Making Car Sharing and Car Clubs Work - Case ... - The Civil Service

Making Car Sharing and Car Clubs Work - Case ... - The Civil Service

Making Car Sharing and Car Clubs Work - Case ... - The Civil Service


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MAKING CAR SHARING AND CAR CLUBS WORKCASE STUDY SUMMARIES6.7 Travelshare-Essex is a closed-group, web-based, fully automated journey matching service,free for individuals to join, <strong>and</strong> free to use, <strong>and</strong> is intended mostly for employees ofregistered companies, although individuals unconnected with an organisation can join.Once registered, it provides the member with details of other members making similarjourneys to his / her own. It is a joint project of Essex County Council <strong>and</strong> the ChelmsfordEnvironment Partnership (CEP) <strong>and</strong> was conceived about three years ago. Funding wasobtained from both Essex County Council <strong>and</strong> Chelmsford Borough Council as well as theCountryside Agency. This enabled the appointment of a co-ordinator to link up with localorganisations which might become part of the scheme. Starting up as a scheme coveringChelmsford only, it was exp<strong>and</strong>ed, with the support of the County Council, to cover thewhole of Essex during 2003. 19 organisations have now been recruited to join the scheme,but the largest partner is MEHT. Although MEHT was always recognised as a key target ofthe scheme it was one of the later organisations to join because the process of approving<strong>and</strong> defining its Green Travel Plan was fairly lengthy. A steering group, comprising severalof the partner organisations, oversees the Travelshare-Essex scheme. Annual fees arecharged to organisations for their use of the Travelshare-Essex car-sharing scheme, with thebusiness plan being that these fees will in time cover all costs so that the scheme can thenexist without public financial support.6.8 A specific feature of Travelshare-Essex is the variety of incentives it offers to members as areward for car-sharing: it sees incentives as an integral part of any successful car-sharingscheme. It also provides a detailed set of guidelines to its members on using car-sharingsafely. MEHT guarantees its registered <strong>and</strong> active car-sharers a ride home in the event ofan emergency <strong>and</strong>, on its Broomfield site, a chance to park in a marked, priority car sharespace. <strong>The</strong> guaranteed ride home is a condition of corporate membership of Travelshare-Essex but is restricted to those who miss their ride home through what could be classed asan emergency. <strong>The</strong> Travelshare-Essex website also has an impact indicator showing howmuch a member can save by car-sharing <strong>and</strong> gives simple guidance on the insuranceposition of car-sharing <strong>and</strong> on what are legally acceptable charging arrangements. It alsoexplains what is done with personal information that users provide to it. Travelshare-Essexalso provides a series of annual awards, in association with local media, to ensure that localbusinesses <strong>and</strong> organisations get the recognition they deserve for the successfulimplementation <strong>and</strong> integration of Travelshare-Essex car sharing. <strong>The</strong>se awards are givenout to the organisation with the most innovative incentive schemes for its staff, to theindividual who has collected the most Travelshare-Essex miles <strong>and</strong> also to the organisationwith the highest ratio of Travelshare-Essex Miles per member of staff. <strong>The</strong> software isbespoke, <strong>and</strong> designed by Oxford Computer Products Ltd. CEP went out to tender forcompanies that could provide GPS, although in the event a GPS system was not actuallyimplemented.6.9 Key motivations for CEP setting up Travelshare-Essex were environmental, congestionreductionin Chelmsford, <strong>and</strong> the enhancement of accessibility, particularly in rural areas.However, these were not specifically objectives of MEHT in joining Travelshare-Essex, <strong>and</strong>in fact the Travelshare-Essex scheme is an interesting example of organisations withdifferent objectives <strong>and</strong> interests partnering closely to deliver an effective car-sharingscheme. <strong>The</strong> MEHT group on Travelshare-Essex is a closed group, covering MEHT sitesother than Broomfield, but not including individuals or organisations outside MEHT.Final V1.1, Dec. 2004 - 40 -

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