2012 Wrestlers - St. Mary's Central High School

2012 Wrestlers - St. Mary's Central High School

2012 Wrestlers - St. Mary's Central High School


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RELIGIONRELIGIONWhat exciting news! Monsignor David Kagan is the 7th Bishop of the Diocese of Bismarck! Now, he is here! But, thequestion lingers, what do we know about him?Bishop Msgr. Kagan was born on November 9, 1949, in Waukegan, and was raised in Spring Grove, Illinois. In 1975,he received the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Throughout the years, Msgr. Kagan has held many positions, including parishpriest, high school religion teacher, medical ethics instructor, parochial administrator, Diocesan Tribunal, and many more.He became an Honorary Prelate in 1994 and was named Protonotary Apostolic Super Numerary of the Supreme Pontiff (thehighest level of honor for a monsignor) in July 2011. Before his ordination, he resided at the Holy Family Church in Rockford,Illinois.Prior to his ordination, during an interview on Real Presence Radio, Bishop David Kagan shared some personal informationabout himself. He related that, during his childhood, his family prayed the Rosary every day, whether it was early in themorning, late at night, a busy day, or a calm day. He recommends this practice to all families as it helps in spiritual growthand is forever remembered by the family. Bishop Kagan loves to read about the lives of the saints and in doing so, becameespecially interested in <strong>St</strong>. Benedict. He chose his motto from the Rule of <strong>St</strong>. Benedict: “Prefer nothing to the love of Christ.”On Saturday, October15, 2011, he received aninteresting call on hiscell phone, which he wasreluctant to answer at first,as he did not recognize thenumber. Since he had beenplagued with calls frombill collectors looking forthe person who previouslyhad his cell phone number, he assumed theunknown caller was yet another bill collector.After finally deciding to answer it, herealized that it was a call from a monsignorfrom the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington,D.C., informing him that the Pope hadappointed him the next bishop of the Dioceseof Bismarck, ND, and then asking him ifhe would accept this appointment. BishopDavid Kagan responded, “Yes!” to God’scall. He remembers thinking after the phonecall, “Dear God, It’s me!” Bishop MonsignorKagan had his installation/ordination onNovember 30 and looks forward to growingin holiness together with the faithful peopleof the Diocese of Bismarck.Joy to the Diocese ofBismarck!By: Anne and Sarah <strong>St</strong>orickYOU CAN CASH IN!The Guard pays well. But for civilians andSoldiers with skills and experience, we payeven better, with incentives up to thousands ofextra dollars. Serve part-time now in certainjobs and qualify for big cash.To discover how you can cash in,contact your local Guardrepresentative today.SSG Dan Upgren: 701.516.3957NDGUARD.comExcellent <strong>St</strong>arting PayBonuses up to $5,000Up to 100% Paid Tuition<strong>St</strong>udent Loan Repayment up to $50,000Hands-on Technical Training in Real-life CareersBishop David KaganSERVE YOUR COMMUNITY, STATE & COUNTRY

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