ball before it has touched another player:• a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred.<strong>Goal</strong> kick taken by the goalkeeperIf, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball a second time (except with his hands) before it has touchedanother player:• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to be taken from the place where the infringementoccurredIf, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper deliberately handles the ball before it has touched another player:• a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the infringement occurred outside the goalkeeper’s penalty area, thekick to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the infringement occurred inside the goalkeeper’s penalty area,the kick to be taken from the place where the infringement occurredFor any other infringement of this Law:• the kick is retaken• THE CORNER KICKA corner kick is a method of restarting play.A goal may be scored directly from a corner kick, but only against the opposing team.A corner kick is awarded when:• the whole of the ball, having last touched a player of the defending team, passes over the goal line, either on the groundor in the air, and a goal is not scored.Procedure• the ball is placed inside the corner arc at the nearest corner flagpost• the corner flagpost is not moved• opponents remain at least 5 inches from the corner arc until the ball is in play• the ball is kicked by a player of the attacking team<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

19• the ball is in play when it is kicked and moves• the kicker does not play the ball a second time until it has touched another player• Players may reposition any of their figures before a corner kick occurs. The defending side places a figure first, then theattacking side and so on until all repositioning has been made.The method for kicking the ball is as per normal kicks in the rules.Infringements/SanctionsCorner kick taken by a player other than the goalkeeperIf, after the ball is in play, the kicker touches the ball a second time (except with his hands) before it has touched anotherplayer:• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to be taken from the place where the infringementoccurredIf, after the ball is in play, the kicker deliberately handles the ball before it has touched another player:• a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to be taken from the place where the infringement occurred• a penalty kick is awarded if the infringement occurred inside the kicker’s penalty areaCorner kick taken by the goalkeeperIf, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper touches the ball a second time (except with his hands) before it has touchedanother player:• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team, the kick to be taken from the place where the infringementoccurredIf, after the ball is in play, the goalkeeper deliberately handles the ball before it has touched another player:• a direct free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the infringement occurred outside the goalkeeper’s penalty area, thekick to be taken from the place where the infringementoccurred• an indirect free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the infringement occurred inside the goalkeeper’s penalty area,the kick to be taken from the place where the infringement occurredFor any other infringement:• the kick is retaken<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

20Building the Game FieldNOTE: It always helps to read over the direction to get an idea of what needs to be accomplished. Then put yourmaterials together. You may find that other materials are better. You may want to keep the templates you cut out to aidin making the Game Field and make more than one for friends. Also keep in mind, if you make a mistake you can alwaysuse the other side of the Game Field cloth to start over.• Materials for the Game Field1- Ruler or tape measure.2- Pencil1- Sharpie Permanent Marker2- Scissors3- Tape (any kind)5- Felt or Green Cloth measuring 37 x 54 inches or 40 x 60 inches.6- Print copies of Templates (A if for the larger board or B if for the smaller board).7- Print copies of the <strong>Goal</strong>.8- Print copies of the 2D paper minis (both team Blue and team Red) unless you own the metal miniatures.• Additional Materials for the 3D goal and 2D paper miniatures.9- GlueStep 1: After you have cut your green cloth to the desired dimensions 40 x 60 inches or no less than 36 by 54inches, you may want to consider ironing it to remove any fold marks. The advantage to having a cloth game boardvs. a wooden board is that you can roll up the cloth board for ease of travel.Step 2: On the following pages, print off the Field Layout page for reference and Templates B1 through 4.Step 3: Across the longest board side of 60 inches, locate the half mark and using your pencil place a mark at thebottom and top. Place your ruler against the two marks and using your marker draw a line down the Game Field sothat the board is split in two to create the Halfway Line. (See lower Left image.)Length 60 inchesStep 4: Draw a mark on the line from Step 3, measure down 20 inches or to the half point. This is the center of theGame Field where the ball will begin the game. (See above Right image.)<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

21Step 5: Print Template B-4 and cut out the half circle. If your printer asks you about Scaling be sure to pick “None”.Otherwise some printers will resize pages. Match the mark on the middle of the game board made in Step 4 with themark in the middle of the half circle from Template B-4. Using your marker trace a line on your cloth field around theedge of the half circle. Repeat on the opposite side to complete the game field Center Circle (See images below.)Step 6: Locate Template B-3. There are two items to cut out. The first is the black quarter circle in the upper left corner.The second is the box with the dome shape. (See left image below.)Use the black quarter circle to trace the Corner Arcs on all four corners of the Game Field. (See right image below.)Step 7: Take the dome shaped object above and fold in half (See left image below). While it is folded, cut out the blackslit in the center. This slit will be used later to mark the Penalty Kick Mark. Unfold the dome shaped object and go tostep 8.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

22Step 8: Locate Template B-1 and B-2 and cut them out. These two pieces along with the dome shaped object above willbe taped together to form the Penalty Box. Take the template that has the single word LEFT on it and place it in anycorner of your Game Field. You will be using the corner of the Game Field for aligning all three pieces together so thebottoms of the templates that have the words Table Edge are even with the table edge. (See left image below.) Nowplace the domed shape directly to the left and the last template on the left end. They should look like the image in thelower right. Tape the three pieces together where they meet.Step 9: Thus far your Game Field should look something like the image below. Using your pencil you will now bemarking the half way point on the left and right sides of the fields. These marks will help you place the Penalty Boxtemplate you just taped together in the correct spots.Step 10: Place a ruler on the table as a guide from the middle of the board to the right side half way mark you justcreated with your pencil. (See left image below.) Slide your Penalty Box template underneath the ruler. Use the fold inthe middle and the pencil mark on the Game Field edge to align it properly. (See right image below.) Using your Marker,trace around the outside of the template and the inside <strong>Goal</strong> Box area.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

23Step 11: Use the marker to mark the slot in the paper you cut during Step 7. This is your Penalty Kick Mark. YourPenalty Box should look like the right image below.Step 12: Using the ruler and marker, finish off the line below the Penalty Box Arc. Repeat Steps 10 through 12 on theopposite side of the field. The Game Field is finished. Step 13 will begin the <strong>Goal</strong> assembly.Step 13: Print off the two copies of Template B-5, the 3D paper goal. You can use standard 20lb paper but for the bestresults a 45lb Matte Photo Paper is highly recommended. Remember, if your printer asks you about Scaling be sure topick “None”. Otherwise some printers will resize pages. Take both 3D paper goals and fold them as show below (leftimage, goal on the right side). Apply glue to back side of rectangle goal section, compress under some weight like a book(left image, goal on the left side). After they have dried, fold ends midway and inward, glue and press (right imagebelow).<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

24Step 14: The last step is to fold the end flaps and back side of goal toward one another. The image to the left belowshows the goals laying on their opening with the back sides protruding skyward. The image below to the right shows thecompleted goal in the correct position behind the <strong>Goal</strong> Line. Since the <strong>Goal</strong> is made of paper and can move if bumped ordice crash into it, you may want to mark the edge of the Game Field with a pencil or marker to signify where the goal issupposed to be placed.Assembling the 2D paper miniaturesStep 1: Cut out all players and the balls as shown in the lower left image. Step 2: The bottom of the miniatures base isthe square in the center flanked by the half circles. Fold where these half circles and the square meet so that the blankback side of the miniature is facing one another (see lower right image).<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

25Step 3: Fold the area between the player images and the half circles. Notice that the half circles are forming a roundbase in the lower left image. Step 4: Glue the entire blank back side of the paper miniature (see right image below). Youmay want to experiment on a blank sheet of paper on the amount of glue you use as some glues bleed through papervery easily. I use Elmer’s Glue and then smear the glue evenly across the back side with my finger.Step 5: After you have glued the back, fold the figure together pushing downward lightly toward the base. You can alsopush the two base halves together with your fingers to insure a good seal. Step 6: You have the option to cut out thecorners and make your bases round (see right image below). This will not affect the figures ability to stand up on theGame Field.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> rules © 2010 Ian Johnson, all rights reserved.<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong> logos and images © 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc. all rights reserved.Post your questions or suggestions at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis/This game and all its contents can be downloaded for FREE at www.<strong>Mega</strong>

Field Layout: Dimensions 40 inches wide by 60 inches long.<strong>Goal</strong> BoxCornerArchPenalty Boxincludes Arch belowHalf Way LineCenterCirclePenalty Kick Mark<strong>Goal</strong> Line

Template B-1Table EdgeLeft

Template B-2Table EdgeRight

Template B-3Left Right

Template B-4

© 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc.all rights reserved.Template B-5

Full Team RosterTeam: Team Colours: Team Manager:Number Name MV BH K A DMIFA Team Roster ©2006 Ian Johnson.

For best results when printer menu comes up make surethe “NONE” feature is checked under “SCALING”.45LB Matte Photo Paper is highly recommended fordurability and print quality. 20lb printer paper will work too.© 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc.all rights reserved.www.<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.com1 2A metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.com3 4 5A metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comSold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.7810 11A metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comSold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.

For best results when printer menu comes up make surethe “NONE” feature is checked under “SCALING”.45LB Matte Photo Paper is highly recommended fordurability and print quality. 20lb printer paper will work too.© 2010 Discount Hobby, Inc.all rights reserved.www.<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.com1 2A metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.com3 4 5A metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comSold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.6 7 8 9 10 11A metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comA metal versionof this figureavailable at<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comSold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.Sold as a set of11 figures, 2 balls.

Template B-6PZI zones and Rulers

One Team $21.99Two Teams $36.99Six Teams $104.99Free shipping on Six TeamsYou receive two balls per team.www.<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comEnter stores & search forpart number MEM-39009 orlook under category“FREE GAME(<strong>Golden</strong> <strong>Goal</strong>)”Download theseother FREEPDF Catalogs atwww.<strong>Mega</strong>Minis.comOver 1,500 cheapmetal miniaturesstarting at$1.50 each.Dungeon Decorover 150 figs!Fantasyover 400 figs!Animalsover 150 figs!Monstersover 150 figs!Sci-Fiover 100 figs!Many more in the works!Modernover 150 figs!Grenadier ClassicsJulie Guthrie180 figs!We ship 100% of your order because we are the manufacturer.Get free shipping to any destination in the world for orders over $100

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