Making Car Sharing and Car Clubs Work - Case ... - The Civil Service

Making Car Sharing and Car Clubs Work - Case ... - The Civil Service

Making Car Sharing and Car Clubs Work - Case ... - The Civil Service


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MAKING CAR SHARING AND CAR CLUBS WORKCASE STUDY SUMMARIES10.14 <strong>The</strong> database website (as it currently st<strong>and</strong>s) does not make it clear whether the informationprovided will be used for marketing purposes, although the Privacy Policy states thatindividual contact details will not be released (the site does not include a tick box stating thatyou do not wish your personal information to be released for marketing purposes).10.15 For all of these reasons the NTT has not considered it appropriate to promote HaltonJourney Share widely in its present form. <strong>The</strong> changes proposed to assist Halton residentswould be likely to make the site easier <strong>and</strong> quicker to use for everyone.10.16 If the car sharing scheme is to provide additional transport options for local people who areseeking employment, it is vital that local employers encourage their staff to take part in thecar sharing scheme. It is also important that JobCentrePlus sees the work of the NTT ascomplementary to its own: both can help to place people in employment, so the Job Centreneeds to encourage clients to ask for travel planning support when going to interviews <strong>and</strong>job placements. <strong>The</strong> links that the NTT forges with employers should help to open the doorfor job-seekers to get their foot on the employment ladder.Successes / Failures10.17 <strong>The</strong>re is nothing of substance to report.Supporting Measures / Alternative Approaches Considered10.18 <strong>The</strong> NTT sees the car sharing scheme as one of the travel options they can offer to localresidents. <strong>The</strong> scheme supports the mechanisms the NTT is using to promote sustainable<strong>and</strong> affordable travel in Halton.10.19 <strong>The</strong> NTT helps individuals to choose the best travel option for particular journeys – throughtheir individualised journey planning programme. This includes bespoke public transportinformation, support to access Joblink services (low cost minibus service to reachemployment sites not served by public transport, funded by Merseytravel from a joint bid toDfT with Halton Borough Council), referral to Halton Community Transport for residents whoneed specialist accessible transport services or for women who need to use the Women’sSafe Transport service at night, as well as information about the car sharing scheme.10.20 <strong>The</strong> NTT works with employers, encouraging them to promote sustainable transport optionsfor their staff, <strong>and</strong> assisting them with the development of travel plans <strong>and</strong> providing practicalsupport with travel plan measures.10.21 <strong>The</strong> NTT works in partnership with other service providers in Halton, such as JobCentrePlus, Halton College, Halton Primary <strong>Car</strong>e Trust <strong>and</strong> other members of the Local StrategicPartnership, to identify transport problems that may be preventing people from accessinglocal services.10.22 <strong>The</strong> NTT wants to extend the journey matching facility created by the car sharing scheme tocover other types of journey:Taxi sharing<strong>Sharing</strong> journeys to healthcareFinal V1.1, Dec. 2004 - 65 -

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