don Miguel Ruiz Jr - Truly Alive Magazine

don Miguel Ruiz Jr - Truly Alive Magazine don Miguel Ruiz Jr - Truly Alive Magazine
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MAR/APR 2013We all have attachments –to our beliefs, our past, ouropinions and our view of theworld. These attachmentscan distort our perceptions ofourselves and those aroundus; keeping us trapped in apsychological and spiritualfog.Building on the principlesfound in his father’sbestselling book, The FourAgreements, <strong>don</strong> <strong>Miguel</strong><strong>Ruiz</strong>, <strong>Jr</strong>. invites us to gaugehow attached we are to ourown points of view. In TheFive Levels of Attachment,he explains how our beliefsbecome intimately connectedto our identity, or who wethink we are. These beliefs of“what the truth is” creates ourattachments and in turn, ouremotional responses to life.Accessible and practical, TheFive Levels of Attachmentinvites us to break ourunhealthy attachments andreclaim our true freedomby cultivating awareness,detaching and discovering ourtrue selves.2 Celebration Fair: Best Opportunityto Experience New Mexico’s HolisticCommunityby Steve Strickland4 Classes and Workshops5 Community Events8 From the Publisher9 #1 Solution for Seasonal & FoodAllergiesby Sunil Pai, MD—Integrative Medicine10 Understanding Men’s Issues:Testosterone & Andropause Part 3by Tom White, RPh, Phc & Frank Latino,RPh, MS, PhC12 Stop Aging NOWby Dr. Carla Garcia, DOM13 MyoRehab: The Power of PostureControl Insolesby Victoria L. Magown14 Integrative Approach to HealingNervous System Disorders:Testimonial & Case Storyby Pamela Costello, MD, PhD16 Turn Your Down Aroundby Lara LaVonne Jordan, RScP16 Thinkith Something Stinkith?by Sandi Ganshaw, RDH, BS17 Connect Your Spirit and Your Brainby Louise Swartswalter, ND, CBS, CNHP, CALT18 New UN Treaty on Mercury RequiresCountries to Phase Down DentalAmalgamby Dr. Joe Mercola19 A Practical and Sustainable Spiritualityby Wendy Foxworth20 Finding & Fighting Inflammation inBreasts and Bodyby Dr. Carla Carcia, DOM21 It’s 2013. What’s changed?by Betsy-Morgan22 The Base Chakraby Ellen Tadd23 Free Yourself from Back Painby Michelle Morath24 TRULY ALIVE FEATURE SECTIONAn Interview with <strong>don</strong> <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>, <strong>Jr</strong>. & anoverview of his new book The Five Levelsof Attachment by Karen Larré, Mary AnneWeaver and Carla Garcia26 It’s All About Energyby Ellen Santistevan, LMT #6335, APP27 Building a New World CommunityConsciousnessby Phaeryn Sheehan28 Drink Coffee or Tea? Enjoy Your Cupand Lose Weight!by Bruce Weaver, MPA, PA-C with DaveWeaver30 Creating Inner Peace: Part 1: Listen toYour Heart’s Desiresby Camille Scielzi31 Esteemed Healer Shahpar MosavarRahmani Returns32 Feeling Stuck? Run energy!! Part 1by Kerry Leigh32 Amazing Springtime & Your LovelyOutdoor Spaceby Rhonda Owen33 The Stress of Tax Preparation, Redefinedby Marshall Estner34 It’s About Connectionby Jennifer McKay Vaitkus34 Healthy Brain Function = OptimalPerformanceby Regina Coffman35 Timing in the Real Estate Marketby Nancy Bowers, Realtor®36 A Heartfelt Interview with CelebrationFair Keynote Sonia Choquetteby Darci Lodsin38 Blood Clots – What Are The Facts? Part 1by Janet L. Hall, ND, CKP, CMI, CHt, CBT39 Simple Food! Great Taste!by Joy Lynn39 Release the Grief, Keep the Loveby Rita Herther, MA40 Spring! Perfect for Cleansingby Bill Haggard41 Walking in Trust and Paying Attention toWhat Mattersby Rev. Kylie Renner42 Creating the Body You Want for Life!by Linda J. Martin, RScP42 Astounding Cellular Regeneration, AReturn to Youthby Ina Stewart & Mickey Sutton, LMT #60343 The Lord’s Prayer with Commentaryoffered by Clint Bridges44 Astrological Forecast for Mar/Aprby John Clinton46 Resource Directory48 Advertising RatesRead more articles online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 1

Best Opportunity to Experience New Mexico’s Holistic CommunityBy Steve StricklandTheholistic community in New Mexico willget quite a spring treat this year with thewonderful Celebration Fair, April 26-28 at the Albuquerque Fairgrounds Lujan Building. Someof you may know of the fair from its 35-year history inColorado where it brings together the largest metaphysicalcrowd in the country. This year brings huge and wonderfulchanges to the fair and its first expansion into the Land ofEnchantment.“When you arrive at the fair, you will enjoy exquisitedecorations throughout the event that help carry out ourmetaphysical roots and our love of all things holistic,”explains event producer Darci Lodsin. “Our completelynew website lets you find out much more about the readersand vendors you love, in advance.”Discover an outstanding collectionof 120 of the Nation’s most intriguingexhibitors, offering the latest findingsin natural health, personal growth,and metaphysics. Browse for hours,receive a healing or soothingmassage, try the latest newproducts, and learn fascinatingnew avenues to better health,personal well-being and spiritualgrowth.Celebration will haveAlbuquerque’s largest collectionof free presentations with fourrooms of lectures, music andmore woven into the fabric of theevent; creating a truly magicalweekend. Celebration Fair hasdedicated itself to helping guestsdiscover the radiant life thatsurrounds them every moment;a weekend filled with the finestpresentations, exhibitors andentertainment; each intentionedto help you grow personallyand to show that when you believe, everything becomespossible. And the New Mexico program guide will providea beautifully in-depth view of the weekend’s activities;allowing you to flow through the event with ease.Renew • Discover • Transcend • EncounterSince our first event in Ashland, Oregon in 1986, throughmore than 700 expos coast to coast, we have broughttogether the leading edge of metaphysical presenters andexhibitors in dynamic, progressive cities across the country.Join us in 2013 as we open the Celebration even widerwith more than 10 new events with even deeper contentto explore. From astrology and dreams to naturopathsand yoga, we draw together an eclectic range of vendorscoupled with informative and entertaining presentations,performances and sessions.Keynote presenter Sonia Choquette will present twoworkshops. One will share insights from her book Grace,Guidance and Gifts and will help you learn how to gainfreedom from limiting patterns. The other workshopentitled “Ask Your Guides,” will provide tools for deepeningyour connection to, and communicating with (specificallyfor the purpose of receiving answers) your guides. Joiningher will be four Featured Presenters including Peter Hughesand his “Vibe alignment.” Kathi McKnight will teach youhow to use hand writing analysis” in your everyday life.Emil Faithe will help you explore the sensitive in you. Allof our workshops help you dig deeper into the subjects youlove the most. The program goes much further with morethan 60 free presentations by some of Celebrations mostloved presenters and some new faces.Readings and healings cost just $20 for 20 minutes anddaily admission stays at the low price of just $5. Weekendadmission has actually dropped to just $12 for three days soyou can uncover the tools and techniques to help you findyour own glorious inner being while meeting up with futurelike-minded friends. Throw in inexpensive parking and this issure to be a wonderful, heart-centered weekend. Visit for all the details. Read more about theFair on pages 36 and 37 of this issue. Embrace your Spirit;Explore within!2 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles online:

AlbuquerqueSt Fair- Lujan BLdgapriL 26-28Fri 1-8, Sat 10-7, Sun 10-6admiSSion $5Natural HealtHPersoNal GrowtHMetaPHysicsKEynotE (2 Sessions)Sonia ChoquetteGrace, Guidance & GiftsEmil FaitheYou are SensitiveKathi McKnightYour HandwritingReveals110 EXHiBitorS50 rEadErS & HEaLErS50 FrEE 541.241-9153

Classes & WorkshopsEVENTS AT:High Desert Center for Spiritual Living5621 Paradise Blvd NW, 87114505-922-1200 • www.hdcsl.orgPSYCH-K Basic WorkshopMarch 22-23 9am-5pm$400 advance feeThe best techniqueavailableto “change yourthinking—change your life,” PSYCH-K shows you howto overcome your limiting subconsciousbeliefs. The process teaches you how toassess subconscious beliefs and change themeffectively to resolve negative habits, phobiasand behaviors. Learn to transform limitingunconscious programs into life supportingand success promoting ones in as little as 10minutes. Limited space.New Mexican Style Mad Hatter’s HighTea: Alice’s First Cinquo de MayoMay 4, 1-3pmAdults $25, Under 12, $15This popular event returns to HDCSL with allthe trimmings. Join us for the fun and food.There will be a silent auction and a prize forthat special lady in the best hat. Limited Seating:RSVP by April 26: 505-922-1200.Unseen Worlds: Past Lives, Future Lives,and the Afterlife, an Edgar Cayce EventMarch 23, 9:30am-4:30pm (Reg. 9am)Adv. Reg. $79 (ARE Members/Seniors $69)$89/$79 at the doorJoin Gregg Unterberger andhear about new, cutting-edgeresearch about near-death journeysand understand what reallyhappens on the other side – oflife in the unseen worlds. Greggbrings clarity and humor to complex spiritualtruths with mind-expanding graphics, evocativemusic and exciting exercises. A unique adventurein inner awakening and self-discovery.Registration: 800-333-4499Held at: Unity Spiritual Center9800 Candelaria NE, 87112Local/ABQ Info: I Classes • $150Usui System 14-hr classMar 14-17, Apr 4-7, 25-28Thurs & Fri: 6-8 pmSat & Sun: 1-6 pmTaught by Reiki MasterElizabeth Valsala, Furumoto lineage, practicingReiki for 25 years, teaching for 21 years.505-299-0011 • www.ReikiABQ.comReiki Trainings, Usui Shiki Ryoho MethodReiki I, April 13, 10am-7 pm, $125Reiki II, April 20, 10am-7 pm, $175Practitioner 16 years,Teacher 3 years. Please call forinformation and to register.Space is limited.Reiki Master David B. Fisher819 Vassar Dr. NE505-463-7392www.DavidBFisherHypnotherapy.comBuilding A NewCommunity WorkshopApril 20, 10am-4pm$50Contact Phaeryn at 206-6139for details.Ascended Masters Foundation1325 Park Ave. SW, #110, 87102www.ascendedmastersfoundation.orgGirls Night Out 2013April 26, 5-10 pmPamper yourselfwith free beauty andfood indulgences,fabulous fashion andexquisite productsand services formind, body and spirit. More than 100 vendorbooths to enjoy! For women 21+. Proceedsbenefit the Ronald McDonald House.Ticket/Vendor info: 505-842-8960Hard Rock Hotel11000 Broadway SE, 87105www.rmhc-nm.orgCelebration FairApril 26-28, Friday 1-8pmSat 10am-7pm, Sun 11am-6pm$5/Day ($12/ Weekend) + ParkingOver 110 intriguingnaturalhealth, personalgrowth & metaphysicalexhibitors. Get a massage, try thelatest new products, and learn fascinatingnew avenues to better health, personal wellbeingand spiritual growth. Free presentations,lectures, music and more. Readings/healings$20 for 20 minutes. Join us for this wonderful,heart-centered weekend.Albuquerque FairgroundsLujan Expo Hall B,300 San Pedro NE, 87108www.bmscelebration.comWorkshop with Don <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>, <strong>Jr</strong>.April 30, 7-9pm • $30Son of Don <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>, Sr.,author of numerous booksincluding the best-sellingThe Four Agreements, and theFifth Agreement, Don <strong>Miguel</strong><strong>Jr</strong>. takes the Toltec teachingsto the next level. Join Don<strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>, <strong>Jr</strong>. for an insightful workshopbased on his new book The Five Levels ofAttachment. Expand your awareness and gainnew insight. Take your life to the next level.Bring your copy of the book or purchase oneand have it signed!Albuquerque Center for Spiritual Living2801 Louisiana NE, 87110Tickets/Info: www.abqcsl.orgSmall Group ClassesUnlimited Monthly Attendance$45/Individuals, $70/CouplesNew guests: enjoy one weekof small group classes—FREE. Designed to fit yourbusy schedule, most classesare 25 minutes long, circuitstyle. Quick, effectiveworkout, 16 choices/week. Drop in for one orall—no limit! Ask how you can get a reducedmembership rate.Michelle Morath: 505-550-8322New Mexico Fit Personal Training, LLC6001 San Mateo Blvd NE, B-3, Classes w/Master Teacher/Author Betsy-Morgan CoffmanTeleclasses (International) WednesdaysAlbuquerque Classes Saturdays$99/Class (limited to 4participants)Call or email for monthlyschedule. 4 Different SkillLevels taught. Private classesare available upon request($150).505-275-4746 • www.AskBetsyMorgan.comAdditional events added in between issues! Check the website often: www.trulyalive.net4 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> |

Community EventsEventsEVENTS AT:819 Vassar Drive NEAlbuquerque, NM 87106Carol Joyce ChannelingsMarch 24 & April 28, 6:30-8pm$20 DonationDo you seek a message from a loved oneor want to hear a message that will helpyou during these challenging times? Carolbrings with her, her heart, spirit and 40 yearsexperience. Carol’s messages offer advice forour highest good. Info: 505-884-4533Self-Hypnosis ClassMarch 14 & April 11, 6-7pm • FREEDavid B Fisher, Clinical Hypnotherapistprovides an overview of Hypnosis and adiscussion/demonstration of Self-HypnosisTechniques. Class will include Q & A.Please RSVP: 505-463-7392.Space is limited.www.davidbfisherhypnotherapy.comSound Healing MeditationMarch 10 & April 14, 6-7:30pm$10 DonationTrudy Charlton, Sound Alchemist will leadmeditation using selected crystal bowls,matching color frequencies and other soundtools. Non-experienced meditators welcomed.Each meditation is different and no two peoplehave the same experience.Trudy Charlton: 505-565-0620EVENTS AT:ABQ Natural Health CenterLouise Swartswalter, ND, CBS, CNHP, CALT5341 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Ste. BABQ 87109 • 505-797-0540www.abqnaturalhealthcenter.comBeautiful Amazing YOU!Mar 13 & Apr 17 6:30-8:30pmFREE Informational MeetingWeekly anti-aging and Love frequencies.Learn Seven Secrets to a Beautiful You, loveyou exercises, integrations and more.Beautiful Amazing You WebinarMar 14 & Apr 18, Noon-2pm(Mtn. Time) • FREELearn anti-aging beauty tips for the insideand out. Love yourself unconditionally andallow your gifts to shine. Experience a groupbiofeedback session, integration and soundtherapy for a unique multisensory shift.Sign up OFFERED BY:Angela Melton • 505-310-1790Empowering Energy MedicineHeld At: Atria Vista del Rio Senior Ctr.1620 Indian School Rd. NE, ABQwww.EmpoweringEnergyMedicine.comEssential Oils for Seniors ClassMarch 26, 1:30-2:30pmFREE Class, Literature & SamplesDiscover how essential oils can provide seniorswith a safe, effective and affordable alternativeto traditional pharmaceutical drugs. Learnwhich essential oils can address problemswith digestion, sleep, memory, vision, hearing,arthritis, blood pressure, diabetes, depressionand much more.RSVP/Info, Angela: 505-310-1790Essential Oils to BalanceHormones ClassApril 30, 1:30-2:30pmFREE Class, Literature & SamplesDiscover secrets women used for thousandsof years to balance hormones, stay healthyand look younger. Learn how essential oils tonaturally balance mood swings, cramps, hotflashes, dryness, headaches, sleep issues, breasthealth, mental fog, libido and much more.RSVP/Info, Angela: 505-310-1790EVENTS OFFERED BY:The Ascended Masters Foundation1325 Park Ave. SW, Suite 110Albuquerque, NM 87102505-401-2527www.ascdendedmastersfoundation.orgLunar Eclipse MeditationApril 25, Noon • $10Beautiful mediation by conference call.Contact Marshall for more details: 505-850-2132.Prayer and MeditationCommunity CallsOngoing, Mondays & Fridays,7am & 8:45amJoin us! Conference call # is 1-626-677-3000,access code 55565#.EVENTS AT:High Desert Center for Spiritual Living5621 Paradise Blvd NW, 87114505-922-1200 • www.hdcsl.orgHealing ServiceMarch 11, 7-8pm • Love OfferingIn the high vibration of unconditionalHigh Desert Center cont’dLove, there will be meditation, chant, and 6experienced healers doing spiritual healingfor you as an individual. Healing the energyfield, hands-on (optional) healing touch, andof course, affirmative prayer will be offered.All are welcome. 505-922-1200.Be Your Most Beautiful Physical Self!3 Transformational Offerings withTerry Wexler:Sugar BluesMar 16, 9-11am, Mar 20, 6:30-8:30pm$20Are you constantly craving sweets and wantto understand why? Do you want to gaincontrol without deprivation? Learn how andreclaim your physical body. 505-922-1200Eating For EnergyApr 6, 9-11am, Apr 11, 6:30-8:30 pm$20Learn how to live life with an abundance ofenergy and vitality. Find out what foods arebest to eat to increase your energy.505-922-1200Live More at Any WeightApr 27, 9-11am, May 2, 6:30-8:30pm$20Discover a safe way to drop pounds and feelfully satisfied. Explore weight loss problemsin America. Learn why diets <strong>don</strong>’t work. 505-922-1200EVENTS AT:Kadampa Meditation Center NM8701 Comanche NE, ABQ • 505-292-5293www.meditationinnewmexico.orgLove, Attachment, and DesireMarch 8, 9 & 10$10/class (Ask about multi-class discounts)Real love always brings out the best inus. Mixed with attachment it causes pain.During this weekend, we will explore a lovethat truly makes us happy.Awakening our Spiritual PotentialApril 5, 6 & 7$10/class (Ask about multi-class discounts)It is possible to transform our life into aspiritual path. We <strong>don</strong>’t have to change ourexternal circumstances, only our minds. Beguided through meditations that can awakenyour true potential.Prayers for World PeaceOngoing, Sundays 10am-11:30am$10 suggested <strong>don</strong>ationcontinued on p4Additional events added in between issues! Check the website often:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 5

Community EventsKadampa cont’dUnderstand how to integrate Buddha’steachings into your daily life in order tosolve our problems of anger, attachment andignorance. Consists of teachings, retreats,meditations, and more. Additional classes arealso on Fridays and Saturdays. Check websitefor more information.Meditation for BeginnersOngoing Weds & Fridays, 12-1:00 pm$5/classTake a break from your busy day and enjoya quick and easy guided meditation thatcan immediately provide a peaceful state ofmind, which you can take with you the restof your day!EVENTS AT:Unity Spiritual Center9800 Candelaria Rd. NE • ABQ 87112505-292-1998 • www.uscabq.orgAll events held at Unity Spiritual Center areoffered on a “Love Offering” basis unlessotherwise indicated.Prosperity ClassThursdays, Mar 21–Apr 18, 6:30pmFacilitated by Rev. Joanne BurnsChants4UnityMarch 22 & April 26, 7 pmA Kirtan Experience w/Rev. Ross CampbellGood Friday Communion ServiceMarch 29, 7pmWomen’s RetreatApril 10– 14Kashe Katuwe – Tent Rocks HikeApril 20, 9amFacilitated by Gor<strong>don</strong> Keyler, L.U.T.Mind Your Mind Stress Reduction Workshopw/Kyri ElizabethSunday, April 21, 1pmWednesday Night MeditationStarting May 15, 6:30-7pmLife of Prayer ClassWednesdays, May 15-June 12, 7pmFacilitated by Gor<strong>don</strong> Keyler, L.U.T.Metaphysical Bible StudySunday Mornings, 9-9:45amFacilitated by Tish Hardwick & Jay Pullen.Join us to discover how the Bible applies toyour everyday life.A Course in MiraclesMonday evenings, 7pmFacilitated by Chris SchmilleEVENTS AT:White Horse • Info: 505-255-52173420 Lomas Blvd. NE, 87106www.AbqWhiteHorse.comIntuitive Readers & Healers: White Horsehosts an amazing selection of Psychics, Channels& Healers available for personal readings.Our readers will be available throughout theweek during store hours. Check our website forfull information about our readers and theirschedules. $1.50/minute.Full Chalice FridayMarch 8, 6:30-9:30pmFree AdmissionA fun night to celebrate your Body and Spiritwith intuitive readings, massage, energy healings,more. Friends, Food, and Fun! $10 fee for15 minutes per practitioner.Introduction to Channeling withSue EatonMarch 13, 6:30-8:30pm • $20Are you curious about Channeling? Whatis Channeling? What happens when youChannel? Why would you want to Channel?You will have these questions answered anda chance to practice Channeling yourself.Divine Gazing with Epi GallegosMar 27 & Apr 24, 6:15-7pm • $10Epi extends his aura and it hugs, blesses andloves each person. Gazing helps heal fromlife’s difficulties, health problems, relationshipissues and more. Extraordinary interactionwith his visitors who are touched by aninvisible and silent power…opening them toinfinite possibilities.Mary Magdalene Beckons StudyGroup led by Author Mercedes KirkelFridays thru April 5 (no mtg Mar. 8)$20 per classExperience Mary Magdalene in her contemporaryrole as illumined and compassionateteacher. Enjoy Mary’s universal instructionon: Emotions and Sexuality, Sacred Relationship,Freedom from Judgment, doubt, andblame, Harmonizing Masculine and Feminine.Book available at White Horse.Harmony Hub Network Ceremony1st Wednesday of each MonthMar 6, Apr 3, May 1, 6:30-8:30pmLove Offerings Gratefully AcceptedShare gratitude and the intent of your dream in ablending of modern networking/ancestral ways.Reflect and share the actions, services, activitiesyou will do to bring forth harmony. Place asymbol of your intent onto the Staff of Harmony.Bring a finger food (optional).Space is limited. Please RSVP:Gor<strong>don</strong> Eagleheart, 207-751-63871040 Muriel St., 87112TechLove Healing Arts FaireMar 16, & Apr 20, 11am-4pmFREE AdmissionThe TechLove Healing Arts Faire is just the placeif you’re seeking something unique and fun todo on a Saturday afternoon. Albuquerque’s holisticboutique faire in Nob Hill hosts a varietyof psychics, artists, healers, other types of practitionersand lightworkers. Ongoing, every 3rdSaturday!TechLove 3901 Central Ave. NE, ABQ 87108Three blocks east of Carlisle in Nob HillInfo, Tom Carlson: 505-990-2551 Growth Study & MeditationWith Jan Schroeder, Author ofTraveling at the Speed of GodMar 16, Apr 13, 9:30-noon • FREEWe are currently discussing “A New Earth” byEckhart Tolle.Leap of Faith Healing Center, Rio RanchoInfo, Jan: 505-261-1703www.lofhealing.comA Common Practice of ReikiMar 18, Apr 8 & 29, 6-8pm • $5Reiki practitioners of any level, any lineage, areinvited to give and receive team treatments,following a “common practice” (practitionersuse designated hand positions and followpredetermined guidelines). RSVP required: callthe day before—leave your name and phonenumber.NE Heights ResidenceElizabeth Valsala: 505-299-0011www.ReikiABQ.comBollywood Club Dance InvasionFundraiser, 2013March 30, 7:30pm-1amTickets at the door • $15,children under 12 • $7Rollicking evening of community and dance.Local DJ Dynamite Sol highlights eastern andwestern dance rhythms. Media artist Agramzuprovides multimedia display. Astrology readings,chair massage, henna tattoos, more. Sweet andsavory treats, Indian chai for sale. Proceedsbenefit charitable projects of Amma Center NM.Warehouse 21, 1614 Paseo de PeraltaInfo, Lynsey: 505-989-4423 & Cheese Reception and BookSigning with Don <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>, <strong>Jr</strong>.April 29, 7-8:30pm • FREE EventSon of Don <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong> Sr. (author of The FourAgreements), Don <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>, <strong>Jr</strong>. will share aboutthe Toltec teachings and his new book The FiveLevels of Attachment. Bring your copy of the bookor purchase one and have it signed.Additional events added in between issues! Check the website often: www.trulyalive.net6 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> |

Community EventsWine & Cheese Reception cont’d High Desert Center cont’d Sanjevani Integrative cont’dPage One Bookstore • 505-344-813911018 Montgomery NE, 87111(corner of Montgomery/Juan Tabo)Book Signing: Don <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>, <strong>Jr</strong>.April 30, 12-1pm • FREE EventBring your copy of The Five Levels of Attachmentor purchase one and have it signed! Don <strong>Miguel</strong><strong>Ruiz</strong>, <strong>Jr</strong>. is son of Don <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>, Sr., author ofThe Four Agreements. Meet the acclaimed Toltecthinker from one of the world’s most renownedfamily of philosophers.Bookworks, 505-344-81394022 Rio Grande NW, 87122Ongoing EventsEVENTS AT:High Desert Center for Spiritual Living5621 Paradise Blvd NW, 87114505-922-1200 • www.hdcsl.orgSpiritual Mind Treatment –Healing PrayerSundays 11:30am-Noon • FREEHDCSL practitioners are available afterservices for healing prayer sessions for anyattendees to the services. Any practitionerwearing a stole is available for prayer work.505-922-1200.Men’s CSL Group1st & 3rd Weds of the month4:30-6:30pm • FREESafe environment for men to confidentiallyshare deeply. Enables the expression offeelings by providing mutual support. Meetsat ABQ Ctr on 1st Wednesday and at HighDesert Center for Spiritual Living on 3rdWednesday.Facilitators: Mike Loewen, 259-2803, RScP,Don Wismer, RScP, 505-897-0482. Call Don.Pilates Style Mat ClassesTues & Thurs eves, 6-7pm (ongoing)$5/each (Ask about monthly rate)Combines challenging, Pilates-type movementand resistance training with a meditativeatmosphere for body and spirit. Designedto improve strength, flexibility, balance, andcoordination. Most are adaptable to a widerange of fitness levels. Bring yoga mat/wearcomfortable clothing. Free trial class.Elizabeth Summers 505-710-2259.Dancing with Spirit1st Friday of the month, 7-8:30pmLove OfferingExplore and express your Divine connectionthrough movement. Blissful for all, no danceexperience required. All are welcome!Elizabeth Summers, 505-710-2259.PSYCH-K BalancesSundays 11:15-11:30am • FREEPSYCH-K facilitators provide FREEPSYCH-K balances after Sunday servicesat the church. Get rid of the limiting beliefsstuck in your subconscious and generate lifesupportingbehaviors. 505-922-1200.Introduction to Science of Mind4 times a year on 3rd Sun, After ServiceJanuary-April-July-October • FREELearn what Science of Mind is all about in this1 ½ hour class. Concepts/beliefs overview,plus brief description of the development ofScience of Mind thought, and explanation ofits power and spiritual tools. You <strong>don</strong>’t haveto sign up – just join us! 505-922-1200.EVENTS AT:Sanjevani IntegrativeHealth & Lifestyle Center7920 Wyoming Blvd NE, Suite B, ABQ505-821-6300 • www.sanjevani.netHatha Yoga – Asana, Pranayama, MeditationMondays/Tuesdays/Thursdays, Fridays6-7:30pm$15 drop-in, discount class cards availableMaureen Sutton, RYT leads you throughclassical Hatha Yoga techniques for greaterflexibility/balance. Improve your fitness, sleepbetter, feel better. Private classes available. Needa little extra TLC? Ask about Chair Yoga, YogaNidra & Primordial Sound Meditation classes.Ongoing monthly event:Health-Related Movie with Discussions(see website: us for our monthly health-related movieevent, followed by lively discussions andQuestions & Answers Sessions with SunilPai, MD & practitioners from SanjevaniIntegrative Medicine Health & Lifestyle Ctr.Pranic Healing Clinic1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30–8pmFREEExperience no-touch clearing of congestedenergies, and energizing and balancing of theenergy body.First Unitarian Church3701 Carlisle Blvd NE, 87110Contact Rita Herther: 505-298-4823Small Group ClassesFirst Week FREENew guests: enjoy one week of small groupclasses—FREE. Designed to fit your busy schedule,most classes are 25 min. long, circuit style.Quick, effective workout, 16 choices/week.Drop in for one or all—no limit! Ask about regularmonthly memberships/reduced rates.Michelle Morath: 505-550-8322New Mexico Fit Personal Training, LLC6001 San Mateo Blvd NE, B-3, Chair Massage7 days/week: Noon-9 M-F12-7 Sat, 2:30-5 Sun$1/minute, $20 for $20 minutesShop for your favorite books (new or used) andenjoy a relaxing chair massage. Chair MassageProgram at Page One ongoing for the past 20years! Staffed by licensed massage therapists.No appointment necessary!Page One Bookstore • 505-294-202611018 Montgomery Blvd. NE, 87111(corner of Montgomery/Juan Tabo)Additional events added in between issues! Check the website often:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 7

from the publisherMyjoy in producing this magazine and seeing itcome to fruition every two months increases asevery year goes by. I love this; my professionalrole in life, and I wish for each and every reader to experiencework that you love. There’s nothing else like it on planet earth…as far as I know.This issue featuring <strong>don</strong> <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>, <strong>Jr</strong>. is dear to my heart. I had the privilegeof interviewing his father, <strong>don</strong> <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong> Sr. in early 2010. He and <strong>don</strong> <strong>Miguel</strong><strong>Jr</strong>.’s brother José were featured (along with The Fifth Agreement book) on the coverof the May/June 2010 issue (available in pdf form via email. Please let me knowif you would like a free copy.). As with his father, <strong>don</strong> <strong>Miguel</strong> Sr., <strong>don</strong> <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Jr</strong>.’sinterview was beautiful and heart-opening. <strong>don</strong> <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>, Sr. and son Joséconducted a workshop at the Albuquerque Center for Spiritual Living in May of2010. Three years later, in April, 2013, <strong>don</strong> <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>, <strong>Jr</strong>. will be at the samevenue (ACSL) for a workshop of his own…sharing insights from his new book TheFive Levels of Attachment, which takes his father’s Toltec teachings to the next level.Please join me for what is sure to be another life-changing, unforgettable evening.Tickets can be purchased online at: <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> website has been redesigned; with even greater ease of use andadded features. The long awaited “Provider Directory” will be live soon as well.My amazing assistant and primary webmaster (Mary Anne Weaver) fashioned abeautiful new piece of art for the Provider Directory (red, top right of every pageof my website) some time ago, and it’s taken a while to get the profile programgoing to go along with it. Take a peek at the new site when you have a The Provider Directory will include (in its beginning stages),a few advertiser profiles. Later, the directory will include viewing options byservice or product, provider last name and business name. My intention is to become the “go to” place for all natural health and spiritualproviders (products and services) as well as representing those who wish to attractclients/customers interested in natural health and spirituality. If you (or anyoneyou know) would like information about how to be included in the new <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong>Provider Directory, please call me: 505-828-3430. Rates are very affordable andour website just keeps getting better and better(including its traffic!).May your spring be joyous; may your lifeexperience be abundant and filled to overflowingwith unconditional love!Healing Lifestyles since 1990www.trulyalive.netPUBLISHER/OWNERKaren Larré505.828.3430info@trulyalive.netART DIRECTOR/GRAPHIC DESIGNERDiana Massengale505.299.0274diana@imagedesignllc.comPRINTINGStarline PrintingVanGuard PrintingCopyright © 2013 TRULY ALIVE, A LivingNaturally <strong>Magazine</strong>. All rights reserved.<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong>, formerly Living Naturally <strong>Magazine</strong>is New Mexico’s holistic magazine & resourceguide—created for those interested in natural,healthy, eco-friendly and spiritual ways of living.Serving the progressive, alternative health,green and spiritual communities since 1990,<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> endeavors to help readers discover ahealthy, natural approach and creative solutionsto their individual life needs. Each issue is filledwith articles by leading holistic doctors andpractitioners, earth-friendly companies andspiritual ambassadors, providing the most upto-dateand comprehensive guide to achievinga healing lifestyle for body, mind, spirit andthe planet.<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong>, formerly Living Naturally <strong>Magazine</strong>,has been published in New Mexico since 1990and currently prints up to 22,000 copies everytwo months.<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong>’s material is intended forinformational purposes only and should notbe substituted for medical advice. Consultyour physician or health care professionalregarding your individual health concerns.Printed with soy-based inkson 40% recycled paper.Read about our company at: • For more information about our company visit: www.MPXtreme.com8 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> |

#1 Solution for Seasonal& Food AllergiesBy Sunil Pai, MD – Integrative MedicineThe Allergy Problem: Most of us living in New Mexicohave allergies. We are allergic to trees such as juniper andcottonwoods, weeds such as ragweed, dust-mites, molds,grasses and animals (dogs & cats). These seasonal allergies (knownas Inhalant Allergies) cause asthma, atopic dermatitis, itchy, redand watery eyes, runny nose, sinus congestion, sneezing, coughing,sinusitis, headaches and fatigue.Most people use nasal steroids, decongestant nasal sprays, prescriptioninhalers and antihistamines or take tinctures and herbsto relieve their symptoms.Many people also have food allergies such as wheat (glutensensitivity or celiac), milk/dairy/cheese, soy, corn, etc. Food allergiescan cause IBS, ADHD, asthma, bronchitis, chronic fatigue,fibromyalgia, migraine headaches, muscle aches, joint pain, mooddisorders (depression/anxiety), memory difficulties, as well as skinrashes, eczema and acne.For the relief of food allergies, people take a variety of prescriptivedrugs as well as antacids or digestive enzymes. Unfortunately,medications and supplements for both inhalant and foods allergiesonly mask and treat the SYMPTOMS but NOT the CAUSE.The Allergy Solution: Allergy Drops TherapyWhat is Allergy Drops Therapy? Allergy Drops Therapy(a.k.a. SLIT – Sublingual Immunotherapy) works to increase yourimmune system and slowly desensitize you to the substances thatcause your allergic reactions – teaching your body to become moretolerant to the allergens. This reduces INFLAMMATION thatleads to all the symptoms and TREATS the CAUSE of allergies.We are first and only medical clinic in Albuquerque to provideAllergy Drops Therapy. We have had great success! Our patientswho have undergone treatment are now free of their allergy symptomsand have stronger immune systems.After an Allergy Consultation, Dr. Pai will order simple bloodtests that accurately identify what you are specifically allergic toand what types of reactions (immediate and delayed) you have.We can test for inhalants, foods, gluten sensitivity/celiac and candida.We can also test for common additives, colors and chemicals.Based on your results, prescribed individualized allergy drops arecustom formulated for you.Allergy Drops Therapy is taken as one pump under yourtongue three times a day (see picture above) and it doesn’t need refrigeration.There is no alcohol and the antigens are pure, withoutany chemicals (as in shots and other treatments). Allergy DropsTherapy means less clinic visits, less prescriptions and OTC allergydrugs, less supplements and tinctures and NO SIDE EFFECTS!Allergy Drops Therapy is tasteless, painless, convenient and easyto use with fantastic results! Within 6 weeks, you will start to noticeimprovements in your allergies and eventually you will notneed to use medications, or even natural alternatives. Once therapyis finished, you won’t even have to take the allergy drops!Allergy Drops Therapy has been proven safe and effectiveby its use for over 60 years with over 80 clinical studies. It worksfor people of all ages. It is a safer alternative to injection allergytherapy. If you are currently taking shot therapy and are tired ofthe weekly visits, pain from the shots and expense of co-pays anddoctors visits, we can help you switch over to a more cost effective,safer, convenient treatment.Who should take Allergy Drops Therapy? Anyone who hasallergies! Allergy Drops Therapy is ideal for those who wantto avoid the side effects of allergy medications and steroids andpeople who <strong>don</strong>’t want shots — children, asthmatics, highly sensitivepeople and those with chronic conditions. Allergy DropsTherapy is the perfect SOLUTION.Allergy Drops Therapy is available only at Sanjevani IntegrativeMedicine Health & Lifestyle Center. Ask us about our other solutionsfor allergies including Bosmeric-SR, and Guna allergy products.Sanjevani Integrative Medicine Health & Lifestyle Center,9001 Holly Ave. NE Ste B, Albuquerque, NM, 87122 • 505-821-6300,,, www.sanjevanistore.comRead more articles by Pamela Sanjevani Costello online: online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | November/December 2012 9

Former Highland Pharmacy employees Pharmacists Tom White and Frank Latino strike out on their ownwith “The Hormone & Anti-Aging Center of New Mexico”(HAAC) a compounding Pharmacy and Clinic.celebrated its one year anniversaryHAAC February 6th, 2013. We would like tothank each and everyone for their support, faith, patienceand understanding in making this a most successful andmemorable year. We are committed to providing customerservice that is second to none and are confident that ouryears of experience and knowledge base, in the practice ofPharmacy, will produce “A Life Changing Experience” foryou. Thanks again…Tom, Frank and the entire Crew.Testosterone (T) is considered the hormone of“DESIRE” for both women and men. As I mentioned inthe last article, it only takes a small amount of T in womento have an adequate response, but it takes a much largeramount of T to have a beneficial effect in men.THIS ARTICLE WILL DISCUSS SOME OF THE DIFFERENTDOSAGE FORMS USED TO DELIVER TESTOSTERONE TOBOTH MEN AND WOMEN.The difference between “total” and “free” testosterone isas follows: Total testosterone from a laboratory report representsfree (or unbound) and bound hormone, or hormonethat is usually bound to protein. Total T tells us how muchpotential a person has to produce T. But it is only “free” Tthat is available to combine with a receptor site to elicit orgenerate a response in the body. We can be very capable ofproducing a hormone such as T but unless it is in the “free”state, no positive responsewill be observed.10 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netUnderstanding Men’s Issues:Testosterone & Andropause(Part 3) Testosterone, the Hormone of “Desire”By Tom White, RPh, PhC and Frank Latino, RPh, MS, PhCAlthough free T levels inmen generally range from7ng/dl to 25ng/dl to be inthe normal range, it is wellunderstood and documentedthat the effective rangefor “free” T is between 20-25ng/dl. Women’s “free” Tlevels generally fall in therange of 1.0-8.5 pg/ml.Tom White, RPH, PhC,Christine Voliva, CPhTCOMMON DOSAGE FORMS TO DELIVERTESTOSTERONE TO THE BODY:• Oral• Topical (apply to upper outer arm for both men andwomen, or applied lightly to vulva area in women asinstructed)• Injectable• Troche (Lozenge)• Topical oil drops• Subcutaneous Pellets• SublingualOral dosage forms of natural bio-identical testosteroneare considered to be ineffective since oral T is metabolizedby the liver so quickly. But many women take oral T withsome degree of success. I have never seen a man respondfavorably to oral T. There are no commercially availableoral T products; only compounded preparations.One of the methods the drug manufacturers haveimprovised to make testosterone more effective orally is toproduce methyl-testosterone. The problem with methyltestosteroneis the potential for liver damage and negativeeffects on lipid profiles. Example: Estratest®Topical administration of T is generally consideredto be the most accepted means to deliver T. It is usuallydosed once a day in the morning. Example: Androgel®,Compounded preparations.THE TOPICAL PREPARATIONS PROVIDED BYHAAC ARE UNIQUE TO HAAC. WE USE NO PRESER-VATIVES AND NO DENATURANTS. WE USE SPECIALPENETRATION ENHANCERS TO IMPROVE ABSORP-TION AND DECREASE CROSS CONTAMINATION TOOTHER INDIVIDUALS AND PETS. ALL OF OUR TOPI-CAL HORMONAL PREPARATIONS ARE CONSIDEREDTO BE HYPOALLERGENIC. All of our formulations areproprietary.The injectable route of administration is very popularwith men, but much too strong for women in general. Theinjectable method is usually dosed once a week every week,using deep IM injections. Example: DepoTestosterone®,(compounded testosterone cypionate).The troche and sublingual dosage forms attempt to

get T absorbed in the mouth, thereby avoiding the firstpass effect of the liver. But this route of administration isgenerally recognized to be short acting and multiple dosingis sometimes required to produce the best results. Example:Striant® for men, compounded preparations.Topical oil dosage forms are not well recognized but candeliver T very effectively. Example: TMO® found only andexclusively at HAAC.The implanted T pellets are not uncommon, but correctdosage is very hard to predict. A patient may receive eithertoo much or not enough. Once implanted, you’re stuckwith it for 3-4 months.By far, the topical administration of T is the mostpopular for both men and women. T is generally dosed inthe morning to minimize the negative effects on the body’sown ability to produce testosterone. We want to augment– not interfere with T production. T should be applied to anon-fatty area. Fatty areas of the body contain more of theenzyme aromatase which converts testosterone to estrogen.The upper outer arm is generally recognized to be the bestarea to apply HAAC’s topical T preparations, because thisis a more muscular area of the body. Some practitionerssuggest a special T cream for women that may be appliedvery lightly to the vulva area 2-3 times a week. This is a verypopular method of administering T to women.HAAC utilizes a new pump delivery system developedin France to deliver very consistently an 1/8 teaspoonfulper pump actuation. This new pump is available for most ofour hormonal products. It takes the mess out of dosing withlittle spoons and a jar. This delivery system is extremelyaccurate and consistent. With this consistency, the patientwill actually receive more doses per unit than with the jarand spoon method.As a reminder: always wash your hands after applyingyour topical hormonal preparationsAnnouncements:The Hormone and Anti-Aging Center of New Mexico isvery proud and excited to announce that Dr. Armin Foghiwill be our supervising physician. We are looking forward tothe opening of his new primary care clinic. Dr. Foghi’s bioand picture will be in the May-June issue.HAAC is very happy to announce that our “Anti-AgingBio-Identical Hormone Replacement Clinic” has officiallyopened. New patients will receive approximately 2 hours(2 office visits) of hormone assessment, with lab work-up,and prescriptions for hormonal preparations as well as aholistic approach to wellness and Anti-Aging. HAAC is afull COMPOUNDING PHARMACY. We will also fill yourcompounded hormonal prescriptions while you wait.The “Hormone & Anti-Aging Center of New Mexico”Compounding Pharmacy and Clinic is a “ONE-STOP-SHOP”. We can take care of all your hormonal requirements.Please contact us to inquire about fees and appointmentswith one of our practitioners. 505-232-HAAC (4222).Joanne Williams, CNPMelissa Parra, CNPTom White, RPH, PhCWe extend a warm Thank You to everyone who stoppedby the HAAC booth at the KOB, Channel 4 Health Fairin January. Our INBODY 520 and VISIA machines had awaiting line of up to 1 hour! It was a HUGE success....Tom WhiteTom White and Frank Latino have long established themselvesas experts in the field of Bio-Identical Hormone ReplacementTherapy for both men and women in New Mexico, with 50years of combined experience with a previous pharmacyin Albuquerque. In addition to superior compounding andpharmacy services, HAAC offers Live Blood Analysis, FREE VisiaFacial Computer Analyses, Professional “World Renowned”Cosmeceuticals, a full-time Esthetician offering “Sheerwave”RF Technology, Professional, UNIQUE Supplements, BMI/BMRAssessments with “INBODY 520”, plus a Doctor of OrientalMedicine and a Nurse Practitioner on staff. We invite you tocome see us at the Hormone & Anti-Aging Center. Knowledgeand experience count. EVERY BODY IS MAKING A CHANGE.We offer a 15% discount on all Transferred compoundedprescriptions from another pharmacy.Read more articles HAAC articles online: online: <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 11

YogaCrossroadsIntersecting Body/Mind/Spiritwith Health/Contentmentwww.YogaCrossroads.cominfo@YogaCrossroads.com505-980-4473WEEKLY HATHA & VINYASA CLASSESat Our Boutique Studio with a View!Small Classes - Dedicated TeachersJOIN US FOR SUMMER RETREAT!Canon del Rio in Jemez SpringsJune 28-30, 2013Register online - www.yogacrossroads.comHatha, Restorative, Beginner & Vinyasa ClassesYogaCrossroads Serves Placitas, Bernalillo, RRFrom Our Placitas Studio1 Anatoly, Sundance MesaDeborah A. Gullo, CYT/ERYT/MTStop AgingNowBy Dr. Carla Garcia, DOMMy mother was diagnosed withAlzheimer’s disease at age 60 andsuccumbed to the disease 10 years later.It was a devastating experience to watch my Momfade away and lose her vibrant personality a little every day.Her doctor said I had more than a 50% chance of developingAlzheimer’s by age 60.I study, read, play computer games and try to learnsomething new every day. I push myself to learn things thatare completely foreign and that are not particularly easy forme to grasp. This is what prompted me to go to medical schoolin my 40’s and study Chinese medicine in my 50’s. I do thisbecause everything I have read says that pushing your brain tolearn new things is a good way to prevent Alzheimer’s.In December I read some medical abstracts about asupplement that reduces oxidative stress and aging by 40%.The studies are so compelling that I knew it would be great formy patients. The product is called Protandim and it has helpedpeople like Montel Williams fight multiple sclerosis. Peoplewith depression, diabetes, tremors, heart disease, insomnia,fatigue, arthritis, cancer and any number of diseases have alsobeen helped by taking Protandim.In early December, I took a “brain age test”, which measurescognitive skills, memory and concentration. I learned thatmy brain age was 43 years of age (not bad...but not great; I’mnearly 60). That same month, I started taking one tablet ofProtandim per day. In early February, I took the “brain agetest” again and my brain age is now (just 2 mos later) 22 yearsof age! The only thing I have <strong>don</strong>e differently is take oneProtandim tablet every day.Protandim was featured on the popular PrimeTimeTV show: Protandim isreasonably priced and is available for purchase in our office.Protandim for pets is called Healthy Canine and it too isshowing amazing benefits to dogs: Younger Looking YouAwaits at AcupunctureSpecialists• Protandim• True Science Anti-Aging Cream• Energy Light RejuvenationTreatments (ELR)505.271.66084550 Eubank NE #105, ABQ 8711112 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by Carla Garcia online:

Integrative Approach to HealingNervous System Disorders:Testimonial & Case Story By Pamela Costello, MD, PhDMedicine is not only a science, it is also an art. It deals with the very processes of life,which must be understood before they may be guided. Paracelsus 1493-1541With an incalculable number of ever increasingtoxins in our environment, it is not surprisingthat our society is plagued by so muchsuffering and disease. I see patients daily whosuffer from the adverse effects of environmental toxins ontheir nervous and immune systems. These toxins are typicallycomprised of heavy metals (often from mercury based fillingsand pollutants), immunizations, food related toxicities, andinfectious agents. Identifying and treating these agents, whichstress, damage, and imbalance our bodies, is prerequisite toour recovery. Utilizing an integrative holistic approach ofallopathy, combined with homeopathic understanding ofhealth and wellness, allows that the causative core issuesfound at the very base of the illness to be discovered, and fordeep, true healing to begin.To illustrate the complexity of modern dayneuroimmune illness, as well as that of an integrativeholistic approach to diagnosis and treatment, I’ve providedthe following testimonial from a recent patient, along withdetails of her care.This is the story of Somer, a very courageous, lovelyyoung 31 year old woman who, until June of 2012, was livinga healthy, productive, and joyful life. She began a difficultjourney of rapid decline in her health after a mild case offood poisoning. An undiagnosed case of Lyme Disease (atthat time), combined with the food poisoning triggereda progressive breakdown of her immunologic defenses,gastrointestinal balance, and neurologic health.The underlying issues that precipitated her deep andrapid neuroimmunologic decline were missed by the manypractitioners from whom she sought help. Her subsequenttreatments, and even surgery, only addressed more surfaceissues and contributed to her progressive decline. She hasgraciously offered her testimonial for this article, as a meansto inform others who might also be suffering, and to providethem with hope for their own healing and recovery. Here isher story:Somer’s Testimonial: I had not been feeling well for severalmonths. Then in June 2012 my health took a turn for the worst.By September, I had seen 6 different doctors and I was told therewas nothing wrong with me. One even told me that it was all inmy head. I had every blood test and imaging study imaginableand they all came back normal. I even had my gallbladderremoved due to abdominal pain even though it showed thatit was normal on imaging. As a health care provider myself, Iwas quickly losing faith in the medical community. This was thevery community I was part of and had so much trust and beliefthat allopathic medicine was the only way to successfully treatmedical conditions.By the time I got to Dr. Costello, I was in pretty bad shape. Iwas desperate for some answers. I had to take a leave of absencefrom work. I was no longer able to function. I had to stay withfamily because it was getting to the point where I could nolonger take care of myself. My symptoms which started out asabdominal pain and anxiety had quickly progressed to an arrayof debilitating symptoms: burning and tingling in my arms and14 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> |

legs, severe headaches, hand tremors, night sweats, faintingspells, tachycardia, heart palpitations, weight loss, depression,insomnia, muscle pains, extremefatigue, blurry vision, and brainfog. I literally felt like I had beenpoisoned. I knew there wassomething terribly wrong, butnone of the doctors I saw couldfigure out what was making mefeel so terribly ill. I am 31 yearsold, and I was determined to findan answer. I refused to acceptmy current state as my life. Myquality of life had gone from greatto absolutely horrible in a matterof months.I was referred to Dr. Costello by a friend of the family. I wasso discouraged by that point, but was hopeful that a physicianthat took a holistic approach would maybe have some answers.Dr. Costello evaluated me and knew almost immediately I hadLyme Disease. I was shocked; how could this have been missedby so many doctors? But after learning about Lyme, I realizedthat it truly takes a doctor with the expertise like Dr. Costelloto diagnose and successfully treat conditions like Lyme. I havebeen on treatment for almost four months and I am so muchbetter! I am even back at work. It will take time and patienceto regain my health to 100%, but I am getting there as I amcommitted to my treatment protocol.Dr. Costello looks at thewhole body system, which isabsolutely necessary to reclaimyour health. Four months agoI had no hope, I literally feltwhatever I had was going tokill me. Dr. Costello saved mylife. To all of you out therewho are sick and hopeless,there is hope. You can get yourlife back! Your symptoms are not “all in your head”. I highlyrecommend Dr. Costello to anyone having a hard time gettingwell or to anyone wanting to maintain their wellness. She trulyhas the gift of healing.Doctor Costello’s notes: Somer arrived at my officefor an initial evaluation in late September 2012. She wasin appreciable pain, with bouts of confusion, anxiety andlethargy. I started her on detoxification treatments ofweekly IV Vitamin C, homeopathics, and herbal remedies,addressing a wide spectrum of neurotoxins, including LymeDisease.Her prescribed laboratory testing (with me) revealedLyme Disease and a number of environmental toxic burdens.I also referred her for biological dental evaluation andmercury amalgam removal.Using a holistic, non drug focused approach, sheexperienced significantly less confusion, pain, and lethargy.Within a few weeks, she beganto normalize after a treatmentprogram of dietary changes,a gentle exercise program,and herbal antimicrobial,detoxifying, and balancingagents (Byron White Formulas).Acupuncture treatment was lateradded to her care and we helpedher wean off all prescriptiondrugs. She was well enough atChristmas 2012 to return toher home state of Alaska. Hertestimonial above was receivedin February of 2013, after 5-6 weeks at home and back towork. She will need to remain on the balancing herbal,homeopathic remedies, as well as follow dietary restrictionsfor awhile, to continue to heal her toxic infectious burdens,and to provide for deep tissue repair and restoration.If you’d like an integrative approach to your healthcare,please contact us at the address and phone number listed inour accompanying ad. Please note, we’ve moved! Dr. PamelaCostello, MD, PhD, 11000 Spain Rd. NE, 87111, 505-503-8325, more articles online: by Pamela www.trulyalive.netCostello online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 15

Turn Your DownAroundBy Lara LaVonne Jordan, RScPCharles Dickens said, “We forge the chainswe wear in Life.” We make those chainsfrom our choices, and those choices are theoutcome of our thinking. This seems inescapableuntil we remember the adage, “Don’t believe everything youthink.”Of course, some things are deal breakers that we <strong>don</strong>’t haveto consider for one second. And if we’re “feeling down” all thetime, seeking help is the way to go. But for those who wishto reduce negative mind chatter, below are a few suggestionsgleaned from our community of seekers.(1) Re-contextualize: It’s just the ego talking. The ego’sa survival mechanism that issues a stream of warnings andpossible dire scenarios. In Truth, each of us is a spiritualbeing full of love, peace, and joy. (2) Remember: everythingthat happens is a consequence of everything else that hashappened in the universe throughout all time (Dr. DavidHawkins). We could never glean enough information to reacha full understanding, much less make a judgment. (3) Start agratitude train. Add one boxcar after another, starting withgratitude for things like color and ending with loved ones andSpirit. (4) Be compassionate. Know that everyone, includingyou, is doing the best they can. (5) As Wayne Dyer wouldsay, stop “should-ing” all over yourself and others. (6) Turnthe mind to something fascinating or inspiring. (7) Listen toupbeat music or start a creative project. (8) Get moving—goon a walk, hike, bike ride or go dancing. (9) Re-contextualize:What can be learned from this? (10) Plan a “Time Out”—anhour-long getaway or a two-week vacation.These are only ten ways to turn your down around. It wouldbe easy to think of ten more. The point is to keep your energypositive. It makes life so much easier, more successful andcertainly more fun.Lara LaVonne Jordan is a Practitioner at High Desert Centerfor Spiritual Living. www.hdcsl.orgThinkith SomethingStinkith?By Sandi Ganshaw, RDH, BSHave you ever noticed people backing awayfrom you when you speak? Do you havea continual bad taste in your mouth? Doyour friends habitually offer you gum, candies ormints? You may be suffering from Halitosis or bad breath; achronic condition that could affect your social activities as wellas you work. Here are a few tips as well as some ways to preventit and treat it:• If you consistently have a white or yellow film on yourtongue, especially towards the back, this usually indicatesthat the bacteria of halitosis are present.• Purchase a tongue scraper from any drug store or use aspoon and gently scrap the film off your tongue.• Drink plenty of fluids; this does not include coffee oralcohol as those can exacerbate your halitosis.• Eat fibrous foods; these foods help in aiding salivasecretion.• Include fortified, sugar-free yogurt as a regular staplein your diet. It is recommended for halitosis by TheAmerican Dietetic Association. Low-fat varieties that arerich in vitamin D.• Infections: Bad breath that seems to have no other causemay indicate an infection elsewhere in the body. If youhave chronic bad breath and your dentist rules out anyoral problems, see your doctor for an evaluation. Badbreath can be a sign of a range of conditions includingrespiratory tract infections, chronic sinusitis or bronchitis,diabetes, or liver and kidney problems, so it’s importantnot to ignore it.Perio<strong>don</strong>tal disease can also be a major contributor, if so,it should be treated appropriately (and immediately). Everyhygienist is well versed on the hygiene of the teeth and gums.Our experienced hygienists at Sandi’s Smiles will help to uncoverand treat the source of your bad breath. 505-480-7200.(505)922-1200www.hdcsl.orgSunday 10:00 – 11:15 amParadise Hills Mercado5621 Paradise Blvd N.W.Albuquerque, NM16 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by both authors online:

As seen on KOB-TVConnect Your Spiritand Your BrainBy Louise Swartswalter, ND, CBS, CNHP, CALTHere in Albuquerque (and globally) we continue tochange lives daily! Nearly 1,000 people from allover the world joined our last webinar on Antiagingand love called Beautiful Amazing You.Connecting to hundreds of people (and a variety of cultures)worldwide is a blessing, and a nice reminder that we are allhuman and all have basic needs. We all eat, sleep, eliminate,have shelter and communicate with others. Connections andCommunity are my words for 2013. This is a time to cultivatea deeper connection with God and people in our lives.CONNECT and balance the spiritualbody through Brain-Soul Balancing.Brain-Soul Balancing addresses theties and connections to the people orsituations that have impacted our livesand took away our truth. eBook do this process at the same time weare balancing neurotransmitters in thebrain. To be 100 % yourself, and feelGREAT, working with the brain is key. Your Brain is amazing.It tracks memories (including traumas) from birth, childhood,teen years, and adulthood. Traumas remain stuck in the brain,affecting physical, emotional and spiritual well – being. I canhelp you change the patterns and the lesions that form in thebrain while simultaneously balancing your neurotransmitters –serotonin, dopamine, acetylcholine, norepinephrine, oxytocinand noradrenaline. This combination is unique and verypowerful. Clients feel the change…which allows balance,health, vitality, happiness and their truth to shine.Here are four simple options to change your life:1. Make an appointment. I combine biofeedback,naturopathy; Brain Soul Balancing and emotional work tojump start your healing process.2. Download my new eBook Brain Soul Balancing: Get BackYour Truth, Your Health and Your Life from our Join our FREE Beautiful Amazing You Webinar March14th at Join us for a FREE class: Beautiful Amazing You group(anti-aging and love) March 13 or April 17. See events fordetails.5. Come in and try our new frequency-enhanced products.Our stable glutathione and daily probiotic are two favorites!Here is what a few of our Beautiful Amazing Groupmembers shared:I really felt your work. For the first time during meditation, Icould feel the spaces (and I have been meditating for years.) Iwas centered and more peaceful than I have ever been. Thankyou.M.D., New YorkMany thanks. It worked and I do have to agree it was amazing.Blessings to you and Dr. Louise for doing this. I have certainlynoticed increased energy and better sleep as well a spike in myintuitive abilities.B.W., USADr. Louise is a Naturopathic Doctor, Biofeedback Specialist,Certified Natural Health Professional and health educator.If you have tried many modalities with minimal results, youcan experience whole health with the use of the QuantumBiofeedback, integrations, naturopathy, and trauma releasework, homeopathy, herbs, kinesiology and ionic cleansefootbaths. We work with YOU to accomplish your health goalsand correct imbalances in the least number of sessions possible.Call today for your appointment: 505-797-0540 or visit us,PositiveHealingfor Life!Most ComprehensiveAlternative Health Care:n Board Certified Biofeedbackn SCIO-Indigo, CoRe, Life Systemn Naturopathy | Kinesiologyn Medical Intuitive | Life Coachingn Nutrition, Herbs, Homeopathyn Hanna Kroeger Productsn Ionic Cleanse Detox Footbathn ADD | ADHD, Autism, Addictionsn Advanced Sound Therapyn Structured Music for Brain HealthLouise Swartswalter, ND, CBT, CNHPKerry Ann Foster, Office ManagerTrudy Charlton, Sound Therapist5341 Wyoming Blvd. NE, Suite B | Albuquerque505.797.0540 | 408.981.6130 – Trudy Charltonwww.abqnaturalhealthcenter.comRead more articles by Louise Swartswalter online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 17

New UN Treaty on Mercury RequiresCountries to Phase Down DentalAmalgam By Dr. Joe Mercola (Excerpted from his online article 2/3/13)Themomentum toward mercury-free dentistryis gaining speed and, it appears, may be setto become a reality in the 21st century. Thefinal mercury treaty session took place in Geneva, Switzerland inJanuary 2013. There, the mercury treaty was finalized and includedimportant provisions to reduce and eliminate mercury pollution;one of them being a requirement for countries to phase down theuse of dental amalgam (mercury fillings).As Michael T. Bender, director of the Mercury Policy Project,said: “This is the beginning of the end of dental amalgam globally.”The treaty, which has been under negotiation for four years (andcould be signed as early as October), will require countries toundertake at least two of the prescribed steps to “phase downamalgam use.”Among those measures listed are these: (1) Setting nationalobjectives aimed at minimizing (amalgam) use; (2) Promotingthe use of cost-effective and clinically-effective mercury-freealternatives; (3) Encouraging professional societies and dentalschools to educate and train dental professionals in the use ofmercury-free dental restoration; and (4) Encouraging insurancepolicies and programs that favor the use of quality alternatives toamalgam.The success of the World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry,Bill Wolfe, D.D.S.created upon the recommendation of and led by Consumers forDental Choice, shows that citizen action still can make progressover corporate power.In October 2011, the U.S. State Department called for a “phasedown” of mercury fillings, followed by an “eventual” phase out.The State Department’s submission to the Mercury InternationalNegotiation Committee also called for: (1) Educating patients andparents (about amalgam) in order to protect children and fetuses(2) Training of dental professionals on the environmental impactsof mercury in dental amalgams.All individuals are exposed to mercury pollution to somedegree. However, some groups are particularly exposed and/orvulnerable to the health effects of mercury pollution (principallyin the form of methylmercury through diet), such as high-levelfish consumers, women of childbearing age and children. Thispresents a risk of negative impacts on health, in particular affectingthe nervous system and diminishing intellectual capacity. Thereare also environmental risks—for example; the disturbance ofmicrobiological activity in soils and harm to wildlife populations.Amalgams have been banned in several countries, includingNorway, Sweden, Denmark, Russia, and largely in Japan. The EuropeanEnvironmental Bureau (EEB) also requested support fora phase-out of the use of mercury in dentistry, both in the EUand around the world. The environmental health effects of dentalamalgam are well known and include brain damage and neurologicalproblems, especially for children and the unborn babiesof pregnant women. With dental mercury uncontrollably enteringthe environment from multiple pathways, phasing out amalgamand transitioning to non-mercury alternatives is the only way toreduce—and eventually eliminate—this significant source of mercurythat threatens our environment and ultimately our health.The American Dental Association (ADA), however, hascontinued to defend their use, even though amalgam fillingscontain more toxic mercury than any other product sold in theUnited States and safer alternatives, such as resin composite,are readily available. This isn’t at all surprising, as the ADA hashistorically covered up the fact that the term “silver filling” todescribe amalgams is profoundly deceptive, as the amalgam fillingcontains anywhere from 49 to 54 percent mercury, thus should becalled “mercury fillings”, not “silver fillings”.Even though the mercury treaty provisions are a major stepforward in the phase-down and eventual phase-out of this toxicsubstance, support for Consumers for Dental Choice, which hasworked to educate the government about dental mercury pollutionand the many mercury-free alternatives to amalgam, is now moreimportant than ever, so we ask for your help! Please consider a<strong>don</strong>ation to Consumers for Dental Choice, a 501(c) (3) non-profitorganization dedicated to working for mercury-free dentistry forevery child and every adult, is knowing what to do next;virtue is doing it.~ David Star Jordan, The Philosophy of Despair18 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles online:

A Practical and SustainableSpirituality By Wendy Foxworth, Center for Conscious LivingThe Center for Conscious Living is a learningcommunity that studies spirituality in the contextof developmental levels of consciousness. Ourcontribution to humanity is to be a welcoming place wherepeople can learn to increase their level of consciousness tobecome practical channels of unconditional love in all formsof relationship.The Center for Conscious Living embodies a Culture ofConsideration, Co-Creation and Cooperative Relationships.Love is lived out in this community through its covenantof relational interaction and its collective wisdom decisionmakingprocess.We provide an integral education program thatchallenges people to go beyond the “field of right andwrong” to live in the “field of oneness” with all creation,so that we might be a channel in co-creating a SustainableAlbuquerque; to be an instrument in ending poverty andall forms of relational violence. We hope you will join us forone or more of our many learning opportunities happeningin March and April!Barbara Marx Hubbard’s “Evolutionary Circle: 10 Steps toBecoming a Universal Human” happens every WednesdayNight, 6:30-9pm:It is one thing to speak of a dream of a universal humanityand another to know you can live it in community withother people. Our Circle experience is a laboratory for livingas authentic universal humans and gaining a sense of what itmeans to interact with others in an ego-less way.Our next “Sustainable Albuquerque” events are on March 23,2013 and April 27th, 2013 from 1:30 to 4pm:Join us as we work with 12 different sectors of ourcommunity (arts, education, economics, environment,governance, infrastructure, justice, health, relations, media,science, and spirituality). A broad coalition of citizens arecoming together to identify projects that are working andthen to organize all 12 sectors’ participation in making theprojects visible and viable in our City. No matter who youare, you can do something to make a difference. We valueyour input and ideas! Bring a snack to share. Water, Tea andCoffee will be provided.Every Sunday, March 3-April 7, 11am-1pm, we host aconsciousness/book study titled Big Mind-Big Heart: FindingYour Way by Zen Master, Dennis Genpo Merzel:Ken Wilber and Hal and Sidra Stone wrote the forwardand introduction to the book. This study will help youaddress your unconscious shadow that blocks your capacityto live as Essential or Authentic Self and keeps you fromknowing deep intimacy, responsibility and accountabilityin your relationships. Learn to integrate your finite ordualistic selves, such as the Skeptic, the Controller, theVictim, the Damaged Self, Anger and the Seeking Mind,etc. with the Essential/Authentic Self in its many displays(Big Mind, Big Heart, Integrated Feminine/MasculineCompassion, Great Joy, Great Gratitude, Integrated Free-Functioning Human Being). Learn how to manifest more ofthe divine wonder of you!Come and hear the Community Peace Choir of the Center,Sunday, March 31st during the Big-Mind: Big-HeartConsciousness Study from 11am-1pm:Spirit sings in and through this choir in an amazing way!Hope you can join us.Register and pay online: oryou can write a check, noting the class you want to attend inthe memo section on the lower left hand side. Mail to: WendyFoxworth, The Center for Conscious Living, 2825 BroadbentParkway NE, Suite E, Albuquerque, NM 87107.You are blessed to be a blessing. May you be at peace, and joinus in extending that peace to include all people and our planeteach day. Namaste.“Growing in consciousness to createa sustainable Albuquerque,to end poverty and relational violence!”Please join us Sundays11am to 1pmCommunityConsciousnessStudyWendy FoxworthCenter Director2825 Broadbent Pkwy NE, Suite E • ABQ505.343.8001 • consciouslivingnm.comRead more articles by Phaeryn Wendy Foxworth Sheehan online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 19

Finding & FightingInflammation in Breastsand Body By Dr. Carla Garcia, DOMHolistic Psychiatrynow an accepted fact that inflammationresponsible for many chronic diseases.ItisInflammation is a precursor to manydiseases; including heart disease, arthritis,diabetes and high blood pressure. So, it stands to reason thatearly detection of inflammation may help you prevent thedevelopment of many of these diseases.There is a high-tech camera that measures inflammation.It is a Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging (DITI) camera thatmeasures your body heat and creates a digitized image. At theThermography Center in Albuquerque, thermal images areanalyzed by M.D.s for abnormalities in temperature that may besigns of inflammation in your body. If you have inflammationin your breasts or your body, mammograms or x-rays won’tfind it. Thermograms will.Dr. Reckeweg describes the six phases of disease that ourbody progresses through. First is elimination: our body tries torid itself of toxins (diarrhea, vomiting, excess sweating, etc.).The second phase is inflammation (the activation of our body’snatural defenses). The third phase is deposition (the storageof toxins outside of the cells; like benign tumors). So in theinflammatory phase, we still have an early opportunity to healourselves before the disease progresses through deposition andinto the impregnation phase where the body’s cells change andbecome cancerous.Thermography can find inflammation in the breasts,sinuses, jaw, lymph, thyroid, back, chest, arms, legs, orabdomen. Recently a patient at the Thermography Center sawinflammation on her breast thermogram. It showed extra heatin the breasts that is common in women who have inflammationcaused by estrogen dominance. She was experiencing constantbreast pain, but her mammogram was normal. Seeing herthermogram made the patient realize it “was not all in hermind”, as she had been told. Dr. Garcia recommended takingan iodine supplement and her next thermogram was normal.The Thermography Center has helped hundreds of patients find(and often resolve) unexplained pain and inflammation.Experience the best in earlydetection with an amazing,pain-free Thermography ScreeningBreast & Whole Body ScreeningDR. CARLA GARCIA4550 Eubank NE, #105 • 505.271.6608 • www.ThermographyNM.com20 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by Carla Garcia online:

It’s 2013.What’s changed? By Betsy-Morganabout all the excitement and anticipation of2012; everything we had been looking forward to andInthinkinghoping for, I asked myself, “What has changed, really?”There was no apocalyptic disaster…no mother ships appeared.What I see is that the eternal heart of humanity is willing toLove…even more so in 2013. And, that’s a beautiful thing.Are we living in “The New Earth” as introduced byEckhart Tolle? I sense that our collective human consciousnessis higher, and because we are intrinsically connected, I believethis is helping all of us spiritually.There are spiritual principles that govern our universe;the greatest of these is Love. For 24 years, I have had theprivilege to enter the sacredness of the human heart, teachingchanneling. I believe this energy center is expanding…becoming sweeter, more compassionate, more unifyingmaking it easier than ever to learn to channel. Shakespeare saidit beautifully, “There are more things in Heaven and Earth thanare dreamt of…” I have observed students glimpse these thingsin their channelings.Benefits of channeling with the new energies of 2013.Higher guidance and wisdom are available every single dayof your life (and more accessible than ever!) as well as instantreassurance, clarity, guidance and a delightful sense of humor.It is possible to channel for oneself daily – even if you aredepressed or in a bad mood. But warning! Channel only ifyou want to be in a good mood – for Spirit most assuredlywill lift you and help you to feel happy again. It will harmonizeyour spirit with its higher vibration. With all the fear (whichremains) in the world, it’s good to have a safe, fun and free wayto “peace-out”! When we channel, the fearful mind dissolvesand we have bliss.People who learn to channel open to other psychic giftsas well. After a channeling class, you may realize the gift ofmediumship, medical intuitiveness, animal whispering, andmore! The high spiritual energy enters the body throughthe crown chakra (which stimulates all the psychic chakrasto open). And Orion’s gift is frequency; he lifts each studentenergetically high enough to connect with their personalguides and angels for the rest of their lives.Channeling changes everything:A mother who lost her daughter in a boating accidentreceived information (through a channeling with me) thata personal letter was left in her daughter’s dresser drawer.The mother found the letter (right where it was said to be)and it helped her immensely.A house was on the market with no offers ? When I lookedat the situation in a channeling, I saw that old, negativeenergy clinging to the house. After a cleansing and cordcutting, it sold within a month and the owner was thrilled.In a channeling for a gentleman who desperately wantedto be in a long-term romantic relationship, I saw a cord(from another life) wrapped around his throat. It wasstrangling him and keeping him from moving forward. Itwas removed…in minutes!The new energies offer new experiences. Channeling canhelp us tap in more deeply, lovingly and more easily to divineguidance and intuition now than ever before. Experience themagic it holds for you!Listen to BETSY MORGAN CHANNELS LIVE onSe<strong>don</strong>a Talk Radio, Fridays, 10am Mountain time.Call in and get your questions answered free!Want to enhance your intuition and hear Divine Guidancemore clearly? Give yourself the gift of a channeling class. Infoon Betsy’s TeleClasses and Albuquerque (Also see Classes/Workshopspage of this issue for more class information.)Psychic Radio HostBetsy-Morgan Channels Live!on Se<strong>don</strong>a Talk Radioevery Friday at 10 AM MSTCall in & get your questionsanswered FREE! 347-994-2091Archives available to listen to now!Channeling Classes taught weeklyClasses Available Internationallyby TeleconferenceClasses taught locally inAlbuquerque, NMFREE CDs & downloadson her website:AskBetsyMorgan.comBetsy’s books are availableon!Check her outon youtube:Betsy MorganChannelsRead more articles by Betsy-Morgan online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 21

The Base ChakraJust Do It by Ellen TaddThebase chakra embodies order; thefoundation principle of life. If order didnot exist, life could not be sustained. Thebase or root chakra, located at the base of the spine, is thecenter of discipline, the key to responsibility, order, adequateattention to details, and the actualization of potential andcomfort in the physical body and on the earth.The third eye chakra and the base togetherform the structure for the chakra system –very much like our bones form the skeletonof our body. Without our skeleton to giveus definition we would fall to pieces,and without the relationship betweenthe third eye and the base chakra, wecould not possibly actualize clarity andcreative potential in our lives.Discipline and the Base ChakraThe image that comes to my mind when Ithink about the base chakra is of a large plasticpunching doll that I had as a child. Sand filled thebottom of the doll. When I punched it, it would fall over,but because of its sand base, it quickly bounced back to anupright position. The sand is analogous to the discipline ina strong base chakra. If our disciplines are strong, we havestability and can bounce back into alignment even duringdifficult times, just like the plastic punching doll. If ourdisciplines are weak and life hands us challenges, it can feelmuch like a punch to the solar plexus and our tendencywould be to go reeling.For some people, disciplines are embraced because theyoffer stability and security. For others, discipline is a dirtyword with a connotation of drudgery and feelings of beingforced to do required unpleasant activities.How can we be disciplined but still be flexible and free?We need the spontaneity of the crown chakra. If the basechakra is strong and the crown chakra is closed, then weexperience life as an ongoing list of tasks that need to beaccomplished…one after another, without joy or any feelingof interconnection. On the other hand, if the crown chakra,the center of spontaneity, is open but we the lack disciplineof the base chakra, the result is irresponsibility and chaos.The dynamic of an open crown chakra and a weak basechakra may start out as lots of fun, but ultimately the lackof responsible choices leads to calamity. When disciplineand spontaneity are joined and integrated, the base chakraand the crown chakra work together. This feels like havingyour feet firmly planted on the ground and your head in theclouds. It’s a truly wonderful feeling of being able to handlelife’s situations and having a connection to the divine.The Three Areas of DisciplineI divide discipline into three categories: body, mind, andspirit. My guides have taught me to actualize some aspectof each category every day. It is not uncommon forpeople to be selective in their disciplines. Thispattern can create lopsided development.Many people have the strong mentaldisciplines needed for thriving careers, yetare physically ailing from poor disciplineof the body. Strong feelings of isolationoften accompany their lack of spiritualdiscipline. On the other hand, thosewith a formidable spiritual path mayhave difficulty with the many disciplinesof the material world. The basic ruleis simple: Pick disciplines in all threecategories. Creative choices in discipline areabundant, depending on individual tastes andinterests.My guides often state, “If you are having a difficult timein your life, go back to basics.” This means going back tothe disciplines of the base chakra. When our disciplinesare weak, it feels as if our lives are falling apart. When ourdisciplines are strong, we feel stable and have the ability totake action to improve our situations.I had a client for many years who was bright, beautiful, andloving, yet with a base chakra that was very under utilized.Over and over, I emphasized the importance of cultivatingher disciplines of body, mind, and spirit. She just didn’t wantto work that hard. Through the years, I have watched herlife fall apart; her health deterioratedfrom lack of good self-care; her greatcareer potential never fully actualizedbecause of insufficient follow-throughand inadequate attention to detail;her relationships suffered or endedbecause of the stress she created froma chaotic lifestyle. There was so muchpossibility for achievement and so littleactualization. The manifestation of ourabilities can happen only with a strong -that is, disciplined base chakra.Inspiration comes quickly in a flash, but to manifest thatinspiration takes perseverance and work. Just do it - you willbe glad. www.ellentadd.com22 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by Ellen Tadd online:

Free Yourself fromBack Pain By Michelle Morath, NM Fitwith clients suffering from back pain,I have found the key to relief is identifying theInworkingsource of the pain and creating a customizedprogram to relieve it.When a client comes to me in pain, I inquire as to thecause. Did he or she have surgery? Was there an accident ofany kind? Is this an overuse injury from a particular activity?I then contact the client’s doctor for medical clearance. Oncethe doctor gives the Ok for the client to exercise, I determinethe root cause(s) (if not already known) and create a specificprogram which brings relief. When pain is muscle-related,I look for muscle imbalances and identify which musclesare underused and which are overused. Discerning how themuscles are working is the first step. I then put the client on aprogram that focuses on flexibility for the overused musclesand training the underused muscles to engage.Some clients have sustained an injury related to asacroiliac (SI) joint. (We have two; one on the right side an<strong>don</strong>e on the left side where the tailbone meets the hip bone).There are great exercises that quickly help relieve back painrelated to the SI joint. A client came to me experiencing backpain while carrying things in front of her and also whenshe exercised by walking around a track. She could only goaround the track three times and would have to stop. Hergoal was to walk at least a mile during her lunch break whichis twelve laps on that track. As I investigated her back pain,I was able to identify her muscle imbalances and taughther exercises to relieve her pain. She continued to do theexercises at home throughout the week. By the end of theweek, she was able to carry things in front of her and walkwith little or no pain! She still experiences occasional boutsof low back pain due to stress and having a sedentary job.When this happens, she does the exercises that I taught herand her back is once again pain-free.One way that a muscle imbalance can occur is when theprimary muscle for a specific movement does not engage.When this happens, a different muscle has to step in anddo the work; such as when lifting something overhead. Itis common to shrug our shoulders while lifting overhead.The primary muscles that should be doing the work inthis example are the deltoid (shoulder) muscles. However,by shrugging, we are excessively using our upper trapezius(“traps”) muscle. We then tend to have upper back pain andheadaches.In addition to exercise, I have found two things thathave helped my clients significantly in relieving their pain.One is stress management. For those experiencing highlevels of stress, my recommendation is to find and practicea relaxation technique (or several) that works for them. Trymassage, meditation, tai chi, yoga, or progressive musclerelaxation (Let me know if you need help with that one!).Second, great nutrition can have an immense impact onthe body’s ability to heal. By adding more fresh fruits andvegetables regularly, you can greatly reduce inflammationand pain. An easy way to get more fruits and veggies intoyour regular diet immediately is by taking Juice Plus+®—awhole food nutritional supplement made from vine ripenedfruits, vegetables, grapes and berries. It’s like a salad bar in acapsule! Not only does it decrease inflammation, but it helpsto improve your immune system, supports your heart health,and offers many other health benefits.To get more information about Juice Plus+® visit To find out how you can learn the rightexercises for you, contact New Mexico Fit at 505-550-8322 • www.newmexicofit.comA Holistic Foundation fora Fuller Life!• Personal Training• Group Fitness• Nutrition• MassageTalk to Michelle!505.550.8322www.NewMexicoFIT.com6001 San Mateo Blvd NEAlbuquerque, NM 87109Read more articles by Michelle Morath online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 23

<strong>don</strong> <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>, <strong>Jr</strong>. and famous dad <strong>don</strong> <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>, Sr.MR: In our domestication, we’re used tosaying that as soon as I graduate from college,as soon as I get this job, as soon as Imake this much money, I’ll be happy, I’llbe able to do this, I’ll be able to do that.And the bottom line is that there is a lotof time between now and that goal. Thismeans that if I haven’t accomplished thatgoal yet, then I’m not worthy of my ownlove right now, but I’m working towards it.When we let go of that domestication wejust ask, “Well, how can I manifest mygoal?” Instead of the goal being the reasonfor our own self acceptance, the goalbecomes the focal point of our intent: “Iwant to create that.” If I learn and acceptmyself for who I am, those years I take toreach the goal are basically a journey ofdiscovery, life, and pleasure as I begin toactually live out the process. In the end, it’sa beautiful solution. It is a natural consequenceof doing something I love to do.TA: You use the word “domestication”;can you explain that for our readers?MR: Domestication, the system of rewardand punishment, works like this: for everytime you get something “right”, youget a reward that makes you happy. Thismotivates you to do it. Punishment comeswhen you do it “wrong”. It’s true that wedo this with our pets and with animals,but we do it with ourselves, too. You willfind it is different with each person, dependingon their family.For example, as a child, I was told if Ididn’t finish eating what is in front of me,it was a sin. Even now at age 36, when I<strong>don</strong>’t finish a plate of food, the judgmentscome back really hard and strong, so Itake the plate back and I finish it. However,the moment we become aware ofthat domestication, is the moment wherewe can say “All right, I choose to be freeof it”. It doesn’t mean I’m going to wastea lot of food. I can just adapt to it. I’ll orderless or I’ll ask my wife if she wantsto share. When I become aware of thedomestication, I can’t lie to myself whenI’m aware that the mechanism is in place.I can make a choice whether to continuewith it or not.TA: “Do not let knowledge translateeverything you experience.” You quote yourgrandmother who helped you understandthe Toltec traditions. How can we avoidtranslating everything with knowledge andhow does knowledge control us?MR: Our thoughts are expressions ofwhat we believe or what we know. Thenarrator in the mind is explaining and interpretingthe world from what we know.The narrator filters what was perceived,and pigeon-holes it into what it alreadyknows. But, sometimes, what we knowmay be a distortion based on our domestication.When we narrate the world, wemay hear that voice of conditional love.This example illustrates how the narratorcan be either our parasite, or our ally: Istand in front of the mirror, and pay attentionto my thoughts, which mightsay things like, “I’m going bald”, or “I’mtoo fat” – what I’m hearing is the narratorbeing expressed as a parasite. But, ifI look at myself and think, “Amigo, it’sthe truth – I love you very much, and youcould stand to lose some weight just to behealthy,” then the narrator functions asmy ally. I hear my thoughts without anyjudgments…without any justifications,and say “This is me – flaws, and all.”TA: You say “emotions are real, but whattriggers those emotions may not be real.”How can we use this statement to preventforming attachments?MR: I love that question because it’ssomething that is reflected to me all thetime. My emotions are real because I canexperience them and feel them. But whattriggers them may not be real, because itcould come from an assumption, a woundof the past, or a distortion or belief thatwasn’t real.Our emotions are like a car alarm. Theymakes us become aware of something beingtriggered, (if we begin to use our emotionsas an instrument for transformation).This simply means I accept my truthin this very moment. I feel angry, fearful,etc. Something triggered the feeling andit’s no longer hidden. It’s completely exposedfor me to re-evaluate, if I choose to.Time spent in rejecting our emotions orconvincing ourselves that it’s not true, istime spent trying to cover up our wounds.Emotion does not let us cover up thewound anymore, it’s in the open. Insteadof denying, I can say to myself, “this is mytruth, and now I’m reacting.” With thatalone, I’m no longer using my energy todeny the truth. I can use that energy inhealing and releasing instead. Our emotionsare the most beautiful way to uncoverthose little agreements, conditions, distortionsand wounds that our storytellingis able to hide. When the truth is present,letting go of the illusion is accepting thattruth at that very moment.Proud pop looks on as <strong>don</strong><strong>Miguel</strong>, <strong>Jr</strong>. presents...continued on p26<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 25

<strong>don</strong> <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>, <strong>Jr</strong>. Interview cont’d from p25TA: Do you have anything you’d like to share about forgiveness;any techniques, any processes, any thoughts about how we canbest really fully release the pain around a trauma or a wound…totally forgive and move on?MR: The very first step – the greatest motivator is the willingnessto forgive. If I <strong>don</strong>’t want to forgive, it won’t happen. If I’mforcing myself to do it, I’m not ready. Accepting that truthhelps us, because being completely truthful with ourselvesmeans that, “This is how I feel.” If I deny how I’m feeling, thenI’m totally rejecting myself. In forgiving ourselves, the firstthing is accepting “this is how I feel” and asking truthfully,“Am I ready to forgive? No? Why not?” If the answer is, “No;because I’m so hurt.” Then okay, that’s my truth: I’m still hurt.If I get to the point where, “You know what, I’m <strong>don</strong>e. I <strong>don</strong>’twant to feel this any more.” Then there is passion that reallycomes from us. Not from domestication, not from “I shouldbe” or whatever; it comes from a moment which is our truth. Ilove myself so much that I <strong>don</strong>’t want to experience that painanymore. When we reach that precipice, then the next leap offaith is accepting that it happened. To forgive is the action ofthat acceptance, and to let go. Of course, I have a choice, I canre-negotiate if I want to stay. I can let go and forget, or I canwalk away. The choice is always mine. But if I <strong>don</strong>’t want tobe in that relationship anymore, then I have the space to say,“Good-bye. Thank you.” To me, that’s what forgiveness is: nolonger carrying that energy that will poison me.TA: Do you have anything else you would like our readers toknow about?MR: I teach a half-hour class online every Monday calledAcademy of Awareness. It’s a community where people whohave attended our classes or lectures, or have read one or moreof our books, can come together and talk. It’s similar to a lightversion of a social media site, but really geared toward this work.The website is <strong>Miguel</strong> every Wednesday at 12:00 PST for his radio show“The Way of The Desert” as he shares his beliefs using boththe tools of his family’s traditions and the knowledge gainedthrough his own personal journey. You can also access thesite to listen or download past archived shows.www.miguelruiz.comIt’s All AboutEnergyBy Ellen Santistevan, LMT #6535, APPHow does Earthing fit into polarity therapy?Polarity is defined as “… a natural healthcare system that based on the universalprinciples of energy… The interrelation of theseprinciples forms the basis for every aspect of life, includingour experience of health, wellness, and disease.” ( As a therapist, part of my work is toassess both the balance and imbalance of energies in a client’sbody as well as in their diet, exercise, and life circumstances.We often speak of the need to be mentally and spirituallygrounded and centered in order to maintain one’s balance inthe shifting sands of life. Grounding our bodies with Earth’senergy turns out to be every bit as important to maintainthe balance of health. It has profound implications, amongwhich are: the reduction of inflammation, normalization ofhormone levels, and thinning the blood. (Chevalier et al, J.Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2012.)Humans have a high density of nerve endings in the solesof our feet that are specifically dedicated to connection withthe ground. (Earthing, p. 18) When we are isolated fromthe earth by both our footwear and housing, and at thesame time bombarded by electromagnetic radiation fromour environment, our nervous systems never get the chanceto normalize with the Earth. This disturbs our circadianrhythms, which in turn affect sleep, hormonal secretion,digestion, and stress. (Chevalier et al, J. Environmental andPublic Health, 2012.) Our nervous systems remain perpetuallyin the sympathetic (“fight or flight”) mode instead of beingable to rest and repair.Earthing can help us achieve our natural state of goodhealth by allowing our energies to return to balance withthe Earth; much as therapeutic work helps to allow the bodyachieve a state of relaxation and rest, from which it can heal.Ellen Santistevan, LMT #6535, APP, is a local practitioner whorecommends and stocks Earthing books and products.505-250-4483, www.thirdgoddess.comGet your tickets now!<strong>don</strong> <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>, <strong>Jr</strong>. will present a workshop,followed by a book signing at theAlbuquerque Center for Spiritual Living(same location as his father <strong>don</strong> <strong>Miguel</strong> <strong>Ruiz</strong>and brother Jose presented in May of 2010).See the classes/workshops section(page 4 of this issue) for more details.Purchase your tickets online at: www.abqcsl.org26 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles online:

my case) 30 minutes before breakfastand one 30 minutes before lunch eachday. It was effortless. We changednothing else in our daily routines—justas a way of testing the products. Weate no special foods, drank no specialshakes, continued to eat fresh fruitsand vegetables (as we had <strong>don</strong>e most ofour adult lives) and I kept up my brisk3-mile walk every other day. (My wifeis not an exerciser at this point in herlife.) None of these healthful habits hadchanged my weight or hers by one pound until we starteddrinking the coffee (and ice tea) twice daily. For my wife’spart, she has lost more slowly (which is typical of mostfemales) but she went down one dress size in about sixweeks and was very pleased. She hasn’t been that particulardress size in over 10 years!The B-Skinny Coffee is unique in its class. Not only arethe coffee beans organically grown and harvested, the coffeebeans are infra-red roasted in small batches by BoreshaInternational here in the U.S. that preserves its manyhealthful antioxidants. The thermogenic and fat-burningformula is added to the coffee after its roasting process andto the organic green tea leaves in the NuvoGene Tea® afterthey’ve been processed. Thermogenesis is the body’s way ofgenerating heat from the calories it consumes or has storedin fat cells. Under the thermogenic influence, fat cellsrelease their fat stores for energy rather than first utilizingeasier forms of energy like muscle cells. In essence, sittingin front of a computer during the work week can resultin a higher rate of burning fat as an individual consumesthe B-Skinny Coffee or NuvoGene Tea®, thus helping tolose unwanted inches and preserve muscle mass and othercells, than without; even with no other activity or change inlifestyle! This is the reason behind the many success storiesof individuals using Boresha International products whohave tried many, many other ways of losing fat, often withtemporary results at best.I have since lost20 pounds in fivemonths, and am slowlygetting down tothe weight I waswhen I enteredthe Air Force 40years ago! I’vealso met and heardfrom many other men and women who have lost excessfat stores and achieved their goals of reaching more idealbody weights as well. Some have reported burning 50 ormore pounds of fat within one year. The secret has beensticking with the products for a minimum of 90 days toshow that they truly work. And whilecost is always critical, both the coffeeand tea are affordable methods forsuccessful and permanent weight loss,particularly when compared to themany other weight loss programs onthe market today.For further information on how toorder or to speak to a local IndependentMegan has burned 121 lbs in 11 months, Marketing Consultant, call Dave orfrom Boresha’s NuvoGene Tea® Mary Anne Weaver at 505-994-8244.You can also go online to Mary Anne’swebsite at to find outmore about Boresha International’s products and how tobecome an independent distributor and get the productsat wholesale pricing. Boresha International offers a 30-day,money back guarantee to all retail customers.Lt. Col (ret) Bruce Weaver has been a Family Practice andEmergency Room physician assistant for over 35 years. He isthe President and CEO of an in-home care company providingcare to the aged and disabled and is an Independent MarketingConsultant for Boresha International, currently living inWashington state. He can be contacted at 509-464-3562 ifyou have any medical questions regarding trying the coffeeor tea products.World’s Only Fat-BurningCoffee & Tea!Burning fat has never been so easy!Proven Science!Order Now: 505.994.8244MaryWeaver.bfreesystem.com30-Day Money Back GuaranteeRead more articles online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 29

A Positive Path forSpiritual LivingAre you Spiritual and not Religious?Check out Unity Spiritual Center –A Positive Path for Spiritual Living!Read our complete Mission, Vision &Value Statements & all about us at:www.uscabq.orgSpiritual CenterAlbuquerque9800 Candelaria Rd NE . 505.292.1998Revs. Jude & Ross CampbellMake this your BEST YEAR ever!Stretching • Meditation • BreathingWith this couponBuy 3 MonthsGet 1 Month FREEGood for NEW Memberships OnlyGood at any of the following New Mexico CentersDahn Yoga: Albuquerque 505 797-2211Cottonwood 505 792-5111, Santa Fe 505 820-2211Body+Brain: Nob Hill 505 262-2211, Cedar Crest 505 286-3535expires 4/30/13www.dahnyoga.comCreating Inner Peace:Part 1: Listen to YourHeart’s Desires By Camille ScielziAs This miracle not only keeps uslong as our hearts are beating, we arealive! Isn’t that an amazing miracle?breathing 24/7, but can be used as an emotionalgage for the quality of life we are living. Have you checked inlately with your heart gage to see if you are on course for livingyour highest, most peaceful life?Try it now: ask your heart if you are fulfilling your life’spurpose and feel at peace with your choices. What answer didyou get? ‘Yes,’ ‘no’ or ‘sometimes’? Perhaps you got a ‘no’, and aresurprised? Maybe you have lived with ‘no’ for so long; you haveno hope for anything to be better. Have you stopped asking formore abundance and prosperity?Don’t settle for ‘no’! Just by asking the question of your heart,new options will appear to put you back on your ‘Yes!’ pathagain. To bring those options on quickly, here is a short exerciseyou can do anywhere to find your path when it seems hidden:• Create a moment of stillness, breathe slowly in and out.Feel a connection to yourself, your divine and others• Deeply breathe in, silently review where you are• Accept what you feel, breathe out• Breathe in, ask: “What do I want?” Listen• Breathe out, ask: “What should I do next?” Listen• In the silence, your heart will give you the next best step totake• Trust the answerKeep your heart open. Choose peace and joy instead ofmisery and stress. Follow your heart’s advice: take that nextstep you heard with the confidence that it is the right one foryour path.For more strategies to keep you on that peaceful path ofconfidence, try a complimentary consultation with Camille.Call 505-350-4116 or email tokeep living your highest purpose. www.takeactionguru.comFind Inner PeaceAnytime,AnywhereFree Audio Giftfor<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> Readers!www.peacefullifeuniversity.com30 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles online:

Esteemed Healer Shahpar MosavarRahmani ReturnsShahpar (Sherry) is recognized as agifted healer of 25 years by manyextraordinary spiritual teachersand healers around the world. TheJourney Within, Sherry’s ITN satelliteTV program, is broadcast from SanDiego, CA live around the world.Her program has been promoting the Sherry with the Dahli Lamamessage of love and unity through meditation, regardless ofreligious background.In San Francisco, during the 2006 historic event to celebrateworld cultural differences, the Dahli Lama was a featuredspeaker. His holiness heard about Sherry’s program and wasone of 20 selected to meet with Dahli Lama to discuss worldpeace.Sherry is a frequent visitor to Johnof God who is a famous medium inBrazil and one of the greatest healersof our time. John of God recognizedthe healing power in Sherry and toldher that healing is her life mission;that she should use her healing abilityto help people become healthy inmind, body and spirit. He has givenSherry special crystals which areSherry with John of Godinfused with his energy. These crystals are only given to thosewho are recognized by him as gifted healers.Last December, she attended the stringent21-day “Inner Awakening Retreat” with SwamiParamahansa Nithyananda. The Swami ParamahansaNithyananda is the reincarnation ofthe Indian god Shiva. With millions of followersaround the world, a great master of theBhagavad Gita teachings, author of 250 booksand 4000 hours of spiritual teaching videoson U-tube, Swami Nityananda is also an ex-SwamiNithyanandamFour (4) 20-minute Individual HealingSessions with Group Participation4/19, 10-11:30am • 1-2:30 • 3-4:304/20: 10-11:30am • 1-2:30 • 3-4:304/21: 10-11:30am • 1-2:30 • 3-4:30Private Individual Healing Sessions(20 Minutes Each, scheduled every half hour)4/22: 9-noon, 1:30-5pmEach 20 minute Session is followed by a silent, short break.Light Refreshments will be served fromnoon-12:45 each day during social break time.lightwithin777@gmail.comceptional healer. In response to Sherry’s question, “I am healerand also a public speaker. What is my mission in life, and whatsteps do I have to take to complete my mission?” Swami Nithyanandareplied, “Just with this healing in public speaking you willbring fulfillment to millions. I am commanding you to take myenergy to the world… to spread Aakashik readings of me throughspiritual counseling. You will enlighten thousands. Through yourtongue, I will express. Take this message to millions.Sherry knew right away where my pain was. She alsoknew the condition of my internal organs, and how they werefunctioning. Her hands are very warm and I could feel a strongenergy emanating from them. I’ve been a massage therapist, yogainstructor, Reiki practitioner and student of herbal medicine foralmost 20 years. During this time, I have had treatments frommany amazing healers. Sheri is definitely the best energy healerI’ve ever experienced. Her intuition and ability to channel healingenergy come from a deep stillness within.J.M., ABQDuring Sherry’s visit in November, 2012, some peoplewere turned away due to overwhelming response.Please call 505-850-0257 for info/scheduling today.www.shahpar-meditation.comRecognized again as one who will heal the masses...Sherry Mosavar RahmaniReturns to ABQ for a weekend of HealingFriday, April 19th – Monday, April 22ndPowerful Individual Healings in Group SettingsIndividual Sessions $50 for 20 min.Group Participation $20 (1.5 hrs total)Private Sessions (4/22) $100 for 20 min.Info & Appts505-850-0257Sherry Mosavar Rahmani& Swami NithyanandamRead more articles by online: Pamela www.trulyalive.netCostello online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 31

It’s AboutConnectionBy Jennifer McKay VaitkusThe time has come to sell White Horse. Iresisted and was unsure how to write thisarticle; as I have the idea of letting go ofthe store. I tuned into Spirit to ask what to writeand Spirit said, “Ask the store. It will tell you.” So I did, and forthe first time, I really felt the grief I had been holding aboutletting it go. The store, a living energetic entity, said “Writeabout what you have created.”I created a beautiful space. People come in all the timeand remark how wonderful the energy feels…how they canbe having a stressful day, walk in, and feel instantly peaceful.Someone recently came in and asked, “What is this place?There is magic here.” The genuine awe in his voice made hiscomment possibly the biggest compliment I have received.One might expect to feel that way in a church or someother sacred place, but in a retail shop? I realized the magicwasn’t about the stuff I had in the store but about the heartconnections that are made here every day.This space facilitates deep, instant connections with people,however brief. Authentic connections are made that turn intofriendships and others with those who may never meet again.Dreams are shared as if between friends. Connections madethrough laughter and tears, hugs and kisses, and quietly overtea. Bonds are created through giving and receiving ourwisdom and gifts; speaking with authenticity and truly beinglistened to. I created a space that has brought people togetheras friends, lovers, business and project partners, mentors andstudents, circles of inspiration and encouragement.Through tears of gratitude I say, “Thank you, beautifulWhite Horse, for helping me learn about and practiceOneness.”If you have interest in owning White Horse, or know someonewho might, please call me. The price is very affordableconsidering the inventory, decorations and established, loyalcustomer base (not to mention the amazing energy!) JenniferVaitkus, 505-255-5217. www.abqwhitehorse.comHealthy BrainFunction = OptimalPerformance By Regina CoffmanWhat do academics, sports, business, andrelationship success have in common?For that matter what do all mental andphysical performance actions have in common?Optimal performance, in all areas of life, is dictated by theMaster Control Unit—the brain. This highly sophisticated3 lb. mass between our ears is the most complex system inthe Universe. If you are looking for positive, lasting change,it is necessary to reach the Driver that controls everything wethink, feel and do.We know that life’s traumas, whether physical and/oremotional can alter brain functioning. The brain changes, bydesign (to get us through the events) but all too often it doesnot self-regulate and then remains in an unbalanced state.When the brain is out of balance, our whole system adjustsaccordingly and we are no longer able to function at ourhighest level.Brain Balance is key to winning in almost every contest weface. Focus, clarity of thought, prospective, reaction time andhappiness all help to create success. It’s here that BrainwaveOptimization is valuable because it can enable us to identifyour unique brain pattern and empower us to reach for ourtrue potential – an empowerment that can enrich every areaof our lives.I have seen huge improvement in my focus and productivity,especially at work. I truly wonder how I managed to run mybusiness before. My sleep has improved dramatically as well asmy anxiety levels. My family relationships have also improved.Brainwave Optimization has <strong>don</strong>e so much for me in all facetsof my life. I feel blessed that I have found something that helpsso quickly and with such powerful results. C.D., ABQWhy not join the other 50,000 individuals who haveexperienced Brainwave Optimization and see what optimalperformance feels like? We are changing the world – onebrain at a time! <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by both authors online:

Timing in the Real EstateMarket By Nancy Bowers, Realtor®that most homeowners I talk to these daysare afraid to know what their houses are worth.ItseemsEven if they would like to sell and buy somethingsmaller to get themselves into a cheaper payment and a moremanageable house, a lot of them aren’t acting because theywant the house to be worth more than they know it probablyis. Despite recent gains in values, houses are still worth lessthan they were six years ago at the market peak. Still, I liketo set them up with a market snapshot so that they can seewhat homes in their area are going for, get a sense of howquickly houses are selling and monitor how little or muchdistressed property activity is happening around them. I’ma firm believer that knowledge is power. If you are at leastgetting monthly reports, you’ll be a position to know what’sgoing on in your neighborhood and act if you feel the timingis right. Inventory is still shrinking; the average number ofdays it takes to sell a home is lessening, and since interestrates are still low, it’s a good time to sell as long as you’re notexpecting to get 2007 prices.The question is what do you need? Sometimes sellers listtheir houses just to test the waters, knowing they want toomuch for it. The houses that are selling fairly quickly rightnow are priced properly. In fact, in some instances, pricingslightly below market can result in multiple offers on theproperty, especially when that property has been marketedcorrectly. At the M Real Estate Group, we aggressively marketyour home: we do an email blast to all area realtors, createa virtual tour, a unique website for the property, an infohotline, a YouTube video, social media, craigslist’s posts,flyers, open houses and we make sure all the neighbors knowyour home is available. We’re also great at creative financing(if you need to get top dollar for your home and are willingto carry the note for a while). We understand that while itcan be tempting to just rent out your property, rarely is thatgoing to be as cost effective in the long run unless you havelandlord experience. In short, our team is great at marketing.A recent listing was under contract a mere 5 hours after ithit the market and the home fetched top dollar. It’s all aboutunderstanding the market. If you are interested in receivinga free market analysis and knowing more about what yourhome is worth, call me. We can discuss your options.$251/2 hourwww.TimetoHealNM.comChakra Healing, Energy Clearingand Meridian Balancing$401 hourFirst session with mention of this adFeel refreshed & rejuvenated!Many of my clients say theyhave had powerful emotionalshifts from the chakra healings.“Charlene is like a one-stop shopfor healing!”– Valerie L“I highly recommend Charlene forany physical or emotional issue.”– H. Alessa, ABQCharlene LewisIntuitive Healer, Holistic Kinesiologist,Energy Worker & Hypnotherapist505.933.2938Nice Homes for All!Let us help you make yourdreams come true.• Creative Solutions• Buying & Selling• Cash or TermsNancy Bowers, Realtor ® Solution SpecialistRealtor/Partner, The M Real Estate Group505-247-0507 ext 112 • 505-681-4744 cellnicehomesforall.comRead more articles by Nancy Bowers online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 35

A Heartfelt Interview with CelebrationFair Keynote Sonia ChoquetteBy Darci LodsinWith the wonderful Celebration Fair coming toAlbuquerque for the first time this April 26-28,we have made a special commitment to bringingoutstanding national speakers as well as the best regionalpresenters and exhibitors. The highlight for many will comewith the two chances during theweekend to enjoy a two-hoursession with New York Times BestSelling author Sonia Choquette.She sat down with me, DarciLodsin of Celebration and offeredthe following thoughts for 2013.Darci Lodsin: Sonia we hear about people feeling downcoming into the New Year. What do you say to those coming toyou as they approach the coming spring?Sonia Choquette: If you are feeling empty, isolated, ordisconnected from life in any way, then perhaps you havelost touch with your Spirit and an awareness of the manyblessings and gifts God has placed before you right now. Tolift out of low spirits, wonder where you might be missingthe blessings raining upon you right now, and begin tonotice them.Start by counting your blessings, one-by-one, beginningwith the most obvious. For example, you might count theblessing of having had a good meal today, or a warm bed tosleep in. Or perhaps you can count theblessings of having real friends, ora loving family, or the blessingof the companionship of awonderful pet. Maybe youcan count the blessing ofgood health, which somany of us enjoy butforget is a real blessing.Just ask those who arenot experiencing thatblessing right now.Maybe you can countthe blessing of being ableto be a good friend tosomeone, or the blessing ofbeing able to help another introuble. Blessings are not justthose received, but also those we can share with others.Count as many blessings as possible, both sharing andreceiving, each day, out loud, for a while, even if you aren’tfeeling particularly blessed at the moment. I have found thatby counting my blessings I start feeling them and noticingmore and more of them at thesame time, until I feel such anabundance of blessings that itsoon becomes overwhelming.Doing this always moves me outof my fear and helps me get backinto the flow of life very quickly. Ieven wonder if the very act of counting my blessings attractsmore and more my way. It seems so.DL: What sorts of lessons will people experience in one of yourworkshops? Can you give us hint as to a tool they will discoverat Celebration?”SC: I have found [a good way] to lift my Spirit is to dosomething I love to do, every day. Try this and see if itworks for you as well. Start by remembering what youlove, naming all of those things, out loud. For example, Ilove my daughters, travel, good friends, drinking goodcoffee, listening to great music, singing, dancing, yoga,meditating, listening to my guides, taking classes, walking,being a student and learning new things, assisting others inmeeting their Spirit and trusting their intuition, laughing,sitting quietly, and more. I could go on for a while but yousee what I mean. Remembering and naming what you lovebrings you back to center, to your true Self and the path ofyour genuine purpose, the pathway of what brings you joy.At least it does for me.Once you name what you love, commit to engaging inone of those things every day. Make it first on your list, apriority, and not last, something you might try to shove intoyour busy day after you do everything else you must do. Forexample, I love yoga, and start my morning with it everyday.Some mornings I am so tired that I want to shut off thealarm and continue sleeping, figuring I’ll do yoga later in theday…and yet I always get too busy and never do. On thosedays that I succumb to my resistance and put it off, I feel asthough I’ve cheated myself out of something important tomy Spirit, and I <strong>don</strong>’t like the feeling I’m left with. Because ofthat “yuck” feeling, I move quickly past my resistance in the36 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> |

morning and I am up and stretching before I give myself thetime to think of a reason not to be. The few minutes of yogaI practice every morning centers me and makes me happy.And because it makes me happy it allows me to feel morelove for everything else I do in a day.Another way to lift your Spirit if youare feeling a little down or confused is toask your intuition to guide you insteadof trying to figure things out all the time.If you aren’t sure what your intuition istrying to tell you, ask it for direction,and then answer out loud. For example,I might ask my intuition whether ornot to accept a teaching engagementKeynote SpeakerSonia Choquettesomewhere. Next I place my hand on my heart and answermy question by saying, “My Spirit says “…” and I fill in theblank, out loud, and quickly, before my mind kicks in andtries to figure the answer out. The minute I answer, I stopand breathe and pay attention to the energy flowing throughmy body. If the answer is indeed coming from my Spirit, Iinstantly feel peaceful and satisfied. I trust what I expressedto be authentic guidance because it feels so grounded in truthin my body. If my mind sneaks in and tries to fake me out, Ican always tell because I feel a bit dissatisfied and restless, asopposed to peaceful and satisfied. In that case, I list all thethings my mind wants to say. For example, I might say, “It’sa great opportunity to spread my work”, or “It’s a wonderfulplace to visit”, or “It’s important to go where I am asked,” orany number of other mental considerations. Once I can thinkof no more mental answers, I then go back to my intuitionand ask for guidance once again. The second time I ask, ifthere is one, I usually get very clear guidance immediately.This is a great tool for tuning in to your intuition at any timeand it is reliable.DL: Sonia, you will be presenting at the Celebration Fair thisApril 26-28 in Albuquerque. If you could speak to a singleperson who is thinking of coming to the event; what wouldyou say?SC: I wish you heartfelt support and prayers for an excitingnew connection with your Spirit; one that nurtures you,guides you, creates in you, and brings you more joy.Sonia will offer two experiential, 2-hour workshops duringthe Celebration Fair. The fair takes place April 26-28 at theNM State Fairgrounds Lujan building. Daily admission of$5 includes more than 65 hours of presentations, concerts,demos and more. Explore over 100 exhibitors, healers andmagnificent readers. All readings are priced at just $20 for 20minutes. For full details or to buy advanced tickets, go to To speak to one of the Celebrationteam, call 541-241-9153.Denver’s famousmetaphysical fairarrives in AlbuquerqueAlbuquerqueApril 26-28Fri 1-8, Sat 10-7, Sun 11-6NM st FAir lujAN bldgWelcoMiNg KeyNote (2 sessions)Sonia ChoquetteGrace, Guidance & GiftsSat 2-4 PMAsk Your GuidesSun 2-4 PMalso featuring:Emil FaitheYou are SensitiveKathi McKnightYour HandwritingRevealsRevealsdAily AdMissioN just $5 541.482.3722Read more articles online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 37

Blood Clots – What arethe facts? Part 1By Janet L. Hall, ND, CKP, CMI, CHt, CBTCauses & Treatment Choices:If you have ever experienced a blood clot,then you have experienced the excruciating painand lengthy recovery time! Blood clots occurmost often in people with AB blood types, but one in threeAmericans deal with blood clots in their lifetime. Clotsfrequently occur following surgery and some arise from justhaving blood that is too thick. (These are most often connectedto a poor diet.) 80% of people with diabetes die of blood clotrelatedcauses. Digestive enzymes and natural blood thinnerssuch as Vitamin E, Garlic, Essential fatty acids, etc., can beused to prevent thick blood, and you must keep blood freeof parasites, yeast, viruses, bacteria and heavy metals as well.Injuries and prolonged sitting (as with travel) arealso common reasons for clots to form. These are oftenaccompanied by more severe pain, swelling and significantagitation. To prevent these types of clots, Do NOT travel withan injury of any kind (i.e. torn muscle, sprained ankle or wrist,any swelling, etc.) and Do NOT sit for prolonged periodswithout movement. An injury plus changes in elevation,combined with sitting too long provide the perfect formulafor clots to form.If your physician recommends an antibiotic, considersomething other than Cipro, which is known to weakenextremity ligaments and muscles in addition to diminishingyour gut flora, altering Vitamin K and natural clotting factorsin your system.For those who would choose to treat a blood clot naturally,your physician will likely say that it should not be considered.Most alternative practitioners will say they do not haveknowledge or experience to treat it and feel it is too risky. Yet,in my experience, I have not found anything that could not betreated alternatively! With Kinesiology, you can test to see if apharmaceutical is needed in the beginning and you can test tosee which of the natural formulas (and in which doses) yourbody wants. Body wisdom is amazing; it takes into accountthe entire being, including emotions, thought patterns andeverything about the person.Read the complete version of Part 1 of this article, click on “current issue” then “articles” orsearch on the title in the search bar on the home page. You’llfind surprising information about the prescription drugsLovenox® and Coumadin, including costs and side effects.Janet L. Hall is a Certified Naturopathic Doctor, MedicalIntuitive, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Kinesiologist andBiofeedback Specialist. Her center is dedicated to healing,preventative health, life change and empowerment...helpingpeople to “rise above!”,(505) 294-WELL (9355).38 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by Janet Hall online:

We create food that nourishes your bodyand the need for feeling cared for.Creating food that tastes good and meetsyour dietary needs is of our utmost importance.We provide meals that are weighed, measured andpackaged to your specifications; family style, with individualitems packaged separately, or a meal in each container; cookedand/or raw. Our clients are often professionals who <strong>don</strong>’t havetime in their busy schedules to create fresh tasty nutritious meals.Enjoy this nourishing favorite recipe of our clients.BUTTERNUT SQUASH GINGER SOUPIngredients:2 large butternut squash;peeled and cubed (you canuse fresh, already cubed orfrozen)2 sweet onions3 cloves garlic minced3 tablespoon butterSimple Food!Great Taste!By Joy Lynn of Joyous Creations1 teaspoon (tsp) salt (to taste)½ tsp cayenne pepper(optional); ¼ cup brownsugar (optional)½ tsp minced ginger½ tsp nutmeg8 cups vegetable brothDirections:Halve, seed, peel and cube the squash, then set aside. Choponions and mince garlic. Add butter to skillet then add onionsand (caramelize) on medium about 3 minutes, stirring constantly.Add salt and spices; add minced garlic and ginger cook for 1minute; add squash and broth. (For a creamy version, add ½ cupcream or coconut milk). Bring to a soft boil and serve.Let’s have a little fun with our food! Have a party and invite usto cater for you. Bright colors, fresh flavors and happy attitudescreate an atmosphere of fun for your friends and family.Birthdays, graduations, anniversaries, corporate luncheons ordinners, weddings, showers, teas, any opportunity to have alittle fun. Indoors or out – large or small events, meetings, specialoccasions. FOOD IS LOVE and LOVE truly is what makes myworld go ‘round. HAPPY SPRING!With love and appreciation, Joy Lynn.Release the Grief;Keep the LoveBy Rita Herther, MAHello and Welcome! We humansexperience a myriad of emotions atvarious times in our lives. We call somepositive and some negative. We would ratherexperience the positive ones, of course. However, all of theemotions are important parts of who we are. They contributeto who we are today. Nietzsche said, “That which does notkill us makes us stronger.” I believe this to be true, dependingupon how we handle grief and trauma.None of us want to lose a loved one, either by death or byother types of separations. Last November (2012), my brotherpassed on. Gib was a kind, generous, gentle soul. At first Iwas numb, then the grief hit. I chose to allow myself to doas little as possible that first week because I wanted to sit andreflect upon his loving life. After allowing the grief, and beingpresent to it, I was able to release it. Now whenever I think ofhim, I feel loving energies flow through me. Sometimes I feelas though I am receiving blessings.I believe there is a time for grieving. I also believe it is nothealthy to allow grieving to go on indefinitely…negativelyimpacting our lives, other relationships or work.Pranic Healing, a no-touch healing modality, removesgrief, anger, resentment, disappointment, doubt and fear fromthe bio-electromagnetic field (aura). It does this in a gentle,loving manner. When these negative emotions are removed,the aura is filled with beautiful, loving, healing energies. Thisallows the physical, emotional and mental bodies to heal. Youcan truly release grief; leaving room for loving energies toflow through you. Perhaps you will even feel blessings flowthrough you.Thank you for visiting. Warmest wishes for a year filledwith continuous, loving energies and blessings.Rita Herther trained with Master Stephen Co, senior disciple ofMaster Choa Kok Sui. More information:www.pranichealing.comRead more articles by both authors online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 39

Spring! Perfect forCleansing By Bill Haggard, All About Health[This is an advertisement.]Soon we will be able to say, “Spring has sprung – the grasshas riz – I wonder where the flowers is. “Springtime…whata GREAT time! “Spring is a time for cleansing, activation, new life, freshnessand change. Green plant life is rich with minerals; the greenerthe plant, the more nutrient-rich it is. Some of the first varietiesare dandelions, mustard, burdock, lambs quarter, stinging nettlesand yellow dock (just to name a few varieties we call “weeds”).Old timers used to go out in early Spring and gather the first“weeds”, make a soup or broth and drink it down. It would causea cleansing reaction which in turn brought more energy andvitality. They knew that after a season of dormancy, decreasedactivity and heavier food intake, we become stagnant. The live“weeds” got things moving again.Everything in life has a cycle. Daytime/Nighttime,Winter/Spring Summer/Fall, Eating/Digesting, Assimilating/Eliminating, Working/Playing, Waking/Resting/Sleeping.For humans (and animals) the digestive/assimilation/elimination cycle is extremely important. “What goes in mustcome out”. And quantity in must = quantity out (3 meals in = 3meals out) to enjoy excellent health. Most people in our moderndayculture do not have this experience. The bottom line is…ifwe’re not poopin’ (moving 3 meals out daily), we’re pollutin’. It’sthat simple.Collected waste in our digestive tracts means stagnation andinflammatory conditions (not to mention microbial overgrowth,viral, fungal and parasitic activity). Cancer, heart attacks,diabetes, and strokes are not root issues. They are symptoms thatdevelop from long-term violation of the fundamental principalsof healthy body operation.Our bodies can be contrasted with our automobiles. Put inthe proper fuel, <strong>don</strong>’t over work it, change the oil and filter on aregular basis. You won’t often need a mechanic for a major carrepair IF you follow these principles. The same thing applies tothese “vehicles” we call our bodies. Good fuel (live foods: freshfruit, vegetables, tree nuts, seeds, legumes, etc., grown in “good,nutrient-rich soil”, absent of chemicals, insecticides, pesticides,fungicides, etc.) is essential. Animal products should be grass fedand free range.The other element is regular maintenance. With our bodies,this means supporting our elimination processes. Since veryfew of us eliminate sufficiently and regularly, help is needed tocatch up on the backlog. In addition to consuming “weeds”, ourancestors also used enemas/laxatives on a regular basis or drankEpson salt, castor oil or Milk of Magnesia.Nowadays, we are so backed up due to the advent ofprocessed, lifeless foods (that are so convenient and attractivelypackaged – they fill us up, but do not “feed” us), we need evenmore help than our ancestors did. Today, colonics are necessaryto catch up on and get rid of the accumulations of a lifetime. Ittakes energy to manage collected waste material. Getting rid ofit frees up energy to be more constructive, so we can think moreclearly, sleep better, repair damaged cells, be more creative, etc.(One colonic is equal to 30 enemas by the way).It’s time to STOP the unconscious march leading us (at somepoint) to the ER, Urgent Care or the Nursing Home! If you arefeeling sick, tired, depressed, weak, or in constant pain, it’s timeto clean up. Spring cleaning applies to your body as well as yourhome. Get back to the basics, the fundamentals, the rhythm,the cycles that make a difference. THE TIME IS NOW – TAKECHARGE OF YOUR LIFE, YOUR HEALTH – START TODAY!All About Health’s five colon hydrotherapists are well trainedand experienced in colon hygiene, natural therapeutics, andnutrition. Weekend/evening hours available. 505-888-5858,www.allabouthealthinc.comNote: This is a paid advertisement. Please note this article is forinformational purposes only and should not be substituted for medicaladvice. Consult your physician or health professional regarding yourindividual health concerns.40 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by Bill Haggard online:

Walking in Trust and PayingAttention to What MattersBy Rev. Kylie RennerIam 3,000 miles from Albuquerque, walking alone on apath by the ocean. The only sound is my footsteps andthe waking rainforest around me, and suddenly I canhear my cell phone ringing. Clear as day, I hear the soundthat says, “stop whatever you are doing and rush to answer…rush to make certain that the call isn’t missed”. The thing is;my cell phone isn’t here. It is 3,000 away — back in a drawerin my home. And this isn’t the first time in my technologyfreevacation that I’ve heard my phantom cell phone ringing,vibrating, calling my attention to it. I stop and wonder, if mycell phone was actually here, would I answer it? Would I letwhatever seemingly pressing need to connect allow me tomiss this sunrise, distracted by things that are far away fromwhat is happening right here and now?The answer is probably yes, I would answer it. I am trainedto answer it and that is why I left it at home, so that I can’tanswer it. But my mind is playing tricks on me. It is insistingthat even in this landscape…so beautiful and foreign, thatthe familiar beckons; and not just subtly, but with the jarringjingle that is specifically designed to get my attention. I makethe decision every year to take a technology sabbatical, in adistant land, to let my mind play such tricks on me, and torecommit to paying attention to what matters.In unfamiliar places and situations, my tendency is toconnect with what is already known. My desire to try tofind the familiar is so strong that (without conscious effort)I would end up gravitating to other English speakers, familiarfood and drink, staying connected back home throughtechnology and to those who can, by the sharing of commonexperience, make me comfortable in my discomfort. So, in adedicated effort to hone the life skill of walking in trust intothe unknown and unfamiliar, without falling back into oldpatterns and limitations, I turn it all off.Without honing this skill of walking in trust, we walk thepath of change that is life; often responding to situations inways that restrict possibilities instead of allowing them toexpand. We keep creating situations and patterns that arefamiliar and recognizable instead of opening ourselves to thegreater good that is seeking to express itself through us. ThichNhat Hanh says, “People have a hard time letting go of theirsuffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer sufferingthat is familiar.” Even though responding to and creating lifefrom our old patterns makes us miserable, these old patternsare often our immediate automatic response…like leapingaway from what we are doing to answer the ringing cell phone.Even though it seems very desirable to let go of ourfamiliar suffering and turn habitual patterns off, it’s harderthan it seems. What is revealed is revolutionary. We gain thepower to take back our time and energy, and find new waysof responding to old situations. And doing so doesn’t requireleaving home, changing jobs, going on retreat, or leaving theworld of ordinary life. All it requires is conscious attention tothose things demanding our attention, and the willingness toexamine whether what we are attending to is diminishing us,or expanding us; then choosing to answer only the call of whatis making us come alive.Rev. Kylie Renner is the Senior Minister at the AlbuquerqueCenter for Spiritual Living, located at 2801 Louisiana NE,between Menaul & Candelaria. Call 505-881-4311 or visitonline: Sunday services are 9:15 and 11a.mand (1:15pm with Rev. Andrew Groves). The Open Mind Bookand Gift Store, open 10am to 3pm weekdays, carries a wideselection of metaphysical and inspirational books, music,jewelry and gifts.Read more articles by Rev. Kylie Renner online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 41

Creating the BodyYou Want for Life!By Linda J. Martin, RScPHave you gone through the yo-yoweight loss experience; going on thisdiet program or that, only to regaineverything you lost…perhaps adding even moreweight? Until the underlying issues are resolved, diets aloneare doomed to fail.What if you could work a program with someone holdingyour hand along the way…guiding you step by step; encouragingyou, coaching you, connecting with you and supporting youcontinually? What if you checked in with this person every daybefore you ate your first meal and shared your meal plan for theday? Do you think you might stick to your healthy eating plan?Introducing my Lighten Up Program. Created out of myown healing journey, my program includes daily connectionand accountability, a custom-created food plan, weekly groupmeetings with monthly guest speakers. Experts present ontopics that support your healthy lifestyle such as Yoga, Reiki,Massage, Aromatherapy, ThetaHealing®, EFT and much more.A copy of my new book, Lighten Up, Diets Don’t Work You Do isalso included. The book is filled with life-changing Secrets andcan also be purchased separately – visit with the option that’s right for you:• Building the Foundation Program, $250, 6 weeks.Includes the book, an initial personal meeting, a followuppersonal meeting to create your individual food plan, 4weekly group meetings and daily meal plan phone calls.• Working the Program, $175/month, 2 additional months(total of 3). Includes one personal meeting per month, 8weekly group meetings and daily meal plan phone calls.• Solidifying the Program, $150/month, 3 additionalmonths (total of 6). Same as Working the Program, with 12weekly group meetings and work on the mental/emotional/spiritual levels.Are you ready to change your life, permanently, without dietingever again? If so, call me for a FREE 30-minute consultation.Linda Martin, 505-353-7300, www.diets<strong>don</strong>tworkyoudo.comAstounding CellularRegeneration,A Return to YouthBy Ina Stewart & Mickey Sutton, LMT #603Ifyou knew that a product has clinical testresults to back up this headline and turnback the clock, would you be interested?Protandim, a breakthrough new product has thegoods. The science behind it speaks for itself.Protandim stimulates the production of your own antioxidantenzymes (to the level you had when you were 20!) and eliminatesthe progression of oxidative and environmental stress (includingfree radicals) associated with diseases of aging. Protandim candeliver more antioxidant activity than antioxidant vitaminssuch as Vitamin C and has demonstrated superiority in clinicalstudies. Low oxidative stress is also associated with a healthycardiovascular system, a healthy brain and overall wellness.Protandim is clinically proven to reduce oxidative stress by anaverage of 40% in just 30 days.Best of all, Protandim is all natural. The formula, with itsfive natural ingredients (Milk Thistle extract, Bacopa extract,ashwagandha extract, green tea extract, turmeric extract) hasbeen proven to start rejuvenating cells in just 48 hours.With the growing excitement about Protandim’s potential,the following universities have completed independent trialsand have validated Protandim: University of Colorado, TexasTech, Virginia Commonwealth, Louisiana State and Ohio StateUniversities.For those seeking a truly effective, affordable way to feel andlook younger and have more youthful energy, your search is over.Protandim is the real deal and has been featured on ABC, NBC,PBS, The Sanjay Gupta Show and in the Wall Street Journal.In a career spanning nearly five decades,fitness and health are critical to my success. I loveProtandim and take it every day.Donny OsmondWant to know more? Watch DonnyOsmond’s interview about Protandim on Dr.Phil: Ready to purchase? CallIna Stewart or Mickey Sutton: 505–898-0198. March/Aprilspecial: Only $50 + tax for a month’s supply (reg. price $65).www.hotbodywraps.comChange Your BodyChange Your Life!Release Unwanted Weightplus Shift Your Body,Mind & Spirit with...Lighten Up CoachLinda J. Martin505.353.7300www.diets<strong>don</strong>tworkyoudo.comProtandim: The ClosestThing to the Fountain of YouthAvailable Today!March/April Special:30-Day Supply only $50(reg. $65)Order today!Mickey Sutton: 505–898-0198www.hotbodywraps.com42 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netRead more articles by both authors online:

The Lord’s Prayerwith CommentaryOffered by Clint Bridges(Traditional; excerpted from the Anglican Book ofCommon Prayer, 1662)humble opinion, this is the greatestpiece or oratory ever written orInmyspoken. I believe The Lords Prayer is a sublimeclue as to the nature of our relationship with our Creator.The verses convey the Truth about human reality in thisrealm (the physical world), and where we can evolve to IFwe so desire it.I have stood in groups at many religious services (mostlyfunerals) and repeated these words, along with the rest of thecrowd…with mind numbing repetition and without muchthought given to the deeper meaning of these profound wordsof wisdom (please note my clarifying words in parentheses):Our Father, which art in heaven; (Tells us that our Sourcedwells in a place called Heaven.)Hallowed be thy name; (Means that by whatever name youknow Him, that name is sacred.)Thy Kingdom come, thy will be <strong>don</strong>e – in earth as it is inHeaven. (Tells us that the Kingdom is God’s will on earth…accomplished when a man bows to God’s will – which is Love).Give us this day our daily bread; (Not just sustenance forour bodies, but Spiritual manna; that which quickens ourflesh, enlightens our hearts, and feeds our Spirit.)And forgive our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespassagainst us. (The Living Father forgives us the error of ourthoughts and actions. He has also bestowed upon us thepower to forgive. As we forgive the errors of others, we are alsoforgiven.)And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. (Wenow know that God will never tempt us to wrong thoughts oraction. Wrong action is always an error on our part.)For thine is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory for everand ever. Amen (Nothing more needs be said.) Email Subscriptions ofMarch/April OnlineArticle Titles include:Now Available!Save SomeTrees!Subscribe now and receiveyour email subscriptionbefore the hard copies hitthe stands!Send an email today andput “email mag” in thesubject line.Questions? Call Karen Larre, Publisher at 505•828•3430or email: info@trulyalive.netAdditional <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> ArticlesNow Available Online!nHiking Toward Heaven, Part 2By Ian PalmernDear Melissa By Melissa FreinThe Connection to Weight Issues and ParasitesBy Charlene LewisnRebounding: Aerobic Resistive ExerciseBy Tina Wellman, PhDnThe Pathway to Deeper Happiness, Part 1By David Kuenzli, MSWnInter-dimensional Review of Love on PlanetEarth By Nina BrownCheck back often. More added everyday. Deadlinesare flexible, costs are minimal!Contact: Karen Larré, Publisher505.828.3430 or info@trulyalive.netRead more articles by Clint Bridges online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 43

Astrological Forecast: March/AprilJohn Clinton | Psychic Astrologer | 505-489-112230+ Years Experience Interpreting Stellar Events | Starcaster333@ yahoo.comAries (3/21-4/19) MARCH continues the on-goingadventures of the warring Rams. The 12th kicks youinto high gear as a surge of energy starts a 666-daycycle with Mars returning to your Sign. (Actually, it’sa 710-day cycle.) At one time, Mars was closer to the Sun andthe cycle was shorter. In the same way, you tend to move fartherfrom the things and people that give you life. Other people andnew experiences bring new friends this month; all unfoldingafter the 21st. APRIL begins and the Ram stands tall in his glory,overlooking a world of possibilities. You are a turbo-chargedtrail-blazer this month. Birthdays are a solar recharging as newyearly cycles begin. Starting on the 20th, you gain attention foryour energetic money gathering abilities. You have 40 days and40 nights of financial downpours. Keep your head above thewaters (if you know what I mean). Before this month is over, youwill have emerged from your cave, dusted off the past, and reestablishedyour new image. The 26th is “X”.Taurus (4/20-5/20) MARCH sees you working onyour dreams. Surely, you will always reach your goalsby sheer persistence. The 4th is just too full of itself.Guard against overdoing it. The 6th is a highly activeday. Rest up for it. Someone, or something, begins to take you awayfrom the outer world. You feel like withdrawing as spring begins.You may have other seekers of truth around you. As unlikelyas it seems, you seem to have earned a halo from your spiritualquests. You are a perfect example of the self-examined person.APRIL brings an end to a yearly cycle and a new beginning. Bymid-month, you are pulled out of your isolation. You have newanswers to old habits. There is a freedom to your life because youfeel financially secure, for now. The Full Moon on the 25th shinesa light to a past-life attraction. Soul mate, or anti-soul mate? Timewill tell. Proceed with your usual caution. You will experiencesolidification of a secret encounter on the 7th and the 18th fansthe flames…which can lead to reports of irresponsibility on the22nd. The approaching Full Moon tends to bare all.Gemini (5/21-6/21) MARCH opens with a flurry ofactivity at work. There seems to be an over-abundanceof egos all around you. Your best move is to keep a lowprofile until the 17th. Even after that, it’s best to usewisdom when you speak. You have good ideas to express. MayGeminis have good fortune with them all month. It’s a good timeto pursue higher learning. The June Twins will see their ship comein during the next few months. Your image is discussed amongothers this month. The 6th is your best day. Disagreements <strong>don</strong>’thave to stir animosities. APRIL has you going full tilt into yourcareer or professional pursuits. You are gaining financially fromyour projects. Now a true ideal is within your grasp, but it takesfocus. Can you do it? You are doing it. By month’s end, you maybe planning your escape from all the work. I think it’s called avacation. Your mind has been too over-loaded this month. Letyourself stroll aimlessly through the world (your mind has builtinside your head). Now, ‘til next month, share with your friends.There is a higher level you can reach through socializing.Cancer (6/22-7/22) MARCH is great for longjourneys in the world or within the mind. There willbe others with joining you. You may find a group ofphilosophical scholars to hear your perspective on lifeand love. The first 3 weeks of March are usually very beneficialtimes for the Crabs. The New Moon on the 11th combines withMars to signal a new situation at work. If you are in line for aleadership position, you will find out soon. The Full Moon onthe 26th adds a magic aura to your home life. Spring always liftsyour spirit. It seems to erase all your bad marks over the pastyear. APRIL rains, after mid-month, seem to moisten your soulas you become set to nurture the new life around you. The NewMoon on the 10th is good for branching out with your career, oreven starting a new one. Others may want to partner up with youin these endeavors. Work out all the details this month becauselove is waiting at the curb with the engine running. Friends hateit when you get drawn away by a silly flirtation, but this one isimportant. It’s karmic. At least, see what it’s about. This last weekis a break from the harsh realities in the world.Leo (7/23-8/22) MARCH, to a Leo, is a time toprepare for the mysteries of life renewed by spring.You seem deeply involved in a search for answersto “hidden” matters. It’s too foggy. Don’t bother. Itwould be better for you to experience the magic of closeness withanother. That’s what’s in the stars for you. Travel is only mildlydifficult during the last week of March and 3 weeks of April. Your“planet”, the Sun, lights the torch of mating season with a FullMoon in Libra on the 27th. APRIL is always a time to speak yourtruth, loudly. Your philosophies are carved in granite. They workfor you, so why change? The month starts with an air of festivity,which could reach a climax on the 7th. After the sadness of the12th, it could take 5 days to get back on track. Conquering thetruth becomes you. Business picks up after the 14th. A positivemind creates pluses from those around you. A need to lead is sureto feed your family creed to abolish greed and seed the soil forothers. At the Lunar Eclipse of 4/25, an annoyance goes away.Virgo (8/23-9/22) MARCH has you thinkingdeeply about a partner, or opponent. You sincerelywant to understand them better. There is a fog betweenyou and the other person. It makes things too nebulousto understand. You need sensible, measurable things. Checknext month for clear cut results. Your life support systems are allpumping you with happiness and good fortune. You are tickled.You come alive right before spring begins. Welcome back to thereal world, though… It’s hard to let go of that other world. Blissin relationships returns. APRIL starts with you socially involvedwith one or more people. It’s nice getting to know someone forawhile, first. Give it a while longer before completely indulging ina complete commitment. OK, the 13th is long enough. Impulsesrule, not compulsions. This mid-month marks a change of attitude.You need more time to reflect. Others can wait. The eclipse onthe 25th is not visible in North America, but can create travelproblems for the “Perfect Ones”.44 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> |

Libra (9/23-10/22) MARCH sees you activelyinvolved in health and beauty concerns. On the 21st,your values are applied to a relationship. Spring hassprung and you are leading the love parade. It’s a timeto heal the harm <strong>don</strong>e by others. What better way than to getout in the world and stir things up a bit? There will be strife inthe world this month, but you can actually choose a happy littlepath that will lead to a cloistered world of love and joy. As APRILunfolds, its scarlet wings, you want to fly, to soar…to rise above atroubled earth. But we only get one wing, and it takes two to fly.By the 15th, you should be cruising at a very high altitude. Thereis much excitement just being around your partner. For better orworse, at least you won’t be bored. All the Librans who haven’ttravelled lately need to do so before June 25th for best results.Your medicines are working more easily for you over the past year.You drink responsibly, now. There will always be mistakes to bemade, even in your charmed life.Scorpio (10/23-11/21) MARCH is a mushylove time for the Scorpions. Though you are highlyskilled in the Venusian Arts, your sword may creatediscomfort. Leave out your self-defense weaponsthis month because there is a deep craving to love and be loved.You should live the first week as if you are going off to war. That’sbecause there is a serious responsibility requested of you aroundthe 8th. It’s a good, but heavy karma to deal with. I know, enoughwith the heavy karma, already. Overcome it with your intensity. Abattle ensues at month’s end. Gird yourself. APRIL fools you not.It only causes sore muscles from your need to perspire. That’s it,Scorps. Work off some of that anger you carry around. Pluto isnow retrograde. It reflects the delays in your life for a few months.It does give you the chance to find buried treasures or revive thesuccesses from your past. Travel less, but get more <strong>don</strong>e. Focuson others’ personal needs after mid-month. Social traditions arelike the “call of the wild” after the 19th. The 28th could be like awrecking-ball to a small part of your world.Sagittarius (11/22-12/21) MARCH keeps thehappiness flowing most of the month. Even on thebad days, you have a luck factor as your life-net. The4th makes value choices difficult. The 8th puts youin the middle of some earth-shaking changes. The 10th is roundtwo in an ongoing mental aggravation. Keep cool, you will winlater. There is a positive energy force during the 2nd half of themonth. With your excitement, be out in the world on the 22ndand you may have a lunchtime surprise. Romance could happen.Creative inspiration occurs. Your “pod” is filled with excitementas March winds down. APRIL opens with a giddiness whichclosely resembles love, or being in love. Jupiter is in your houseof partners until late June. Enjoy the joy! The Archers always landclose to their target. Your Sign has many spirits who are on earthfor the first time. Your past lifetimes carry your accumulatedkarmic debt to this planet. Health becomes your means to paythose debts. Naturally, you are not adapted to our germs. Anyway,protect your health with healthy foods and immune boosters.That way, you can enjoy the magic of romance this first 19 days.Capricorn (12/22-1/19) MARCH sees asomewhat withdrawn Sea Goat. Many of your Signhave turned inward as you complete your secretprojects. The early January-born Goats are goingthrough major re-organization with their life and karma. Totalchange is difficult for your permanent-minded way of thinking.When the changes are for the good, it is easier to accept. That’swhat the 8th shows. Your plans are great, but there are other egosto deal with, so adjust your conduct in their presence to avoidconflict. Your choices improve after the 20th. APRIL continueswith a downhill hike to a valley filled with memories from yourpast. Dreams fulfilled and dreams aban<strong>don</strong>ed are down there.Meanwhile, you are mildly burdened by the needs of a friend.There could be some co-dependency going on there. This isa good time to pour some new foundations for your future. Atthe same time, you can cement over those hopeless dreams.Yes, some things are hopeless. The challenge and promiseof new ideals requires much planning while Saturn remainsretrograde.Aquarius (1/20-2/18) MARCH sees youmarching forth; pouring water on barren lands(giving knowledge to the less informed). Learningmore, yourself. So many ideas! You need more friendsto help you apply your brilliance. Some say, our ideas are not ourown. They come from a higher source where we are merely anidea. Anyway, the month builds to the beginning of a fantasticspring, summer, and fall. Any bumps along the way are justanother source of knowledge for you. APRIL starts with friendsyelling, “Get up, let’s go!” Fortunately, you’re ready for adventureas much as they are. It could be good to get away from yourover-stimulated love house. The conflict is the choice betweenfriends or lovers. Friends seem to win out. Lovers come and go,but friends are forever. There is a lot on your mind this month.The 22nd has you fired up to start home projects. It proves tobe a wise choice. You are in a good position to eliminate things,and people who <strong>don</strong>’t work in your life. This starts with the FullMoon eclipse on the 27th.Pisces (2/19-3/20) In MARCH, there is a serenityfound in the happiness you create at home. Others ofthis Sign have moved to a larger home. Either way,there is great joy in your life. You feel it to your core.Sadness always goes out to others, which is your Piscean nature.Someone has to care. There is a need to understand your father’sinfluence on your current philosophy. Financially, the month isincredible. Gather your research and psychic powers to investwisely on the 22nd, or not. Mainly, stay safe during March. Theworld is just too flipped out this month. APRIL is not muchbetter, but warmer weather and the calming fragrance of flowersseems to calm our moods. Add some wine and soft music, Viola!Neptune keeps sailing along; off the coast of turmoil and boundfor glory. Others want to crawl under your wings (or fins) thefirst two weeks. They could be dragging you down a little. Thereare still tinges of sadness when you look at past woundings. Youare healing and becoming a fish with an underwater torch to lightthe way for others, but also, to light new pathways for yourself.All is good.CORRECTIONEdgar Cayce UnseenWorlds EventHalf Page Ad: Jan/Feb 2013 IssueDate of March 23, 2012was listed instead of 2013Address for Unity was incorrect.Correct Address: 9800Candelaria NE, 87112<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 45

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JeanineGabbei, Empathic Healing, Reiki, LifeCoaching. 505-908-9266, MeditationKadampa Meditation CenterNM, 8701 Comanche NE, ABQwww.meditationinnewmexico.org505-292-5293Everyone welcome!Channeling TeacherLearn to channel in a weekendor less! In person or by globaltele-conference. Fun, friendly, easy.Betsy Morgan Coffman, “Teacherof Teachers”, is a psychic, author,Channeling Teacher cont’dmedium & radio host, teaching channeling forover 20 years. Betsy & her teacher-guide, Orion,will help you connect to, & communicate withyour guides in just one class. Easier to learnthan other techniques, you’ll feel the blissof Spirit! This is the best gift I ever gave myself!Bala Ram Dass. FREE downloads on Betsy’swebsite or YouTube: 505-275-4746, www.AskBetsyMorgan.comChiropracticLee F. Purcaro, D.C.9004 Menaul Blvd. NEReasonable Rates505-275-1090Providing gentle, yet powerfulchiropractic care and shiatsu. Shiatsu freesup blocked energy and provides pain reliefthrough supportive pressure applied toacupuncture channel points. Powerfulchiropractic adjustments align your spineand skeletal system, allowing natural energyflow and significantly reducing pain. SomeInsurance Accepted. www.leepurcaro.comColon HydrotherapyCleansing/ColonicsAll About Health - Colonicswww.allabouthealthinc.comGentle • Effective • ProfessionalBill Haggard, Colon Therapist18+ yrs. Colon cleansing helps youdetoxify, ease stress and can improve howwell you feel in wonderful ways! Call for yourappt: 505-888-5858.Experience Kukana’s Angel ofWater: Albuquerque’s only privatecolonic system. Self-administer orwith attendant. Pencil-sized nozzleprovides spontaneous, free-flowingre-leases, easing gas & large matter flow. Push& assist the process. FDA approved hospitalequipment. I-Act certified since 1985. ConvenientNE Heights location.505-298-1983, Detailed info & coupons at:www.kukanacolonics.comCounseling: Indiv, CouplesAre you struggling with stressfullife challenges, relationship issues,a traumatic experience, orsome sort of loss? If you are feelingoverwhelmed, counseling canhelp you make sense of what you are goingthrough and get things back on track. Calltoday for a free phone consultation. RandiSchweitz, Licensed Psychotherapist,Wallin & Luna Counseling, Lymphatic MassageDetoxification using Deep LymphaticMassage with Hot Stonesand Far Infra Red Sauna! Deep Tissueand Trigger Point Therapy, ColdLaser for Pain, Ear Candling, doTerra®Essential Oils. Raquel Fontes, LMT #5620Gift Certificates Available! 505-463-6879.www.restorativemassageforhealing.comEden Energy MedicineEmpower your inner healerand restore balance! EnergyMedicine focuses on energy fieldsin the body which control growthand repair of cells, tissue, andorgans. Changing impaired patterns usingenergy medicine and essential oils is a veryefficient, non-invasive and holistic way toimprove health. Private sessions, classes, giftcertificates. Angela Melton, Donna EdenCertified Energy Medicine Practitioner:505-310-1790, 20% new client discount!www.EmpoweringEnergyMedicine.comEdgar Cayce StudiesLearn about Edgar Cayceand how his prophecies canenhance your life experienceright now and in the comingtimes. Free Study Group: 7-9pm Weds.Call Wanda Barrows 505-890-0878.www.edgarcayceabq.orgEmotion CodeDo you have a Heart-Wall? Doyou have issues you can’t get past?Are you unable to break unwantedcycles? Emotion Code Therapyreleases trapped emotions thatcauses problems, allowing you to live yourauthentic life. Discounted rates on multiplesessions. Allen Braithwaite: 505-296-2887,www.cpmassage.comExquisite Retreat SettingBeautiful, secluded, spiritualmountain retreat in Ponderosapines. Amazing vortex energy –perfect for spiritual healing, meditation,trainings, etc. 30 minutes from Albuquerquein Tijeras canyon. 3 small, 1 largecabin; for small, spiritual groups, 6-10. Appliances,running water, fire pit, medicine wheel,picnic tables, outhouses. Read online, current issue, articles.Pricing/reservations, Larry: 505-285-5188.Freedom AwaitsExperience more lightheart-edness andopening to possibility! Jo Dunning’s PulseTechniques (remote, by phone) powered46 <strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | www.trulyalive.netAdditional Resources online:

Freedom Awaits cont’dby Source facilitate remarkabletransformations. Access Barsenergy clearing dissolves electromagneticimprints of outmodedthoughts, beliefs and decisions.Amazing Combination Treatments.Alix Sel<strong>don</strong> MS, LMT #767, 505-363-5679,www.clearlypresent.netHolistic MedicineSTEPHEN P. WEISS, M.D.Blending the Best of Western &Alternative MedicineVOTED ONE OF ABQ’S TOPDOCS 2006 505-872-2611www.holisticmedicineheals.comBoard Certified in Family Practice/Clinical AssistantProfessor, UNM School of Medicine, Dr.Weiss effectively treats children & adults witha wide range of medical conditions usingclassical homeopathy, herbs, supplements,spiritual counseling, lab tests & when necessary,conventional medications. He has appeare<strong>don</strong> national television & radio discussingvarious topics in Alternative Medicine.Hot Body WrapsDetox, lose inches andfeel great with a Hot BodyWrap. Great for relief ofmold, heavy metals, hives,asthma, allergies (food,chemical or pollens), chemical sensitivities,Agent Orange, more. Pamper yourself withan Ion Detox Footbath, Chair Massage, ChiMachine treatment too. 505-898-0198, www.hotbodywraps.comIntegrative MedicineSanjevani IntegrativeMedicine Health & LifestyleCenter • NEW LOCATION:9001 Holly Ave, ABQ,, www.bosmeric-sr.comwww.allergydropstherapy.comwww.sanjevanistore.comSanjevani is Albuquerque’s premier specialtycenter for your complete Integrative andHolistic health care and the home of Bosmeric-SR TM . Dr. Sunil Pai, MD and the Sanjevaniteam specialize in authentic IntegrativeMedicine using the best of Western andEastern Medicine. Visit our store for Vitamin& Herbal Supplements, Natural Skin Care andMake-up, Specialty Medical Foods and more!Hypnotherapy/ReikiBe your true self. Clear limiting ideas,behaviors, thoughts and patterns thatno longer serve you. Learn how to live ahappier & healthier life. I work on Anxiety,Hypnotherapy/Reiki cont’dADHD, Sleep Disorders, Self-Esteem, Accelerated Learning& Healing, Performance/Goals,PTSD, Phobias, Traumas, WeightMgmt, Smoking Cessation & more.Free Consultation. David B Fisher, CMS-CHt, MBA, Clinical Hypnotherapist/ReikiMaster, 505.463.7392, CHT #709-287,www.DavidBFisherHypnotherapy.comIntuitive ConsultingGALAYA – INTUITIVE RESOURCESReadings • Coaching • CounselingAnimal CommunicationRelationship • CareerHealth & Business505-466-3764 (Santa Fe)888-326-0403 (toll free)www.consultgalaya.comLive Blood AnalysisImprove your health dramaticallyby correcting imbalances in thecondition/environment of yourblood. Unique process providesdetailed insight into our immunesystems. Fun to see changes. Recent bloodlab reports welcome; integrative servicesavailable upon request. Monica Rempen,DOM: 505-615-7972. Appointments atHAAC, 5510 Lomas NE: www.haacnm.comMassage Therapist WantedMassage Therapist withestablished clientele wanted tojoin busy natural health practice.Bundled monthly rate includeslovely room plus use of lobby, bathrooms,kitchen, etc & co-op advertising. 505-797-0540, www.abqnaturalhealthcenter.comPain Relief SolutionMicrocurrent and Color LightTherapy has become the leadingedge treatment for pain relief,Therapeutic Lifestyle Change, andnon-invasive facial rejuvenation.This treatment is a non-needle, non-invasivetype of acupuncture, and is very effectiveimmediately. Licensed DOM in NM. Call Dr.Gail Drane: 505-331-0168,www.AcupunctureClinicABQ.comYoga for LifeImprove flexibility, strength,confidence & sleep. Reduce Stress& Pain ~ Increase Ease & Relaxation.No Competition, No Performance,No Pushing. All body shapes, sizes, fitnesslevels & ages welcome. Evolve Yoga, 505-873-0614, www.yogawithjody.comPowerful Nerve HealingBlood Alkalizing & BrainBalancing: Positive, permanentchanges for the brain andnervous system. Works whereother modalities have not, for: PTSD, ADHD,depression, sleep disorders, compulsions,migraines, interstitial cystitis & more. Lee Lipton,505-440-4367,;Priya Davies, 505-473-9950www.perfectpeacetraining.vpweb.comPranic HealingNo touch energy system removescongested energies,then energizes. Boost vitality,respiratory, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal,genitourinary, headaches/migraines,stress, phobias, grief, addictions,and more. Distance sessions available.Rita Herther: 505-298-4823.Psychic ReadingsPSYCHIC COUNSELOR since 1987.Studied meditation & hypnosisunder her mentor, Sylvia Browne.Full life readings will answer allyour questions, including spiritguides, angels & loved ones. Trish Ann 505-896-0958.Reflexology = ReliefYou may be walking on thesolution to many of your ills!Reflexology (using intermittentpressure on reflex points on feet andhands) has been shown clinically tobring deep relaxation, ease pain & relievesymptoms of many health concerns. A goodvalue for $60. Erma Sylvester, CR, 505-856-2275, www.reflexologyabq.comReikiREIKI MASTERELIZABETH VALSALAUsui Shiki RyohoFurumoto lineageTreatments/Classes/ • 505-299-0011Starfire Healing, Santa FeChakra Attunements–SoundHealing, Meridian Clearing–Reiki–Energy Balancing, 413-259-5271www.starfirehealing.webs.comYou Can Channel TooDr. Judy Vavrek channelsGolden Ascension • Mon. 6-7pm$10 • 616 Isleta SW • Pranic Healing:trauma, pain, ADHD in kids.505-873-0606Additional Resources online:<strong>Truly</strong> <strong>Alive</strong> | March/April 2013 47

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