arizona board of regents arizona state university student

arizona board of regents arizona state university student

arizona board of regents arizona state university student


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ARIZONA BOARD OF REGENTS MEETING February 7-8, 201332:45 p.m. REGENTS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE9. Report on the Regents’ Executive Committee MeetingThe Board will receive a report from Regent Myers on the January 15,2013 Regents’ Executive Committee Meeting.10. President’s Performance Incentive AddendumThe Board is asked to approve a Performance Incentive Addendum forPresident Crow.11. Proposed Revision to ABOR Policy 5-201 “Arizona Students’Association” (Second Reading)The Board is asked to approve the proposed revision to ABOR Policy 5-201 “Arizona Students’ Association”3:05 p.m. ACADEMIC AFFAIRS COMMITTEE12. Report on the Academic Affairs Committee MeetingThe Board will receive a report from Regent Leonard on the February 6,2013 Academic Affairs Committee Meeting.3:15 p.m. LEGISLATIVE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE13. Report on the Legislative Affairs Committee Meeting3:30 p.m. AUDIT COMMITTEEThe Board will receive a report from Regent Killian on the January 22,2013 and February 6, 2013 Legislative Affairs Committee meeting.14. Report on the Audit Committee MeetingThe Board will receive a report from Regent Killian on the January 10,2013 Audit Committee meeting.3:40 p.m. REPORT FROM THE ARIZONA FACULTIES COUNCIL3:55 p.m. INQUIRIES, REQUESTS, REPORTS, AND COMMENTS FROM REGENTSAND MEMBERS OF THE ENTERPRISE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL4:15 p.m. RECESS

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