Making Car Sharing and Car Clubs Work - Case ... - The Civil Service

Making Car Sharing and Car Clubs Work - Case ... - The Civil Service

Making Car Sharing and Car Clubs Work - Case ... - The Civil Service


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MAKING CAR SHARING AND CAR CLUBS WORKCASE STUDY SUMMARIESFinancial Performance / Targets11.22 <strong>The</strong> costs for the scheme comprise the following:Scheme ComponentStart-up including softwareEstimated Cost (per year)£7,200 (one off cost)Marketing <strong>and</strong> Promotion £1,000-10,000 per year (variable). It isrecognised that more should be done in thisarea, but staff time is the major constraint.Staff TimeOn-going software license costsIncentivesApprox. 15 (days per year)£2,200 per year£0 at present11.23 Norfolk County Council does not have any specific targets for the car share schemeamongst its own staff (although they are considering such targets in the next LTP).Research <strong>and</strong> Development11.24 <strong>The</strong> scheme is continuing to develop, with on-going improvements to the software <strong>and</strong>scheme promotional activities. Software developments include improved matching(including the use of ‘on-route matches’) undertaken by Liftshare.com, <strong>and</strong> improvedcommunications between potential partners. <strong>The</strong> County Council are looking to establishdedicated car sharing bays within the car park as a result of direct feedback from users.<strong>The</strong>y are also looking at the possibility of incentives (including additional leave), <strong>and</strong>identifying a means of promoting car sharing more widely through the recruitment package<strong>and</strong> car park management (i.e. consider how new starters are allocated spaces). This will belooked at as part of the wider Travel Plan.Support/Consultation11.25 <strong>The</strong> scheme was established based on the findings of the staff travel survey, undertaken aspart of the travel plan research. No specific user consultation was carried out prior to thelaunch of the scheme, nor has any specific consultation been carried out since (other thenthe follow up travel plan surveys). However, the scheme does encourage user feedback,<strong>and</strong> this has resulted in direct software <strong>and</strong> support improvements, including an improvedmatching capability, <strong>and</strong> improved response times to e-mail requests. <strong>The</strong> scheme alsoprovides a direct ‘hotline’ (phone number) to the scheme provider, which is available to allusers.User Perceptions11.26 <strong>The</strong> users provided a mixed reaction to the car share scheme. Two of the users interviewedhad found compatible matches (despite some early difficulties / lack of response), <strong>and</strong> wereregular car sharers as a result (one of these car shared with a colleague from the CityFinal V1.1, Dec. 2004 - 73 -

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