2013 LRRS Rulebook - New Hampshire Motor Speedway

2013 LRRS Rulebook - New Hampshire Motor Speedway

2013 LRRS Rulebook - New Hampshire Motor Speedway

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Table of Contents1. Definitions2. <strong>LRRS</strong> Race Officials & Duties3. Licensing4. Rider Classification5. Rider Advancement6. Points & Awards7. Timing & Scoring8. Entries9. General Rules, Penalties & Conduct10. Practice11. Gridding12. Start13. Race Rules and Procedures14. Flags & Communication15. Results16. Protests17. Rider Equipment & Apparel18. General Equipment Rules & Requirements19. Technical Requirements20. CCS Class Structures21. <strong>LRRS</strong> Specific Class Structures22. Appendix A: <strong>2013</strong> <strong>LRRS</strong> Season Scheduleand <strong>2013</strong> Daily Schedule23. Appendix B: Previous Season Class Champions24. Appendix C: Current Year <strong>LRRS</strong> Race Officials25. Appendix D: ContingenciesThis rulebook takes presidence over the CCS <strong>Rulebook</strong> for all raceevents held at <strong>New</strong> <strong>Hampshire</strong> <strong>Motor</strong> <strong>Speedway</strong>. SMI Properties,<strong>Speedway</strong> <strong>Motor</strong>sport Inc., <strong>LRRS</strong> and NHMS are not responsible foromissions or errors.Note:No express or implied warranty of safety shall result frompublications of, or compliance with, these rules and/or regulations.They are intended as a guide for the conduct of the sport and are in noway a guarantee against injury or death to a participant, crew member,corner marshal, helper or official. By entering and participating in anevent a rider acknowledges that he or she has read and understandsthe rules and agrees with and will abide by all the rules and policiesherein. Any omissions or oversights shall not be construed aspermission to do as one pleases. Any and all rule interpretations oradditions may be initiated as required and will be the responsibilityof the referee and race director. They shall be binding and final.2

1 DEFINITIONS1.1 Lap: A lap is considered complete only when the leadercrosses start/finish to start the next lap or end the race.1.2 Track proper: The racing surface.1.3 End of race: A race is considered officially over andcomplete when the racers complete the checkered flaglap or when the scheduled number of laps, or scheduleddistance and/or time have been completed, or whichevercomes first. In some instances a red flag may determinethe end of a race when applicable.1.4 One Lap Penalty: One complete lap will be deducted inthe final number of laps for the penalized rider at the endof the race.1.5 Contingency: A reward or payout, either in the formof money or goods, from a company, manufacturer ororganization that is paid to the rider for representing thecompany or manufacturer or organization. Generallythere are certain guidelines in order for the rider to beeligible, i.e. placement in results, number of startingriders in class, etc.1.6 Administrative Rider Advancements: An advancementthat is initiated and executed by <strong>LRRS</strong> race officialswhen a rider is determined to be riding at an ability thatwarrants advancement to the next rider classification.A Novice rider may be automatically bumped up toAmateur by the race officials; please refer to section 5.5.2of this rulebook for further details.1.7 Rider Advancement Request: When a rider submits aformal written request to be advanced to the next riderclassification because they feel they are riding at abilitygreater than their current rider classification; a riderinitiated advancement.2 <strong>LRRS</strong> RACE OFFICIALS & DUTIES2.1 <strong>2013</strong> <strong>LRRS</strong> Race Officials (See Appendix C)2.2 Descriptions of duties2.2.1 Executive Director – Responsible for themanagement and coordination of the LoudonRoad Race Series. This person reports to theVice President of Operations & Developmentand the Executive Vice President & GeneralManager. Functions as a liaison between theOfficials of the Loudon Road Race Series &the executive management team of NHMS. Alldecisions made at this level are final in regardsto budget, personnel, and competition relateditems.2.2.2 <strong>LRRS</strong> Series Director – Responsible for overalloperations of the Loudon Road Race Series andreports directly to the Executive Director. Thisposition plays an active role in competition3

decisions and competitor satisfaction. Thisposition is responsible for staff scheduling,rule book development and administration.Additional duties include management ofregistration, series promotion and marketing.Collects, organizes and records all rideradvancement requests and administrative rideradvancements.2.2.3 Race Director - Responsible for the coordinationof the race weekend. Ensures that the plans,policies and goals for the event are carried out.Responsible for overseeing the issuance of alllicenses.2.2.4 Assistant Race Director - To aid or assist theRace Director as required or to take over for theRace Director in the event the Race Directoris not present. His decisions are final and areas binding as those of the Race Director. Willmake all decisions regarding class exceptions.Monitors riders to address administrative rideradvancements as needed per event.2.2.5 Chief Referee - Responsible for handling ruleinterpretation, protests and overall operations ofthe race track activities. Review and inspectionof conditions to ensure safe operations.2.2.6 Assistant Referee - To aid and assist the Refereeas required. In the absence of the referee heshall have full authority regarding any ruleinterpretations and/or operations.2.2.7 Safety Director - Responsible for the overallsafety of the race course. Will work closely withthe Race Director, the Chief Course Marshall,the Referee, and the Starter to assure safe racingconditions.2.2.8 Starter - Responsible for all activities relatingto running practice, heats and races. This willinclude all start finish flagging and set wavetime intervals. He shall have the final authorityregarding any activities or changes that takeplace on the track proper.2.2.9 Chief Course Marshall - Responsible forCorner Marshall and Corner Crew assignment,placement and operations. Works in closeharmony with the Starter to ensure safe trackoperations. Will furnish a report to the RaceDirector at the conclusion of each eventregarding all incidents. Will also furnish a reportof track conditions.2.2.10 Chief Tech Inspector - Responsible for theoperation and supervision of TechnicalInspection in a manner that will ensure allequipment meets <strong>LRRS</strong> technical standards.2.2.11 Manager of Registration - Responsible forthe registration of all competitors, mechanics4

and crew members and credentials required.Responsible for the posting of all grid sheets.Also responsible for the preparation and postingof all race finals.2.2.12 Series Operations Coordinator- Responsible forall registration and various documentation andverification regarding any contingency formsand the forwarding of these forms to the properinterested parties2.2.13 Paddock/Grid Marshall - Responsible forsupervision of the Pit and/or Paddock areas andthe pre-gridding of races prior to the assumptionof control by the Starter.2.2.14 Chief of Timing and Scoring – Responsiblefor providing lap times and scoring for allcompetitors during the race weekend. Alsoresponsible for the set-up of track scoringequipment2.2.15 Assistant to Timing & Scoring – Responsible forsupporting Chief with all aspects of timing andscoring.2.2.16 IT Director- Responsible for assisting withTiming & Scoring. Responsible for technicalsupport throughout all aspects of the seriesto ensure all computers, timing and scoringequipment and other various technologies isworking properly.3 LICENSING3.1 All racers must have a current road race (CCS) license;or must apply for a license at the event they wish toparticipate in.3.1.1 If applying for license applicants must provideproof of prior racing experience or a certificateindicating completion of an approved rider’sschool. Rider’s school is available before every<strong>LRRS</strong> events.3.1.2 Licenses from other sanctioning bodies or raceorganizations may be honored on a case-bycasebasis at NHMS for the Loudon Road RaceSeries, for one event weekend only. Pleasecontact NHMS/<strong>LRRS</strong> for specific information:<strong>LRRS</strong>@NHMS.com or (603) 513-5726.3.2 Applicants must be at least 16 years of age.(14 years of age for 125 GP, Production Twins,Super Singles and Motard).3.3 Applicants less than 18 years of age must be accompaniedby both his or her parents and/or all legal guardians inorder to race or practice. A minor waiver is to be signedby both legal parents and/or all legal guardians. If any orall parents or legal guardians will not be available theymust provide a waiver as described in 3.3.15

3.3.1 If any of the parents or legal guardians will notbe attending any or all of the events, a notarizedMinor Waiver must be submitted to NHMSprior to the first racing event. Minor releaseforms and instructions are available atwww.nhms.com or by contacting Wanda Dumas(603) 513-5728 or WDumas@NHMS.com.3.4 Each and every rider must fill out and file a medical formwith <strong>LRRS</strong> before they will be allowed to race.4 RIDER CLASSIFICATION4.1 There are three rider classifications – Novice, Amateurand Expert4.2 Classification is based on a minimum number of races,rider ability and lap times. <strong>LRRS</strong> officials reserve the rightto reclassify a rider at any time, if they feel it is warranted.4.2.1 Novice Classes - Please see Section 21 for classlistings.4.2.2 Amateur Classes - Please see Section 20 &Section 21 for class listings.4.2.3 Expert Classes - Please see Section 20 & Section21 for class listings.4.3 The rules for each class will be based on a similarstandard CCS class as outlined in Section 20; or in the<strong>LRRS</strong> Specific class listings in Section 21.6

Karen HornbeckerMemorial InjuredRiders FundEstablished in memory of “the Nurse” and thelove and care she provided the racers in <strong>LRRS</strong>and GP/Pro, the Karen Hornbecker MemorialInjured Riders Fund provides help to licensed<strong>LRRS</strong> riders seriously injured in an on-trackincident.In lieu of any insurance a rider may have andnot a form of insurance, the Injured RidersFund provides immediate assistance to a riderand their family.Need or know someone whoneeds assistance?Want more details, information,eligibility criteria?Need an application forassistance?Want to make a donation?Please go to one of the following sources:– the Media Center at NHMS– the <strong>LRRS</strong> websites– www.KarenHornbeckerFund.org– or you can see any of the personsnamed below:Jim Rich:Pre Grid/rider #62/SeacoastSport Cycle garage 14 southPO Box 444 Foxboro, MA 02035Jrich62@gmail.com | 508-369-4847Scott Greenwood:rider #4/garage 4 northAlan Hathway:Assistant Race DirectorJim Smith:Seacoast Sport CycleKit Kraysha

4.4 <strong>LRRS</strong> Officials reserve the right to change riderclassification at any time if they feel it is warranted.Administrative rider advancements may be required;Please see Section 5.5 RIDER ADVANCEMENT5.1 A rider may request advancement at any time.5.2 A Rider Advancement Request must be initiated by therider in writing at least 7 days prior to an event.5.2.1 If the Rider Advancement Request is notsubmitted or received within 7 day prior to eventadvancement may not be granted until after thenext scheduled <strong>LRRS</strong> race weekend.5.3 Requests for advancement may be made via Email to<strong>LRRS</strong>@nhms.com; or by fax to (603) 783-8323; or inperson during the <strong>LRRS</strong> event in registration.5.4 No advancements may be made during an active <strong>LRRS</strong>event.5.5 A rider is responsible for keeping track of his or her ownfinishes, points and number of races. When ready foradvancement, the Race Director, Assistant Race Directoror Referee or Assistant Referee should be notified, andthe requirements verified.5.5.1 Novice to Amateur - Novice is considered aprovisional class. No minimum number of racesrequired before advancement. Novice riders must show a goodsafety record to be considered foradvancement. Novice riders will be moved toAmateur as soon as they areconsistently able to run lap times atthe thresholds set by <strong>LRRS</strong> for theirparticular class or at the discretion ofthe officials. The lap time thresholds foradvancement may be adjusted at anytime during the course of the season. <strong>2013</strong> Starting AdvancementThresholdsNovice Heavy Weight - 1:23Novice Middle Weight - 1:23Novice Light Weight - 1:26Novice Ultra Light Weight - 1: For weekends that have trackconditions that significantly affect8

5.5.2 Amateur to Expertlap times (rain), Novices seekingadvancement may petition theofficials and must run times within112% of the fastest time set in thecorresponding Expert class run underthe same conditions. Dry lap times(from any previous race) will befactored into this decision as well. Amateur riders must show a goodsafety record to be considered foradvancement to expert. Amateurs must compete in aminimum 15 races and demonstratethat they can do median lap timesconsistent with the Expert riders. Amateurs must score 400 <strong>LRRS</strong> pointsat NHMS in a 12 month period to beeligible for advancement. <strong>LRRS</strong> reserves the right to deny Expertstatus to any Amateur who meets thecriteria for advancement and has notshown the ability or experience forExpert competition. Any Amateur who can consistentlyrun times within 107% of thefastest time (lap record) set in thecorresponding Expert class maypetition for early advancement. Advancement eligibility will be basedupon lap times, finishes, the bikeclass most frequently entered anddeportment. Experience with other organizationswill be considered but the rider mustshow proof of finishes. A race is counted only if a ridercompletes the race.5.6 An Amateur rider may elect to keep his Amateurstandings until the end of the calendar year; however, therider may lose the ability to qualify for the “Vanson Riderof the Year” Award. It is the rider’s responsibility to followthe criteria regarding awards and contingencies.5.6.1 <strong>LRRS</strong> and its officials reserve the right toadvance a rider at any time they feel the rideris ready to go to the next level. <strong>LRRS</strong> willnotify the rider of their advancement within7 days after the event. This is referred to as anAdministrative Rider Advancement.10

6 POINTS & AWARDS6.1 Points6.1.1 Classes are frequently combined whenconditions permit to expedite the racingschedule; all classes are scored separately.6.1.2 Points are awarded according to the followingschedule:Position Points Position PointsFirst 36 Thirteenth 12Second 30 Fourteenth 11Third 26 Fifteenth 10Fourth 23 Sixteenth 9Fifth 21 Seventeenth 8Sixth 19 Eighteenth 7Seventh 18 Nineteenth 6Eighth 17 Twentieth 5Ninth 16 Twenty-first 4Tenth 15 Twenty-second 3Eleventh 14 Twenty-third 2Twelfth 13 Twenty-fourth 16.1.3 Championship Points6.2 Awards6.1.3.1 All Expert riders are eligible forchampionship points in theirrespective classes. There are no championship points forAmateur and Novices classes.6.1.4 A rider needs to complete at least one lap inorder to receive points.6.2.1 Trophies are provided for every Expert andAmateur class for First, Second and Third place.These trophies can be picked up at the end ofeach race day.6.2.2 Award certificates are provided for First, Secondand Third place in all Novice races. Thesecertificates can be picked up at the end of therace day.11

6.3 <strong>LRRS</strong> Points Fund<strong>2013</strong> Loudon Road Race Series Points FundEXPERT CLASS PAYOUTSAMATEUR PAYOUTSPaid to the top 3 finishers in thefollowing classesPaid to the top 10 overallAmateursFormula 40 1 st place $550 Top Amateur $5002 nd place $325 2nd overall $3503 rd place $200 3rd overall $300Formula 40 1 st place $550 4th overall $275Lights2 nd place $325 5th overall $2503 rd place $200 6th overall $225GTL 1 st place $550 7th overall $2002 nd place $325 8th overall $1503 rd place $200 9th overall $125GTO 1 st place $550 10th overall $1002 nd place $3253 rd place $200GTU 1 st place $5502 nd place $3253 rd place $200Motard 1 st place $5502 nd place $3253 rd place $200Production 1 st place $550Twins2 nd place $3253 rd place $200Eligibility rules & requirements:1. In order to be eligible for the <strong>2013</strong> <strong>LRRS</strong> Points Fund a rider (Novice& Amateur) must compete in all regularly scheduled <strong>LRRS</strong> events andthe Loudon Classic for <strong>2013</strong>. (In designated/eligible class for Expert.)2. If a top Amateur has the most <strong>2013</strong> points in overall Amateur pointsand advances to Expert during the <strong>2013</strong> season they will still be eligiblefor the Amateur points fund money as long as they compete in everyevent. However, a rider will not be eligible for Amateur AND Expertmoney. Only one rider class will be awarded per rider.3. If a rider starts the <strong>2013</strong> season as a Novice and advances to Amateurby the Loudon Classic event that rider will be eligible for the Amateurpoints fund payout at the end of the season if total accumulated Amateurpoints allow and they compete in all events as mentioned in rule 1 listedabove.4. Amateur riders will not be eligible for payout money for 2 consecutiveyears and are not eligible for Top 10 Overall Amateur Points Fund formore than one season.5. Amateur riders who have accumulated 400 or more points from theprevious season will not be eligible for the current or future Top 10 OverallAmateur Points Fund money.12

7 TIMING & SCORING7.1 The primary scoring method will be electronic, usingMyLaps (formerly AMB) transponders.7.2 All riders are required to have their own MyLaps(formerly AMB) Tranx260 compatible transponder(s),either self-powered, or hard-wired to the machineelectrical system7.2.1 Riders are required to supply the correcttransponder number.7.2.2 Riders who do not have their own transponderwill be required to pay a $30 rental fee if <strong>LRRS</strong>must supply them with a borrowed transponder.7.2.3 The rider will be required to pay the fullreplacement (retail) value of any transponderthey do not return the borrowed transponder bythe end of the event.7.3 The rider is solely responsible for the maintenance,repair, battery charging, mounting and use of theirtransponder(s).7.4 A rider may have multiple transponders, e.g. for multiplemachines.7.5 A maximum of (2) transponders may be attached to anymachine at one time.7.6 All transponders must be assigned to the correct rider byRegistration before being used on any machine.7.7 All machines will be checked for a correctly attachedfunctional transponder at Tech Inspection, and again atpre-grid.7.8 Any machine that enters the track without properworking transponder may be black flagged, not scored orboth.7.9 All machines MUST have a functional transponderproperly assigned and correctly attached, while on therace track proper. This includes practice sessions, warmups,races, or any other purpose.7.10 Transponders may be purchased, sold, rented, or loanedto other competitors.7.11 In the event that a transponder fails, a temporaryreplacement may be used.7.12 <strong>LRRS</strong> reserves the right to impose a $25 fine to any riderfor not having a proper working transponder mountedto the machine upon entry to pit road or the race tracksurface.7.13 Timing & Scoring must be advised of any change intransponder assignment prior to the attached machineentering the racetrack proper.13

7.14 If a temporary transponder is provided by a Pre-GridMarshal, T&S will be notified of the change automatically.7.15 Practice sessions will be timed to assure practice laptime equality and lap times will provided to the riders ifavailable (not guaranteed); they will be posted in the techgarage.7.16 Transponders must be mounted as per instructions in theTechnical Requirements section of this rulebook. (SeeSection 19)7.17 Penalties will be assigned for neglect or abuse of theabove rule(s). Any attempt at deception of the scoringsystem will be dealt with severely.8 ENTRIES8.1 Entries8.1.1 All riders must have a valid racing license inorder to enter a race.8.1.2 All riders must have an online registrationaccount set up by <strong>LRRS</strong> administration.8.1.3 All entries must be through the onlineregistration system [my.nhms.com/ti/lrrs]; nopaper entry forms will be accepted.8.1.4 Pre-entries must be completed by 5pm on theMonday prior the specific <strong>LRRS</strong> event. Entriesmade after that time will not be considered preentriesand the rider will incur a $20 late fee forany entries processed after that time.8.2 Cancellations8.2.1 A rider may cancel a pre-entry beforeregistration opens on Friday evening.8.2.2 Cancellations must be made in writing prior tothe opening of registration. There will be no cancellations onceregistration has opened on Friday.8.2.3 There will be no cancellations, refunds or creditsonce a rider has checked in and /or the bikehas passed through technical inspection. NOEXCEPTIONS!8.2.4 “No shows” will not be eligible for a refund,cancellation, or credit of any kind.8.2.5 If a rider registers for the event and does not payfor the entries and does not cancel based on thecancellation guidelines by the time registrationopens on Friday, that rider is still responsible forpaying the entry fee for the event.14 If a rider registers for an event anddoes not show, does not cancel ordoes not pay for the entry the riderwill be restricted from enteringfuture events until the rider contacts<strong>LRRS</strong> management and suitablearrangements are made. <strong>LRRS</strong> reserves the right to make therider “inactive” in the system anddisable the riders account for lack ofpayment or failure to abide by therules set forth in this rulebook.8.2.6 Events will be run regardless of weatherconditions; severe weather may result in adelayed start.8.2.7 There will be no cancellations, refunds or creditsdue to weather.8.2.8 If <strong>LRRS</strong>/NHMS declares the race surfaceunsuitable for racing or if there are extenuatingcircumstances and racing is not possible;refunds, credits will be considered at that time.8.3 Payment8.3.1 A rider may pay by cash, personal check, orcredit card. MasterCard, VISA, Discover andAmerican Express are all accepted.8.3.2 All dishonored/returned/ or bounced checksmust be taken care of immediately; the rider isresponsible for paying a returned check fee of$25 per check plus the amount of the dishonoredcheck. Failure to make good on a returnedcheck may result in the rider beingsuspended from racing until thesituation is remedied. <strong>LRRS</strong>/NHMS reserves the right torefuse a check from any rider who hashad a returned check; regardless ofhow many occurrences.8.4 EXPRESS TECH: Express tech is the ability to foregochecking in at the registration office and going directly toTech Inspection during regular Tech Inspection hours.In order to be eligible to use Express Tech the followingrules apply:8.4.1 The rider must have processed an online entryby 5 pm on the Monday prior to the event.8.4.2 The rider must have their own transpondernumber entered into the system and mustnot need to have a transponder assigned orborrowed from <strong>LRRS</strong>.8.4.3 The rider must have provided payment in full forthe entry.16 Rider must enter a valid credit cardand the card must have cleared whenthe charge was run. Or rider must pay in full the entireentry fee prior to registration openingfor the event. If paying by check, orgift certificate of any kind, it must bereceived by <strong>LRRS</strong> by the time preentrycloses. IF THE ENTRY IS NOTPAID IN FULL YOU WILL NOT BEABLE TO USE EXPRESS TECH; youwill need to pay your entry in full atregistration in order to get your techsheet. You cannot use Express Tech if youneed to change bike or races afteryour pre-entry is processed and youwill need to come in to registrationto make these changes and get a newaccurate tech sheet. If you have a “rain bike” or a back-upbike that you need teched, you willalso need to come into registration fora tech sheet for that bike.9 GENERAL RULES, PENALTIES & CONDUCT9.1 General Penalties9.1.1 Unless penalties are otherwise expresslyprovided for in this rule book the Referee/RaceDirector may levy penalties (i.e. one lap, stop& go, etc.,) fines, deduct points, disqualify, orsuspend any rider for the remainder of the eventfor any violation of the rules of competition,insubordination, or any other conductdetrimental to the meet. In addition, the Referee/Race Directormay levy fines ranging from $25.00to $5,000.00, and can recommendsuspension from future <strong>LRRS</strong>,Championship Cup Series or ASRAevents. Fined riders are barred from furthercompetition pending payment ofthe fine, unless there is an appeal inprocess.9.1.2 Riders are required to comply with allinstruction given by an official or member ofthe safety crew, regardless if they are verbalinstructions or transmitted to the rider by useof flags. Failure to comply constitutes conductdetrimental to the sport and the Race Director/Referee will levy penalties accordingly. Anypenalties or fines levied as a result of violatingthis rule will not be subject to protest or appeal.17

9.1.3 All riders must assess for themselves, thefacility, organization, safety measures,weather conditions, track conditions and anyother considerations regarding the risks ofcompetition at any given event. Participationafter such as assessment indicates an assumptionof all risks involved.9.1.4 Any rider who misrepresents himself orhis equipment in any way will be subject toimmediate suspension.9.1.5 It is the responsibility of every competitorto notify the onsite medical staff or EMSpersonnel of any medical condition which maybe worsened by participation at that particularevent. Permission to compete following suchnotification does not create an assumption ofliability on the part of the officials, medicalstaff, EMS or sanctioning body. All participantswho have a medical problem must fill out amedical form and return it to registration beforecompeting.9.1.6 All riders must enter through the onlineregistration system as explained in section 8 ofthis rulebook.9.1.7 All riders must sign a release for each event andno rider may practice or compete until the riderwaiver is properly signed and dated.9.1.8 Participation of any form which results in anunregistered rider participating on the trackin either practice or a race event, will result inpunitive action being levied against all partiesinvolved, up to and including disqualification.9.1.9 It is the responsibility of the rider to assure thathe or she is entered in the correct class and onthe correct motorcycle.9.2 Conduct9.1.9.1 Any rider improperly entered will bedisqualified from that class and besubject to a fine. A rider will not receive anycontingency monies if not listed onthe proper machine.9.2.1 Proper conduct is necessary to present apositive image of the sport of motorcycleracing. Competition or paddock licenses maybe suspended or revoked and the person ejectedfrom the event for conduct that is obnoxious,disruptive, destructive, or dangerous to others ortheir property.9.2.2 No alcoholic beverages may be consumed byany person in the pit or paddock area duringracing or practice hours. This rule will be strictly18

adhered to. Any infraction will be cause forimmediate ejection. This applies to riders, crews,family, friends, and/or spectators.9.2.3 Any riders, crew members, family members orfriends found to be using any illegal drugs willbe immediately ejected from the event and therider’s license will be suspended.9.2.4 Riders are strictly prohibited from participatingin any track activity if under the influenceof prescription narcotics or any prescriptionmedication that inhibits the ability to drive oroperate machinery.9.2.5 Unsafe or unsportsmanlike riding may result ina penalty.9.2.6 Wheelies and/or any other stunt is strictlyprohibited in the paddock, pits and on pit road.All wheels must be on the ground at all times, onany machine, pit bike or other wheeled vehicle.9.2.7 Any rider that stops on the course for any reasonother than mechanical breakdown during a race,practice, warm-up or cool off lap may be subjectto a penalty.9.2.8 Any action that impedes or distracts anotherrider on the track or dangerous weaving to blocka passing rider will be subject to a fine and/ordisqualification.9.2.9 The pit and paddock speed limit is limited to 15mph and will be strictly enforced.9.2.10 Any rider that deliberately causes physical, orfinancial, harm to any person or their equipmentwill be subject to a penalty and possiblereimbursement to the injured party.9.2.11 Children under the age of 14 must be supervisedat all times. No child will be allowed to operatea bicycle, motorcycle ATV or any other wheeledvehicle of any size within the confines of the pit,garage or paddock area.9.2.12 Children under the age of 16 are not allowedon pit road at any time unless they are licensedcompetitors.9.2.13 A rider will be held responsible for the actions ofhis or her crew, family or friends.9.2.14 Riders are required to attend the riders meetingon the day of their races. It is advisable for arider to attend all riders meetings on a givenweekend as some Saturday announcements maynot be repeated on Sunday.9.2.15 Only one properly credentialed crew memberper rider is allowed on hot pit road.19

9.2.16 DOGS and/or other pets: There are restrictionsfor having a dog or other pets in the garage andpaddock areas. All dogs and other pets must be on aleash and not allowed to run freely atany time. Dogs are allowed in the garage areasduring the race day activity only ifthey are not able to step outside thegarage bay. The dog must not be ableto infringe on another garage or stepoutside the garage at any time duringthe race day. Pet owners are subjectto a $50 fine if caught neglecting thisrule. Dogs are not allowed on Pit Road atany time. Pet owners are responsible for pickingup after their pet; all messes madeby the dog need to be taken care ofimmediately and properly. Animal owner is subject to a $50 finefor not adhering to these rules. If a violation occurs multiple timeswith the same pet/owner NHMSreserves the right to ban the pet fromthe property.10 PRACTICE10.1 Practice groups are determined by machine displacementand configuration.10.2 The group a rider belongs in will be determined by theChief Tech. Inspector except for Group 9 which will bedetermined by Timing and Scoring.10.3 A rider will only be allowed one practice sticker per bike.The initial groups are set as shown in the following chart.These groupings may be changed at any time.Group L Legends Cars Legends (& Bandoleros) Practice 20minutesGroup 1 Amateur Middleweight, Heavyweight& UnlimitedGroup 2 Expert Middleweight, Heavyweight& UnlimitedGroup 3 Novice Middleweight, Heavyweight& UnlimitedGroup 4 Amateur Lightweight & Ultra LightweightGroup 5 Expert Lightweight & Ultra LightweightGroup 6 Expert Top Lightweight – 1:18’sGroup 7 Novice Lightweight & Ultra LightweightGroup 8 Expert Top Expert – 1:15’s20

10.4 A separate Sticker is to be used which will be issued byTiming and Scoring. (Middle Weight, Heavy Weightonly)ROUND 18:00 am to 8:20am Group L Legends (and Bandoleros)8:22 am to 8:30 am Group1 & 2ComboAmateur & Expert Middleweight,Heavyweight and Unlimited8:32 am to 8:40 am Group 3 Novice Middleweight, Heavyweightand Unlimited8:42 am to 8:50 am Group4 & 5ComboAmateur & Expert Lightweightand Ultra Lightweight8:52 am to 9:00am Group 6 Expert Top Lightweight – 1:18’s9:02 to 9:10 am Group 7 Novice Lightweight and UltraLightweight9:12 to 9:20 am Group 8 Top Expert – 1:15’sROUND 29:22 am to 9:34 am Group 1 Amateur Middleweight, Heavyweightand Unlimited9:36 am to 9:48 am Group 2 Expert Middleweight, Heavyweightand Unlimited9:50 am to 10:02 am Group 3 Novice Middleweight, Heavyweightand Unlimited10:04 am to 10:16 am Group 4 Amateur Lightweight and UltraLightweight10:18 am to 10:30 am Group 5 Expert Lightweight and UltraLightweight10:32 am to 10:44 am Group 6 Top Lightweight – 1:18’s10:46 am to 10:58 am Group 7 Novice Lightweight and UltraLightweight11:00 am to 11:12 am Group 8 Top Expert – 1:15’s11 GRIDDING11.1 All pre-entered riders will be gridded by their totalnumber of points in all their races in the current year(The first event points will be taken from the previousyear) All other riders (pre-entered with 0 points and allpost-entries) will be gridded by sign up or in order entrywas received.11.2 Riders that advance from Novice to Amateur or Amateurto Expert will lose any accumulated points towardsgridding.11.3 Grids: The maximum number of riders in a race or wavewill be determined at the close of registration on the dayof the race. Every effort will be made to start all riders ina fair and equitable manner as determined by their pointsor order of sign up. Late entries may be required to startin a separate wave but will not be scored separately.21

11.4 Expert/Amateur grids: Amateurs may be gridded in awave separate from Experts.11.5 It is the rider’s responsibility to notify the registrar of anyerrors in the grid sheets within 30 minutes of posting.Grid sheet postings will be announced.11.6 All participants must come to pre-grid. Three calls will bemade for each race while the preceding race is underway.Riders should be aware of the schedule in case the callsare not heard.12 START12.1 The Assistant Starter will indicate that the track is openfor a warm-up lap by displaying a #5 sign.12.2 All riders should start their warm-up laps as soon aspractical as directed by the grid marshal.12.2.1 Under no circumstance may a rider start awarm-up lap after the countdown has ended asdecided by the Assistant Starter.12.3 At the conclusion of the warm-up lap all riders mustreturn to their assigned grid position at start/finish.12.3.1 Any rider that is not lined up in their correctgrid position may be subject to a penalty at thediscretion of the referee. Riders are not allowed to move up to“fill in” empty grid positions.12.3.2 You must be in the correct position as indicatedon the grid sheet.12.3.3 A rider will be considered to be properly griddedif the front wheel is no more than 18” behind thedesignated row or if the front wheel has not gonebeyond the designated row.12.3.4 A rider may not move laterally to a differentposition; when the front wheel is within thecorrect “U” shaped marking (grid box) on thehot grid.12.4 No rider may enter the track proper at any location otherthan pit out.12.4.1 Should a rider leave the course for any reasonhe or she must re-enter at the next safe locationand only after inspection and/or approval by theCorner Marshall.12.5 Any rider that misses the warm-up lap will be held by theGrid Marshall until the start grid has cleared and maythen start the race from the pre grid area.12.6 When the Starter decides, he will close the grid to allcompetitors signaled by displaying the #3 sign at start/finish.22

12.6.1 At this point the grid is closed to any latecompetitors. Any late riders may be started frompre-grid.12.7 When the starter displays the #2 board he grid must becleared of all mechanics and team personnel other thanthe rider.12.8 At the #1 board all riders must be in their correct gridposition.12.8.1 Any rider that causes the countdown to stopat this point will be pulled from the grid anddirected to start from the rear of the grid.12.8.2 A stop of the countdown will be indicated by theassistant starter lowering the display board. Thecountdown will continue once the problem issolved.12.9 When ready for the start the Assistant Starter will turnthe number 1 board sideways.12.9.1 At this point all riders should be ready with theirmachines in gear.12.10 The race will start when the Starter waves the green flag,generally within 5 seconds of the number 1 board beingturned sideways.12.11 The cones along the side of the track at the Start/Finishrepresent the edge of the track and may not be cutthrough or crossed over.12.11.1 Any rider that cuts through or crosses thesecones will be immediately disqualified from therace and may be subject to license suspension.12.12 False Starts12.12.1 Jump Start: If a rider leaves the grid prior tothe green flag being waved, or leaves the gridposition on the wrong wave, he/she will beassessed a one lap penalty.12.12.2 Creeping: Creeping is defined as any movementat all once the number 1 board is displayed. Thepenalty for creeping will be determined by theReferee at the conclusion of the race once thetotal race time is available.12.13 Restarts12.13.1 If a race is stopped in the first lap there will be acomplete restart from the original grid positionsand all laps will be run.12.13.2 When a race is stopped after the first lap andbefore 50% of the laps are run a restart will beperformed with the grid reset to the race orderat the time of the red flag (if time permits) andthe remaining laps will be completed.23

or anywhere within the facility, before anyrepairs are made, to assist in the determinationof the cause of the crash. Impounded bikeswill be returned to their owner as soon as thedetermination has been made. Failure to complywill result in disciplinary action. Should the race be consideredcomplete any riders not activelyparticipating in the race at the time ofthe red flag will not be entered in thefinal results. The inactive riders will beconsidered a DNF. Riders will receivepoints for laps completed based onnumber of complete laps13.2 No rider may change machines once the race has started.13.3 No rider may take the checkered flag on pit road.13.4 A rider may not attempt to shorten the course by anymeans.14 FLAGS & COMMUNICATION14.1 Operational Flags14.1.1 Green Flag – indicates start of race or clear trackcondition.14.1.2 Checkered Flag – Indicates the end of the race orpractice session proceed around the course to pitin.14.1.3 Red Flag – Indicates the race or practice sessionhas been stopped. All riders are to signal andreduce their speed and proceed to pit road.Wheelies are not allowed at anytime during ared flag.14.2 Warning Flags14.2.1 Yellow with Red Stripes - Debris or fluid ontrack surface - exercise caution.14.2.2 Stationary Yellow Flag - indicates a potentiallyhazardous situation on or near the track -passing is allowed - exercise caution.14.2.3 Waving Yellow Flag - indicates hazards on ornear the track of a serious nature. No passing is allowed from the flagstations displaying the waving yellowflag until past the incident. Riders who violate this rulewill be assessed a one lappenalty or a fine dependentupon circumstances. The violation must bereported by a CornerMarshall or Official.26 Rider complaints may beconsidered if the Refereebelieves it is warranted andjustifiable. Two complaints on anygiven weekend from anysource will result in a oneevent suspension. Under no circumstancewill a pass for position beallowed.14.2.4 White Flag with Red Cross - Indicates that asafety or emergency vehicle is on the course -Exercise caution.14.2.5 Black Flag - Indicates a mechanical problemwith your equipment. Reduce speed, get off theracing line, proceed slowly around the courseand exit the track at pit in. Report directly to the Grid Marshall. Pay particular attention to the cornerworkers. They will indicate to you ifthey want you to pull off the trackimmediately. Any rider that ignores the black flagwill be disqualified from the event andbe subject to license suspension for anindefinite period of time.14.2.6 Black Flag with an orange circle (the meat ballflag): This flag may be used for any situationother than a safety violation. The rider should complete the currentlap and report directly to an official onpit road. The flag will be used whenever theStarter or Course Marshall decidesthat the rider needs a talking to orto advise him that he or she will bedisqualified.14.2.7 Courtesy Flags – These flags are optional andnot considered official or operational. Theabsence or presence of these flags does not implydisregard for any official or operational flags orwarning flags. White Flag at Starter Position-Indicates the final lap. White & Green Flag Crossed –Indicates half distance or time of therace.27

15 RESULTS15.1 Official Results15.1.1 It is the rider’s responsibility to check thepreliminary results sheet within 60 minutes ofposting.15.1.2 Every effort will be made to post the results asquickly as possible.15.1.3 Any errors or omissions must be reported withinthe 60 minute time frame. At the end of the 60 minute timeframe the result sheet will posted as“Unofficial Results” The results will remain “Unofficial”until 12:00 pm on the Tuesdayimmediately following the event. Atthat time after all reviews, protests andpenalties have been assessed by theLoudon Road Race Series results willthen be considered “Official Results”and no further changes or adjustmentswill be considered after this point. The “Official Results” will besubmitted to CCS as well ascontingencies at this time.15.1.4 If it is found that a machine was ineligible for aclass in which it was entered the rider may bedisqualified.16 PROTESTS16.1 Protest time Period – All protests must be delivered, inwriting, to a <strong>LRRS</strong> official within the 60 minutes of theposting of race results.16.2 Protests delivered after the 60 minutes will not beconsidered.16.2.1 Protests requiring a fee must be accompaniedwith the appropriate funding in cash or certifiedcheck or cashier’s check.16.3 Protests must specify the rules and/or procedures that arein question or that have been violated. This must includepage number and article number from the rulebook.16.4 Protests among participants must be limited to thoseriders within the same class.16.5 The <strong>LRRS</strong> Official who receives the protest must sign itand note the time it was received.16.5.1 Protest documentation - It is the responsibilityof the protested party to produce documentationregarding specifications of his/her machinefor use in determining class suitability. Such28

documentation must be produced within 60minutes of notification to the protested party orthe protest will be upheld.16.6 Protest withdrawal - Once made a protest may not bewithdrawn without permission of the Referee/RaceDirector. The protesting party must pay any legitimateexpense, to which the Referee/Race Director may beput as a result of the protest, and a deposit may bedemanded in advance. If the protest is upheld, however,and the machine found to be illegal, such costs must bereimbursed by the protested party.16.7 Non-Acceptable Protests - Protests shall not be acceptedon decisions of officials with respect to the interpretationof the rules as they pertain to race procedures. Suchdecisions include, but are not limited to, the line up ofthe motorcycles, the start of the race, the control of themotorcycles, the election to stop or delay a race, theposition of motorcycles on restarts, and the assessment oflap or stop & go penalties.16.8 The Referee, Assistant Referee or Race Director willnot accept any protest determined to be frivolous ormalicious.16.9 The Race Director or Referee will make all decisionsregarding any protests and will decide on the penalty thatwill be levied in the event that the protest is upheld.16.10 Protest types16.10.1 Scoring and/or Race Operations16.10.1.1 Scoring protests do not need to haverulebook references but must still bemade in writing.16.10.2 Safety or Procedure Protests16.10.2.1 Protests regarding safety or raceprocedures will not be accepted byanother competitor. Safety and race procedure protestsmust be initiated by a race official.16.10.3 Fuel – Properties of fuel used in competition16.10.3.1 Competitors may protest the fuelutilized by another competitor bysubmitting the protest in writing alongwith a deposit of $ If the fuel is found to belegal the protesting ridermust reimburse <strong>LRRS</strong> forany costs related to thetesting. If the fuel is found tobe illegal, the $100.00deposit will be refundedand the protested party29

will be fined an amount atleast equal to the cost ofanalysis. A fuel sample will be drawn by <strong>LRRS</strong>Tech personnel and tested; if necessaryit will be submitted to a laboratory foranalysis. The finding of <strong>LRRS</strong> Tech personneland/or the laboratory will beconsidered final.16.10.4 Class suitability16.10.4.1 Participants in class suitability protestsare limited to the protesting rider,the protested rider, the TechnicalInspector, the Referee/Race Directoror a representative of either of theriders involved. Protests regarding equipment, whichdoes not require any mechanicaldisassembly, only visual inspection, donot require payment of a fee. If the protest is regarding internalengine discrepancies the followingrules apply: At the discretion of theChief Tech Inspector,either the protested partyor <strong>LRRS</strong> personnel willperform all requireddisassembly. <strong>LRRS</strong> personnel orsubcontractors will makeall required measurements. Class suitability internalprotests require payment offees as follows:Type of protest actionsFeesProtests requiring the removal of bodywork, $25.00including but not limited to fuel tank, fairing,seat, cowling and air box cover.Protests requiring the removal of valve covers $75.00Protests requiring the removal of the oil pan $100.00(Included in disassembly of cases)Protests requiring the removal of cylinder heads $300.00or cylindersProtests requiring the disassembly of cases $500.0016. Should theprotest be upheld theprotesting rider will berefunded the protest fee(s).30 Should theprotest be denied, theprotested rider will beawarded the protest fee.17 RIDER EQUIPMENT & APPAREL17.1 Helmets17.1.1 Helmets may not be more than 5 years old asdetermined by the date of manufacture in or onthe helmet. If there is no manufacture date onthe helmet it will not pass tech.17.1.2 The helmet must meet DOT plus Snell (USA)approval or the British Blue Label standard BSI6658 Type A helmet standard or the EuropeanECE22-04 & ECE22-05 P standard. Theappropriate stickers must be attached.17.1.3 Helmets must be full coverage with an attachedface shield. Tear-off face shields are not allowed.17.1.4 Quick release helmet straps are also not allowedunless original equipment.17.1.5 All helmets must pass tech inspection.17.1.6 The rider’s number must be displayed on thehelmet.17.1.7 Polycarbonate helmets are not allowed.17.1.8 Cameras of any kind (i.e. camcorders, digitalcameras, etc.) are not permitted to be mountedto any helmet at any time. There will be noexceptions to this rule.17.1.9 Cameras or recording devices found mountedto helmets may result in a fine and/orpunitive action to include but not limited todisqualification.17.1.10 It is required that riders equip their helmets withthe EJECT Helmet Ejection system.http://www.ejectsafety.com17.1.11 Breath Masks that cover both the mouth andnose may not be worn17.2 Leathers17.2.1 Pants and jacket of leather (preferably a onepiece suit) must be worn. If two piece it mustbe securely fastened at the waist with a zipper.Taping the top to the bottom is not allowed.17.2.2 Taped leathers are not allowed.17.2.3 When in racing position on the motorcycle, therider must not have any skin exposed.17.2.4 Nylon suits are not allowed31

17.3 Gloves17.4 Boots17.3.1 Gloves must have leather protecting the fingersand palms. Gloves must be of sufficient length tocover the wrists.17.4.1 Boots must be of leather and long enough tocover the ankle and overlap the pant leg. 8” isthe recommended length.17.4.2 High top leather sneakers are not allowed.17.5 Back Protectors are required.17.6 The safety and inherent suitability of any item of apparelshall be subject to the reasonable judgment of the ChiefTechnical Inspector or the Referee.18 GENERAL EQUIPMENT RULES &REQUIREMENTS18.1 Number Display Regulations18.1.1 The rider of the year may display the number 1on his/her machine although it is advisable todisplay their assigned number on the sides toexpedite scoring.18.1.2 Numbers will be assigned by the LoudonRoad Race Series. Single digit numbers will bereserved for past multiple class champions andtwo digit numbers will be reserved for Experts.Any Expert requesting a new two digit numbermust have Expert points from the previousyear. A rider may take a year off but In orderto retain his/her two digit number he/she mustrenew each following year and score points ina minimum of four races n the second year. Ifyou do not intend to participate you may notmonopolize a number.18.1.3 All machines must have 3 sets of numbers;one on the center front and one on both sides.Numbers must be a minimum of 6” high, bespaced 1/2” apart and allow 1/2” of backgroundcolor (White for Novices and Experts andyellow for Amateurs). Side number platesmust be behind the rider on the machine’s tailsection or on the lower fairing on the side of themachine. They must be visible when the rider isin position on the machine. If the front fairingis broken by an air intake the number must bedisplayed on both sides of the machine. Thereare no exceptions to this rule. Riders should beaware that these requirements are that of <strong>LRRS</strong>and may not be accepted at any other CCS event.32

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18.1.4 All sets of numbers displayed on a bike mustmatch each other and must be the correctnumber for the rider. A bike may not have morethan one rider number at anytime while on thetrack proper. Notwithstanding rule During practice only: If a rider is using a bikethat is not their bike and the number on the bikedoes not reflect the number of the rider, theremust be a red piece of tape through the numberon the front plate to indicate that the rider is notthe rider reflected by the number on the bike.The starter must be notified and must grantapproval before any rider can enter the track inthese cases.18.1.6 If the rider does not match the bike numberduring practice as described in thetransponder for the RIDER must be placed onthe bike they are using and must not have atransponder assigned to another rider on thebike. The transponder number must reflect theactual rider at all times.18.1.7 A Sans Serif font must be used.18.1.8 Number plates must be free from any stickers orsponsorship logos except for the tech. sticker.18.1.9 Number display approval shall be at the solediscretion of the Chief Tech Inspector, the ChiefCorner Marshall and/or the chief scorer andshall be required before a machine is passedthrough Tech Inspection.18.1.10 Colors used in the Loudon Road Race Series areas follows:NoviceAmateurExpertWhite plates with rednumbersYellow plates with blacknumbersWhite plates with blacknumbers18.2 Fuel18.2.1 All riders must use an approved spec fuel.18.2.2 There are 2 locations that racers can purchasefuel off of NHMS property only the PREMIUMgas is approved; one is 91 Octane at the Shellstation approximately 1 mile from NHMS tothe South; the other is 93 Octane at the Gulfstation approximately 1 mile to the South of the<strong>Speedway</strong> on Route There are 3 Sunoco fuels that will be for sale atNHMS prior to and during the events; SunocoSupreme (112 Octane, Leaded); and Sunoco 260GT (100 octane, Unleaded); and Sunoco 260GTX (98 Octane, Unleaded).Sunoco 260 GTX isthe same fuel that AMA uses.36

18.2.4 There are 2 VP fuels approved and they will beavailable for sale at the race track during theevents; VP C12 and VP Blaze Fines may be imposed for non-compliance andsevere penalties for using any non-approvedpower enhancing fuels or additives.18.2.6 The mixing of fuels is not allowed.18.3 Transponders (See Section 7: Timing & Scoring)18.4 Recording devices - Any recording devices, cameras,camcorders, etc. must be presented to Tech and cannotbe mounted to a machine without approval by tech inwriting prior to each and every event. All recordingdevices of any kind are subject to confiscation by <strong>LRRS</strong>and its officials.18.4.1 All recording devices MUST be registered withTech.19 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS19.1 Riders participating at other venues should make surethat their machines meet the local requirements.19.2 All motorcycles must pass through Technical Inspection.Should the Tech Inspector miss any non-conformity itis still the rider’s responsibility to see that his machinemeets all the technical requirements.19.3 The Chief Tech Inspector and/or Referee have the right toinspect any racing motorcycle at any time.19.4 Safety wire used must have a minimum diameter of 0.025inches.19.5 All machines must have their lower fairings removed fortech inspection.19.6 All oil drain plugs and any plugs or caps from which oil,water, or gas could drain must be safety wired.19.6.1 All oil filters must be wired.19.7 The routing of oil lines should be approached with care.Certain machines, particularly four cylinder models, caneither wear through the lines if they are routed to theoutside of the frame or, as has happened, can melt if theycome in contact with the exhaust pipes. The former onlyoccurs when a machine has its lower fairing removed.19.8 Oil filler caps and inspection covers must be secured withsafety wire. Any other caps, plugs and fittings on anysystem containing a fluid must be secured. This includesfuel hoses and water hoses.19.9 All oil cooler lines must be a braided steel type andfastened with compression fittings, unless originalequipment. It is not advisable to wire hydraulic lines orbanjo bolts.37

19.10 Liquid cooled engines and their radiators must beflushed. Only water or an approved cooling systemadditive may be used. The use of anti-freeze is subject to a$50 fine. A list of approved additives is available at Tech.Inspection.19.11 Fork drain plugs must be taped or secured with a safetywire.19.12 On 4 stroke machines all vent, breather or overflow tubescoming from the engine, transmission or radiator mustbe routed into a heat resistant catch can of at least 350cccapacity or the air box.19.13 If the air box is utilized, any drains from the air box mustbe removed and the air box sealed.19.13.1 If an air box is not installed, catch can venttubes must be routed into the intake area of thecarburetors so that any overflow from the catchpan will be drawn into the engine.19.14 Radiator overflow and battery vent tubes can be routedinto a separate catch can which need not have its ventrouted to the intake area.19.15 All brake stay bolts and caliper mounting bolts must belock wired.19.16 Axles must be secured by lock wiring both the axle andthe nut, or by a cotter pin through both the axle and thenut. Axle caps securing the front axle to the fork must belock wired.19.17 Exhaust systems must be securely mounted. The outerheader nuts must be lock wired. All mounts and bracketsmust be wired and where possible, there should be asecond means of securing the pipes. The baffles must besecured by a lock wire. Four cylinder inline machinesneed only lock wire the two outer exhaust pipes.19.18 Valve stem caps must be metal.19.19 All lenses, reflectors, and any other glass or plastic, withthe exception of windscreens, must be taped.19.20 License plates, side and center stands, carriers, sissy bars,crash or roll bars, directional, etc. must be removed.19.21 Control levers and handlebars must be securely mounted.Throttles must snap back to the “off ” position. Brake andclutch levers must have ball ends.19.22 All machines must remove the lower fairings fortechnical inspection.19.23 Tires must be in good condition and must be mountedon wheels at least 15 inches in diameter.19.24 All in-line four cylinder motorcycles that have crankshaftcovers that contain oil must use approved race covers orcase guards.38

19.25 Fluid Catch Pans19.25.1 All 4-stroke machines must be equipped witha fluid catch pan of sufficient size and heatresistantmaterial to contain the contents ofthe crankcases in the event of an engine orcrankcase failure. Minimum capacity of the fluidcatch pan is to be 3 quarts.19.25.2 Enlargement and/or modification of an OEMfairing lower is permitted to attain the necessaryfluid retention19.25.3 Machines not equipped with a lower OEMfairing may install a fairing in order to complywith this rule.19.25.4 A maximum of two holes, 1” or smaller indiameter, may be drilled in the fluid catchpan. These holes are to be plugged during dryconditions, and may be opened only when theevent is declared “wet” by the Referee/RaceDirector.19.25.5 All fluid catch pans must be mounted in a safeand workman-like manner. (Zip-ties and ducttape do not qualify as safe and workmanlikemounting.)19.25.6 All production EX 500’s are exempt from thecatch pan rule; final approval of machinescompliance will rest with the Tech Inspector.19.25.7 A GOOD RULE OF THUMB * SAFETY WIREANYTHING YOU WOULD NOT WANT TOCOME LOOSE AT SPEED.19.26 The referee shall have the power to disqualify anymotorcycle that he deems to be unsafe or unfit forcompetition, and may inspect any part of a motorcycleentered in competition, without having received a protest.19.26.1 Production Class Rules19.26.1.1 Machines must be standard factoryproduction models intended forhighway use in the United States orCanada. Comparable models may bechanged, utilizing interchangeableparts, to meet either United States orCanadian specifications. All machines must utilize the standardexhaust system supplied by themanufacturer intended for use onthe highway. No modifications areallowed. Fairings supplied as standardequipment are allowed. Removalof fairings is permitted; however, aheadlight shell must be refitted.39 Tires must be D.O.T. approved. Nomodifications of any sort are allowed.This includes the cutting of tires. Handlebars may be changed but mustmount to the original mount. Noother modifications may be made toinstall the handlebars. Clip-ons arepermitted. Rear shock absorbers may be replacedwith non-standard units provided thestandard mounting points are used. Foot pegs and their brackets may bemodified. Rear sets are allowed. Final drive ratio, carburetor metering,brake linings and pad compound maybe changed. Steel braided brake lines may be used. Disc brake rotors may be drilled. Discsmay be replaced with aftermarketunits of a ferrous material and ofthe same size as original equipment.Aluminum or carbon fiber disks arenot allowed. Seat padding may be partiallyremoved and/or replaced withdifferent padding. Instruments and/or instrumentclusters may be removed or a guardfitted. A tachometer may be refitted ifdesired. Headlight sealed beam may be tapedor removed but the shell and wiringmust be in place. Electrical system must be selfgenerating.19.26.2 Steering dampers may be added.19.26.3 Fork stops may be built up or modified.19.26.4 No internal engine modifications are permitted.Intake and exhaust systems must be standardequipment and cannot be modified. Total losslighting and ignition systems are prohibited.19.26.5 Updating is permitted only by using regularproduction parts from the same specific modelof a later model year. Backdating to the samespecific model is also allowed.19.26.6 Items to be removed in the interest of safety are:turn signals, rear view mirrors, side and centerstands, license plate, and anything else as may bedeemed dangerous by Tech.40

19.26.7 The final determination as to whether a partis allowed will be highway use legality and theexistence of the part in the regular parts book.(No accessory books.)19.26.8 Fork braces are permitted.19.26.9 Diagram: Examples of Safety Wiring19.27 Transponders must be mounted according to thefollowing:19.27.1 Transponders must be mounted at the frontof the motorcycle as close to the axel verticalcenter-line as practical.19.27.2 They must be mounted vertically, with the fixingpin up, at a maximum of 120 cm or 4 feet fromthe race surface.19.27.3 There must be no downward obstructionbetween the transponder and the racing surface.This means no metal, carbon fiber between thetransponder and the racing surface.2009 <strong>LRRS</strong> Rule Book www.lrrsracing.com 3919.27.4 The maximum temperature should not exceed50c or 122F.19.27.5 Transponder holders must be affixed to themachine in a safe and workmanlike mannerusing tye-wraps or pop rivets.19.27.6 The fixing clip must be pushed through as far aspossible.41

20 CLASS STRUCTURESCCS CLASSES - Machines are classified for competitionas SuperSport, SuperBike, SuperTwins, Grand Prix,ThunderBike, Formula 40 and GT.20.1 SUPERSPORT - SuperSport motorcycles are productionmachines sold by manufacturers and their dealers forstreet use in North America via normal commercialchannels. All machines must have unaltered VINnumbers. Proof of compliance rests with the competitorentering the machine.20.1.1 Production machines not sold by manufacturersand their dealers for street use in NorthAmerica via normal commercial channels maybe approved on an individual basis. CCS willmaintain a list of non-standard approved modelsand that list will be available at each event fromthe Race Director. CCS reserves the right to re-factormachines at any time. CCS will notifycurrent licensees 30 days prior toany change. Changes will take effect30 days from the original date ofnotification.20.1.2 All motorcycles must meet the followingrequirements in addition to the applicablerequirements in Section Original equipment wheels, brakecalipers, forks, frame, engine, fuelinduction system, and swing arm mustbe used.(1) 18” wheels may be replaced with17” wheels of the same width.(2) 16” wheels may be replaced with17” wheels of the same width.(3) Rear swing arms on OEM Beltdrive motorcycles may be replaced toconvert final drive assembly from beltto chain drive. Aftermarket brake rotors may be usedbut must be the same dimensionsas the originals and must be madeof a ferrous material. Non-currentmotorcycles may use brake rotors upto the same size as those that comeas original equipment on the currentmodel machine.(1) Aftermarket brake cooling ductsor wind deflectors are prohibited inSuperSport. Any fairing may be used providedmeets the requirements in Section 19.42 Original equipment air box mustremain as produced. Air filters mustbe used but may be Aftermarket units.Aftermarket air filters are restricted tounits available via normal commercialchannels and designed to mount in thestock location for that specific modelmachine. Aftermarket air filter unitsthat replace part of the OEM. Air boxare required to maintain the originalsize and number of air inlet openingsas the stock unit. Engine modifications include thefollowing:(1) Pistons which are no larger than1mm over stock size may be used butmust be same compression ratio as theOEM piston.(2) Original equipment cylinders mustbe used.(3) Original equipment head, valves,and cams must remain as produced,with the exception of machining thegasket surface of the cylinder head.(4) Original equipment cases,crankshaft, and connecting rods mustremain as produced.(5) Original equipment transmissiongears must be used.(6) Carburetor bodies and/or throttlebodies may not be modified, bored, orpolished. Internal engine modifications on allsingle cylinder machines, 4-stroketwin cylinder machines with less than4 valves per cylinder produced priorto the 1999 model year, and all twincylinder machines produced prior tothe 1994 model year are unlimited,provided classes displacement limitsare not exceeded. Aftermarket carburetors may beused on single cylinder machines, all4-stroke twin cylinder machines withless than 4 valves per cylinder, andall twin cylinder 4-stroke machinesproduced prior to the 1994 modelyear. is waived for singlecylinder and all twin cylinder 4-strokemachines produced prior to the 1999model year.44 Tires must be DOT approved.(1) If the Race Director declares a“Wet” event, commercially availablerain tires may be used in place of DOTapproved tires for the remainder ofthat race day.20.1.3 Displacement limits are absolute and are set asfollows:LIGHTWEIGHT SUPERSPORT (Amateur &Expert Divisions)Single cylinder, unlimited displacementTwin cylinder, liquid cooled 2-stroke, up to450ccTwo stroke, air cooled, unlimited displacementTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, non-desmodromicvalves, up to 800ccTwin cylinder, air cooled, up to 1210ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, up to 450ccFour cylinder, air cooled, 2 valve, up to 675ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, pre-1987 modelyear, up to 565ccHarley-Davidson Sportsters of unlimiteddisplacementnote: BMW HP2, Ducati/Bimota/BMWSupermono/Woods Rotax are excluded from theLightweight class.MIDDLEWEIGHT SUPERSPORT (Amateur& Expert Divisions)Single cylinder, unlimited displacementTwo stroke, liquid cooled, up to 515ccTwo stroke, air cooled, unlimited displacementnew for 2010 Twin cylinder, liquid cooled, upto 855ccTwin cylinder, air cooled, unlimiteddisplacementThree cylinder, up to 980ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, up to 640ccFour cylinder, air cooled, 2 valve, up to 775ccHEAVYWEIGHT SUPERSPORT (Amateur &Expert Divisions)Twin cylinder, liquid cooled, non-desmodromicvalves, up to 1150ccTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, up to 1000ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, up to 775ccAll other engine configurations, unlimiteddisplacementUNLIMITED SUPERSPORT (Amateur &Expert Divisions)Unlimited Displacement45

20.2 SUPERBIKE - SuperBikes are based upon productionmodels, sold by manufacturer and their dealers anywherein the world for street use via normal commercialchannels. Proof of compliance rests with the competitorentering the motorcycle. All machines must haveunaltered VIN numbers. CCS reserves the right todeclare unusual or limited production machines eligiblefor SuperBike competition. All machines must meet thestandards of Section 19 as well as the following. CCSreserves the right to re-factor machines at any time. CCSwill notify current licensees 30 days prior to any change.Changes will take effect 30 days from the original date ofnotification.20.2.1 All machines must meet the equipmentstandards of Section 19, as well as the following: Frame and engine cases must be froma production, street use motorcycle,except for single cylinder motorcycles,which may use any frame or engine. The frame must be as originallysupplied by the manufacturer onthe approved model. Strengtheninggussets or tubes may be added. Onlybrackets or tubes not supportingsuspension, engine, or drive linecomponents may be removed. Swingarms may be modified or replacedand rear shocks may be replaced orrelocated. Reducing engine size of machinesfrom stock displacement to meetlower class displacement limits isnot allowed. (i.e. a bike that is aHeavyweight in origin cannot be resizedfor Middleweight competition. Any fairing may be used if it meets therequirements of Section Liquid cooling is not allowed unlessoriginal equipment on the modelbeing used.20.2.2 SuperBike Class displacement limits areabsolute and are set as follows:ULTRA-LIGHT SUPERBIKE (Amateur &Expert Divisions)Single cylinder, unlimited displacement,unlimited frameTwo stroke, liquid cooled, up to 375ccTwo stroke, air cooled, unlimited displacementTwin cylinder, air cooled, non-desmodromicvalves up to 900ccTwin cylinder, air cooled, desmodromic valves,up to 805ccTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, up to 650ccTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, non-desmodromic46

valves, pre-1999 model year, up to 800ccThree cylinder, air cooled, non-fuel injected, upto 900ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, pre-1987 modelyear, up to 570ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, 1987 to 1992 modelyear, up to 500ccFour cylinder, air cooled, up to 750ccHarley-Davidson Sportsters of unlimiteddisplacementnote: Liquid-cooled machines up to 650ccmanufactured after 1998 are excluded from thisclass.LIGHTWEIGHT SUPERBIKE (Amateur &Expert Divisions)Single cylinder, unlimited displacementTwo stroke, liquid cooled, up to 450ccTwo stroke, air cooled, unlimited displacementTwin cylinder, air cooled, up to 1210ccTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, non-desmodromicvalves, up to 800ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, up to 565ccFour cylinder, air cooled, 2 valve, up to 750ccHarley-Davidson Sportsters of unlimiteddisplacementnote: BMW HP2 machines are EXCLUDEDfrom the Lightweight class.MIDDLEWEIGHT SUPERBIKE (Amateur &Expert Divisions)Single cylinder, unlimited displacementTwo stroke, liquid cooled, up to 515ccTwo stroke, air cooled, unlimited displacementTwin cylinder, air-cooled, unlimiteddisplacementTwin cylinder, less than 4 valves per cylinder,unlimited displacementTwin cylinder, 4 valve per cylinder, up to 855ccThree cylinder, up to 980ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, up to 660ccFour cylinder, air cooled, 2 valve, up to 1200ccnote: 250 GP machines are eligible forMiddleweight SuperBike.HEAVYWEIGHT SUPERBIKE (Amateur &Expert Divisions)Twin cylinder, liquid cooled, 4 valve percylinder, up to 1150ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, up to 820ccAll other engine configurations, unlimiteddisplacementUNLIMITED SUPERBIKE (Amateur & ExpertDivisions)All engine configurations, unlimiteddisplacement47

20.3 GRAND PRIX - Grand Prix machines are unrestrictedin all areas as long as they meet the standards of Section19.20.3.1 Machines not sold by manufacturers via normalcommercial channels may be approved fordifferent displacement classes on an individualbasis. CCS will maintain a list of non-standardapproved models and that list will be available ateach event from the Race Director. CCS reservesthe right to re-factor machines at any time. CCSwill notify current licensees 30 days prior to anychange. Changes will take effect 30 days fromthe original date of notification.20.3.2 Grand Prix displacement limits are absoluteand are set as follows:125 GRAND PRIXTwo stroke, single cylinder, up to 125ccFour stroke, single cylinder, up to 250ccnote: AT Loudon Road Race Series (<strong>LRRS</strong>)events 4 stroke single cylinder GP machines ofunlimited displacement are allowed. Machinesgreater than 250ccs are not considered by CCS.LIGHTWEIGHT GRAND PRIX (Amateur &Expert Divisions)Single cylinder, unlimited displacementTwo stroke, liquid cooled, up to 450ccTwo stroke, air cooled, unlimited displacementTwin cylinder, air cooled, up to 1210ccTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, non-desmodromicvalves, up to 800ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, up to 565ccFour cylinder, air cooled, 2 valve, up to 750ccnote: BMW HP2 machines are EXCLUDEDfrom the Lightweight class.MIDDLEWEIGHT GRAND PRIX (Amateur& Expert Divisions)Single cylinder, unlimited displacementTwo stroke, liquid cooled, pre-1985 model year,up to 750ccTwo stroke, liquid cooled, street productionmodels, up to 515ccTwo stroke, air cooled, unlimited displacementTwin cylinder, air-cooled, unlimiteddisplacementTwin cylinder, 2 or 3 valves per cylinder,unlimited displacementTwin cylinder, 4 valve per cylinder, up to 855ccThree cylinder, up to 1000ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, up to 650ccFour cylinder, air cooled, 2 valve, up to 1200ccUNLIMITED GRAND PRIX (Amateur &Expert Divisions)Unlimited Displacement48

20.4 THUNDERBIKE – Thunderbike machines, exceptsingle cylinder machines, are based upon productionmodels, sold by manufacturers and their dealers in NorthAmerica for street use. Proof of compliance rests with thecompetitor entering the motorcycle. Single cylinder and250 GP machines are exempt from production and streetuse requirements. All machines must have unalteredVIN numbers.note: BMW HP2 and Buell XBRR machines areEXCLUDED from this class.20.4.1 Production machines not sold by manufacturersand their dealers for street use in NorthAmerica via normal commercial channels maybe approved on an individual basis. CCS willmaintain a list of non-standard approved modelsand that list will be available at each event fromthe Race Director/Referee. CCS reserves the right to re-factormachines at any time. CCS will notifycurrent licensees 30 days prior toany change. Changes will take effect30 days from the original date ofnotification.20.4.2 All machines must meet the equipmentstandards of Section 19 as well as the following: Frame, cylinder head(s) and enginecases must be from the sameproduction model motorcycle. Singlecylinder motorcycles may use anyframe and engine. The frame must be as originallysupplied by the manufacturer onthe approved model. Strengtheninggussets or tubes may be added. Onlybrackets or tubes not supportingsuspension, engine, or drive linecomponents may be removed. Swingarms may be modified or replacedand rear shocks may be replaced orrelocated. Single cylinder motorcyclesare excluded from this restriction. Reducing engine size of machinesfrom stock displacement to meetThunder class displacement limits isnot allowed. Fairings that meet the requirements ofSection 19 may be used. Liquid cooling is not allowed unlessoriginal equipment on the modelbeing used.49 Original type of induction systemmust be retained. If a machineoriginally was sold with fuel injection,then it must remain fuel injected.If the machine originally camewith carburetors, then it must usecarburetors, however they need not bethe original type or size.20.4.3 CCS Thunderbike Class displacement limitsare absolute and are set as follows:THUNDERBIKE (Amateur and Expert)Single cylinder, unlimited displacementTwo stroke, unlimited displacementTwin cylinder, air cooled, push-rod, unlimiteddisplacementTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, 3 or less valves percylinder, unlimited displacementTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, 4 valve percylinder, up to 750ccTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, non-desmodromicvalves, 4 valve per cylinder, up to 800ccThree cylinder, air cooled, non-fuel injected, upto 1200ccFour cylinder, air-cooled, up to 1200ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, 1990 to 1992 modelyear, up to 650ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled (oil or water), pre-1990 model year, up to 860ccAll air-cooled, 2-valve, unlimited displacement20.5 GT – GT machines are unrestricted in all areas as longas they meet the standards of Section 19. CCS reservesthe right to re-factor all machines at anytime. CCS willnotify the current licensee 30 days prior to any change.Changes will take effect 30 days from the original date ofnotification.20.5.1 CCS Thunderbike Class displacement limitsare absolute and are set as follows:GTO - (Amateur & Expert Divisions)Unlimited DisplacementGTU - (Amateur & Expert Divisions)Displacement as per Middleweight Grand PrixGTL – (Amateur & Expert Divisions)Displacement as per Lightweight Grand Prix20.6 SUPERTWINS - SuperTwins are two cylindermotorcycles, which meet the standards of Section 19, freefrom all other restrictions. SuperTwins are unlimited indisplacement. (Amateur & Expert Divisions)20.7 FORMULA FORTY - All participants in Formula 40must be at least 40 years of age.20.7.1 All machines legal for Lightweight SuperSport,Lightweight SuperBike, Lightweight GrandPrix or Thunderbike are legal for LightweightFormula 40.50

20.7.2 All Formula 40 machines must meet therequirements of Lightweight Formula 40 orHeavyweight Superbike.LIGHTWEIGHT FORMULA 40 (Formula 40Lights) (Amateur & Expert Divisions)Single cylinder, unlimited displacementTwo stroke, unlimited displacementTwin cylinder, air cooled, push-rod, unlimiteddisplacementTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, 3 or less valves percylinder, unlimited displacementTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, 4 valve percylinder, up to 750ccTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, non-desmodromicvalves, 4 valve per cylinder, up to 800ccThree cylinder, air cooled, non-fuel injected, upto 1200ccFour cylinder, air-cooled, up to 1200ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, 1990 to 1992 modelyear, up to 650ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled (oil or water), pre-1990 model year, up to 860ccAll air-cooled, 2-valve, unlimited displacementFORMULA 40 (Amateur & Expert Divisions)Twin cylinder, liquid cooled, 4 valve percylinder, up to 1150ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, up to 820ccAll other engine configurations, unlimiteddisplacement21 <strong>LRRS</strong> SPECIFIC CLASSESthe following classes are lrrs classes.they are not ccs classes.21.1 PRODUCTION TWINS: (Amateur & Expert divisions)Standard production rules. See Section 19.Water cooled up to 500ccAir cooled, OHC, two valves per cylinder up to 650cc.Air cooled pushrod up to 1000ccUpdating is allowed.Rain tires are allowednote: Buell <strong>Motor</strong>cycles are excluded from this class.21.2 MIDDLEWEIGHT PRODUCTION TWINS: This classis no longer for the <strong>2013</strong> Loudon Road Race Series inLoudon; the class has been eliminated.21.3 SPORTSMAN - Sportsman machines are basedupon production models, sold by manufacturers andtheir dealers in North America for street use. Proofof compliance rests with the competitor entering themotorcycle. Single cylinder machines are exempt fromstreet use requirements. Single cylinder 2 stroke GP roadrace machines are not allowed in this class. All machinesmust have unaltered VIN numbers.51

21.3.1 All machines must meet the equipmentstandards of Section 7 and 8, as well as thefollowing: Frame, head(s), cylinders, andengine cases must be from the sameproduction model motorcycle. The frame must be as originallysupplied by the manufacturer onthe approved model. Strengtheninggussets or tubes may be added. Onlybrackets or tubes not supportingsuspension, engine, or drive linecomponents may be removed. Swingarms may be modified or replacedand rear shocks may be replaced orrelocated. Reducing engine size of machinesfrom stock displacement to meetSportsman class displacement limits isnot allowed. Fairings that meet the requirements ofSection 19 and 20 may be use. Liquid cooling is not allowed unlessoriginal equipment on the modelbeing used. Original type of induction systemmust be retained. If a machineoriginally was sold with fuel injection,then it must remain fuel injected.If the machine originally camewith carburetors, then it must usecarburetors, however they need not bethe original type or size.21.3.2 Sportsman Class displacement limits areabsolute and are set as follows:21.4 LIGHTWEIGHT SPORTSMAN (Amateur & Expertdivisions)Single cylinder, unlimited displacement, productionframeSingle cylinder, up to 500cc, unlimited frame Two stroke,liquid cooled, up to 410ccTwo stroke, air cooled, up to 550ccTwin cylinder, air cooled, non-desmodromic valves upto 700ccTwin cylinder, air cooled, desmodromic valves, up to650ccTwin cylinder, air cooled, 2 valve, push rod, up to 895ccTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, up to 515ccFour cylinder, air cooled, 2 valve, up to 625ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, up to 410ccnote: Ducati/Bimota/BMW Supermono, Woods Rotax,Yamaha TZR, Honda SR & Aprilia RS machines areEXCLUDED from this class.52

21.5 SUPERSINGLES - (Amateur & Expert divisions) -Super Singles are four stroke, one-cylinder motorcycles,which meet the standards of Section 19, free fromall other restrictions. Super Singles are unlimited indisplacement.21.6 MOTARD (Amateur and Expert divisions) - Any dirtor dual sport machines up to 700 cc.21.7 FORMULA 50 - This class is no longer for the <strong>2013</strong>Loudon Road Race Series in Loudon; the class has beeneliminated.21.8 LIGHTWEIGHT FORMULA 50 (Formula 50 Lights)– Same as Lightweight Formula 40 (Formula 40 Lights)except that the rider must have reached his/her 50thbirthday.21.9 P-89 LIGHTS – <strong>New</strong> for <strong>2013</strong>: Machines must bepre 1990 (appearance and modifications) and mayhave period correct (Pre 1990 model year or identical)replacement racing chassis.21.9.1 Engines-Naturally aspirated from productionbikes sold for street use.21.9.2 Case, cylinders and heads must be original andperiod correct. Unlimited modifications withinthe capacity limits.21.9.3 Period correct frame and swing armmodifications are allowed. Aftermarket periodcorrect frames and swing arms (or replicas) areallowed.21.9.4 Any conventional forks allowed. No upsidedown forks (waived for <strong>2013</strong> season).21.9.5 Any wheels are allowed (must follow general<strong>LRRS</strong> equipment rules).21.9.6 There are no specific tires required (must followgeneral <strong>LRRS</strong> equipment rules).21.9.7 The exhaust must appear period correct. Nounder seat exhaust (waived for <strong>2013</strong>)21.9.8 Brakes must be period correct appearance andtype.21.9.9 Bodywork must be a style used before 1990(waived for <strong>2013</strong>).Single cylinder, unlimited displacement2 cylinder, 2 stroke, water cooled up to 375cc2 cylinder, 4 stroke, water cooled up to 670cc2 cylinder, 4 stroke, air cooled up to 750cc2 cylinder, 4 stroke, pushrod to 1000cc (HDSportster to 1200cc)4 cylinder, 4 stroke, 2 valve 650 cc4 cylinder, 4 stroke, 4 valve air cooled 550 cc4 cylinder, 4 stroke, 4 valve water cooled 413cc(Honda VF-500 Interceptor with stock capacity)53

Note: 5% overbore allowed on max sizestated. All Kawasaki EX-500/Ninja 500 allowedregardless of age.MOTARD STYLE MACHINES ARE NOTELIGIBLE FOR THIS CLASS.All machinesare required to meet <strong>LRRS</strong> Tech and Safetystandards.21.9.10 NOVICE ONLY: Formula 1; Rookie 1: Starter121.9.10.1 Please see Unlimited Superbike rulesin Section 20All engine configurations, unlimiteddisplacement21.9.11 NOVICE ONLY: Formula 2; Rookie 2; Starter221.9.11.1 Please see Middleweight Superbikerules in Section 20Single cylinder, unlimiteddisplacementTwo stroke, liquid cooled, up to 515ccTwo stroke, air cooled, unlimiteddisplacementTwin cylinder, air-cooled, unlimiteddisplacementTwin cylinder, less than 4 valves percylinder, unlimited displacementTwin cylinder, 4 valve per cylinder, upto 855ccThree cylinder, up to 980ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, up to660ccFour cylinder, air cooled, 2 valve, upto 1200ccnote: 250 GP machines are eligiblefor Middleweight SuperBike.21.9.12 NOVICE ONLY: Formula 3; Rookie 3; Starter321.9.12.1 Please see Lightweight Superbikerules in Section 20Single cylinder, unlimiteddisplacementTwo stroke, liquid cooled, up to 450ccTwo stroke, air cooled, unlimiteddisplacementTwin cylinder, air cooled, up to 1210ccTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, nondesmodromicvalves, up to 800ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, up to565ccFour cylinder, air cooled, 2 valve, upto 750ccHarley-Davidson Sportsters ofunlimited displacement54

note: BMW HP2 machines areEXCLUDED from the Lightweightclass.OR250 GP Machines21.9.13 NOVICE ONLY: Formula 4; Rookie 4; Starter421.9.13.1 Please see Ultralight Superbike rulesin Section 20Single cylinder, unlimiteddisplacement, unlimited frameTwo stroke, liquid cooled, up to 375ccTwo stroke, air cooled, unlimiteddisplacementTwin cylinder, air cooled, nondesmodromicvalves up to 900ccTwin cylinder, air cooled,desmodromic valves, up to 805ccTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, up to650ccTwin cylinder, liquid cooled, nondesmodromicvalves, pre-1999 modelyear, up to 800ccThree cylinder, air cooled, non-fuelinjected, up to 900ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, pre-1987model year, up to 570ccFour cylinder, liquid cooled, 1987 to1992 model year, up to 500ccFour cylinder, air cooled, up to 750ccHarley-Davidson Sportsters ofunlimited displacementnote: Twin cylinder, liquid cooled upto 650cc is EXCLUDED from this classat Loudon Road Race Series (<strong>LRRS</strong>)events.ORTwo stroke, single cylinder, up to125ccFour stroke, single cylinder, up to250cc55

ON YOURMARK,GET SET,GO CHR.Highest Quality MaterialsKevlar and Nomex last longerPremium InsulationGets carcass hot and attainshot pressure in the pits with littleor no pressure change on trackTemperature AccurateTough & DurableHeating elements outlastall other brandsPHOTO BY BRIAN J. NELSON1.866.HOT.TIRECHICKENHAWKRACING.COMSUPERIOR TIRE WARMERS DESIGNED & BUILT IN THE USA22 Appendix A: <strong>2013</strong> <strong>LRRS</strong> Season Schedule &<strong>2013</strong> Daily (Race day) Schedule<strong>2013</strong> <strong>LRRS</strong> Weekend Schedule - <strong>LRRS</strong> Round #1APRIL 27 & 28 ONLYRegistration Hours:Friday - 6:00 PM to 7:45 PMSaturday - 7:00 AM to 9:00AMSunday - 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMTechnical Inspection HoursFriday - 6:00 PM to 7:45 PMSaturday - 7:00 AM thru end ofracingSunday - 7:30 AM thru end of racingSATURDAY & SUNDAY–The following morning schedule is the same for both days8:00 am – 8:20 am Legends Practice8:22 am – 11:12 am <strong>LRRS</strong> Practice (Round 1 – 8 min.sessions; Round 2 – 12 min. sessions)11:15 am Legends Road Course Race (12 laps)11:35 am <strong>LRRS</strong> Riders MeetingSATURDAY – Race Schedule12:00 NOON <strong>LRRS</strong> Racing BeginsRace 1 NOV Rookie Race (brand new riders only)Race 2 EX/AM GTOGTURace 3 EX/AM GTLRace 4 EX/AM Heavyweight SupersportFormula 50 Lights56

Race 5 EX/AM Super Singles125 GPProduction TwinsRace 6 NOV Formula 1Formula 3Race 7 EX/AM Unlimited Grand PrixHeavyweight SuperbikeRace 8 EX/AM Lightweight Grand PrixP-89 Lights (Expert & Amateur)Race 9 NOV Formula 2Formula 4Race 10 EX/AM Ultralight SuperbikeRace 11 EX/AM Michelin/<strong>Motor</strong>ace “Dash for Cash”(Middleweight Grand Prix)SUNDAY – Race Schedule12:00 NOON <strong>LRRS</strong> Racing BeginsRace 1 EX/AM Middleweight SuperbikeRace 2 NOV Rookie 1Rookie 2Race 3 EX Lightweight SuperbikeRace 4 AM/NOV Lightweight SuperbikeRookie 3Rookie 4Race 5 EX/AM Unlimited SupersportSupertwinsRace 6 EX/AM MotardRace 7 EX/AM Middleweight SupersportRace 8 EX Lightweight SupersportLightweight SportsmanRace 9 AM/NOV Lightweight SupersportLightweight SportsmanStarter 3Starter 4Race 10 EX Unlimited SuperbikeThunderbikeRace 11 AM/NOV Unlimited SuperbikeThunderbikeStarter 1Starter 2Race 12 EX/AM Formula 40Formula 40 Lights57

<strong>2013</strong> <strong>LRRS</strong> Weekend Schedule - <strong>LRRS</strong> Round #2May 18 & 19 ONLYRegistration Hours:Friday - 6:00 PM to 7:45 PMSaturday - 7:00 AM to 9:00AMSunday - 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMTechnical Inspection HoursFriday - 6:00 PM to 7:45 PMSaturday - 7:00 AM thru end ofracingSunday - 7:30 AM thru end of racingSATURDAY & SUNDAY–The following morning schedule is the same for both days8:00 am – 8:20 am Legends Practice8:22 am – 11:12 am <strong>LRRS</strong> Practice (Round 1 – 8 min.sessions; Round 2 – 12 min. sessions)11:15 am Legends Road Course Race (12 laps)11:35 am <strong>LRRS</strong> Riders MeetingSATURDAY – Race Schedule12:00 NOON <strong>LRRS</strong> Racing BeginsRace 1 NOV Rookie Race (brand new riders only)Race 2 EX/AM GTOGTURace 3 EX/AM GTLRace 4 EX/AM Heavyweight SupersportFormula 50 LightsRace 5 EX/AM Super Singles125 GPProduction TwinsRace 6 NOV Formula 1Formula 3Race 7 EX/AM Unlimited Grand PrixHeavyweight SuperbikeRace 8 EX/AM Lightweight Grand PrixP-89 Lights (Expert & Amateur)Race 9 NOV Formula 2Formula 4Race 10 EX/AM Ultralight SuperbikeRace 11 EX/AM Michelin/<strong>Motor</strong>ace “Dash for Cash”(Middleweight Grand Prix)Approx. 4:30 pm Legends & Bandoleros PracticeLEGENDS FEATURE RACE (25 laps) immediatelyfollowing the conclusion of <strong>LRRS</strong> racingBANDOLEROS RACE (20 laps)SUNDAY – Race Schedule12:00 NOON <strong>LRRS</strong> Racing BeginsRace 1 EX/AM Middleweight SupersportRace 2 EX Lightweight SupersportLightweight SportsmanRace 3 AM/NOV Lightweight SupersportLightweight SportsmanStarter 3Starter 4Race 4 EX Unlimited SuperbikeThunderbike58

Race 5 AM/NOV Unlimited SuperbikeThunderbikeStarter 1Starter 2Race 6 EX/AM Formula 40Formula 40 LightsRace 7 EX/AM Middleweight SuperbikeRace 8 NOV Rookie 1Rookie 2Race 9 EX Lightweight SuperbikeRace 10 AM/NOV Lightweight SuperbikeRookie 3Rookie 4Race 11 EX/AM Unlimited SupersportSuperTwinsRace 12 EX/AM MotardRevised: Nov. 14, 2012<strong>2013</strong> <strong>LRRS</strong> Weekend Schedule - <strong>LRRS</strong> Round #4JULY 27 & 28 ONLYRegistration Hours:Friday - 6:00 PM to 7:45 PMSaturday - 7:00 AM to 9:00AMSunday - 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMTechnical Inspection HoursFriday - 6:00 PM to 7:45 PMSaturday - 7:00 AM thru end ofracingSunday - 7:30 AM thru end of racingSATURDAY & SUNDAY–The following morning schedule is the same for both days8:00 am – 8:20 am Legends Practice8:22 am – 11:12 am <strong>LRRS</strong> Practice (Round 1 – 8 min.sessions; Round 2 – 12 min. sessions)11:15 am Legends Road Course Race (12 laps)11:35 am <strong>LRRS</strong> Riders MeetingSATURDAY – Race Schedule12:00 NOON <strong>LRRS</strong> Racing BeginsRace 1 NOV Rookie Race (brand new riders only)Race 2 EX/AM GTOGTURace 3 EX/AM GTLRace 4 EX/AM Heavyweight SupersportFormula 50 LightsRace 5 EX/AM Super Singles125 GPProduction TwinsRace 6 NOV Formula 1Formula 3Race 7 EX/AM Unlimited Grand PrixHeavyweight Superbike59

Race 8 EX/AM Lightweight Grand PrixP-89 Lights (Expert & Amateur)Race 9 NOV Formula 2Formula 4Race 10 EX/AM Ultralight SuperbikeRace 11 EX/AM Michelin/<strong>Motor</strong>ace “Dash for Cash”(Middleweight Grand Prix)Approx. 4:30 pm Legends & Bandoleros PracticeLEGENDS FEATURE RACE (25 laps) immediatelyfollowing the conclusion of <strong>LRRS</strong> racingBANDOLEROS RACE (20 laps)SUNDAY – Race Schedule12:00 NOON <strong>LRRS</strong> Racing BeginsRace 1 EX/AM Middleweight SuperbikeRace 2 NOV Rookie 1Rookie 2Race 3 EX Lightweight SuperbikeRace 4 AM/NOV Lightweight SuperbikeRookie 3Rookie 4Race 5 EX/AM Unlimited SupersportSuperTwinsRace 6 EX/AM MotardRace 7 EX/AM Middleweight SupersportRace 8 EX Lightweight SupersportLightweight SportsmanRace 9 AM/NOV Lightweight SupersportLightweight SportsmanStarter 3Starter 4Race 10 EX Unlimited SuperbikeThunderbikeRace 11 AM/NOV Unlimited SuperbikeThunderbikeStarter 1Starter 2Race 12 EX/AM Formula 40Formula 40 Lights60

<strong>2013</strong> <strong>LRRS</strong> Weekend Schedule - <strong>LRRS</strong> Round #5August 17 & 18 ONLYRegistration Hours:Friday - 6:00 PM to 7:45 PMSaturday - 7:00 AM to 9:00AMSunday - 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMTechnical Inspection HoursFriday - 6:00 PM to 7:45 PMSaturday - 7:00 AM thru end ofracingSunday - 7:30 AM thru end of racingSATURDAY & SUNDAY–The following morning schedule is the same for both days8:00 am – 8:20 am Legends Practice8:22 am – 11:12 am <strong>LRRS</strong> Practice (Round 1 – 8 min.sessions; Round 2 – 12 min. sessions)11:15 am Legends Road Course Race (12 laps)11:35 am <strong>LRRS</strong> Riders MeetingSATURDAY – Race Schedule12:00 NOON <strong>LRRS</strong> Racing BeginsRace 1 NOV Rookie Race (brand new riders only)Race 2 EX/AM GTOGTURace 3 EX/AM GTLRace 4 EX/AM Heavyweight SupersportFormula 50 LightsRace 5 EX/AM Super Singles125 GPProduction TwinsRace 6 NOV Formula 1Formula 3Race 7 EX/AM Unlimited Grand PrixHeavyweight SuperbikeRace 8 EX/AM Lightweight Grand PrixP-89 Lights (Expert & Amateur)Race 9 NOV Formula 2Formula 4Race 10 EX/AM Ultralight SuperbikeRace 11 EX/AM Michelin/<strong>Motor</strong>ace “Dash for Cash”(Middleweight Grand Prix)Approx. 4:30 pm Legends & Bandoleros PracticeLEGENDS FEATURE RACE (25 laps) immediatelyfollowing the conclusion of <strong>LRRS</strong> racingBANDOLEROS RACE (20 laps)SUNDAY – Race Schedule12:00 NOON <strong>LRRS</strong> Racing BeginsRace 1 EX/AM Middleweight SuperbikeRace 2 EX Lightweight SupersportLightweight SportsmanRace 3 AM/NOV Lightweight SupersportLightweight SportsmanStarter 3Starter 4Race 4 EX Unlimited SuperbikeThunderbike61

Race 5 AM/NOV Unlimited SuperbikeThunderbikeStarter 1Starter 2Race 6 EX/AM Formula 40Formula 40 LightsRace 7 EX/AM Middleweight SuperbikeRace 8 NOV Rookie 1Rookie 2Race 9 EX Lightweight SuperbikeRace 10 AM/NOV Lightweight SuperbikeRookie 3Rookie 4Race 11 EX/AM Unlimited SupersportSuperTwinsRace 12 EX/AM MotardRevised: Nov. 14, 2012<strong>2013</strong> <strong>LRRS</strong> Weekend Schedule - <strong>LRRS</strong> Round #6SEPTEMBER 14 & 15 ONLYRegistration Hours:Friday - 6:00 PM to 7:45 PMSaturday - 7:00 AM to 9:00AMSunday - 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMTechnical Inspection HoursFriday - 6:00 PM to 7:45 PMSaturday - 7:00 AM thru end ofracingSunday - 7:30 AM thru end of racingSATURDAY & SUNDAY–The following morning schedule is the same for both days8:00 am – 8:20 am Legends Practice8:22 am – 11:12 am <strong>LRRS</strong> Practice (Round 1 – 8 min.sessions; Round 2 – 12 min. sessions)11:15 am Legends Road Course Race (12 laps)11:35 am <strong>LRRS</strong> Riders MeetingSATURDAY – Race Schedule12:00 NOON <strong>LRRS</strong> Racing BeginsRace 1 NOV Rookie Race (brand new riders only)Race 2 EX/AM GTOGTURace 3 EX/AM GTLRace 4 EX/AM Heavyweight SupersportFormula 50 LightsRace 5 EX/AM Super Singles125 GPProduction TwinsRace 6 NOV Formula 1Formula 3Race 7 EX/AM Unlimited Grand PrixHeavyweight SuperbikeRace 8 EX/AM Lightweight Grand PrixP-89 Lights (Expert & Amateur)62

Race 9 NOV Formula 2Formula 4Race 10 EX/AM Ultralight SuperbikeRace 11 EX/AM Michelin/<strong>Motor</strong>ace “Dash for Cash”(Middleweight Grand Prix)Approx. 4:30 pm Legends & Bandoleros PracticeLEGENDS FEATURE RACE (25 laps) immediatelyfollowing the conclusion of <strong>LRRS</strong> racingBANDOLEROS RACE (20 laps)SUNDAY – Race Schedule12:00 NOON <strong>LRRS</strong> Racing BeginsRace 1 EX/AM Middleweight SuperbikeRace 2 NOV Rookie 1Rookie 2Race 3 EX Lightweight SuperbikeRace 4 AM/NOV Lightweight SuperbikeRookie 3Rookie 4Race 5 EX/AM Unlimited SupersportSuperTwinsRace 6 EX/AM MotardRace 7 EX/AM Middleweight SupersportRace 8 EX Lightweight SupersportLightweight SportsmanRace 9 AM/NOV Lightweight SupersportLightweight SportsmanStarter 3Starter 4Race 10 EX Unlimited SuperbikeThunderbikeRace 11 AM/NOV Unlimited SuperbikeThunderbikeStarter 1Starter 2Race 12 EX/AM Formula 40Formula 40 LightsRevised: Nov. 14, 201263

<strong>2013</strong> <strong>LRRS</strong> Weekend Schedule - <strong>LRRS</strong> Round #7october 5 & 6 ONLYRegistration Hours:Friday - 6:00 PM to 7:45 PMSaturday - 7:00 AM to 9:00AMSunday - 7:30 AM to 9:00 AMTechnical Inspection HoursFriday - 6:00 PM to 7:45 PMSaturday - 7:00 AM thru end ofracingSunday - 7:30 AM thru end of racingSATURDAY & SUNDAY–The following morning schedule is the same for both days8:00 am – 8:20 am Legends Practice8:22 am – 11:12 am <strong>LRRS</strong> Practice (Round 1 – 8 min.sessions; Round 2 – 12 min. sessions)11:15 am Legends Road Course Race (12 laps)11:35 am <strong>LRRS</strong> Riders MeetingSATURDAY – Race Schedule12:00 NOON <strong>LRRS</strong> Racing BeginsRace 1 NOV Rookie Race (brand new riders only)Race 2 EX/AM GTOGTURace 3 EX/AM GTLRace 4 EX/AM Heavyweight SupersportFormula 50 LightsRace 5 EX/AM Super Singles125 GPProduction TwinsRace 6 NOV Formula 1Formula 3Race 7 EX/AM Unlimited Grand PrixHeavyweight SuperbikeRace 8 EX/AM Lightweight Grand PrixP-89 Lights (Expert & Amateur)Race 9 NOV Formula 2Formula 4Race 10 EX/AM Ultralight SuperbikeRace 11 EX/AM Michelin/<strong>Motor</strong>ace “Dash for Cash”(Middleweight Grand Prix)SUNDAY – Race Schedule12:00 NOON <strong>LRRS</strong> Racing BeginsRace 1 EX/AM Middleweight SuperbikeRace 2 EX Lightweight SupersportLightweight SportsmanRace 3 AM/NOV Lightweight SupersportLightweight SportsmanStarter 3Starter 4Race 4 EX Unlimited SuperbikeThunderbikeRace 5 AM/NOV Unlimited SuperbikeThunderbikeStarter 1Starter 2Race 6 EX/AM Formula 40Formula 40 Lights64

Race 7 EX/AM Middleweight SuperbikeRace 8 NOV Rookie 1Rookie 2Race 9 EX Lightweight SuperbikeRace 10 AM/NOV Lightweight SuperbikeRookie 3Rookie 4Race 11 EX/AM Unlimited SupersportSuperTwinsRace 12 EX/AM MotardRevised: Nov. 14, 2012APPENDIX B: PREVIOUS YEARS’ CHAMPIONS2012 Loudon Road Race Series Champions125 Grand Prix Champion - Shawn Spear2nd Place - Michael Jakubowski3rd Place - Nicholas JakubowskiFormula 40Champion - Dennis Levesque2nd Place - Jason Carter3rd Place - Jim RichFormula 40 LightsChampion - Rick Doucette2nd Place - Brett Guyer3rd Place - Douglas FoggFormula 50 LightsChampion - Douglas Fogg2nd Place - Shawn McCormick3rd Place - Victor LandauGTLChampion - Rick Doucette2nd Place - Scott Mullin3rd Place - Michael WeyantGTOChampion - Cory Hildebrand2nd Place - Scott James3rd Place - David FettGTUChampion - Scott Greenwood2nd Place - Jason Carter3rd Place - Brian KillmeierHeavyweight Superbike Champion - Eric Wood2nd Place - Jason Carter3rd Place - Brian KillmeierHeavyweight Supersport Champion - Rick Doucette2nd Place - Cory Hildebrand3rd Place - Jason CarterLightweight Grand Prix Champion - Rick Doucette2nd Place - Sean Byrnes3rd Place - Scott MullinLightweight Sportsman Champion - Alexander Guilbeault2nd Place - Trevor Chiappisi3rd Place - Jason Cavanaugh65

Lightweight Superbike Champion - Rick Doucette2nd Place - Scott Mullin3rd Place - Peter GaboriaultLightweight Supersport Champion - Rick Doucette2nd Place - Scott Mullin3rd Place - Peter GaboriaultMotardChampion - Trevor Chiappisi2nd Place - Shane Narbonne3rd Place - Jason CavanaughMiddleweight Grand Prix Champion - Eric Wood2nd Place - Scott Greenwood3rd Place - Cory HildebrandMiddleweight Superbike Champion - Eric Wood2nd Place - Scott Greenwood3rd Place - Cory HildebrandMiddleweight Supersport Champion - Scott Greenwood2nd Place - Cory Hildebrand3rd Place - Jason CarterP-89 Champion - Eugene Berrio, Jr.2nd Place - Michael Dube3rd Place - Jonathan VaughnProduction TwinsChampion - Branch Worsham2nd Place - Steven Heider3rd Place- Joseph LatonaSuper SinglesChampion - Matthew Gendron2nd Place - Trevor Chiappisi3rd Place - Jason CavanaughSuperTwinsChampion - Eric Wood2nd Place - Dennis Levesque3rd Place - Tim HoganThunderbikeChampion - Rick Doucette2nd Place - Brett Guyer3rd Place - Scott MullinUltralight Superbike Champion - Eugene Berrio, Jr.2nd Place - Matthew Gendron3rd Place - Jason CavanaughUnlimited Grand Prix Champion - Cory Hildebrand2nd Place - Scott James3rd Place - Wojciech KasperukUnlimited Superbike Champion - Scott Greenwood2nd Place - Cory Hildebrand3rd Place - Brian KillmeierUnlimited Supersport Champion - Scott Greenwood2nd Place - Rick Doucette3rd Place - David Fett2012 <strong>LRRS</strong> Amateur Achievement Award – Dave Tasker66

23 Appendix C: Current Year <strong>LRRS</strong> RaceOfficials – <strong>2013</strong> officers(revised oct. 30, 2011)Executive Director – Thomas “Tommy” W. Blanchette<strong>LRRS</strong> Series Director – Wanda C. DumasRace Director – Steve AsplandAssistant Race Director – Alan HathwayChief Referee – TBAAssistant Referee – Graham PattisonSafety Director – Eric WoodStarter – TBAChief Course Marshall – Paul AllenAsst. Chief Corse Marshall - Scott SewadeChief Tech Inspector – Charles “Chuck” BrighentiManager of Registration – TBASeries Operations Coordinator- Sandy McPhersonPaddock/Grid Marshall – John “Johnny B” ButlerChief of Timing and Scoring – Steve BaronAssistant to Timing & Scoring – Nancy ColeIT Director – Andrew “Andy” BarrettAnnouncer – Bruce BerlingerTrophy Coordinator – Betty “Bluenose” Danilowicz24 Appendix D: Contingencies24.1 Each rider is responsible for making sure that all theappropriate forms and paperwork are turned in andaccurate for each contingency.24.1.1 Contingency forms must be signed at everyevent.24.1.2 VIN numbers and Social Security numbers arerequired on each form.24.1.3 All products checked on contingency form mustalso be listed on sponsor form.24.1.4 Contingency and sponsor forms are availableand completed in Tech.24.1.5 Decals and stickers are available in Tech.24.1.6 Contingency forms are required for EACH bike.24.2 Each rider is responsible for making sure the machine,tire or other equipment is appropriate for the prospectivecontingency.24.3 Each rider is responsible for making sure the propersponsor information is entered accurately both in theonline registration system and on file with CCS (sponsorform). Spelling counts! If in doubt, please look at thesticker or equipment for the proper spelling.67

24.3.1 A rider can change their sponsors in the onlineregistrations system at any time; however, thiswill not affect the payout money24.3.2 A new sponsor form must be submitted to CCSwhen changes are made for the contingencymoney to be received.24.4 It is the riders’ responsibility to ensure that all appropriatelabels and stickers are displayed on the machine. Failureto do so may result in loss of contingency money orawards.24.5 Each rider is responsible for checking the preliminaryrace results within 60 minutes of posting to ensure bikeand other information is accurately depicted on theresults.24.6 Any discrepancies should be addressed or reported to areferee immediately within the 60 minutes following thepreliminary results.24.7 There are no guarantees that errors or omissions areadjustable at that time.24.8 There will be no changes made to the results of any kindonce the weekend event has concluded and the results aremade official.Available Contingencies for <strong>2013</strong>:24.9 VANSON “ROOKIE OF THE YEAR”: The VansonRookie of the Year is presented to a rider that earns themost points during the current <strong>LRRS</strong> race season on thecriteria listed as follows:24.9.1 The rider must start the <strong>2013</strong> season as a Novice.24.9.2 The rider must advance to the next rider levelwhen advancement criteria are met accordingto the rules in Section 5 of the <strong>2013</strong> <strong>LRRS</strong><strong>Rulebook</strong>.24.9.3 Novice points are not counted.24.9.4 Amateur points will be counted in races wherethe rider finished in the top Expert points will only be counted in raceswhere the rider finished in the top If the eligible rider wins a first placeposition in his first expert race therider will then earn an additional 10point bonus; these points are onlycounted toward the Vanson Rookie ofthe Year award and are not counted as<strong>LRRS</strong> season points.24.9.6 Only the top 4 finishes for each rider for eachevent weekend will be accumulated toward theRookie of the Year Award points.68

24.9.7 A panel of officials will review all the candidatesat the conclusion of the season and will make thedetermination based on the following: Rider’s conduct with officials24.9.7.2 Rider’s conduct and awareness of thetrack and race procedures. Personal appearance, demeanor anddeportment. Sportsmanship with other riders onand off the track. The panel may penalize any rider forany conduct that may be determineddetrimental to <strong>LRRS</strong>, its officials,riders and attendees.Michelin/MotoRace “Dash for Cash”: Middleweight Grand Prix(Expert/Amateur)* – The following payouts are available forplacing in the designated positions:1st place (First) Expert $5002nd place (Second) Expert $3253rd place (Third)Expert $2004th place (Fourth) Expert $1255th place (Fifth) Expert $1006th place (Sixth) Expert $757th place (Seventh) Expert $508th place (Eighth) $251st place (First) Amateur $100*This payout schedule is not valid for the <strong>2013</strong> Loudon Classic– the Loudon Classic payout will be announced at a later date.For more information on available contingencies for the <strong>2013</strong>Season please see the CCS/ASRA link or see Sandy McPhersonin <strong>LRRS</strong> Tech: http://www.ccsracing.us/sponsors.html69

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