Making Car Sharing and Car Clubs Work - Case ... - The Civil Service

Making Car Sharing and Car Clubs Work - Case ... - The Civil Service

Making Car Sharing and Car Clubs Work - Case ... - The Civil Service


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MAKING CAR SHARING AND CAR CLUBS WORKCASE STUDY SUMMARIES14.15 Staff participation levels in the ClearWays Scheme are included in the targets to be met bydepartmental managers, whose bonuses depend on the number of staff taking an activepart in the travel plan. This has ensured that the culture within the company is supportive ofall sustainable travel modes. Senior managers champion ClearWays: the current CEOcycles to work, the previous CEO shared a car with another colleague. <strong>The</strong> car park forheads of department <strong>and</strong> other managers is the one furthest away from the entrance.MBNA’s marketing team assists with the design <strong>and</strong> production of ClearWays leaflets <strong>and</strong>posters.Integration with Other Schemes14.16 Whilst MBNA has been successful with its own staff, there are security concerns aboutextending it out to other users on the Business Park. <strong>The</strong> likely gain in car share matchesfor MBNA is seen as minimal. As a bank, it is especially concerned to ensure the integrityof its computer system <strong>and</strong> it is very wary of opening up its system to outside users orencouraging staff to access external websites from work.Marketing <strong>and</strong> Promotion14.17 <strong>Car</strong> sharing has been marketed in a variety of ways, including posters, desk drops ofleaflets (so that they are on the desk in the morning), targeted e-mails <strong>and</strong> weekly e-mailalerts, posters, <strong>and</strong> membership invitations. <strong>The</strong> company has also used post code cafés,with free coffee for staff who sign up from particular post code areas. <strong>The</strong> ClearWays teamhas regular slots at departmental meetings to promote the scheme <strong>and</strong> also has a slotduring the induction process, so that staff are introduced to ClearWays on the first day atwork. <strong>The</strong> ClearWays team is looking at ways to send information out to staff before theystart work, so that they are offered an alternative to sole car use from the very first day.<strong>The</strong> team has had more success in attracting new staff to the scheme than with existingstaff, who remember the time when car parking was more freely available on site.14.18 MBNA has tried lots of different ways to market the scheme. Blanket e-mails <strong>and</strong> constantmarketing is less successful than targeted e-mails <strong>and</strong> focussed weeks of marketingClearWays. Launches are not a problem, but the hard work is maintaining interest overtime. MBNA has recently appointed a Marketing Manager to the ClearWays team.Financial Performance / Targets14.19 <strong>The</strong> car sharing element of the Clearways Scheme was launched in 1998. Prior to this,88% of staff travelled to work by car, driver alone. <strong>The</strong> first staff travel habits survey in1998, shortly after the carshare scheme was launched showed (figures have beenrounded):Final V1.1, Dec. 2004 - 86 -

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