Winter 2008 - Virginia State University

Winter 2008 - Virginia State University

Winter 2008 - Virginia State University

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8News from <strong>University</strong> AvenueProgram Aims to STEM Exodusof Minorities from the SciencesBy Janae JohnsonWhen children are asked “what do you want to be whenyou grow up,” common answers include “an astronaut,”“a doctor” or “a nurse.” Too often, though, minoritychildren are stymied in the pursuit of these science-basedcareers. <strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>, working closely witharea schools is embarking on a long-range solution to theunder-representation of minorities in these fields.As a part of a $1 milliongrant from the NationalScience Foundation (NSF,)<strong>Virginia</strong> <strong>State</strong> <strong>University</strong>created the Trojan—Science, Technology,Engineering andMathematics program(VSU T-STEM), aimed atincreasing the number ofminorities in thesedisciplines.Recently, VSU T-STEMimplemented a focusedprogram to directly assessand address the impactof a VSU/ Petersburgcommunity coalition onthe mathematicsperformance of minoritystudents. This project is thefirst step in a long-termpartnership among VSU;the Algebra Project, acivil/educational rightsprogram; and thePetersburg SchoolDistricts. The project will create a “K through college”model of intervention, with the ultimate goal ofincreasing African-American performance andparticipation in STEM majors and careers.Petersburg students have the lowest Standards ofLearning (SOL) pass rates of any <strong>Virginia</strong> school systemVIRGINIA STATE UNIVERSITY

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